HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBMINUTES100406Friends of West University Place Parks Fund, Inc.
Board Meeting Minutes
October 4, 2006
Friends of West University Place Parks Board met on Wednesday, October 4, at 9:30 a.m. at the West University Place
Recreation Center, 4210 Bellaire.
The following were in attendance:
Board Members
Executive Director
Joni Fichter
Donna LaMond
Lynne Goddard
Sue Jensen
Katy Holt
Penny Grams
Sue Hanna
Chairman's Report - Joni Fighter
■ The majority of the month has been spent on discussions revolving around the proposed bond issue. Our P&R
department has done a great job putting together a brochure that will be mailed to all households explaining what
this will provide, at what cost, etc. Please thank them and Bob McLamb and others from WULL and Tri-sports who
have jumped on the band wagon to make sure our community understands that for a minor investment by each,
WU will benefit in huge ways. Be sure to pass the PDF file of the brochure on to all of your friends and neighbors
and encourage them to vote. Shortly, you will also be cc:ed on an email written by Bob McLamb in support of this
effort. It was suggested that Bob's email be sent to the papers as well. Feel free to forward it and use the info in
any way you see fit. I went to council but for the first time ever they finished in less than an hour and I missed the
meeting but talked with some outside afterwards. Thanks to Penny and others for going. Please come to the next
council meetings on 10/9 and 10/23 and the Town Hall Meeting on 10/16 at 6:00 p.m. if at all possible. Joni noted
that Bob McLamb attended September West U Little League Auxiliary meeting and plugged the propositions. Joni
addressed the issue again last night at the October Auxiliary meeting. Donna picked up the fresh off the press
brochures and distributed them at the meeting as well.
Discussion followed Joni's report on the above: Suggestion made for City to publish/make known what exactly
for sure will be implemented if the propositions on the bond election pass and what is yet to be determined based
on the results of future focus groups and task forces, and citizen input. It was also suggested that the City consider
hiring a professional outside firm to form the committees indicated and run the open meetings. It was noted that
the meetings are open to the public regardless. Another issue brought forth was an example of citizen
unawareness of other, if any, existing City debt ...WU public misconception of debt upon debt could be a stumbling
block. Donna will talk to Tim about outstanding City debts, if any, and report back to the board at the next meeting.
It was also noted that it needs to publicized and highlighted at every opportunity that the WU residents will have the
opportunity to contribute to how the bond money is spent, and on what. Their input will count tremendously! It was
suggested by Sue Hanna that Tim or a City rep make other presentations such as the one done at West U
Elementary. She specifically suggested that Tim make a presentation to Greenwood King Realtors.
• Good press on Prince's, fibar, shade, PLB, Dear Editor regarding bond, block captains
■ No word from Billy Burge.
■ Thanks to Donna, Vicki &Penny for their determination on signage and naming opportunities. With a good
approved document now in hand, Vicki &Penny can continue to raise funds. Letters are ready so Donna and I will
sign this weekend then pass to others to write notes, too. They've compiled and updated a database that Donna
and I have reviewed and edited.
• No additional word from Time Warner.
Approval of the Minutes and Sign-in Sheet
Sue Jensen noted that a change needed to be made on the Sept. 6, 2006 Minutes. Page two, bullet two, change Sue
Jensen to Sue Hanna. However, quorum not present so minutes change and approval deferred to next scheduled board
meeting on November 1, 2006.
Executive Director's Report -Donna LaMond
• Attended grand reopening of the Harris County West University Branch Library on Sept. 28 as a Friends
representative. Leah Ragiel also attended. Very well attended event.
• Updated Friends Board roster to reflect those who have rolled off board. I have put some term renewals on the
council agenda for their next meeting on October 9, Fichter, Holt and Hanna.
■ Receiving Friends memberships and sending out acknowledgements with amenities associated with each level of
membership as appropriate... among others, received one at $500 (Smith family on Fordham) and one at $1000
(Braly family on Georgetown), both of which qualify for the matching funds from the Lewis'. Diana Brown is taking
care of the paver orders for each of these memberships.
