HomeMy WebLinkAbout10112007 ZPC Minutes rL.1) City of West University Place A Neighborhood City ® Recycled Paper ZONING & PLANNING COMMISSION BILL WATSON CONFERENCE ROOM 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD MEETING MINUTES October 11, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Brown, Allan Elkowitz, Patric Stafshede, Selby Clark and Mac McManus (arrived at 6:20 P.M.) MEMBERS ABSENT: Janet Duncan and Dick Yehle COUNCIL: Bob Fry STAFF PRESENT: Debbie Scarcella, City Planner, Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant, and James Dougherty, City Legal Counsel Callao Order - With quorum present at 6:12 p.m., Steve Brown called the meeting to order.. Bob Fry Council member spoke and thanked the board members for volunteering and welcomed them. 1. Minutes. September 13, 2007: Mac McManus made a motion to approve as written. Selby Clark seconded. Ayes: Steve Brown, Allan Elkowitz, Patric Stafshede, Selby Clark and Mac McManus. Noes: none. Motion passed. Minutes approved. 2. Administrative Topics/Election of Officer. ZPC members present Allan Elkowitz, Patric Stafshede, Mac McManus, Selby Clark and Steve Brown gave a brief introduction of themselves. City staff also introduced themselves. Steve Brown gave a brief description of ZPC duties. The Zoning and Planning Commission (ZPC) is charged with the authority and responsibility for approval of conceptual and comprehensive plans, plats and replats within the city limits. The ZPC is also responsible for assessing the need for amendments to the zoning regulations. These amendments can come about at the direction of City Council, recommendation of staff or suggestion by the general public. Steve Brown went over the Rules of Procedure and the meeting time of 6:00 p.m was discussed. After discussion, Mac McManus made a motion to change the meeting time to 6:15 p.m. Selby Clark seconded. Ayes: Steve Brown, Allan Elkowitz, Patric Stafshede, Selby Clark and Mac McManus. Noes: none. Motion passed. There was a request per the Rules of Procedure to nominate a ZPC member for the position of Secretary. This position only signs plats or replats if approved. Patric Stafshede made a motion to nominate and be forwarded to City Council for final approval Selby Clark as secretary. Allan Elkowitz seconded. Ayes: Steve Brown, Allan Elkowitz, Patric Stafshede, Selby Clark and Mac McManus. Noes: none. Motion passed. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 0 713066804441 0 www.westu.org Zoning & Planning Commission Minutes October 11, 2007 Meeting Page 2 of 2 3. Prior Re-Plat Approval. Debbie Scarcella gave the staff report as follows: This plat was originally approved by ZPC in 2002. The applicant, Horizon Group, submitted a permit application to install electronic gates at the driveway entrances. Staff denied the permit application since the site plan did not have gates at the driveway and because of concerns about traffic flow. Staff informed the applicant that they must get approval from the ZPC if they wanted to pursue the issue. The applicant submitted a replat request to the ZPC. Staff recommended disapproving the plat due to traffic congestion problems and conflict with maneuvering area. At that time the applicant formally requested to withdraw the plat and to resubmit on or before the October 2005 meeting. The applicant submitted an amended plat and a recommendation from a traffic engineer for the September meeting. There was concern from staff about emergency vehicle access to the site and maintenance of the gate. The ZPC requested that the applicant return to the next meeting with additional information and corrections to the plat. The applicant resubmitted the corrected plats and requested information and the final replat was approved on November 10, 2005 with the conditions that the approved emergency access protocols by the Chief of Police were incorporated, corrected signature lines with appropriate ZPC members and correction of dates were made, and the plat was dated November 8, 2005. The applicant has not followed through with the conditions of approval. Almost two years have elapsed since the initial approval on November 10, 2005. Staff contacted the applicant to find out if there were any plans to proceed with the documentation required in the original approval, and was informed that the plans for installing the access gate were no longer in progress. Staff recommends that ZPC consider rescission of the replat due to the time that has elapsed and lack of progress in completion of the approval conditions. After discussion, Mac McManus made motion to notify the applicant of record and current owners of intention to rescind the replat unless they show cause at the ZPC meeting scheduled November 8, 2007. Patric Stafshede seconded. Ayes: Steve Brown, Allan Elkowitz, Patric Stafshede, Selby Clark and Mac McManus. Noes: none. Motion passed. Miscellaneous Amendments/Updates. Steve Brown gave a brief background overview on the amendments that the previous ZPC were working on and how the Joint Public Hearing process works. Steve Brown went over the Garages and maneuvering area amendment and preliminary report that were passed on September 13, 2007. Then James Dougherty gave a background and overview of the Old Stock Housing amendment. After discussion, it was requested that this amendment and preliminary report be modified and repassed at the November 8, 2007 meeting. It was requested due to time, that the remaining five amendments along with the driveway amendment and structures amendment (with Steve Brown's suggested wording) be discussed at next month's meeting. Adjournment. Mac McManus made a motion to adjourn. Selby Clark seconded. Ayes: Steve Brown, Allan Elkowitz, Patric Stafshede, Selby Clark and Mac McManus. Noes: none. