HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBMINUTES040704Friends of West University Place Parks Board Meeting Minutes April 7, 2004 Friends of West University Place Parks Board met on Wednesday, April 7, 2004, at 11:30 a.m. at the Rec Center. The following board members were in attendance: 1. Joni Fichter 2. Donna LaMond 3. Sue Hanna 4. Katherine Kardesch 5. Cece McCann 6. Whitney Walsh 7. Shannon Gardner 8. Ross Frazer 9. Michael Ross 10. Charlie Henke 11. Lynne Goddard 12. Cindy Hassler 13. Tim O'Connor Chairman's Report - Joni Fichter The meeting was called to order by Chair Joni Fichter. A report was given and the following items covered: A welcome and introduction was given to new Parks and Rec Director, Tim O'Connor, who grew up in West U. and is known to be great with program development. Motion made to approve last month's minutes was made by Shannon Gardner and seconded by Sue Hanson. The motion carried. A retirement party is in the works for Mark Mailes, former Parks and Rec Director. A tree at Colonial will be named in honor of Mark's contribution and service to the city and its parks. Several board members have lost family members recently. A tree will be donated in memory of all these family members with recognition at Colonial. Joni, Michael Ross, and other city staff met with the Rotary Club at Colonial Park. They would still like to do something as their anniversary gift to the community with West U Parks. Their interest lies within doing a project similar to a Habitat project where they could build a structure. The group also visited the Rec Center, but the Rec Center may not be far enough along in the plans so the Parks Board has been asked to work on a master plan for the Rec Center, keeping in mind that there is a possibility of this gift ASAP. David Klutts will invite the Rotary Club representatives to the next Parks Board meeting to see if the Rec Center might be the right spot to plan a project or if the Pocket Park or Colonial pool are better possibilities. A thank-you letter to the Lewis' for their matching funds program has been completed and the plan is to get it off this week. Executive Director Report - Donna LaMond Attended City Council meeting on Mar. 22 to present the Friends gift of money for the Rec Center. Issue tabled due to some Council member concerns. Met with Walter Thomas and Michael Ross to address Council concerns. Item back on agenda for April 12, 2004 - meeting of City Council. Council's fear is that if we spend $52,440 and the Lewis' don't match it - the City will be out the funds. Question was asked by chair Fichter, "Do we feel comfortable promising the money even if the Lewis' don't give the money" (although the board doesn't think this is a possibility). Lewis' will pay at the end of each year - we can bill quarterly, but the foundation wants to write the check at the end of each year. It was requested that we do get something in writing that spells out the agreement with the Lewis' step by step. Chair Fichter did have the details of the agreement in writing and read the specifications of the Lewis' matching fund agreement. Motion was made by Cece McCann to cover the $52,440 out of the Board's general fund by year end, even if the Lewis match was not received for some reason. Shannon Gardner seconded the motion. The motion carried. As a point of reference - people can only get matching funding if they designate the funds for the Rec Center. It also was noted that the Lewis Foundation has to be audited because of the designation that allows them to get tax benefits. It was reported that the Parks & Rec Board voted at a meeting last night to install pavers at the Rec Center, but a timeline has not been determined. Could be a year before any are installed. Parks & Rec Board to determine a plan. Issue raised about donated funds that are not designated for a certain park and if the board could move these funds into the Rec Center matching fund. It was suggested that we specifically ask the person donating the general funds if they would like to designate the Rec Center and double their money. Chair Fichter requested 100% participation in either the matching fund Rec Center program, Park Lovers Ball, Membership or some parks program from both the Friends and the Park boards, even if it's a $25 donation in order to be able to approach outside donors with total support. Continuing to capture information from the PLB 04 for the eTapestry and Auction Tracker. This will help to organize all the records from the PLB 04 and historical information as well. Auction Tracker database has been downloaded onto Donna's computer. Donna will continue to wrap-up all the details from PBL 04. Donna continues to work with Cheryl Hoyal, Parks Board, on donor recognition at Colonial Park. New tile design samples were inspected by Donna, Cheryl Hoyal, Cheryl Butler, and Joni Fichter, and a plan discussed around placement. The tiles will be placed around the entryway to playground. Donna plans to send out a press release to papers in hopes of generating more interest about the tiles. The minimum donation to buy an item and have a tile hung in recognition is $500 (least expensive item that is still available is a large tree). Cece McCann spoke on behalf of Leah on the PLB wrap-up requesting that all office work and business, and outstanding receipts be wrapped up by end of April. Letters and acknowledgement to those who donated money/bought auction items, and who still owe money needs to be done by end of April. Several Members of the board volunteered to assist Donna in this effort. Sue Hanna will help with follow up of monies owed and Katherine Kardesch will help with getting all thank you letters done so that Leah can write personal notes and sign. Charlie Henke volunteered his admin staff to help with this as needed. Next year it will become the responsibility of the Executive Director to make sure that all letters and acknowledgements are sent out as soon as possible after the Ball. Chair Fichter raised the need for someone else to help David Klutts with the PLB 2005 - perhaps even two people. Suggested that Board members with ideas get with her and Jon Shoebotham. A motion was made by Charlie Henke and seconded by Sue Hanna that the Board designate 