HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBAGENDA090501Notice of Friends of West University Parks Board Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Parks and Recreation Board and Members of the City Council will meet on: Wednesday, September 5, 2001 6:15 PM Municipal Building Conference Room 3800 University Boulevard West University Place, Texas The subjects of the meeting are as follows: 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of August 1, 2001 Minutes 3. Treasurer's Report 4. Reports: a. Foundations b. New Events c. Pavers d. Randall's Card e. Water Bill Check-off f. Public Relations g. Park Lover's Ball h. Golf Shirt Sales 5. Old Business 6. New Business 7. Adjournment ~f cm, J,?lCli;' I(Ic'!7i1 /lll.l ~?7/h;+j C' 17]C'L']i71,' IY?I± !7[i''C LI c!llclhi+ll' lili7l ; t'c~lr'?'i' t'i'!iTrl ~!!,?['!1:'C"17'1 ilrr 1+`1' 711i'L'(177'' ;?I'c'uu' [1il;ltlt_( /I1 C' ilt I MCC / li' 1]1cCllil r ihi'illrlil[1 ;Ii'Cf?!77117( (ff/I!?.7\ 11 IiJ C /tl iL11r'If 1(?j(i' ;:'c r7 ~ •„~~llr?I] f7 11?L' 77.c'c'llil:r ,]+7! 117~,:(C:_?'cll' ji1 il[lli~ ' ~ It i7i'r.+' L /+7c1r1 (Iii t'11;,~/L: ~!~!?ill (i'tc L'i', i 1111 1'n ~'(j1 °~f1 h77e ~ 17'ilLL 1 C!? t' Ulill!({,{7~ I.7~ 'l1,'~' ti71+."il ~r+~t i. !i 11 li'i ll~7rr 11._.I~ Ifi +?fUl lCl., j !l ,r rl ( +ai 111 ij?C'? 1. Susan R. White Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant POSTED THIS 31" DAY OF AUGUST 2001 AT ? i" O'CLOCK P.M.