HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBMINUTES110407Friends of West University Place Parks Fund, Inc. Board Meeting Minutes November 4, 2007 Friends of West University Place Parks Board met on Tuesday, November 4, 2007, at 11:30 a.m. at the West University Place Recreation Center, 4210 Bellaire Blvd. The following were in attendance: Board Members Joni Fichter Leah Ragiel Judy Bouillion Susan Sample Vicki Gramm Executive Director Donna LaMond Others Chuck Guffey Dorothy Kaldis Diane Cain Daryl Hoover Jennifer Gatto Joni Fichter called the meeting to order at 11:37 a.m. President's Report - Joni Fichter • Guild meeting at Sue Jensen's went well and the next one is at Joni Fichter's this Friday at 9:30! Thanks to Leah and the hostesses of each. • Friends Park is looking good with the clock tower installed! Pending completion, dedication date is Dec 11 at 6 pm so mark your calendar. • Fathers & Flashlights was a huge success! Thanks to Daryl, her husband Aaron, Jennifer, Tim, Susan, Donna, and the rest of the city staff this is sure to be a WU tradition that is enjoyed by our community for years to come! I'll let them tell you their good news in their report but let's congratulate them on a job well done. Thanks to all of you who volunteered and/or brought your families! We got great press, as well. • PLB chairs and committee continue to be hard at work and will update you shortly. • Spooky Party II was held on 10/20 and was a great event. Donna will report on that but thanks to all who sponsored and attended. Plans are in the works for Spooky Parry 3 as we speak. • Please complete your community survey which will arrive soon regarding parks. • For those of you who have been interested in a skate park, City of Houston is building one near downtown. Paul Brace has been involved so you can contact him for info or Mindy Hildebrand at mhildebrand @ hilhouse.com. • We've written a check to the city for $314,336 for reimbursement of expenses related to the RC and Walter will provide documentation so we can present it to the Lewis Foundation in order to receive our matching funds as promised. • Lastly, Margaret Wallace was admitted to St. Luke's over the weekend and had an appendectomy but is doing well and will be home maybe today. Her parents and Bo are helping but she will need help over Thanksgiving weekend packing boxes for her move to the chimney at the end of the month. Call her if you have time to help that weekend. • We are going to go out of order and let Diane and Dorothy give their PLB 08 report now as they have another commitment at noon. Approval of the Minutes and Sign-In Sheet - Judy Bouillion A motion was made by Vicki Grams seconded by Leah Ragiel to approve the October 3, 2007 Minutes as sent. The motion carried. Executive Director's Report - Donna LaMond • PLB07 - Closing out books for PLB07. We are down to $2,200 in auction receivables from the $3,286 reported at the October board meeting. Another round of invoices with personal notes was sent out and is why we have collected more. Most of these receivables are from the items sold AFTER the auction officially closed at the ball, such as the specialty drinks, casino chips, and that sort of thing. • F & F Event - Congratulations to Event Co-Chairs, Daryl and Aaron Hoover and Jennifer Gatto, and to the Parks & Rec Department Staff on the Fathers & Flashlights event! What a perfect event in every way. Daryl, Aaron and Jennifer have already stepped up and said they will chair the event next fall because they want to keep the momentum going. We are very fortunate to have them in our community! Once the net proceeds are calculated, I will let you know the final number for how much the event raised, the estimate is around $29,000 net. Thanks also to Danielle Kernell and Elizabeth Shoss Karkowsky for their tremendous help with publicity for the event. They covered it very well, before AND after! The date is tentatively set for the second annual Fathers & Flashlights event next Oct. 18-19, contingent upon coordination of WUE event dates and Spooky Party III. • PLB08 - Assisting Dorothy Kaldis and Diane Cain with all aspects of the ball. Met with the event planner for our event at the ZaZa last Friday with Diane and Dorothy. Underwriter letters and auction solicitation letters have gone out with more forthcoming. Follow up on the letters is underway with phone calls, emails, etc. Please remember that as Friends board members you are responsible for bringing in underwriters and putting together tables as well