75% of funds generated for the next year (2005) to the Rec Center. Motion carried. Joni will take this to the Parks Board and hopefully with their agreement, a joint recommendation will be made by the boards to council. Treasurer's Report - Sue Hanna Report attached. A few checks from the PLB are still coming in. Friends had a net income of $71, 801.39 It was reported that the Executive Director's salary was not paid out of the Friends funds for 2003. City will bill Friends for their portion and we will pay when they do. Board Reports E-store - Cheryl Butler No report Admin/PR Committee - Katherine Kardesch and Rosemary Leach No report Development Committee Chair - Charlie Henke CenterPoint is interested in helping WU Parks with something. Kenny Mercado is the contact at CenterPoint. If a park is open to everyone at equal cost regardless of resident/non residential status, then Steve Raddick, Country Commissioner, can do something. Checking on whether all West U Parks need to be open to everyone or if just the facility/park receiving money has to be open to all. May be able to approach Raddick for funds for other parks in the future if the specific park is open to all on equal terms. McNair fund - like to do educational projects, but if there's something the Board can do with the parks to tie-in to education, then there may be a possibility of getting some additional funds here. There are other foundations that this committee will work on and they will hold a meeting soon. Membership & Marketing= Shannon Gardner Starting the membership campaign. Will send out cards to all board members asking that we write a note to 20 of our friends in West U. Membership as low as $35. Visit the Web site. Can be mailed or hand delivered. June 1 - May 31 - official membership year. Out of 5600 households, there is a low rate as to how many are members. Information on becoming a member of the West U Friends of the Parks will be distributed through water bill. Limited amount of money spent on membership. Need to keep cost low. Utilize PR in newspapers to help get word out. Membership drive helps bring money into the parks and helps with matching grants and other foundation requests. It was suggested that the Board talk at a later meeting about a life-time membership of Friends. Try to drum up money faster due to the matching fund situation. It was also suggested that a box designating funds to the Rec Center (thus qualifying for the Lewis match) be added to the form, website, etc. Shannon Gardner made a motion that the newsletter be published annually instead of quarterly, and the motion was seconded by Katherine Kardesch. The motion was approved. Special Events & Projects - Whitney Walsh Man who made the wooden stars and storks has passed away. Whitney has found a company on West Park who will donate the stars and storks. Also has found a volunteer who will paint the stars for free and probably the storks as well. Michael Ross indicated that he would have the City install storks as needed. A stork will be placed in Colonial Park as an advertisement and say "Rent me." It needs to be clear that the stork program benefits the parks so that others do not wish to advertise in our parks. Arbor Day - several board members signed up to man a booth, cover the games, and offer prizes. Possibly sell shirts, etc. Festival of homes - donations will come directly to Friends. Need volunteers at the homes from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Will contact board members about volunteering. We will see if we can donate the funds to the Rec Center so we can match the funds. PLB - Joni Fichter W Toured some new hotels for the PLB 2005. Looked at Hotel InterContinental for Jan. 21, a Friday night. The date would fall before rodeo, Super Bowl, baseball/softball seasons, Junior League Ball, other spring galas which is a big plus. Set-up may be more difficult for those who work outside of the home. The hotel will take care of everything - decorations, corkage, food, donate a few items for the auction. Set-up for the decorations may take less time if the hotel does it. Would have to set- up the auction items, but that would be it. Logistics of the hotel are nice. ga Also looking at the Hyatt downtown and the new downtown Hilton Wish LisVGiving Tree - Vicki Grams and Maria Elena Herbst To donate to the tree for Mark Mailes retirement, get a check to Sue. Business Partners - Lynne Goddard Looking at a Web site that offers 350 stores to shop online. Every purchase made through this Web site donates a percentage of purchase towards your charity. Councilman Segal wants to get the word out about businesses like Kroger who are offering cards that when used, a percentage of your purchase is donated to Friends. There are several other businesses that have donated a portion of proceeds to Friends so Lynne will write up and either give to Joni to read at council or come to council herself. Block Captain Liaison - Lynne Goddard No report Contracts, Nominations and Bylaws Committee - Jonathan Shoebotham Get any names to Jonathan for Ball co-chair, computer input and follow-up chair, auction underwriting chair, etc. Parks & Advisory Liaison Chair - Cece McCann One more advisory board chairman to add - Chris Abbott Council Report 0 No report Parks & Rec Report - Tim O'Connor Starting in a week - no report Other Business Parks Board Liaison - David Klutts, Chair of Parks and Recreation Board was not in attendance due to a business conflict but Parks Board information was covered in other reports. Bark Park - Need to find someone who is interested in this effort to help with an event should the Parks Board move forward with a plan. CeCe will try to locate the woman who was interested at one point. Pocket Park - The Parks Board narrowed the plans drawn by the A&M students to three which Holly, a Parks Board member, will work on to combine, get a cost estimate together, etc. then we can review and hopefully move forward. Recreational Center survey to go out in the water bill Old Business a None New Business Will continue to hold lunchtime meetings. May 5 for next lunchtime meeting at the Rec Center. Adiournment Ross Frazer made the motion to adjourn. Cece McCann seconded. Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 12:45 pm.