June 5, 1996 * 6:15 pm * CITY HALL
The meeting was called to order by Ross Frazer at 6:40 p.m.
Friends of W.U. Parks Board members present were Ross Frazer, Carolyn Rappazzo,
Cindy Sparkman, Mark Mailes, Dan Cooper, Beverly Loftis and Lisa Ward.
1. The minutes of the Friends of W.U. Parks meeting of May 1, 1996 were approved.
2. Treasurer's Report - No change from May, 1996 status.
3. Committee Reports:
a. Foundations - Ross Frazer
Members of the Friends Board who were mailed packets of information
pertaining to contacting foundations were requested by Ross to write letters and
request a donation of $35,000.00 but that any amount or a "matching grant"
would be appreciated. The following items can be included in the letter: we
made $200,000.00 which included $50,000.00 that was donated by the County
on the Park Lovers' Ball, Johnson Park needs significant improvements; don't
mention the purchase of the Southwest YMCA or having ParkFest.
b. Park Lover's Ball.
Kim and Reid Wilson will be chairpersons of the 1997 Park Lover's Ball.
c. Grassroots
Discussed paying a set-up fee to the engraver for engraving smaller amount of
pavers. Individuals who donate pavers are impatient with the long wait for pavers
to be placed in the parks.
4. New/other business
Donna Buja is resigning from the Friend's Board and asked to serve on the Advisory
Board. Mary Haynes, Ann Martin, and Janet Linberger have agreed to serve on
the Friend's Board. Jeanne Marosis was absent but she had suggested to one of
the Board members several people who might be willing to serve. Linda Gray who
was also absent suggested asking Gail Jackson to serve as a Board member.
There will not be a July Board meeting but if you are unable to attend the August 7, 1996
Board meeting, please contact Carolyn Rappazzo at 668-2262.
Beverly Loftis made a motion and Cindy Sparkman seconded the motion that the meeting
be adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Rappazzo