as helping bring in auction items for the ball. The information is availabe on the Friends website, www.westuparks.org, so you can easily download and print out the underwriter and auction letters and forms. • Continuing to support Leah Ragiel and her committee regarding the Friends Guild. Attended the Guild coffee on October 19t at Sue Jensen's home. It was well attended and had more new faces. Parks & Rec Director Tim O'Connor and Mayor Bob Kelly both spoke at the meeting, along with Dorothy Kaldis. The Guild assisted with a few projects during and after the meeting, stuffing tickets and applying labels onto envelopes for Spooky Party II and putting batteries into the Fathers and Flashlights flashlights. Thanks again to Sue Hanna for underwriting the flashlights for the event. • Spooky Party II was a spooktacular event on October 20 at Blancos. Thanks again to the ghost and ghostess group: Ann & Tom Bastian, Michelle & Tom Bickham, Lynette & Mark Cone, Johna & Gary DiMuzio, Vicki & Dana Grams, Kari & Todd Greenwalt, Carol & John Gunn, Lisa & Mike Heim, Donna & Marc LaMond, Cece & Mike McCann, Betsy & Mike Mercer, and Leah & Steve Ragiel. A special thanks to Lynette Cone for organizing the event, along with Vicki Grams. Most of the ghost/ghostess group have already committed to Spooky Party 111, tentatively scheduled for October 25, 2008 at the same of haunt, Blancos. • Auction Tracker remote access capacity is in place and seems to be working well. The plan is to keep the remote access capability through the end of February 2008. Sue Hanna and I participated in a web meeting online with Auction Pay last week. We have used this company before to handle credit card transactions for us at the ball, but they are offering more, such as software to replace what we currently use, Auction Tracker. We certainly will not change software at this point, but are considering them as a possibility for payment the night of the event. We have been using E-Online Data for the last few years at the ball and for credit card transactions during the year. We are actually exploring other ideas as well to collect credit card payments and help eliminate and/or minimize the collections efforts following the ball. • A new West U resident, Danielle Batchelor, has contacted me about purchasing a paver in the new Friends Park. She and her family have moved onto the 3700 block of Rice. Tim is working with the architect to determine specs for the pavers so that I can have inscription details, etc. We also need to talk about if we want to make the price for the Friends Park pavers more than what we currently charge ($300) for pavers in the other parks. The reason is that the pavers are larger and higher profile. • The date is tentatively set for Dec. 11 at 6:00 p.m. for the dedication ceremony for the new Friends Park. We, the Friends, plan to use this vehicle to also honor some of our higher-level underwriters over the years at this event ...and include the $1,000 Friends membership level as well. We need to send special invitations to this group, inviting them to join us at this event. I can have some signage created to display acknowledging them. If any of you can help me with this event, please let me know. This might be something good for the Guild to assist with as well ...The Parks and Rec Department will be handling the press for event so it will be in the papers, etc. Joni and I have discussed having a tree planted in the new park in memory of Grayson Cuenod, so if we can get this done, we would want to be sure to invite Grayson's family for the ribbon cutting. • Friends did write and deliver to the City of WU, a check in the amount of $314,336.00. 1 have emailed Linda and Phil Lewis to see when the November board meeting is where the matching check will have to be approved. Sue Hanna will provide me with the "proof' in the form of a cancelled check so that I can be sure the Lewis Foundation has it in time for their meeting. • Attended Texas Executive Women's Luncheon honoring former PLB Chair and West U Resident Ayse McCracken with Joni Fichter on October 19. • As a reminder, keep in mind that the Mission Impossible sociable from PLB07 has been rescheduled from September 29, 2007 to January 26, 2008. The hostess group notified all attendees well in advance. • No new progress has been made on the Membership Newsletter. Margaret, Judy, and I will be getting together to move it forward once Margaret Wallace has recovered from her recent surgery and her upcoming move later this month. Board Reports