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Parks & Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 1, 2006
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chariman David Stephan, at 6:00pm.
All Parks & Recreation Board (herein "The Board") members introduced
themselves to other board members and public in attendance. Councilman
Dick Yehle was also in attendance.
Citizen's Comments
No members of the public addressed The Board.
Approve Minutes from the February 2006 Parks Board Meeting
A motion was made to approve the minutes from the February 2006 Parks
Board meeting. However, Ramsey Elder, a member of the public in
attendance, disagreed with the statement that "design elements have not been
contemplated," regarding the work of The Parks Master Planning Task Force
(herein "Task Force"). It was explained that the intention of the Board was to
impart that no architectural design elements had been contemplated at this
time. A motion to add the word architectural to the February minutes was
made and approved unanimously.
Board's Proposed Park Ambassador Program
A Park Ambassador Program was suggested in which each member of the
Board would serve as an ambassador to one or more of the Park and
Recreation Department (herein "PARD") facilities. The role of the
ambassador would be to walk and generally inspect their assigned park or
facility on a regular basis and communicate any necessary issues to the PARD.
It was also suggested that the Neighbors & New Comers Playgroups leaders
receive an email with Laura and/or Janine's contact information as a source of
community connection. The following ambassador assignments were made:
Ambassador Ass! nment
Joni Fichter
Rice Pocket Park
David Stephan
West University Rec Center
Janine Schue ert
Paul Brace
Laura Theis
Helen Talianchich _
_.Liberty Hill & Huffin on
Mardi Turner
Whitt Johnson
Charles May
Colonial Park
Dr. Randal Le ow
Beautification, Color Beds & Landscaping
Review and Approve Proposed Parks Board By-Laws
Staggered terms for Board members were suggested in an effort to create
continuity amongst the Board and not have to start fresh every two years.
However, it was pointed out that this would not work because the City Charter
mandates terms and appointments for Council and Board members. It was
noted that Board members were free to reapply for a position on the Board
after their term expired The Board's chairperson and co-chairperson will
review the current draft of the proposed by-laws with Dr. Lepow, PARD
Director and Council prior to setting them on Council's agenda.
VII. Review of Park Master Planning Task Force Recommendation
Nina Springer of the Task Force explained the decision not to conduct a
survey in light of the likelihood of little change from the 2000 survey. Instead
the Task Force opted to use focus groups in order to allow community
members to voice ideas and react to each other. She reported a remarkable
consensus among members of the focus groups especially compared to the
2000 survey. A member of the Board suggested that usually focus groups
were used and then a survey was distributed. Ms. Springer cited a lack of
time to accomplish both tasks in 12 months. It was then asked of Ms.
Springer if she felt a bond issue on the subject would pass or fail. Ms.
Springer said she did not know the answer to that question but that she felt
good about the result and it appeared that "most people mostly liked" the
Parks Master Plan (herein "PMP").
The next discussion focused on the use of the word modest to describe the
proposed improvements to the Recreation Center. The Board wanted to
ensure that the cost range and scale would be scaled to our community. It was
suggested that the word modest be replaced with appropriate.
Discussion then turned to the possibility of restrooms and splash pads in
some of the parks. In light of considerable debate amongst the community Ms.
Spring stated that she was going to remove restrooms from the PMP because
they did not need to be included in the plan and could be piloted in a park
without their inclusion in the PMP. Regarding splash pads the various types
of systems, including self-contained recycling vs. once through to the sewer,
were discussed. It was mentioned that most contaminates found in these
systems were brought into the system. The Board inquired into how the idea
was presented to focus groups. Ms. Springer explained that the TF come up
with a series of scenarios (from their own focus groups) and then presented
these to the focus groups. The focus groups do not have facilitator reports but
videos of the groups are available for viewing.
Several clarifications were made to the proposed changes at Colonial Park.
Parking continues to be a concern to the community. There is a clear lack of
support for the addition of parking structures on the property. Parking appears
to be impossible on only a few days a year. The PMP calls for increasing
access to the Park through alternatives to car travel. The contemplated
renovations to the pool would leave the pool unmodified except updating
mechanical and infrastructure and replacing the wading pool with a splash pad.
Essentially the PMP summarizes what came out of the focus groups.
Another consistent theme was the lack of activities for teens. The focus
tended to be on teen programming versus new facilities. Some suggestions
were adding concessions, an indoor/outdoor climbing wall or a skate park. As
to the skate park, it appears the issue has some similarities to the dog park
where some segments of the population strongly favor the addition.
Another consistent theme was the desire not to try to re-create the YMCA
facility at Stella Link. The Recreation Center would focus on activities for
multiple generations and would not act to subsidize private clubs. The most
consistent desire expressed by the focus group appeared to be improving the
Recreation Center and then upgrading Colonial Park pool.
After much discussion the Board determined that the best course of action
was to have Board member, Paul Brace, draft a recommendation reflecting the
Boards opinion of the PMP and distributing said recommendation to Board
members for consensus prior to presenting a formal recommendation to
Friends Board Report
No report was given.
Rice Pocket Park & Library Courtyard Task Force Update
The Task Force met last Wednesday with landscape architect Jim
Patterson of White Oak Studios. The group made recommendations and
architectural changes for preliminary decisions. A workshop to review status
is being planned with Council prior to submission for approval. The public
meetings have been completed and the design components are available for
review by the public. The general feedback at this point has been positive,
with the biggest concern being parking and traffic.
Schedule Parks Board Tour of Parks and Recreation Facilities
A memo was distributed to the Board to facilitate scheduling of a tour of
the PARD parks and facilities.
Staff Reports
A. Pool Enclosure Update
The pool enclosure at Colonial Park (herein "the bubble") recently
collapsed. Approximately 18 months ago bubble's integrity was evaluated
and it was determined that a replacement would cost around $150,000.00.
The bubble was patched and in hopes of the repair lasting two or three
seasons. Last fall when the bubble was being installed the interior
membrane tore. U.S. Canvas, the company that repairs the bubble,
inspected the bubble and determined that it could be inflated and used with
existing tear to the inner membrane. The bubble was in use during the last
three months without further problems, even in high winds. But last
Sunday a lifeguard noticed a tear to the enclosure measuring about two
feet by two feet. Per protocol the pool was evacuated. U.S. Canvas is
currently scheduled to repair the bubble next fall when it is unfolded. The
PARD Director was made aware that a petition, with about 20 signatures
has been circulated, requesting a new bubble immediately. The petition
has yet to be submitted to Council. PARD Director will prepare a
recommendation for Council with a cost breakdown and outlining the
constituency using the pool both with and without the bubble. Motion
made and unanimously passed by the Board, "We recommend no decision
be made regarding the purchase of a new inflatable enclosure until a
determination has been made by City Council regarding the 2005 Park
Master Plan." This issue will stand on the agenda.
B. Boot Camp Program Update
On Friday, March 3, 2006, the Boot Camp program will move to St.
Vincent de Paul church. In the past this program has brought in
$20,000.00 annually to PARD. Further, members of the Boot Camp have
said they will protest their treatment by pulling their children from other
C. Artificial Shade Update
A discussion ensued about artificial shade versus natural shade. A
combination of shades was determined to best suit Colonial Park. The
problem with pushing artificial shade this year is there is no money in the
budget to purchase shade systems. However, there is money to purchase
new trees and such can be done promptly. Possible donation options were
discussed. It was determined that the most prudent course of action would
be plant new trees and that the Board would support the use of artificial
shade in the future.
D. Meet the City & Eggstravaganza Event Update
A document regarding this event was distributed to Board members.
XII. Board Reports
No reports were given.
XIII. Discussion Formation of Parks Board Committee's
This issue was tabled for future discussion. At some point it may be
necessary to appoint committees.
XIV. Parks Master Planning Task Force Update
No further discussion beyond that noted above.
XV. New Business
No new business was addressed.
XVI. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.