HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRBMINUTES060293Parks & Recreation Board Meeting
June 2, 1993
Members Present:
Carol Burke
Phil Stevenson
Jere Ahrens
Margaret Sanchez
Tamara Armstrong
Guests Present: Ross Frazer
Mike Eason - President, Sentinel Club
Staff Present: Mark Mailes
The meeting was called to order at 7:10pm. A motion
was made by Jere Ahrens and 2nd by Margaret Sanchez to
approve the minutes of May 5. The motion passed
unanimously. Jere Ahrens read a treasurers report. The
Friends have approximately $83,000 in their fund.
Under Discussion Item, Mike Eason of the Sentinel Club
made a brief presentation on National Night Out. This event
will take place on Tuesday, August 3 at Colonial Park. It
will be used to promote public safety and benefit the police
and fire departments.
Under Action Items, a motion was made by Jere and
seconded by Phil to expend $4,500 of Friends funds for pool
furniture. A second motion was made to build a shade arbor
over the wading pool, according to the master plan. A third
motion was made to increase non-resident fees for Colonial
Park Pool. All motions passed unanimously.
Under Staff Reports and/or miscellaneous citizens
requests it was determined that Mark would provide cost
estimates to complete Wier park according to the master
plan. Phil would provide cost estimates to upgrade the
filtration system on the wading pool at Colonial Park.
Lastly a brief discussion was held on various options
to potentially limit the access to non-residents on tennis
courts, especially at Judson Park. Suggestions made were
various locking systems with options such as punch codes,
cards, keys or a numbering system.
There being no further business, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:37pm.
Mark Males
Parks & Rec. Director
Ca of Burke
Parks & Rec. Board President
The second Discussion /Action Item was the swimming
pool hours. A motion was made and seconded to have only 2
lanes for lap swimming in the Summer months during peak free
swim hours. This would be from 12:00-6:00pm. Three lanes
would be installed from 6:00-8:00pm on weekdays and
10:00am-12:00pm on Saturdays. This motion passed
unanimously. A suggestion was also made to raise the
entrance fees to the pool for non-residents. A fee of $5.00
per adult non-resident (unless accompanied by a West U.
resident) and $1.50 for all children under 12 years was
There being no further business, a motion was made by
Jere Ahrens and seconded by Margaret Sanchez to adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:50pm.
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Mark Mailes Carol Burke
Parks & Rec. Director Parks & Rec. Board President