HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBMINUTES020205Friends of West University Place Parks Fund, Inc.
Board Meeting Minutes
February 2, 2005
Friends of West University Place Parks Board met on Wednesday, February 2,
2005, 11:30 a.m., at the Recreation Center. The following were in attendance:
Board Members
1. Joni Fichter Executive Director& West Universitv Parks
2. Vicki Grams Staff
3. Diana Brown
4. Cindy Hassler 1. Donna LaMond
5. Leah Ragiel 2. Tim O'Connor
6. David Klutts
7. Katy Holt
8. Sue Hanna
Chairman's Report - Joni Fichter
The February meeting was called to order at 11:30 a.m. by Chair Joni Fichter. A
report was given and the following items covered:
A motion was made by David Klutts and seconded by Katy Holt to approve
the minutes as sent to all for the January 5 meeting. The motion carried.
Joni welcomed Diana Brown, a new Friends Board member to her first
Joni reported that Jim Reid, JMH, is giving us some space to store Friends
decorations, risers, etc. He has purchased the retail center on University
and Edloe and will provide space there.
Joni brought up a discussion around ticket prices and how we could
appeal to a different audience such as younger residents, etc. She
mentioned the possibility of a junior ticket price for younger residents.
There was discussion from the board as to how to handle special ticket
prices and if there should be stipulations associated with a smaller priced
ticket i.e. volunteering a certain number of hours to the ball, helping set-
up, with auction items, etc. Other ideas were raised about how we could
appeal to other groups of people in the Friends fundraising effort. Joni
asked Leah to put together a group of some younger people along with a
group from Friends to brainstorm ideas around additional fundraiser
possibilities. This Friends task force will meet on Feb. 7 at 10 a.m. at
Joni's house, 3733 Arnold.
Executive Director Report - Donna LaMond
Park Lovers Ball 05
Donna reported that the Park Lovers Ball was a match made in heaven for sure!
She congratulated David Klutts and a Chorus of Friends for pulling off a very
successful ball this year! The Ball this year was a collective effort and even
though it was done somewhat differently, it was a great gala. The numbers are
not yet final because the checks are still coming in the mail and people are still
purchasing sociables.
Donna's time currently will be devoted to the follow-up for the ball. This includes
responding to inquiries about auction purchases, being sure auction items
purchased, but not picked up the night of the ball, are delivered to the high bidder
such as the street signs (Margaret Wallace also has been helping with this
effort), invoicing underwriters for commitments not yet paid, invoicing auction
high bidders who did not check-out the night of the event, generating underwriter
final thank you letters, paying invoices generated by the ball, and generating
auction donor thank you letters.
Donna provided some reports generated from Auction Tracker that show the
numbers at this time. The report shows the total sponsorship at $156,849 gross.
The numbers are expected to creep up as some matching gifts come in (not
including the Lewis matching grant) and invoices are paid. So far, the numbers
for live and silent auction plus raffle are at $44,954. Donna will prepare some
comparative reports once the numbers are more final. The current numbers do
not include any matching numbers from the Lewis'.
After the wrap-up for the Ball is completed, Donna will work on updating the
website with post-Ball information. She asked for some volunteers to help make
sure that the underwriter commitments are completed. For example, posting
signs at various parks.
Donna also asked Katy to help with some press releases acknowledging the
underwriters, etc.
Donna would like to send out press releases to the paper that the old West U
street signs are still available.
Leah asked if she should send out an email to last year's committee saying that if
they didn't get a chance to attend the ball and would still like to donate in order to
achieve the matching funds, they can send a check or go to the parks Web site
and enter their credit card number.
Park Lovers' Ball 2006
Donna has tentatively secured Saturday, Feb. 4, 2006, at the InterContinental
Houston Hotel for the 2006 ball. This is the only date available in February prior
to Valentine's Day. There was a Friday and Saturday in late January also
available at the time that Donna last talked to the hotel. The search continues
and is in the process of narrowing down candidates for Ball chair for 2006.
Additional Objectives
Donna will be working with Lynne Goddard on BuyForCharity.com as a new
Friends Community Partner and to revitalize our existing partners and explore
new ones.
