HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBMINUTES120104Friends of West University Place Parks Fund, Inc.
Board Meeting Minutes
December 1, 2004
Friends of West University Place Parks Board met on Wednesday, December 1,
2004, 11:30 a.m., at the Recreation Center. The following were in attendance:
Board Members
Joni Fichter
Cece McCann
Lynne Goddard
Leah Ragiel
Cindy Hassler
David Klutts
Vicki Grams
Margaret Wallace
Stacey Speier
Executive Director & West Universit Parks Staff
1. Donna LaMond
2. Tim O'Connor
Chairman's Report - Joni Fichter
The December meeting was called to order at 11:30 a.m. by Chair Joni Fichter. A
report was given and the following items covered:
A motion was made by Margaret Wallace and seconded by Vicki Grams to
approve the minutes as sent to all for the November 3 meeting. The
motion carried.
A thanks was given to everyone for their hard work on PLB. Donna
LaMond will cover the PLB details in her report. There's more work to be
done on the PLB. The invitation is ready.
Tim O'Connor and Joni had a meeting with John Lucas and are hopeful
that he will arrange autographed sport-related items for the auction plus
some funding.
Jim Reid at JMH is donating one half of whatever is collected from the
sale of coffee in the community tip jar to Friends through the end of the
year. Thanks to David Klutts for making the sign for JMH. There is a plan
to get something in the paper about the JMH support. JMH also will sell
tickets to the Museum of Fine Arts Christmas show and give 100% of
proceeds to Friends.
Executive Director Report - Donna LaMond
Regarding the out-of-service WUP street signs, Friends received a check
in the amount of $305 (61 signs) from West University Elementary. Out of
this amount, Friends will have to reimburse the City $2 per sign.
Some membership dues continue to come in, and donation responses to
the Lewis Challenge letter that went out in the last City Currents are still
trickling in as well. There is still a backlog of acknowledgement letters that
need to be generated and mailed out.
Working with Cheryl Butler and Claudia to process some paver orders.
Working with a past paver purchaser (Edie Vaughan) to get an issue
resolved and a new paver ordered.
Park Lovers' Ball
Underwriting commitments are coming in. To date, we have $74,000 plus
probably another $10,000 in in-kind donations. Cindy Hassler has been
very helpful in organizing the underwriter follow up contacts. Thanks to
those of you who have been making phone calls, etc., it has paid off! We
will continue to send out more underwriter letters as prospects are
introduced. We also need to make follow-up calls to the West U vendor list
provided by Tim. It was suggested that David Klutts handle this.
Auction items are coming in to Donna's office and to Stacey Speier's
office. Margaret Wallace is keeping up with the input of the auction items
into Auction Tracker and Lynne Goddard is keeping a tab on making sure
that everything is running smoothly. We have a received number of hotel
rooms for Europe. Ginger Brown is working on securing a dog for the ball
for the live auction. Deadline for auction items for the program is
December 15.
Objective is to mail-out thank you letters to underwriters to-date by year
end. Donna will handle this.
Vicki Grams and Maria Elena Herbst are working with the hotel to be sure
decoration planning is done. This includes the decoration of the silent and
live auction areas and the ball room. They also are working on auction
sociables along with a committee they have put together. A number of
sociables are in the works, but they are still looking for participants.
Donna plans to get with Linda Lewis to let her draw a name at the
Christmas Tree lighting on December 6, 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. The lucky
winner of the drawing will get a room at the InterContinental Houston Hotel
the evening of the ball.
Cece has been working with Renelle Cadena at Trademarks on the
invitations for the ball. The plan is for the invitations to go out in the mail
mid-week next week or sooner. The appearance is like an architectural
plan, over-sized, and is designed to catch the eye of both a business or
individual person.
Underwriter packages need to go out by mid-December.
Working to get the stuffer about the ball included in the water bill mailing
which is usually inserted each year around this time. It is going to be hard
for someone not to know about PLB.
Will get PLB banner placed over University Blvd., hoping to hang it twice
and to be sure it is up during marathon. Three more smaller banners will
be hung in high visibility areas at WU Parks.
Will get information in the West University Elementary School Pony
Express Newsletter and will send a flyer home in the students' Monday
folders promoting the ball.
Working on updating Website for PLB05, a high priority. Donna needs to
get software for her computer so that she can work on it from the office.
Currently, she can only work on it at home. FrontPage is the software
needed along with Storefront which is the purchasing arm of the website
where people can pay via credit card online. Cece made the motion to
spend $200 to buy the needed software program for the Web site,
Margaret seconded. The motion passed.
Additional Items
Working with Lynne Goddard on BuyForCharity.com as a new Friends
Community Partner and to revitalize our existing partners and explore new
Friends annual newsletter. Working with new Membership/Newsletter
Chair, Katy Holt, to get this project underway. This was slated to go out in
October, however due to the circumstances with the Ball, we will get it out
after the Ball. Donna has asked Shannon Gardner, former Board member
who did the newsletter, to help us on this first one completed.
Working to schedule a date and time to get a photo of Gayle Jackson,
Ross Frazer, and Beverly Loftis by "their trees" at Colonial Park for press
Assisting with Foundation goals. Will be scheduling a meeting with
committee chair and other members to move forward on establishing
goals and the implementation of these goals.
Treasurer's Report - Sue Hanna
The report is attached.
Board Reports
E-store - Claudia Holmes
No report
Admin/PR Committee - Katherine Kardesch and Margaret Wallace
No report
Development Committee - Charlie Henke-Chair, Jeannette Baughman,
Stacey Speier
No report
_Membership & Marketing - Katv Holt
Newsletter - Shannon Gardner will help her get started. Probably won't
happen until after the ball.
Special Events & Proiects
Thermometer showing dollars donated and matched has been received and
is on display at the Rec Center and City Hall. A big thanks to David Klutts and
Freeman Company for the thermometer signs.
Wish List/Givinq Tree - Vicki Grams & Maria Elena Herbst
Recycled benches will be donated through David Birney, Solvay America, Inc.
and Steve Ragiel at Waste Management.
Business Partners - Lynne Goddard
0 No report
Contracts. Nominations, and Bylaws
a No Report
Parks & Advisory Liaison - Cece McCann
Cece made sure that the Advisory Board was copied on the PLB information
and underwriter information. Donna also has been keeping them updated on
PLB activities and asking for their input.
Joni thought it would be a good idea to send them an email every week or so,
so they are updated on the fundraising activity.
Parks & Rec Report - Tim O'Connor
Christmas lighting will be on Monday, December 6.
Several people have been nominated for the Master Plan Task Force and will
be presented to City Council for nomination.
Rice Pocket Park - Task force meeting weekly, gng into third meing
it's going very well. Will go to statement of qualifi ation from land cape and
ARK Park - Stacey Speier will have a final recommendation to City Council
by end of month.
New Business
Friends is out of ornaments - the Friends brochure says you get one at
certain contributing levels. Joni will order 100, perhaps a little different and not
as heavy as the past ornaments.
Next Friends Board meeting will be on January 5 at 11:30 a.m. at the Rec
Friends would like to plan a welcome event for City Manager, Michael Ross,
and family (new child). Joni will ask Michael when they would be available to
participate. Everyone could contribute punch and cookies.
After PLB05, left-over Out-of-Service WUP signs will be offered to West U
Little League to sell at its auction in April. They will reimburse Friends $5 ($3
to Friends and $2 to the city for salvage value).
David Klutts made the motion to adjourn the Friends meeting and Stacey
Speier seconded the motion. The motion passed.