PR/Marketinq & Development Committee/Garage Sale Event - Susan Sample • Garage Sale - sometime in April. Will look into having the storage and sale at the Rec Center Newsletter/Membership - Judy Bouillion - As reported by Donna LaMond, no new work has been completed. Recent and upcoming events should be included, i.e. F&F, Spooky Party, Friends dedication and the PLB. Park Lovers Ball - February 9, 2008 - Diane Cain & Dorothy Kaldis Board participation requested by 11/15 so names can be put in invitation. • Decorations have been approved and the committee is moving forward. • Underwriting met this week and will begin making follow-up calls immediately. Board members are encouraged to commit early in order to be included in print. We could use underwriters for valet parking, dinner, games, auction, etc. • Underwriting to date is $23,050! • The invitation design is in progress. We would like as many names as possible to be listed in the invitation. Preferred deadline is November 15. • Auction needs some large items for the big board i.e. trips, concert ticket, sports tickets, vacation homes, etc. Smaller items are needed for the silent auction. Please remember that all Board members are responsible for 3 auction items apiece. • Publicity will be kicked off ASAP. Yard signs are being printed and we would like to be in the local paper next week. We will ask Joni for assistance with the local papers. Also, we would like assistance with the "this Week" section of the Chronicle. • The venue, Hotel ZaZa, is preparing a site map for our use in set-up. We met with Kleibert Estrada last week to discuss details. • As the holidays approach, we would like to really see progress being made toward our goals. Please keep the Ball in mind as you shop and plan- many vendors would like to be represented at this event. Fathers & Flashlights Event - Daryl Hoover & Jennifer Gatto The event was amazing, flawless, had perfect weather, including a full moon, 155 dads, 235 children, and 150 volunteers. Daryl, Aaron and Jennifer have signed up to do it again next year. Fathers and Flashlights netted over $29,000! The average age of children was 4 to 8. Daryl and Jennifer would like event to be recognized within the parks. It was suggested that a paver be placed in Friends Park, something the corporate sponsors of F&F could see. It was requested that this discussion be held in advance next year. A motion was made to donate $1,000 towards playground beautification and upkeep of West University Elementary and $1000 to Tri-sports to be utilized at the West U campus in appreciation for letting us use their facilities for Fathers & Flashlights. Motion carries. Wish List/Givinq Tree and Special Events & Projects - Vicki Grams and Maria Elena Herbst - no report. Business Partners and Stork Project- Lynne Goddard - no report. Friends Guild- Leah Ragiel FriendsGuild@sbc IobcL alnet -Coffee to be held at Joni Fichter's on Friday, November 10, 2007. Russ Schultze is coming to discuss the Park Survey. The October Guild meeting at Sue Jensen's went very well. Tim O'Connor gave a great report regarding the role of the Parks Department. Mayor Bob Kelly was in attendance. The Guild members took time to stuff tickets for Spooky Party, place batteries into flashlights for the upcoming F&F event. Let us know if you have anything to discuss at the guild. Council Report - Chuck Guffey Settled the lawsuit on the 3936 Marlow house construction lawsuit has been settled after 4 years and $250,000 in legal expenses , buying at market price ($400,000). The Peden's have graciously agreed to sell the property as is to the city for green space, park or resale at market value, $400,000. All zoning issues in the courts will be dripped and future legal expenses for appeals will be avoided. Councilman Mike Tallianchich has been doggedly pursuing this settlement for the council and finally succeeded. The budget for 2008 will be adopted next Monday with no increase in overall tax revenues and a 10% tax decrease to reflect higher property evaluations and new construction. Ad valorem taxes will be based on .366% reduced from .402% of valuation. College street flood prevention program has jumped in cost by $2 million in recent bidding. Funding for this increase is under study. Parks & Rec Report - Tim O'Connor - Park Planning Proiect: • City has amended the contract with Carter & Burgess Inc., to include 1) conducting a Community Survey of parks and recreational needs and preferences and 2) assist staff and Council in developing and implementing