■ Sue Hanna wrote a check to the City for the matching grant for $111,812.25 and Susan White delivered it to Walter
for us. This is an amount yet to be matched by the Lewis's. The invoice to the Lewis's was mailed on June 7 and
Phil Lewis called and asked for a copy of the canceled check so that he could present it at his November 2006
board meeting and we will get their check after that. Sue Hanna did check with Walter to be sure of how the
process will work. The City will put these funds ($111,812.25) into a separate account for the Rec Center. I am
waiting on the bank statement now to come in the mail any day so that I can make a copy of the image of the check
to show that we did what we were asked to do. I will be sure a copy gets to the Lewis's. I have also asked Sue for
an update on funds received to date for 2006 for the match.
■ Attended Spooky Party hostess meeting on Sept. 7 and provided excel spreadsheet to Vicki Grams as the primary
coordinator of the upcoming Spooky Party sociable. This was sold at PLB06 and is coming up on Oct. 21 at
Blancos. Vicki has all the addresses and names of everyone signed up to date. I am continuing to update this list
as new guests sign up to attend and pay. I am also assisting with collecting host/hostesses checks.
• The City requested the $10,000 (via an invoice), which had been donated to the Friends to apply to the Colonial
Park Shade Structure. Sue Hanna wrote the check and it was been handed over to the City.
• Attended Street Captain's Meeting at JMH on September 13. Took pictures.
■ Participated in meeting on Sept. 15 with Tim O'Connor, Councilman Dick Yehle, Penny Grams, and Vicki Grams.
The objective of the meeting was to preview the underwriting amenities/benefits document which will be mailed out
to all underwriting prospects be sure everything is in order and that Friends can follow through on items listed. In
particular, we changed "Naming Rights" to "Sponsorship of" regarding large dollar items potentially available as part
of their underwriting benefit. We also added that all is contingent upon West U City Council approval. Following
that meeting, continued working on underwriting amenities listing of benefits associated with each level of giving to
prepare for underwriting solicitation mailing. As a reminder, sent underwriter solicitation to Time Warner, received a
rejection, and now Michael Ross is assisting with an appeal to that rejection, so to speak. No word back yet from
Mr. Ross.
• Also as a result of Sept. 15 meeting, continuing to work on finalizing a pricing list of Rec Center amenities for
council approval so that we can use this list as a selling tool for major underwriters. Joni, Vicki, Penny and I met
initially to come up with the list. Working with Tim to get this list finalized for council presentation.
• Fielded lots of inquiries regarding the propositions on the upcoming ballet.
• West U Elementary has approached us again to borrow our risers for their upcoming auction in November. I have
told them yes and will take care of arranging pick up and delivery.
■ Assisted with and/or wrote press releases or articles for local publications. Thanks to Katy Holt and to Danielle
Kernell for their help with publicity.
■ A high priority is that we still need to recruit and get some capable people nominated for the Friends board. If you
know anyone interested, please refer them to the City's website, www.westu.orq, or the Friends website,
www.westuparks.org, to download a board application. They can also be picked up at City Hall, 3800 University
Blvd. I have asked Katy Holt to prepare a press release to send out about this as well.
Board Reports
Treasurer's Report -Sue Hanna
Sue Hanna report that for 2006 to date, we have $83,264.50 in matching funds available for the Lewis Match. This is in
addition to the 2005 amount of $111,812.25 which has been invoiced and not yet paid, and $73,851.60 for 2004 which has
been paid to Friends and is being held in restricted funds. Donna will verify that Lewis will again make check payable to
Friends for the 2005 check.
Sue also noted that the City has moved its bank accounts to Chase Bank now, instead of with Compass Bank. Sue
suggested that we consider moving Friends accounts as well and highlighted things to consider as we contemplate moving
our accounts, such as money market rates versus cd rates. Joni offered to contact two local banks to see what they might
be able to offer. Others are encouraged to investigate as well, but we need to make a decision rather quickly.
