HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBMINUTES120199Friends of West University Place Parks Fund. Inc.
Hoard of Directors' Meeting
December 1, 1999
City, Hag Conference Room
1. Call to Order
Linda Gray called thc.meeMng.to order at 8:42 P.M- Those in attendance were: Karin
Cooper, Suzanne
Dubose, Gayle JwAson. MR Berlm,
Penfey. Story Gift, pa L Lawrence, Linda Gray. sa and PLB chairs Gran yse McCracken
2_ Appno+ai of November 3, 1998 Minutes
The minutes were, unanin Ously approved
3. Treasurer's Report
Dan doper r+epoded,a balance of $388.134
4. Restarts:
a Foundations: No report
b. New Events' No report
c- Pavers: new pavers are in; new brochure was sent out in City voer bills and have had
approximately 10 responses; since kathleen Baganfant has-been our lead sponsor for the
PLB the past couple of years would iiketo get picture with her 9A-ng her paver, need to
send-biters 10 thow wtw have omWedpavem in the past to let them know they are here
d. Randall's Card - No report
e. Water BA-Chock Off: No report
f. Public Relations: No report
g. F7ark Lovers Ball: Und wmiting going well finalijr+g list of underwriters for invitation;
auction items starting to come in; Ayse met with decorator Richard Soler,
h. Golf Shirt Sales: Have sold 11 as of today; e-mail from Ross Frazer regarding procedure
for shirt orders is attached
5. . Old Business
a. Bill Hall Memorial is being overseen by his sister Kathy;
b. Rosenbloom 510.000 donation for quite corner inAAM Johnepn Park ---reception on
Sunday, January 9, 2000;
c. Master Plan Meeting at 6:30 with Mr. Patterson of White Oats and
David Scott of ABM to map out the process; mid to late January wig have a Park Focus
Survey to show the-boWd before sending col
5. New-Business
Linda levas Letter - need to send oanments to Unda Cray by Friday if you want input on
the long-range plans, etc. contained in this letter
7 Adjowvrent
Meeting was adjourned at 7:15
Respectfully submitted,
Gayle Jackson, Secretary
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Did you receive the fax of John Grubb's order and/or a confirmation from
Plipne 713-393-6185
Fax: 713-393-6205
e-mail: rfrazerWrilish-borneo_com
For orders received at WU Community Center, Susan White will promptly fax it
to ChanvAeon and Foss Frazer. Susan will also contest Ross by e-mail. Ross
will do the same for orders he receives only contacting Susan instead of
The person receiving the order-(Susan or Rozs) win forward payment to FWUP
treasurer (Dan Cooper) and reference who it's from.
Copies of all order forms will be kept by Susan and Ross.
.Susan will notify the customers when the shirts zrrim, and advise Ross of
the notification date.
Ross will maintain the order records (excel sRreadsheet format).