HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBMINUTES010406Friends of West University Place Parks fund, Inc. Board Meeting Minutes January 4, 2006 Friends of West University Place Parks Board met on Wednesday, January 4, at 12:30 a.m. at the West University Place Recreation Center, 4210 Bellaire, following the Parks Task Force Presentation. The following were in attendance: Board Members Joni Fichter Sue Hanna Sue Jensen Cece McCann Lynne Goddard Margaret Wallace Vicki Grams Maria Elena Herbst Stacey Speier Anne Steacy Chairman's Report - Joni Fichter Welcome back, Donna ...so glad Marc is doing well. Executive Director & West University Parks Staff Donna LaMond Tim O'Connor Lisa Viator from Village News will be covering the Parks news for the Village News and attended the task force presentation. She will come to our meetings sometimes and will be a good source. Glad everyone could see the Parks Master Plan Task Force presentation and we will talk about that in Tim's report. PLB is coming along great thanks to everyone's help, but don't forget to get in auction items! Some of our press releases have appeared, yea, thanks to those who helped. We've had a new bank, Royal Oaks Bank, approach us about donating to the parks and we wanted to be careful of Encore's great donations to PLB so have thought things through somewhat and have some ideas which Donna and Tim are presenting at next Council meeting. The ideas range from $15,000430,000 for the Rec Center or the Pocket Park. This will be the Sponsorship program. Cindy, Donna, and Joni have worked with input from Tim on this and as things come together, we'll keep you posted. Approval of the Minutes and Sign-in Sheet - Cindy Hassler/Anne Steacy Secretary A motion was made by Margaret Wallace and seconded by Cece McCann to approve the minutes as sent to all for our last meeting. The motion Carried. Executive Director's Report -Donna LaMond First of all, Donna thanked everyone for support and prayers during Marc's illness. Focus has been catching up on duties. Donna has been working from home for the most part since the last board meeting, however, she is mostly back in the office on a regular basis now. Donna is working on helping our ball chairs. As of January 4, 2006, underwriting is at $102,000. Coordinating reservations efforts with Margaret Wallace. Gayle Jackson is on board to help us out. Donna is updating underwriter commitment spreadsheet daily. Donna will work with Susie to strengthen auction and help her get all materials printed out for the bid sheets and item description sheets when the time comes. Donna will also work on the program, based upon what Susie has input into Auction Tracker, and get the information to Copy Dr. to print. Set up remote access to auction tracker and assigned user names and passwords is all in place. Donna has not had much success in getting the PLB banner hung. Time Warner has to hang it and they are not returning phone calls... Stacey volunteered to handle the hanging. Donna has written an article for the West U Currents which should be delivered to West U residents a week or two prior to the ball. The editor has just notified Donna that it needs it cut by 300 words and Margaret Wallace agreed to do the edit. Rick Walton contacted Donna regarding the Elena Chapel Walton Memorial fund. He wanted to know the balance in the fund. Donna emailed him back asking which park he is interested in doing something at, then Donna, Joni, and Tim will offer options to him. Treasurer's Report - Sue Hanna/Sue Jensen, Tres. Total Bank Statements, etc $ 393,942.93 Blanket & Golf Shirt Inv. 2,611.00 Total Current Assets as of Dec 31 2005 $ 396,553.93 PLB $ from Lewis match, there is a total of 184,894.00 to be matched. This figure includes the $73,852.00 matched in September leaving $111,042.00 yet to be matched from 2005. Sue Jensen is almost complete in setting our accounting up in Quickbooks. Sue will set up reserved funds for Rec Center, Pocket Park, Walton Memorial and any other direct contributions. Board Reports PLB 2006 - Sue Hanna and Diana Brown Everything is coming together, the ball is 1 month away. Auction items are critical and Sue asked for help from the board. Underwriting - Cindy Hassler (not present at meeting) Sue restated that as Donna reported, underwriting is at $102,000 of January 4, 2006. Underwriter Follow Up - Anne Steacv Have not started follow up as yet. Auction - Susie Boyce (not present at meeting) Auction meeting set up for Friday Jan 13 at 9:00 am. We still have not come up with a trip, or any type of travel/hotel stays. Cece is working on a week on her Catamaran. Remember each Board Member is responsible to supply 3 auction items. Each Board