HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRBMINUTES050306City of West University Place Parks & Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Wednesday, May 3, 2006 1. Call to Order: Chairman Dave Stephan The meeting was called to order by Chairman David Stephan, at 6:08pm. II. Introductions: All All Parks & Recreation Board (herein "The Board") members introduced themselves to other board members and public in attendance. Councilman Dick Yehle was also in attendance. III. Citizen's Comments: Any member of the public wishing to address the Board None. IV. Review and Approval of April 12, 2006 Parks Board Meeting Minutes: Dave The Board passed a motion to approve the minutes from the April 2006 meeting. V. Review and Approve Proposed Parks Board By-Laws: Janine Several suggestions to modify existing by-laws were made my board member, Laura Theis. The main objective being to clarify terms and assure that the roles of "ambassadors" and "park auditors" clearly describes the role of board members in the community. Board members Laura Theis and Janine Schueppert will re-word the by-laws and present to Board at next meeting. VI. Review of Park Master Planning Task Force - Parks Board Endorsement: The Board revised their prior endorsement by adding several caveats, to address the inaccuracies of Figure 2, discussing distribution of park land, requesting restrooms and splash pads in manned facilities only, recommending a traffic and parking study to be done for Colonial Park and requesting a clarification regarding the possibility of an indoor playground facility in the new Recreation Center. VII. Discussion Regarding Quarterly Council Update: All City Council has requested all boards to present Council with quarterly updates to inform Council of recent activity. Council would like a written summary to accompany the presentation. VIII. Friends Board Report: Joni Friends board has written their endorsement of the Parks Master Plan. The Friends would like to collaborate with Parks Board Ambassadors on the following projects: installing cash collection depositories at the parks, installing and maintaining bulletin board/kiosks in the parks, assistance with occasional information tables set up in the parks and assistance in monitoring signage in parks. The date for next year's Park Lover's Ball has been tentatively set for February 10, 2007. IX. Rice Pocket Park & Library Courtyard Task Force Update: Tim The project is in the final design phase with the landscape architect. Council will soon consider the final design plan. X. Staff Reports: A. Colonial Park Pool & West University Recreation Center Schedule Update Staff presented the revised schedule to Council. Council had requested the Board review future revisions prior to presentation to Council. B. Parks and Recreation Fee Schedules Fee schedules will be reviewed in July; they have not been reviewed in eight years. The Board will be involved in this revision as well. C. Colonial Control Room Renovation Update The renovation has been very well received and the system updates should drastically improve payment and tracking of usage. All users will be given a photo id card and access to the facility will be electronic. XL Board Reports: A. Park Ambassador Reports: All Special Session Agenda, January 15, 2001 1. Recreation Center- Tim and Dave cleared out the back of the building and vastly improved the appearance. 2. Huffington- The oak tree on the NE side, under the power lines, has numerous dead limbs that need to be removed. 3. Colonial- The playscape has a missing piece. The water fountain is clogged again, the possibility of a different design was discussed to try to remedy the constant clogging of the fountains. Discussed possible removal of ailing sycamores and cedars. 4. Whitt- Although the light was recently replaced it is still not functioning correctly. The water fountain is missing the handle. Several trees need mulch. A utility area appears unsafe with numerous wires dangling. 5. Wier- Approximately 12" behind the water fountain, there is an uncapped PVC pipe. The wooden fence around the utility pole is missing the last fence board, leaving a hole between the wooden fence and the tennis courts which is being used by basketball and others as a urinal. Several basketball players expressed their concern about the condition of the backboard and the erosion of dirt on the edge of the court. B. PARDner's Program Update: Paul & Laura Reviewed the written description of the program with board members, will then go to the city manager prior to presentation to Council. The only stated concern at this point has been the possible need to institutionalize the program such that should the Board lose interest at some point that the program does not become a liability to the community. Board discussed the potential for widespread community involvement, including the disabled, eagle scouts and the elderly alongside families and children. C. Colonial Shade Project: Janine & Charles Review of information packet, created by board members Charles and Janine, which has been distributed to immediate neighbors. There has been no opposition to the project and much support. The money for the project is in place. A motion was made for Board approval on the project which was unanimously passed. A suggestion was made to plant a trumpet vine over the arbor above the swings to provide additional shade. Table umbrellas are anticipated at Wier Park as well. D. Park & Beautification Project: Helen & Randal Board member, Randal Lepow, would like to develop a plan to beautify the entries to the city. A discussion followed concerning possible fundraising with Friend's approval. The Beautification committee was then split into two separate committees. The Park Beautification Committee will include Helen and Mardi and the Entrance Beautification Committee will include Randal and Charles. Helen discussed possible plans for improving Liberty Hill which include the removal of the pampas grass, cleaning of the sculpture and preparing the hill for wildflower seeding. The project may be overseen by Eagle Scouts which would include their own fundraiser. Board member Laura offered to pick up seeds from the Wildseed Farm in Fredericksburg to eliminate shipping costs. XII. New Business: A new committee, Community Events, was formed and will include Charles and David. Their current focus will be development of the Fall Classical Music Series, which will likely involve music provided by Rice students. XIII. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned by Chairperson, David Stephan, at 8:25pm. 2