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Parks & Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chairman David Stephan, at 6:15pm.
II. Introductions
All Parks & Recreation Board (herein "The Board") members introduced
themselves to other board members and public in attendance.
III. Citizen's Comments
Mr. Alan Speed, of University Blvd., attended the meeting to show
support for any and all items related to increasing shade in West University,
specifically on the agenda for this evening at Colonial Park. Mr. Speed
mentioned that during the redevelopment of the outdoor pool, sails covering
the pool might be considered. His concern being that in our climate sunscreen
is not enough and that even past the peak sun hours of 11:00am through
3:00pm the sun is too intense, limiting the useful hours of the pool. Park and
Recreations Department (herein "PARR") Director, Tim O'Connor assured
Mr. Speed that the Park's Master Plan (herein "PMP") was a vision of the
Task Force and that nothing definite was in place at this time. Before
anything substantial is done there will be ample time for public input. He also
added that it would likely not be appropriate for the entire pool to be covered
but that portions of the pool might be covered by aquatic umbrellas.
IV. Approve Minutes from the March 2006 Parks Board Meeting
The Board passed a motion to approve the minutes from the March 2006
V. Review and Approve Proposed Park Board By-Laws
Board member, Janine Schueppert had not yet received correspondence
from Board member, Randal Lepow on any comments he might have
regarding the proposed by-laws. PARD Director mentioned a special
workshop with Council to review the proposed by-laws prior to their official
submission. Board Members Laura Theis and Janine Schueppert will
continue to review and work on by-laws until Dr. Lepow has had a chance to
review and comment. The Board passed on voting to approve on the proposed
by-laws at this time.
VI. Review of Park Master Planning Task Force Recommendation
All Board members are to review the latest PMP and email Chairman,
David Stephan with any comments and/or suggestion. Chairman Stephan will
compile the Board's communications for the Task Force. However, the Board
came up with the following statement to summarize our reaction, "The Parks
and Recreation Board supports the vision of the Parks Master Plan to
redevelop the West University Recreation Center property, to rehabilitate the
Colonial Park swimming facility, and to improve or expand amenities at
various community parks. The Parks and Recreation Board encourages
continuing public input for specific park and recreational features if the city
moves forward on the general objectives noted above." The Board feels the
PMP is a good visionary document but strongly supports further open
dialogue between city officials, the Task Force and Board members and the
The Board discussed the fact that the words "master plan" tend to invoke
feelings of finality in the public when in fact the PMP is meant to be a
visionary tool to aid the City in improving facilities and parks. It seems to be
a misconception that the Task Force's recommendations are final and there
will be no chance for public input.
Again concerns about parking at Colonial Park and the issues revolving
around restrooms in the neighborhood parks were expressed.
VII. Discussion of Annual Park Clean-Up/Spruce-Up Program
The volunteer park maintenance program was named, "PARDNERS" after
the Park and Recreations Department. Board members Paul Brace and Laura
Theis were named Co-chairs of the PARDNERS Committee. It was
determined that a proposal to City Council regarding the program be written
up by the Committee immediately such that the Board could request approval
from Council. Upon approval by Council the Board would like to begin
promoting the program this summer at Party in the Park and other citywide
functions. Board members would also be encouraged to promote the program
as part of their work in the community and as park ambassadors. The vision
includes a pilot program in the Fall at one of the neighborhood parks, likely
Wier Park. The pilot would serve to gauge public support and plan further
activities in the other parks. Ideally the Board would like to host events in
both the Spring and Fall, either at one park at a time or at each park and
ending the day with a volunteer appreciation celebration of food and/or
activities. The program would be used for light maintenance work around the
park (painting, etc.) and beautification (planting and clean-up).
VIII. Friends Board Report
No report given.
IX. Rice Pocket Park & Library Task Force Update
Board members were given brief overview and referred to this week's
West University Examiner and Village News. PARD Director will forward
the current plans to the Board.
X. Staff Reports
A. Artificial Shade Update- Colonial Park
Trees will be replaced and Janine Schueppert presented the Board with
research on various artificial shade options. Board may be able to raise
funds for shade project separate from Friends Board with Friends Board
approval. A potential anonymous donation is waiting in the wings but will
not cover the entire cost. There are two pricing levels currently available.
Board members Janine Schueppert and Charles May will create and
distribute further information regarding the proposed shade projects and
Colonial Park's playground.
B. Donation Bench for Wier Park
A citizen approached PARD regarding the possibility of donating a bench
to be placed outside the perimeter of the fence at Wier Park for
dogwalkers to enjoy a place to rest and socialize with dogs in tow. PARR
is working with citizen on bench donation.
C. Annual Facility & Park Maintenance Calendar
To be forwarded by Tim O'Connor.
XI. Board Reports
A. Park Ambassador Reports
1. Wier- tennis court gate exiting into alley will not close properly.
2. Whitt Johnson- issue with trash accumulation and lights.
3. Colonial- West U flag not flying. PARD has not put up a new flag
because they are continually stolen when replaced. Will be replaced
with Texas flag.
B. Comments regarding 3/25/06 Tour of Parks
XII. Discuss Formation of Parks Board Committee's
Nothing further than PARDNER Committee formation discussed above.
XIII. New Business
Board member, Charles May, discussed the possible formation of a new
evening music event similar to Party in the Park at Colonial in the
summertime. However this event would focus on classical music and take
place during one month in the Fall. The idea was proposed to possibly finding
musicians through Rice University. Working with the Friends Board to get a
sponsor for the event was also discussed. The Board proposed earmarking
the funds for specific Park Board projects, ie) shade, etc.
The following new business was presented by PARD Director:
Special Thanks to the Board for their participation in the 2006 Arbor
Day & Easter Festival.
Council instructed staff to have the Parks Board review and endorse all
facility hours-of-operations and fee schedules, prior to them being brought
forth to Council and implemented. Reference hand-out
Mike Anders has completed a three-day Certification Course and is now
a NPSI - a great benefit to the city!
Summer 2006 Leisure Guides have been mailed-out - Summer
Registration Underway!
Basketball court at Wier Park has been resurfaced as of this afternoon.
Green w/white striping.
We should receive the final quote on the gate installation at Wier Park
by 4/18/06, with an estimated completion of the project by the conclusion
of the HISD 2005/2006 School Year.
Our On-Line Registration has been implemented. There are some
concerns regarding the service charges and staff will have a full report to
the Parks Board by the end of April. No complaints have been received,
but the fees do not seem to be reasonable.
The refurbished deck equipment and a second diving board are being
installed at Colonial Park. First time in over six years we have had two
diving boards in operation.
The remodeling of the Colonial Control Desk will begin Monday, April
17`h and should take approximately one-week to complete. The temporary
entrance will be through the Recreation Center entrance, directly outside
the weight room. Patrons have been notified.
I will be requesting one new FTE position - Recreation Specialist and
requesting an upgrade for Susan White to PARD Administrative Manager.
I hope to have the request/justification memorandum and job descriptions
to the City Manager by the end of next week.
XIV. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.