HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRBMINUTES090794Parks & Recreation Board Meeting September 7,1994 Minutes Members Present: Carol Burke - Chairperson Jere Ahrens Tim Hansen Connie Spencer Susan Kasper Odette Mace Cindy Sparkman Lynn Huston The meeting was called to order at 7:42 pm. Minutes of the June 1 meeting were approved. TREASURER'S REPORT See Attached. Hams County pledge of $10,000 made by Steve Radack at Park Lover's Ball was received. MILTON STREET PARK A motion was made and seconded to approve Stanger contract for design of Milton Street Park and submit to City Council for approval. Motion passed. Mark Mailes has received Stanger proposal and will go before City Council. See attached requested information. Parks and Recreation Board agreed that whenever a park proposal is presented before City Council, the Parks & Recreation Board member in charge of that park should make the proposal. WIER PARK Wier Park construction budget shortfall was discussed. A motion was made and seconded to ask City Council to approve taking $10,000 from the Water Check-off account to bury cable and telephone lines. Motion passed. A motion was made and seconded for a written report to be provided by Mark Mailes to the Parks & Recreation Board prior to any disposal of existing equipment regarding the retrieval of this equipment with suggestions for relocation where appropriate. Motion passed. A motion was made and seconded for the city to erect a sign concerning Wier Park renovations using up to $300.00 from the portion of the water Check-off Fund allocated for maintenance, such sign's contents to be approved prior to ordering by Odette Mace and Ross Frazer. Motion passed. Wier Parks sign should include a timeline for construction, an acknowledgment that renovations were made possible by donations from The Wortham Foundation, Friends of West University Place Parks, City of West University Place. Sign should also advise residents to call the City for suggestions of other parks to go to while Wier is being renovated. CITIZEN'S REQUEST Carol Burke received a call about a lot for sale on Talbot at Wakeforest which is purported to contain the second largest tree in Hams County. Acquisition of the lot was discussed and rejected as location is impractical for a park. Lynn Huston offered to contact the Tree People and advise them of situation. There are positions available on the Parks & Recreation Board. Please bring in names of interested parties. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed and meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm. Mark Mailes, Director, Parks & Recreation Carol Burke, Chairperson, Parks & Recreation Board