HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBAGENDA020796FRIENDS OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE PARKS FUND, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 1996 * 6:15 pm * CITY HALL AGENDA Meeting was called to order by Ross Frazer at 6:15 pm. Members present were Ross Frazer, Carolyn Rappazzo, John Putnam, Mark Mailes, Beverly Loftis, Harry Bristol, Lisa Ward, Cindy Sparkman, Mark Spradling, Jere Ahrens, Jeanne Marosis and Linda Gray. 1. Approval of Minutes of 1/3/96 A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes. 2. Treasurer's Report - Jere Ahrens Jere was at the meeting on time. $ 94,427.83 is in the treasurery. Dan Cooper is a new member and the treasurer. 3. Committee Reports a. Foundations - Ross Frazer b. ParkFest - (To be determined) c. Park Lover's Ball - Beverly Loftis The hotel donated two adjoining rooms to be used on Friday night, February 9, 1996 to store the auction items in over night. Over 200 items were donated. The printing price was double over the previous year. Sold ads to cover corkage fee. Tables will be ready at 10:00 am Saturday, 2/10 to set-up auction items. Sheets for the auction items will be put in alphabetical order and guests will give their names when checking out and names will be checked on the alphabetized sheets. An announcement will be made in the ballroom 15 minutes before guests may claim auction items. All items must be claimed Saturday night as the hotel will not store remaining items. d. Grassroots - Mark Spradling 4. New/other business 5. Adjournment Mark made a motion and Ross seconded to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully Submitted, Carolyn Rappazzo