Treasurer's financial information attached (PDF).
PLB -2007 - Penny Grams
Penny and Vicki continue to stay busy working to make PLB2007 the best ever.
■ Auction and Street Captain meetings were held at JMH with good turn out.
• Street Captain parties beginning to book. Signs being printed to put in yards of donors to extend PR campaign and
raise awareness.
• Date was set (October 18) for auction committees to hit the streets, for auction solicitation. Auction items starting
to come in.
■ Finalizing invitation designs and still seeking bids on printing. Much of this is being donated.
• Underwriting letters being printed, signed and mailed by first of next week.
• Working hard to procure any trips, vacation homes and Big Board items
■ Penny coordinated and arranged for information session presented by Tim at WU Elementary PTO meeting to set
the record straight with facts pertaining to the Bond and negative pamphlets that have been circulating throughout
the community.
• Working on last years PLB sociable, WU Spooky Party, which will be held October 21, from 8 - midnight at
Blanco's on West Alabama. All hostesses are working on their designated areas and we are trying to fill remaining
slots. An evite will be going out within the next week. If there are people that you would like to have included on
this evite, please provide names and email addresses to Kari Greenwalt.
• Stressed need for support and help from Parks & Rec Board and Friends Advisory Board members to obtain
auction items and underwriting
■ $10k value donation from Aziza (builder) to construct something (playhouse, or replica of real home, not yet
determined) for the ball discussion followed about how to best present this item, raffle? Auction? Sell
opportunities outside of West U? Sue Hanna recommended that we keep it to sales in West U
• It was suggested that a press release go out thanking donors of invitation and talk about simple invite to help cut
costs and save money, so that net increases to be matched.
■ Discussion about South Campus campaign and how it should be addressed..... Joni sending email to West U Little
League Auxiliary addressing this issue. Katy Holt made suggestion that Friends make a donation to South Campus
for $250 to show our good faith and support of ALL green spaces utilized by West U resident. Everybody liked the
idea, and Friends will vote on this at the November 1, 2006 Friends Board meeting. Then Donna LaMond
suggested that she check Friends Mission Statement and By Laws to be sure that a contribution can be made from
the Friends, or does it need to be personal contributions collected from Friends Board? To accompany the
donation, we could include a letter that states "We as a board recognize the South Campus mission and as
individuals we support green space in West University Place, but also for green space our use outside of West U."
E-store - Diana Brown
No report. Donna stated that she and Diana are working to be sure paver orders for two new memberships are taken care
Guild Report - Leah Ragiel
No Report. Leah Ragiel not present.
Development Committee
No report.
Membership & Marketing/PR - Katy Holt
Helping PLB07 with press releases and publicity for PL807 in general. Suggestion make regarding Fun Run coming up in
Oct. benefiting Friends and Southside. See if Brent, owner of West U Fitness, can provide us with flyers that we can use to
publicize the event. Donna will investigate. Noted that the Lamar High School Big Red Run is the same day, October 21.
Resident Decorators/Special Proiect/Wish List/Giving Tree Maria Elena Herbst
No report. Maria Elena not present.
Business Partners Storks - Lynne Goddard
Keeping track of Shape Xpress commitment as well as that of Fish City Grill. Nothing new with SuperCuts yet.
Parks & Rec Report - Tim O'Connor
No report. Joni covered any new Parks & Rec Info under her report.
Old Business
The recruitment of new members was discussed again. Karen Johnson, Billy Burge (Joni, Donna, Tim), Sandy Howard
(Donna), Carol Thompson, Alan Speed (Susie Boyce), Candace Levy (Margaret Wallace), Kathy Desacara/CCSC (Katy
Holt), Andy Chan, Laura Theis (Leah Ragiel) and Patricia Ahmad (Tim, Donna, Joni) were among those mentioned. Those
indicated in ( ) need to follow up and see if there is interest.
New Business
Next meeting - November 1, 2006 at 11:30 am., WU Rec Center.
With no further business the meeting adjourned.