HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBMINUTES050405Friends of West University Place Parks Fund, Inc.
Board Meeting Minutes
May 4, 2005
Friends of West University Place Parks Board met on Wednesday, May 4, 2005,
11:30 a.m., at the Recreation Center. The following were in attendance:
Board Members
1. Margaret Wallace
2. Vicki Grams
3. Joni Fichter
Executive Director& West University Parks
4. Leah Ragiel
5. Lynne Goddard
6. Diana Brown
1. Donna LaMond
7. David Klutts
2. Tim O'Connor
8. Stacey Speier
9. Katy Holt
10. Cindy Hassler
11. Maria Elena Herbst
Chairman's Report - Joni Fichter
The March meeting was called to order at 11:30 a.m. by Chair Joni Fichter. A report
was given and the following items covered:
A motion was made by David Klutts and Margaret Wallace seconded to
approve the minutes as sent to all for the last meeting. The motion carried.
A welcome was given for Anne Stacey who is joining the Friends board. Ann
has indicated she is willing to work on the Ball auction and help with the
follow-up work.
A welcome back was given to Cindy Hassler.
Welcome-to-the-neighborhood gifts were taken to the new JMH and will be
taken to Amegy Bank (formerly SWBank of Texas, as donor).
Donna and Joni will have lunch to interview Susan Boyce on Monday as a
potential board member.
A thanks was given to all who worked the April Arbor Day event.
A play yard set was sold for $500 + match. Thanks to Freeman and David
Klutts for taking advantage of this opportunity for Friends.
Katherine Kardesch has resigned from the Friends board due to the
responsibilities of a young, active family.
Remember to get out and vote - David Klutts, who sits on our board and
chairs Parks Board, Don Aubin, Phyllis Cohen, Steven Segal, Mike Woods,
and Dick Yehle, will all be running for City Council; Burt Ballanfant is the only
mayoral candidate
Executive Director Report - Donna LaMond
Park Lovers Ball 05/06
Secured InterContinental Hotel for the Ball. Process in negotiating contract.
Working out some issues, but have paid a deposit. Hotel is being cooperative.
Diana meeting with Mercedes tomorrow at lunch to discuss a potential
underwriting opportunity for the Ball
Additional Items
A board book was updated for Anne Stacey.
Katy Holt and Donna are working on the membership newsletter. Katy has
done a great job of putting together the first draft, and has updated the colors.
She will have the newsletter in West U households before everyone leaves to
go on vacation at the end of school.
Stork activity has picked up. A big thanks to Lynne for handling this activity.
Financial statements have been received from the audit. The report is being
Goal is to have an invoice delivered to the Lewis' for their matching funds
through end of December 31, 2004. Anything that came in after that -
including some of the money from the Park Lovers' Ball will be invoiced at
year end, 12/31/05.
Some updates were made to the Web site to include next PLB date and
updated roster.
Assisted Lynne with some new Business Partner letters. She mailed out
approximately 20 letters.
Tiles have been corrected and are ready to install at Colonial Park.
Tim will show us at the end of the meeting today a couple of videos on family
park related events that he has been involved with in other places.
Treasurer's Report - Sue Hanna
a The report is attached.
Board Reports
E-store and Paver Program - Diana Brown
Researched items to sell online and at Colonial Park, and possibility at JMH
Items considered are:
o Fleece blanket
o Polyester fleece blanket
o Beach towels
Considering quantity of about 100 and should consider one or the other.
Everyone liked the idea of a towel since summer is coming up, and also using
the logo with the tree and the kids on it. In addition, the board felt that this
logo should be used in the future for consistency. Leah made the motion to
use the tree and kids logo in green as the official logo using Friends of West
U Parks lettering. Stacey seconded the motion. Margaret and Diana were
appointed to work on a recommendation for the towel and graphic. The
motion passed. Board wanted to go with the towels and look at blankets later
in the fall.
Admin/PR Committee - Katherine Kardesch and Margaret Wallace
No report
Development Committee - Charlie Henke-Chair, Jeannette Baughman,
Stacey Speier
Donna plans to meet with this committee soon to line out plans for the rest of
the year.
Membership & Marketing - Katv Holt
The next newsletter will be full of news. There will be a story about the Ball
and information about a family who has purchased a paver. 713 838 8272 to
call Katy to add information to any future newsletters. Deadline is today for
this issue.
Wish List/Giving Tree - Vicki Grams & Maria Elena Herbst
Vicki and Maria Elena assisted Susan White with decorating the booth at
Arbor Day and got first place for their design.
Business Partners - Lynne Goddard
Letters went out to 18 realtors to partner with Friends asking for a portion or
percentage of commissions to Friends in exchange for press releases,
mention in newsletter, and other marketing/publicity opportunities.
Storks program going well, but the program is out of stars. Lynne will get n
contact with the person who made the stars in the past to see if he will
continue to assist with making the stars.
Enterprise Leasing - Diana contacted them about working with Friends either
as a business partner or underwriter for the Ball.
Contracts, Nominations, and Bylaws
Anne Stacey has been approved and is on the board.
Susan Boyce has submitted an application and will be interviewed by Joni
and Donna next week.
Parks Advisory Liaison - Cece McCann
a No Report
Parks & Rec Report - Tim O'Connor
ARF Park - Stacey Speier - final recommendation to go to council next week.
Park Mater Plan Task Force - Working on setting up some focus groups to
determine key issues for the master plan.
Electronic marquis is up and running at the West U Little League Ball Park -
45 characters, 15 per line for each screen. Contact Susan White for more
information. Limit to three requests per month. Talk to Donna if board
members have requests for copy for the marquis.
City has hired a new lady as a recreation specialist. Recreation Manager's
position is open and a job search is underway. Narrowed down to four
Parks and Rec meeting is tonight at 6:00 p.m. By-laws of the Parks Board
were submitted to the city attorney on the April 12. They were returned on
April 29 with revisions. Current council and mayor have decided to let the new
council/mayor vote on the by-laws.
Old Business
Park Lovers' Guild information - Leah recapped the idea about the Guild.
Draw upon an expanded number of community people who do not want to be
full blown committee members. Big opportunity to tap people. Promote kick-
off in August. Meet every other month during school season. Leah will email
recommendations out to everyone. Three areas: Sign-up to help Donna once
a week. Indian-type jobs on the Ball. Supporting the stork program. Ideally,
would charge everyone to be in the Guild. If you are already a member of the
parks, you would not have to pay a separate fee to be in the Guild. Another
way to increase awareness. Diana made the motion to proceed with the
Guild. Maria Elena Herbst seconded. Motion passed.
New Business
The next Friends Board meeting will be held on June 1 at 11:30 a.m. in the
Rec Center.
Margaret Wallace made the motion to adjourn the Friends meeting and Vicki
Grams seconded the motion. The motion passed so the meeting was
adjourned at 1:00 p.m.