HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBMINUTES120705Friends of West University Place Parks Fund, Inc.
Board Meeting Minutes
December 7, 2005
Friends of West University Place Parks Board met on Wednesday, December 7 at
11:30 a.m. at the West University Place Recreation Center, 4210 Bellaire.
The following were in attendance:
Board Members
Joni Fichter
Katy Holt
Sue Hanna
Leah Ragiel
Lynne Goddard
Diana Brown
Stacey Speier
Margaret Wallace
Susie Boyce
Anne Steacy
Executive Director & West
University Parks Staff
Tim O'Connor
Chairman's Report - Toni Fichter
Thanks to all for helping Donna... she and Marc really appreciate it. He will go home
today. Donna is now checking emails as city set her up with a laptop. Joni has a
folder to drop to her if you have things to send.
Leah and Steve will move to Ireland for 6 months... we will miss you!
Thanks to everyone who has worked so hard on PLB's this month, lots of activity
with underwriters, letters, donor spreadsheets, proofs, invitations, - we are at almost
$90K in donations and underwriting and will go to print with invite today. More on
this in PLB report.
Remember to follow up with any who may still donate and to get your tables together
if you have not... we have a place for 2 more couples at $500 each at our table.
Thanks to Maria Elena, Vicki, Lynne, and Anne for doing Santa pies and to Mr.
Grams for being Santa.
I've sent press releases on ball/Encore and will send press release on
ball/chairs/blankets tomorrow then Susie Boyce and Katy Holt will get a picture and
auction info to me to send as well.
Sue H, Diana and I met with hotel to do food selections for PLB
Approval of the Minutes and Sign-In Sheet - Cindy Hassler/Anne Steacy,
A motion was made by Margaret Wallace and seconded by Susie Boyce to approve
the minutes as sent to all for our last meeting. The motion carried.
Executive Director's Report - Donna LaMond
Donna is out with Marc so we will cover most in individual reports. Donna sent a
thank you for her birthday gift and the flowers for Marc's brother.
Treasurer's Report - Sue Hanna/Sue Iensen, Tres
Total Bank statements, etc. 378,089.93
Blanket & Golf Shirt Inv 2,611.00
Total Current Assets as of Dec 7 2005 $380,700.93
Compass Bank Investment Account of $147,225.37 represents approx $100,000.00 of
funds that will be matched with the Lewis matching funds and therefore are restricted.
The balance of approx 47,000.00 is not restricted.
Board Reports
PLB 2006 - Sue Hanna and Diana Brown
6,000 invitations are at the printers and will go out to West U and South Side
residences. David Moss will be contacted for address listings for the South Side
residences. Please be sure to get the names and addresses of any invitations you
would like send that are not residences of West University/South Side to Diana.
The invitations will be sent thru the City of West University mailing service.
Underwriting= Cindy Hassler
Sue Hanna reported that so far we had underwriting of almost $90,000.00. We need 4
or 5 more $2,500.00 level pledges plus any additional donors possible.
Auction Items - Susie Boyce
Still need Travel!
Other items are coming in. The outstanding lists were divided amongst the board to
assist in follow up calls soliciting auction items. Diana and Sue will meet with Susie
on Monday 12/12/05 to review status of needs and make a plan.
Reservations - Margaret Wallace
Nothing as yet
Decor - Maria Elena Herbst and Vicki Grams
Being worked on
Raffle - Sue Jensen - no report
Sociables - Vicki Grams
Almost complete
Honorary Chairs - Kim & Reid Wilson
Assisting as necessary
Copyright issue resolved
A mini program similar to the 2005 ball will be used; it will list Live Auction items
and the Sociables, raffle info and all underwriters/donors and Auction donors.
Parks Corner 2006
Tim said that with the final plan not complete he did not feel comfortable with a Rec.
Center Parks Corner for donations at the 2006 PLB.
We will do "Paddles" for donations, Sue H and Diana will work on that.
Host Committee - no report
E-store - Diana Brown
Nothing new, remember to put Picnic Mats on your list to give.
Admin Committee -Margaret Wallace - no Report
Development Committee - Stacey Speier
Needs information and paperwork from Charlie that Charlie has given to Donna asap.
Membership & Marketing/PR - Katy Holt
Working on auction picture and press release with Susie.
Resident Decorators/Special Proiect/Wish List/Giving Tree - Vicki Grams &
Maria Elena Herbst - Joni reported:
Xmas Santa Pictures - Very nice event, the income was about $400.00 plus match so
about $800.00.
Business Partners - Lynne Goddard
Anne S, Lynne, and Joni have finished the PLB/Biz Partners amenities list and as
soon as Donna reviews, we'll send it out to the board for review then at the next
board meeting, make any adjustments and put it in to action.
There was soiree discussion on former Business Partners and our future plan. Lynne
will discuss ideas as they come up.
Nominations & Bi-laws - Joni reported:
Joni will call the Raymonds in the spring about being on board or PLB committee as
they are very active with something else until then.
Kim Frumpkin will seek appointment to another WU Board instead and Susie will
check with Clay about his interest.
Parks Board Liaison and new Parks Board - Tim O'Connor
Margaret Wallace moved and Stacey Speier seconded the following motion:
"We appoint the Chairman of the Friends of WU Parks Board, Inc. to fulfill the
Liaison position for the Parks Board". The motion carried.
Tim mentioned that with the exception of Joni the entire board would be new.
A discussion on pledging funds for the Shade Structure for Colonial Park was tabled
until the Feb Board Meeting.
Parks & Advisory Liaison - CeCe McCann - no report
Parks Guild - Leah Rai el/Susie Boyce - no report
Council Report - no report
Parks & Rec Report - Tim O'Connor
Pocket Park - Joni Fichter - White Oak/Jim Patterson was selected and Tim reported
that the design portion will be $9,000.00. We'll hold a "town meeting" for input and
move forward. The city's initial estimate was $500,000.00 they are now looking at
between $250,000.00 and $300,000.00.
Park Master Plan Task Force - Tim reported that there would be a meeting and slide
show on Jan 4 2006 at 11:30 at the rec center to review the Task Force proposal. This
meeting will include West University Senior Board, West University Parks Board,
and Friends of West University Place Parks Board. The Monthly Friends board
meeting will follow at the completion of the presentation.
Tree Trust - Tim reported that we would be able to use trees from the tree trust as
auction items; he also said that the use of the Marquee for monthly announcements
had been approved as an auction item.
Old Business
Discussion regarding a motion for additional money for the pocket park took place
with Sue Hanna presenting details on our current financial status (see treasurers
report) and average annual expectations; currently tagged $ to pocket ($25K + direct
donations); other on hand available money; etc.; all realize that this will be a
PLEDGE and the city will front this money then after our commitment to the Rec.
Center, we will start raising money to repay the city (after PLB 2007).
Katy Holt moved and Margaret Wallace seconded the following motion:
"The Friends of West University Parks Fund, Inc. will commit up to an additional
$75,000 ($100,000 total inclusive of the $25,000 start up funds) for construction of
the Rice Pocket Park payable as reimbursement to the City of West U as soon as
funds are available after 3/31/07". The motion carried.
New Business
Next meeting - January 4 at after the slide show presentation from the Parks Task
Force starting at 11:30 at the Rec Center. Lunch will be served.
With no further business the meeting adjourned at 12:52 p.m.