Member is to donate a minimum of $20.00 for the "Wine Cellar" or some other worthy item to be decided on. The Yellow Lab puppy will cost $300.00, deposit will be mailed. Anne is working on the pocket dog category. Maria Elena will forward a local groomer's name who might have some contacts. Donna is going to put a request for Auction items in the paper. She may also include a request for s woodworker to make a sleigh for next years Santa pictures. Auction Follow Uv - Lynne Goddard No report. Reservations - Mar aret Wallace Donna is handing over reservations materials to Margaret in next day or so and she will get busy working on this part of the ball. Decor - Maria Elena Herbst and Vicki Grams Having final meeting with decorator next week to see both the small and medium size table decorations. Raffle - Sue Jensen Still working on a raffle item. Sue Hanna has a few ideas and will help with this. Sociables - Vicki Grams Sociables are set up, however need more hosts for the First Annual West U Halloween party, Donna and Marc LaMond and Margaret Wallace offered to help host this event. The City Currents article will include a listing of all of the sociables along with dates so people can check their calendars ahead of time. Honorary Chairs - Kim & Reid Wilson (not present at the meeting.) No report. Invitations In the mail, being delivered this week. E-store - Diana Brown (not present at the meeting.) Pavers - Cheryl Butler will do until March 2006. Development Committee - Stacey Speier Donna handed all of the information over to Stacey that she retrieved from Charlie Henke, former board member. We still need volunteers for committee and to set meeting after the PLB. Membership & Marketinp-MR - Katy Holt (not present at the meeting ) Thanks Katy and Susie for helping get pictures and info for articles Resident Decorators/Special Proiect(Wish List/Giving Tree - Vicki Grams & Maria Elena Herbst Working on finalizing all decorating arrangements for the ball. Business Partners - Lynne Goddard Biz Partners/Sponsorship Program (Royal Oaks Bank)- List emailed to board for review on January 3, 2005 by Donna. Lynne, along with Anne, Joni, and Donna have developed guidelines for business partners so PLB and Biz Partners compliment each other. Anne reviewed the Biz Partners plan. It is a graduated scale based on the monies received. The PLB underwriters and the Biz Parteners are now on a similar scale for amenities. Special Business Partner arrangements, Grocery Share cards, local retailers, Gexa, Water Bill, buyforcharity.com, Mission Fish.com, JMH, Realtors (Karpas), Encore Bank switch over are being reviewed. Stork- We will do a press release early in the year to give the Stork some publicity. Lynne is also going to check with JMH to see where we can have an advertisement that stays up. At this point the bulletin board gets cleared off. Parks & Advisory Liaison - Cece McCann The advisory board is in place. They will be contacted to arrange tables at the PLB. The City Council will also be contacted re tables. Parks Guild - Leah RaigeVSusie Boyce (not present at meeting.) No report. Council Report - No report. Parks & Rec Report - Tim O'Connor Brief discussion of task force presentation. Pocket Park - Joni Fichter Joni reported that the pocket park was moving on schedule, still many more meetings before completion with Jim Patterson/White Oaks, the community, council, etc. Park Mater Plan Task Force - Cindy Hassler - (not present at meeting.) The master plan was presented prior to Friends Board meeting today. A very well developed plan, they will have a meeting tonight to review and address comments from the meeting today and then the Master Plan will go to City Council for approval. Tim stated that the Master Plan is to be funded with a bond issue. Shade Structure at Colonial An offer of a large dollar donation has been received. This is to put a man-made shade structure over the play area at Colonial Park. The restriction on the donation is that the dollars have to be matched by the city to provide shade immediately at Colonial (not trees which will need to grow). Parks and Rec department will have to make a recommendation and City Council will have to approve this. The Council has money in the 2007 budget for a shade and some other funds that might be a possibility to apply. All of this is a suggestion and has gone no further. Tim is aware and working with council on this. Old Business No old business. New Business Next meeting - February 1 at 11:30. This meeting will be just before the ball, so most likely it will be a"working"meeting. The Parks Board will start meeting again that evening. Adiournment• With no further business the meeting adjourned at 1:30PM.