Friends annual newsletter. Donna will be working with new
Membership/Newsletter Chair, Katy Holt, to get this project underway. As soon
as wrap-up from the ball is completed, Katy and Donna will focus on this project.
A date and time needs to be scheduled to get a photo of Gayle Jackson, Ross
Frazer, and Beverly Loftis by "their trees" at Colonial Park for press release.
Donna plans to schedule meetings with the Foundation committee chair and
other members to move forward on establishing goals and the implementation of
these goals. .
Donna issued you a thank-you to Cheryl Butler for continuing to help with paver
orders. About six pavers have recently been installed. Donna has been invited to
a family paver dedication event on Feb. 20 at Wier Park. Honi Boudreaux and
some family members have purchased a paver and they are having a family
reunion celebration. She is inviting members of the media as well. This will help
generate interest in pavers for Friends.
Treasurer's Report - Sue Hanna
The report is attached. Sue requested that people who still need to purchase
items they bought at the Ball should be encouraged to go through the Web site to
pay for items by credit card.
Board Reports
E-store - Claudia Holmes
Claudia has resigned from the board
Diana Brown has offered to take on this
Admin/PR Committee - Katherine Kardesch and Margaret Wallace
No report
Development Committee - Charlie Henke-Chair, Jeannette Baughman,
Stacey Speier
Joni stated that she hoped the Development Committee will be able to focus
in 2005 on lining up some new potential corporate donors.
Membership & Marketing - Katy Holt
Will be working on Membership packets and newsletter. Plan to get
membership information out via postcards, the mail, water bill, city currents,
press, marquee, banner, etc. Timing for getting the word out will be April/May.
Wish List/Giving Tree - Vicki Grams & Maria Elena Herbst
2 No Report
Business Partners - Lynne Goddard
No Report
Contracts, Nominations, and Bylaws
Parks Board is redoing bylaws - will need to get an attorney to look at the
section on Friends.
Parks & Advisorv Liaison - Cece McCann
No Report
Council Report
Will await a report on the potential wireless capabilities for the parks in WU.
Parks & Rec Report - Tim O'Connor
Three Tasks Force Groups have been put together:
ARF Park - Met with CenterPoint last week for potential contribution to
the park. Looks like the Task Force will be meeting with some higher
level managers at CenterPoint.
- Rice Pocket Park - Received request for qualification authorization
from a number of landscape architectural firms. The Task Force will
review, set-up meetings with the top three firms and then select one so
that progress can begin.
- Park Master Plan Task Force - Teresa Fogler and Mike Woods will be
the City Council reps. and Nina Springer, Chair person and Parks
board member and Greg Gergjarvie, Parks Board member will serve
on the Master Plan Task Force as well. First meeting will be held on
Feb. 14 at 5:30 p.m. Plan will be to land on a more definitive document
so the Task Force can move forward on plans for the future.
The Conference Room at the Rec Center is ready to be used - thanks to the
Friends for its monetary support.
Plan to revert back to the old entry to the Colonial Park this coming Friday.
- Library Courtyard and Pocket Park - will be meeting with Steve Raddick's
office to investigate some funds.
Old Business
Will not need to throw a party for Michael Ross and family - the City already
did it.
New Business
Next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 2, at 11:30 a.m. at the Rec
An event, sponsored by the City, will occur on Saturday, April 16 (Arbor Day)
called Meet the City. Different city departments, Parks and Recs, Good
Neighbor Team, Friends, etc. will host a booth to answer questions. Friends
will sell shirts, etc. Friends will need to work the booth two shifts. Sue Hanna
will coordinate this event for Friends.
Katy Holt's Travel Agent, Braeswood Travel, would like to talk to Friends
about the possibility of raising money for the Parks by putting together a
cruise on a certain weekend in which West U families or those supporting
West U parks, could participate. Donna agreed to speak to the agent about
this possibility.
Thinking of honorary chair for next year, Leah suggested Ross Frazier as a
possible honorary chair for next year.
David Klutts made the motion to adjourn the Friends meeting and Vicki
Grams seconded the motion. The motion passed.