HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBMINUTES090501Friends of West University Place Parks Fund, Inc. Board of Directors' Meeting September 5, 2001 City Hall Conference Room 3800 University Blvd. The meeting was called to order at 6:20 P.M. Those in attendance were Joni Fichter, Linda Gray, Donna LaMond, Karin Dubose, Mark Mailes, Sue Hanna, Win Graham, Ross Frazer, Cheryl Butler, Stephanie Langenstein, Beverly Loftis, Sherry Gift, and Maria Elena Herbst PLB chair. Guests in attendance included Parks Board Members Bill Gage, Felecia Fitzgerald, Tara Wuthrich, and Councilman Bill May. A motion to approve the August minutes was made by Karin Dubose and seconded by Joni Fichter. The motion passed unanimously. Treasurer's Report (Ross Frazer): The balance is $415,823.02 (cash on hand). Ross asked if we should put any float in the money market account. There was some discussion about what to do with it. Ross is exploring options... some concern about protection of anything over $100,000. City of West University to acknowledge receipt of $250M. Ross also explained that if there is a reimbursable expense item needing his attention sooner than two weeks from receipt of the request for reimbursement, to contact him directly... particularly PLB expenses. Requests should go to Maria Elena Herbst first, then to Ross for payment. There was also some discussion about being a nonprofit group and Friends raising funds for YMCA purchase. A new roster (2001-2003) for the Parks and Recreation Board was distributed. Reviewed five applications for Friends board (Carla Crabtree, Travis Crabtree, Patricia , Christopher Simon, and Charles Hinkey). Linda Gray and the Executive Committee will interview the five candidates. If anyone has other names to submit for consideration, must be submitted by end of meeting. Goal is to have them appointed or recommended at September 17 City Council meeting so that new members can be in place for Friends October meeting. Also passed around a sign up sheet for board jobs. Discussed whether or not to have a Friends booth at West University Elementary School carnival in October. It was determined that better signage is needed if we do have a booth. Decided NOT to have a booth. Karin Dubose suggested that perhaps the Parks Board consider having a booth. Linda Gray proposed that Friends consider a gift card project similar to the one being done by the American Cancer Society. Suggested that we consider connecting this to the proposed membership program. Donna LaMond mentioned some good things to publicize: the gift card program, the membership program, and new Friends board members. There was some discussion of a new Friends publication to go out twice per year, a glossy magazine look talking about the Parks and Board activities... would also give recognition to donors, etc. The new slate of Friends officers was presented by Linda Gray: Joni Fichter, Chair, Karin Dubose, Vice Chair, Secretary, Gayle Jackson, and Ross Frazer, Treasurer. Members present voted and the officers were elected. Congratulations to all! Ross said first order of business for them is that he needs copies of driver's licenses from Joni and Karin. Page 2 Home Place Report, as reported by Karin Dubose. A report was distributed by Karin which included a To Do List, deadlines, wrap up of potential underwriters, publicity, concert, and other unfinished business. She is looking for a donor for pen flashlights. Discussed time slots for concert day. It was decided that booths would open up at 6:00 p.m. Karin will contact Harbor Lights for opening hour listening enjoyment. Concessions will be handled by City of Southside. List in kind donors as one group on flyer. Flyer to be inserted in Currents and also going out in water bill and West U. Elem. Monday folders. Southside to distribute in Southside. Beverly Loftis offered to help get an article in This Week section of Chronicle, including a Chronicle photographer taking some photos. From this point forward, meetings were recorded by Karin Dubose because Donna LaMond had to leave the meeting. Park Lovers Ball Report: PLB planning meetings - Maria Elena Herbst - Sept. 12 at 12:30, bring a lunch, drinks supplied - underwriter letters going out - proposed meeting place is City Hall board room. June Lohman with Time Warner Cable is interested in making a donation (which we could use for Home Place 2001 and/or PLB 2002). Maria Elena Herbst suggests soliciting doctors who are West U residents or are in group practices near West U. Ross Frazer asked for a clarification of the distinction between the $2000 and the $3500 PLB underwriter levels. According to his reading, the only difference was a paver. It was suggested that this could be an extra large paver or a paver in all West U parks. Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30. Respectfully submitted, Donna LaMond Substitute Secretary u q b W F~ CJ CJ c~ a ..I ~r h 3 w (Sr rA ~i w a., 0 h h QOD o 0 o `D o C O ry p p O O N o °o ~ <v °o O ro `o o vi ~ 0 o 00 C O r... d' O ~ O O T v .L.+ C E y ~ p 00 O O o0 ~ O O O p t\ O Ic N t O O O N N 0 M O 0 v RS v i t~ N 00 ~p M N p 0 p O Q , . 0 p O O O 00 M O O~ O N w o o v i O O O p p tC O p M ~ O O O j O y N v t N O O O O O O O ~ O O pp O pp 00 O E ~ O M 00 ° ~ rn p O O O - O O O O M o O O O 00 00 O O W O ~ E N O n 7 O z p O CD O O o CD c, o CD ~g N o o V; 0 CD 0 C) p N N O 10 0 n 0 O ~h 1 O ~ N r O a u " ~ O w a C . 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