HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBAGENDA050196FRIENDS OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE PARKS FUND, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MEETING May 1, 1996 * 6:15 pm * CITY HALL AGENDA The meeting was called to order by Ross Frazer at 6:40 p.m. Friends of W.U. Parks Board members present were Ross Frazer, Jere Ahrens, Carolyn Rappazzo, Cindy Sparkman, Harry Bristol, Jeanne Marosis, Mark Mailes, Mark Spradling, Dan Cooper and Ginni Mithoff. 1, The Minutes for the Friends of W.U. Board meeting were corrected and approved. 2. Treasurer's Report - Jere Ahrens $177,000.00 is in the Treasury. The amount in the Treasury now does not include the $50,000.00 to be donated by Harris County. 3. Committee Reports: a. Foundations - Ross Frazer Ross discussed match funds from foundations. Harriman Foundation is interested. Would like to get $35,000.00 this year from foundations to finish Judson Park. Discussion centered around asking for donations. b. ParkFest - (To be determined) c. Grassroots -Mark Spradling 23 pavers are ready to be engraved. There are only two people in the State of Texas that engrave pavers. At present, 25 pavers is the minimum for an "engraving run." Mark Spradling will investigate the possibility of paying a set-up fee for smaller engraving runs. People who have paid for pavers are complaining about how long it takes to get pavers installed. In 1994 $5,800.00 was paid for pavers and in 1995 $5,700.00 was paid for pavers. Total cost to have the pavers engraved is less than $500.00. 4. New/other business Park Lover's Ball - Jeanne suggested a detailed list of duties that need to be done assigned to Board Members at the beginning of planning of the ball. A list of duties will be compiled by Jeanne and Ginni. The list of duties will be reviewed by the board. It was discussed having a company donate secretarial time to work on the ball. Ginni will contact Ken Kerns who owns an employment agency to see if he would be willing to donate secretarial time. It was suggested that the payment to Ken would be a sponsorship or an advertisement in the brochure. It was suggested that at one of the Board Meetings a list be compiled of people and companies who will donate silent auction items for the Park Lover's Ball to be held on February 15, 1997. Judson Park Motion made by Mark Males and seconded by Mark Spradling to commit $200,000.00 to begin work on Judson Park. The motion was approved unamiously by the Board. Mark Mailes made a motion and which was seconded by Harry Bristol to use $25,000.00 from the check off fund on the water bill to pay the architect who did the design work for Judson Park. The motion was approved unamiously by the Board. A motion was made by Mark Mailes and seconded by Jere Ahrens to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Rappazzo