a timeline for possibly going to the voters with a Municipal Bond Election in May of 2008. • The Survey has been delivered by U.S. Mail to all West University Place residents, as of 11/7/07. • A public presentation of the results will be presented publicly to the City Council at an upcoming Council Meeting. • Staff is preparing a preliminary Business Plan, in anticipation of the redevelopment of the Colonial Park Recreation Center & Swimming Pool and the West University Recreation Center & Swimming Pool. Friends Park: • The construction of Friends Park is moving along on schedule and as the photographs indicate, the progress is quite visible. • Park Construction is approximately 95% complete. • Estimated Park Completion Date: November 30, 2007. • A formal Park Dedication Ceremony and ribbon cutting will be conducted, tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, December 11, 2007. An "official" date and time for the ceremony is being planned by the Friends Board. City Wide Tree Maintenance Project: • Bid has been awarded to Texas Services, LTD. • Work began on June 1, 2007 and is approximately 95% complete as of 11/07/07. • Work to include comprehensive tree care in parks and identified trees on municipal property. • Cost: $8,935.00, funded through the WUP Tree Trust. Parkland Acquisition Sub-Committee: • City purchased a property at 3501 Corondo Court for possible development of a neighborhood park. • 2 million in funding was approved in the November 2006 Bond Election. Colonial Park Drainage Project: • Project involves re-grading the east end of the park, to terminate the ponding that currently exists. • Project Cost: $5,800.00 Friends of West University Place Parks Inc. approved fully funding the expense and City Council authorized the expenditure. • Involves grubbing and re-grading approximately 9,000 square feet, with new turf being rolled in place. • Involves approximately two days work, requiring the east end of the park being closed. The new turf will require being undisturbed, no foot traffic, for approximately thirty days. • It has been determined that the work will be scheduled after the start of the 2007/2008 School Year. Eagle Scout Proiect @ Whiff Johnson Park: • Mardi Turner and Eagle Scout Candidate, John LaMond, have finalized plans for the project at Whitt Johnson Park. Estimated completion pending final approval from the Eagle Project Board of review. The following is the scope of that proposed project: • Renovate the Gazebo - inclusive of power-washing, staining and resealing the structure. • Plant a "butterfly garden" at the entrance of the park, to the immediate of the inside of the front gate. • Re-Plant the large cast-iron planter at the entrance to the park. • Enhance the plantings on the landscape island at the corner of Carnegie and Wakeforest, around the utility boxes. • Facilitate a general park clean-up, inclusive of power-washing the sport courts. Parks & Recreation Operations: • Colonial Pool Enclosure failed and has been taken out-of-service. Pool will remain open. • Father's & Flashlight's Event was a resounding success. • The Annual Halloween Spooktacular was very successful, with the moving forward of the "Fall Back" time change by one week having a slight impact on attendance. • Huff ington Park given a minor facelift involving the repair of park benches & picnic tables and the painting of light poles and trash receptacles • 2008 Budget has been approved w/ a $40K increase being authorized for Tri-Sports, bring the annual payment from the City to $80K. • We are planting a "Living Christmas Tree" at City Hall to be decorated and incorporated into the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony - This Years Event is scheduled for Monday, December 3, 2007 at 6:30pm. • New Fee Schedule has been approved and will be implemented beginning January 1, 2008. Fee increases are estimated to generate an additional $50K in revenue for the 2008 Fiscal Year. • Fire Marshal has completed a thorough inspection of all Parks and Recreation facilities and all oversights have been corrected except for the suggestion that we facilitate an air-quality testing of the WURC basement. Treasurer's Report - Sue Hanna - No report. Other Reports Contracts, Nominations, and Bylaws BU - No report. Old Business New Business Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 5, 2007 at 11:30 at the West U Rec Center unless otherwise posted. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:55pm. Respectfully submitted, Judy Bouillion Secretary 0