HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBMINUTES120397-version (2)FRIENDS OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE PARKS FUND, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MEETING DECEMBER 3, 1997 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM Members present were: Mark Mailes, Debbie Rae, Lisa Ward, Ross Frazer, Pat Lawrence, Beverly Loftis, Linda Gray, Bill Findley, Jeanne Marosis, Carolyn Rappozzo, Gayle Jackson, Theresa Atwell, Kim Cooper, and Kim Wilson. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of November meeting were amended to say that the Southside Task Force was asked to report back at our February meeting. The minutes were then approved by a motion made by Beverly Loftis and seconded by Bill Findley. 3. TREASURER'S REPORT Treasurer Dan Cooper was absent so there was no formal report. 4. COMMITTEE REPORTS: FOUNDATIONS: No report PARK LOVERS' BALL: According to Co-Chair Theresa Attwell we have over $60,000 in underwriting at the present time. There will be an underwriters' party one hour before the ball,. string trio playing and food underwritten by the Westin. Kim Cooper urged everyone to get their auction items in soon because there is an early deadline for the auction booklet. An underwriter letter to go out at the end of January with an auction preview and reminder of the ball. At present there are about 30-40 auction items in. Need more. Have 2 Continental Express airline tickets, shopping trip to Palm Beach, portrait, and Roseanne Rogers has agreed to do something. PAVERS: Mark Mailes to follow up with the engraver since he provides the bricks 5. NEW/OTHER BUSINESS: TASK FORCE: Beverly Loftis to set meeting for January; will have a full report by the April meeting. More focus will be put on the West University/Southside Task Forces after Park Lovers' Ball. ROSS FRAZER PARK BENCH: Jeanne Marosis thanked everyone as a bunch of money was raised to pay for Ross' bench; bench is being put together and plaque ordered. ADVISORY BOARD: No report except that a friend of Ann Martin's, Chris Moretta, has been talked to; Jeanne is talking to someone else about serving. Bill Findley is looking at the Board; Parks Board is our Advisory Board; need name recognition and need to be involved. RANDALL'S CARD: Our number is 4576. Only received $13.57 for its usage. Need to get the word out that we get money if people of community sign up for the card. SKATE PARK: Received a letter from Eric Sidner suggesting that we have a skate park in West U. ; the letter was forwarded to the Parks Board and City Council for consideration. UNDERWRITING-ADVERTISING POLICY: Chairman Linda Gray appointed task force of ex-Bail Chairs to make a notebook and set standards for underwriting and advertising. Will present to the Board at a future meeting. HUFFINGTON PARK DEDICATION: Mark Mailes and his staff were congratulated and thanked for a wonderful dedication ceremony. The name plaque is in; signage taking time because of planner FUNDRAISING HISTORY: Jeanne Marosis working on history of the parks 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Gayle Jackson