February 7, 1996
Attendees included: Chairperson: Cindy Sparkman, David Kuykendall, Marcela Chennisi, Nancy
Zimmerman, Evan Attwell, Odette Mace, James Passamano, Carol Burke, Virginia Wilson, Sherri
Crawford, Tony Davis, Mark Mailes.
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.
A Park Lovers Ball update was given. To date, there have been 450 tickets sold. The Treasurer
reports that there is approximately $94,000.
New Park & Recreation Board Member Evan Attwell was sworn in and welcomed.
The minutes of November 1, 1995 were approved.
Under action items a discussion was held concerning potential Landscape Architects for Judson
Park. A motion was made and seconded that the Board would request a sketch design of Judson
Park fro9+
m David Stanger and Laura Griffith. They would be asked to present these at the March 6, 1996
Odette Mace made a motion that David Stanger be recognized for his work on Wier and Milton
Street Parks by installing a paver at each site. Motion was approved.
There being no further business. The meeting was adjourned at 8:57 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Spar an,
Mark Mailes,
Director of Parks & Recreation