HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRBMINUTES060706Parks & Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
West University Place, Texas
The subjects of the meeting are as follows:
1. Call to Order: Chairman Dave Stephan
The meeting was called to order by Chairman David Stephan, at 6: l Opm.
H. Introductions: All
All Parks & Recreation Board (herein "The Board") members introduced themselves to
other board members and public in attendance.
M. Citizen's Comments: Any member of the public wishing to address the Board
IV. Review and Approval of May 3, 2006 Parks Board Meeting Minutes: Dave
A motion was made to approve the minutes from the May 2006 meeting. Motion unanimously
V. Review and Approve Proposed Parks Board By-Laws: Janine
A motion was made to approve the by-laws as written. Motion unanimously approved.
VI. Park Master Planning Update - Tim
• Council stated that the immediate need involves addressing the failing Colonial Park pool
enclosure. The preliminary thought is to move forward with the design and construction of
an indoor Fitness & Instructional Pool at Colonial Park
• Council authorized the City Manager to engage the PGAL firm to meet with staff and
develop a preliminary design "footprint" for the proposed re-development of the Colonial
Park Pool and Recreation Center and for the proposed re-development of the West University
Recreation Center. NOTE: These will not be detailed designs, but rather general conceptual
designs inclusive of an estimated development cost. Council and Staff realize that much
citizen and facility user input will be needed before specific designs/costs can be determined
• Parks Board will have an active role in assisting in the final designs/costs efforts
• The submitted Proposed 2006 Parks Master Plan has been received by City Council. It is the
consensus of Council that the "plan" be accepted as a general roadmap, pending further study
by the Council, Parks Board and staff.
• Discussed the removal of items from the proposed master plan that are not logistically or
financially feasible; for example: parking garages, street closures, park trolley system,
neighborhood park spraygrounds and neighborhood park restrooms
VII. Discussion Regarding Quarterly Council Update: Janine & Dave
Janine presented Council with a memo including The Board's most recent activities and
upcoming projects. The PARDners program appeared to be well received. No other feedback
from Council regarding the update. It was suggested that an audience with Council regarding
appropriate path(s) to pursue would be helpful. Chairman Stephan and Co-Chair Schueppert will
speak to Council the regarding the best method of communication regarding the Board's
direction and will report to the Board at the next meeting. The Board will also work on a priority
list at next month's meeting.
VIII. Friends Board Report: Joni
The Friends Board had a recent meeting discussing fundraising. An idea for block fundraisers
was recently considered. Hotel ZaZa is the tentative location for the 2007 Park Lover's Ball.
Some fundraising events for the Friends Board have been stalled by a need for guidance on
naming rights for donors.
IX. Rice Pocket Park & Library Courtyard Task Force Update: Tim
• Final Conceptual Designs have been completed and will be presented to Council on 6/26/06
• Once the conceptual design is approved, project will be phased based on budget and staff and
the consultant will move forward with preparing the construction documents
• Anticipated that construction could begin around September of this year
X. Staff Reports:
A. Parks and Recreation Fee Schedules
0 Fees have not been reviewed or revised since 2001
Special Session Agenda, January 15, 2001
• Council has directed staff to revise the fee schedules and have the Parks Board review and
approve, by recommendation, a proposed 2007 membership and walk-in fee schedule. Staff
will have a preliminary document for Parks Board review by the July Parks Board Meeting -
• Fee Schedule will be reviewed and updated annually, as part of the regular budget process
B. Potential Parkland Acquisition Update
• Council authorized the City Manager to begin preliminary negotiations on two properties
identified by Council as suitable park properties
• Properties located between Poor Farm Ditch east to Buffalo Speedway, one south of
University and one north of University
• If purchased, it is anticipated that one of the properties would remain in its natural state with
very limited development, specifically limited to parking, security lighting, nature paths and
seating. If purchased, one of the properties would be developed as a "neighborhood" park,
comparable to Huffington and Whitt Johnson Parks
• Preliminary cost estimates: Property - $4M Development - $1 M
• Funding options to be investigated: Some type of debt
• Serious consideration being given to plan for the purchase of the residential properties,
located immediately north and south of the Cason entrance to the West University Recreation
Center, along Westpoint. Intent is to maximize the properties "footprint" and minimize the
impact to residential neighbors.
C. Colonial Shade Structure Update
• Remove the four ( 4 ) Sycamore Trees immediately. Project to include removal of
trees, grinding of the stumps and topdressing the surface. To be funded by the West
University Tree Maintenance Fund
• Plan forward for replacing these four ( 4 ) trees with "spade planted" - 6" caliper trees, with
"bubbler irrigation system", in late October/early November 2006. Craig will determine
species and planting locations. Trees should be planted as to "frame" the pavilion. To be
funded by the West University Tree Trust
• Investigate and plan forward regarding the possible donation of the Oak Tree Charles
offered and the Bald Cypress Tree that is being displaced by the city's sidewalk program,
being planted at Colonial Park
• Investigate the need for and feasibility of re-planting some of the existing 4" caliper trees,
with bubbler irrigation system at Colonial Park, to better plan for their future growth and
canopy coverage
• Plan forward for planting three ( 3 ) or four ( 4) , 4" to 6" caliper Live Oak Trees inside the
Colonial Playground area, in late October or early November of 2006. To be funded by the
West University Tree Trust
• Investigate the possibility of salvaging the dead Cedar Tree, by means of developing it into a
community "totem pole" project and mounting it in Colonial Park
• Plan for the planting of "trumpet vine" to cover the arbor over the swing in the Colonial Park
• Add construction of an Arbor along Academy, at the ramp-up on the east end of Colonial
Park, to the 2007 budget & PARDners Fall Clean-up/Spruce-up program
• Schedule the purchase and installation of the artificial shade structures for the identified
Colonial Park Playground systems and picnic tables - Phase I
D. 2007 Budget Preparations
• The City operates on a January 1 through December 31 Budget Calendar
• Staff is beginning the preliminary 2007 budget preparation process
• Parks Board should begin the development of a proposed budget for the identified
PARDner's Program, City Beautification program, Parks Shade Program and any other
specific Parks Board Initiatives
Special Session Agenda, January 15, 2001
• Staff will provide the Parks Board with a copy of its' preliminary 2007 Budget
proposal, as to receive their input and address any questions or concerns they might
have. Anticipated review of this document would be facilitated in July/August of
XI. Board Reports:
A. Park Ambassador Reports: All
• Board member Helen Talinchich had a sample park neighbors survey to be handed out to
residents who frequent the park and/or live near a park. After much discussion it was
determined that a uniform survey would be developed
B. PARDner's Program Update: Paul & Laura
Co-Chair Schueppert will draft a press release for the Park Ambassador and PARDners
programs. Board will review upon completion.
C. Shade Committee: Janine & Charles
No new business past that noted above.
D. Park Beautification Committee: Helen
The Liberty Hill project has been undertaken by an Eagle Scout for his project.
E. Entry Beautification Committee: Randal
Board member Lepow has discussed the possibility of local landscapers donating and
maintaing entryways into the City in exchange for advertising space. Project will have to
wait for naming rights guidelines from Council.
XH. New Business:
A discussion was had about the police presence at the most recent Party in the Park.
XIII. Adjournment:
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm