HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRBMINUTES010307Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
West University Place, Texas
► Call to Order: Chairman Russ Schulze at 6:46pm.
► Introductions: Chairman Schulze had the Board and Council members present introduce
themselves, in light of the fact that there were eight members of the public present.
Board Members Present: Russ Schulze, Janine Schueppert, Mardi Turner, Joni Fichter
and Helen Talianchich - Tim O'Connor. Council Members Present: Steven Segal and
Dick Yehle. Members of the Public Present: Dorothy Zink, Mary Lee Gray, Linda Driskill,
Frank Driskill, Fran Oravetz, Ramsay Elder, Mike Reed and Eva Ruth.
► Citizen's Comments: Four members of the public addressed the Parks Board
• Fran Oravetz: Personal Info: Living at 4131 Oberlin for 12 years, use pool 3-4 times
week for water aerobics in morning, use wt room 4-5 times/week in afternoon,.
Degrees in engineering and business. Retired. Worked in business analysis and
planning and budgeting, and facilities planning.
• Purpose: To provide input on how 1 feel about current facilities and services at
Colonial Park and Rec Center, and what I think should be done to improve.
How I feel:
• In general, I like the size and configuration of current Colonial Park pool and exercise
rooms. I particularly like the fact that for most of the year the pool is completely open
to the sky, fresh air, trees, and lawn. 1 think a Bubble is an OX way to keep the pool
open in the few colder months.
• 1 have rarely seen the pool or exercise room crowded.
• 1 like the Colonial Park playing fields because they are reserved mainly for informal
games and exercising and fun, and not for formal team practice and games.
• in general, I think that the current Colonial Park size and configuration is very
compatible with the character of West U. West U Is a Neighborhood City with lots of
trees, and Colonial Park Is a Neighborhood Park with lots of trees and green areas,
which can be enjoyed from the Pool.
• There are serious maintenance Issues with the current Colonial Park facilities, mainly
because City and Park Management have not done a very good job of properly
maintaining and upgrading the facilities on an ongoing basis, - which includes
replacing aging equipment (like The Bubble) in a timely manner.
• In 2005,1 was on a West U. focus group - the only one dealing primarily with the pool
- and the consensus of the group was the same as my above opinions.
• 1 think the Nov Bond election was flawed because the "public information" suggested
that the only options were (1) spend $26M or (2) do nothing. I think the propositions
should have made clear that the most logical option was to repair and upgrade the
current Colonial Park facilities to make them safe, attractive, and functional. I think
that more people would have voted "No" to Props 1 & 2 if they had realized that the
alternative was NOT to do nothing.
1 am disappointed and frustrated to see that City Council is now agonizing
about why the voters made the "wrong" decision, and what to do to recycle the Idea
of big changes until it eventually passes. And that City and Park Management are
not doing anything to address the maintenance issues - especially replacing the
Bubble - which is what we should have been doing all along, without any Bond
Special Session Agenda, January 15, 2001
What I think needs to be Done
Council and City Management and Parks management need to accept the results of
the elections - that the majority of people don't want big and expensive Park changes,
but do expect City and Park Management to keep the existing Park facilities
safe, attractive, functional, In good repair, and continuously improved. And I ask
Council and City and Park Management to now buy a new Bubble (hopefully an
improved version), and do catch-up repairs and upgrading to correct the neglect of
the past.
• As for the Rec Center, l suggest converting the existing fields to something like the
Colonial Park lawn and playing field, to be used for INFORMAL gamestactivities, a
walking/jogging path, and a green area.
If you want to do a longer-range studv I suggest the foliowing 3 step approach
1. Define Who are the customers (West U. residents, not outsiders), and what do they
really want/need. This Is different from asking how much stuff can we fit Into the
space available. 1 think you will find that residents want Neighborhood Parks, not a
world-class Olympic championship venue.
2. Include in the study the Case for optimizing (by repairs and upgrades) the current
facilities, which is something we should have been doing all along. This is called the
Optimized Base Case.
3. As you develop additional Cases for bigger and more expensive changes, clearly
spell-out the incremental costs and benefits of these cases over and above the
Optimized Base Case. I think it will become clear that most of the wanted benefits
are provided in the Optimized Base Case, and that any incremental benefits are not
worth the big incremental costs.
• Linda Driskol:
• Supports incorporating an "Optimized Base Case" process In planning forward.
• Stated she felt survey was outdated and supported conducting a new survey.
• Felt the selection and facilitation of Focus Groups were "flawed".
• Stated her dissatisfaction with the maintenance standards and the level of
maintenance at Colonial Park Pool and Dressing Rooms
• Frank Driskol:
• Stated that 50% of the city's current operating budget was dedicated to retiring
infrastructure bond debt.
• Opposed to any "new" bond debt.
• Stated that the fact that the November 2006 Bond Election failed to inform citizens
that approving the propositions would Increase the amount of local taxes they pay.
• Marv Lee Gray:
• Opposed to Residents paying for Non-Residents, In terms of provision of facilities.
• Stated she would not be in favor of the "baby pool" being eliminated.
• Has some concerns regarding Non-Residents being allowed to use municipal
Special Session Agenda, January 15, 2001
► Review and Approval of December 20, 2006 Parks Board Meeting Minutes: Janine
A. A motion was made by Joni Fichter and seconded by Mardi Turner to approve the minutes from the
12/20/06 Board meeting, with the following changes: 1) Section III - Last Sentence: change Mr. Ramsay
to read Mr. Elder and 2) Section VI - Third Sentence of the Second Paragraph to read: "From May 15,
2007 to May 1, 200T'. The motion was unanimously passed.
► Friends Board Report: Joni Fichter
• 2007 Park Lovers Ball - Moved from Hotel ZaZa to the Houstonian Grand
Ballrooms due to ongoing construction at Hotel ZaZa. The event will still be
held on February 10 from 7pm - midnight. Final year for all net proceeds will
be matched by the Lewis Family Trust and targeted for the Recreation Center.
• Parks Guild, headed by Leah Ragiel and others will get into action soon
• Friends wholly supports the alcohol waiver permitting that is being presented
to council, so fund raising events can be held in our facilities and parks instead
of renting Southside or other places where alcohol is allowed
► Rice Pocket Park Task Force Update: Tim
The geotechnical services have been completed and the final report has been delivered to
the Architect. This document will allow for the engineering design work to move forward,
specifically the structural, electrical and physical elements.
► Major Project Updates: Tim
• Judson Park Tennis Court Repairs: Approximately $8K, plan on completing project before
spring of 2007
• West University Recreation Center HVAC System: Approximately $16K, plan on completing
project by the end of January 2007. System is 20+ years old and suffered a "final blow' in
November, when the roof-top unit was struck by lightning.
• Senior Center Exterior Repairs: Approximately $7.5K, replace all exterior wood siding, north
and west sides of building, with a hardi-plank siding and trim. Plan to complete this project
by mid-February 2007
► Planning forward for the redevelopment of the West University Recreation Center and the
Colonial Park Pool and Recreation Center: Russ and Janine
The following is the document that Russ and Janine will present to Council on Monday,
January 8, 2007:
Special Session Agenda, January 15, 2001
Request for
Statement of Qualifications
The City Council of the City of West University Place, in conjunction with the Parks and
Recreation Board, is seeking consultants to assist in identifying the recreational priorities of
the community for two City facilities: (1) Colonial Park, and (2) The Recreation Center
located on Bellaire Blvd., and developing a comprehensive plan to address these needs.
The consultant will report their findings and recommendations to the City Council. City
Staff and the Parks and Recreation Board are available to provide information to the
consultant and to discuss possible options for the designated properties. Interviews with
community leaders and recreation facility users may be conducted.
We would very much appreciate you providing us with a Statement of Qualifications for
your firm. We will review all Statements of Qualifications received by January 31, 2007
and anticipate setting up and conducting interviews with the top two or three firms, as
determined through the review process, by mid-February.
Background Information
In November 2006, two Propositions for improvements to each facility, respectively, were
submitted to voters and each Proposition was defeated by a margin of approximately 10%
of those voting. Now, options are needed for updating the existing structures and/or
building new facilities based on community needs and taxpayer willingness to fund the
improvements. Our goal is for the West University City Council to have specific
recommendations for each facility by May 1, 2007 so that consideration can be given to
submitting new proposals to the voters in November 2007.
Scope of Work
A. Gain Familiarity with West University
In collaboration with the City of West University Parks and Recreation Board and City
staff, gather background information by visiting existing City and nearby recreational
facilities and review written materials such as the 2000 and 2006 Parks Master Plans, 2000
survey, existing usage data, publicity materials and press clippings related to the 2006 bond
propositions, PGAL's development estimates and election results. Examine Colonial Park
and The Recreation Center to develop recommendations as to (1) the viability of updating
and improving either or both of the existing structures, or (2) completely replacing one or
both existing structures with new facilities.
Special Session Agenda, January 15, 2001
Request for Statement of Qualifications
Page 2
B. Illustrate Successful Alternatives
In addition, provide illustrations of successful facilities that have been developed in other
urban communities with similar limits to available recreational space. By successful, we
mean facilities that are popular in their respective communities and can be operated and
maintained without excessive ongoing burdens to the taxpayer. To that end, provide rough
cost estimates to various facility redevelopment or replacement options and estimates of
likely user fees (if any) with operation and maintenance expenses.
C. Estimate Resident Preferences
Based on knowledge of West University and successful facilities and programs in other
similar urban communities, develop and present alternatives for Colonial Park
and The Recreation Center that may include, at City Council's direction, a systematic
survey of the residents of West University.
D. Results to be presented
• If a survey is conducted, the raw data obtained from the survey and a brief written
report summarizing the findings, an analysis of the responses, and an assessment of
the reliability of the survey comparing the demographics of the respondents to those
in the community.
• Recommendation of facilities to be developed or redeveloped including cost
• A business plan outlining programs to be offered, including rough usage forecasts,
operational costs and alternative user fees.
Mid-Feb. 2007 Consultants reviewed and selected
Late Feb. Existing materials reviewed and survey prepared
March (Survey conducted of approximately 5,543 households)
April Results analyzed and business plan developed
Mav Recommendation presented to City Council, Parks Board and
residents at town hall meeting.
June Adjustments inlight of any additional citizen input.
Please submit ten (10) copies of your Statement of Qualifications to:
Tim O'Connor, Director of Parks and Recreation
City of West University Place
6104 Auden
West University Place, Texas 77005
Special Session Agenda, January 15, 2001
► Staff Reports:
B. PARD User Fees
The Board did not discuss PARD user fees.
► Board Reports:
A. Park Ambassador Reports:
• Janine - Judson Park: Inquired as to the status of the repairs to the tennis court at Judson.
O'Connor responded that the work was being bid and should cost approximately $8,000.00
and be facilitated by the first of March.
• Helen - Huff ington Park: Stated that she has been hearing form park users & neighbors that
they would like to see the playground system upgraded to allow for a play structure for older
children. She requested that the "Mini-Survey"be completed and copies provided to the
Parks Board, so that capital improvement ideas/requests can be facilitated in time for the
2008 budget process.
• Mardi - Whitt Johnson Park: Stated that the decomposed granite trail needed an application
of DG to fill in low spots. She also inquired as to when the tree line on the north end of the
park was going to be addressed. O'Connor stated that the DG application would be
completed by the end of February and that he would have the City Forester identify the
scope of work and the timeline for completing the work along the fenceline.
B. PARDner's Program Update: Joni mentioned that the Friends Guild is very interested in
working on this project with the Parks Board.
C. Shade Committee: No new discussions.
D. Park & Beautification Committee: Helen reported that the Bluebonnet seed at Liberty Hill
Park is germinating and appreciated the sign and protective border that the City installed.
E. Concert in the Park Series: No new discussions.
► New Business:
A. It was determined that ALL future Parks Board meetings will be conducted in the Bill
Watson Conference Room, located at City Hall, in order to allow for Charles May
and any other Board member who is out-of-town to participate via teleconference.
B. There were several documents relative to park acquisition handed out to the Board.
A listing of responses from neighbors of the 3301 Georgetown property, which is
being investigated as a possible park location, was provided and a map of the
specific area of the City that Bond Proposition 3 identified was distributed. The City
Manager is leading the effort on that specific map, to include all properties that have
potential to become a municipal park. He will be giving a detailed presentation to
Council on Monday, January 8, 2007, at the Council Workshop - 5:30pm @ City
C. Janine requested that Board Applications be sent to the entire Parks Board, so that
they can have interested individuals complete and submit to the City Secretary.
This is in the effort to fill the Position 4 spot, vacated by Paul Brace.
► Adjournment: at 8:15pm.