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Zoning & Planning Commission Minutes October 11, 2007 Meeting Page 3 of 3 Attachments: Copy of Welcome letter to ZPC members Staff Report dated October 1, 2007, Re: Recission of Replat of Rice Village Place Email from David Pratt, Horizon Group in reference to Amending Plat Rice Village Place, dated August 2, 2007. Memo from ZPC member Dick Yehle dated, October 9, 2007, re: pending amendments. Preliminary report and amendment relating to garages and maneuvering areas, etc., dated 9-13-2007 Preliminary reports and amendments relating to Old Stock housing (base and alternate versions), dated 9-13-2007 Scope of Proposal- Structures by Steve Brown, dated 10-11-2007 PASSED THIS DAY, OF , 2007. Steve Brown, Presiding Officer A14 "Sa llye A. Clar Planning Assistant Machmea fv i 0 i 0. ZPC frio 5 On behalf of the Planning and Development Services Divisions, welcome to the City of West University Place Zoning and Planning Commission! Thank you for volunteering to serve the city and it's residents during the next two years. The Zoning and Planning Commission (ZPC) is charged with the authority and responsibility for approval of conceptual and comprehensive plans, plats and replats within the city limits. The ZPC is also responsible for assessing the need for amendments to the zoning regulations. These amendments can come about at the direction of City Council, recommendation of staff or suggestion by the general public. The ZPC meets the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Bill Watson Conference Room located in the municipal building on University Boulevard. Contained in this packet is a copy of the upcoming meeting agenda for the October 11, 2007 meeting. Also attached are the ZPC rules of procedure, meeting dates through December 31, 2007, member roster, and recent proposed amendments to the zoning regulations. We are providing this packet to you about a week earlier than usual so that the newly appointed members will have adequate time to review the information before the meeting. Please contact Debbie Scarcella, City Planner or Sallye Clark, Planning Assistant if you have any questions about the information contained in the packets. Planning Division staff members are the liaisons to the ZPC and the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Staff will be happy to answer your questions and discuss any of the proposals on the agenda. Once again, welcome to the Zoning and Planning Commission during the 2007-2009 term. Please do not hesitate to contact any of the Planning or Development Services Division staff members. See you at the meeting! Debbie Scarcella City Planner Sallye Clark Planning Assistant Sean Landis Building Official Attachment to 10-11-2007 ZPC minutes City of West University PlaceoTexas Memo To: Zoning & Planning Commission From: Debbie Scarcella, City Planner Date: October 01, 2007 Re: Staff Report for Rescission of Replat of Rice Village Place Request for Rescission of Replat: This request is for rescission of the replat of Rice Village Place, a subdivision in Harris County, Texas according to the map or plat thereof recorded under Film Code No. 531096 of the map Records of Harris County, Texas, more commonly known as 6016, 6018, 6020, 6022, and 6024 Kirby Boulevard, West University, Texas. The replat rescission is requested by staff due to the conditions of the replat approval not being met in a timely manner. Staff Recommendation This plat was originally approved by ZPC in 2002. The applicant, Horizon Group, submitted a permit application to install electronic gates at the driveway entrances. Staff denied the permit application since the site plan did not have gates at the driveway and because of concerns about traffic flow. Staff informed the applicant that they must get approval from the ZPC if they wanted to pursue the issue. The applicant submitted a replat request to the ZPC. Staff recommended disapproving the plat due to traffic congestion problems and conflict with maneuvering area. At that time the applicant formally requested to withdraw the plat and to resubmit on or before the October 2005 meeting. The applicant submitted an amended plat and a recommendation from a traffic engineer for the September meeting. There was concern from staff about emergency vehicle access to the site and maintenance of the gate. The ZPC requested that the applicant return to the next meeting with additional information and corrections to the plat. The applicant resubmitted the corrected plats and requested information and the final replat was approved on November 10, 2005 with the conditions that the approved emergency access protocols by the Chief of Police were incorporated, corrected signature lines with appropriate ZPC members and correction of dates were made, and the plat was dated November 8, 2005. The applicant has not followed through with the conditions of approval. Almost two years have lapsed since the initial approval on November 10, 2005. Staff contacted the applicant to find out if there were any plans to proceed with the documentation required in the original approval, and was informed that the plans for installing the access gate were no longer in progress. A copy of the e-mail from the applicant is attached. ttt hment to1041 M7 ZPC minutes to recommends that consider rescission of the replat due to the time that has elapsed and lack of progress in completion of the approval conditions. 0 Page 2 Attachment to 10-11-2007 ZPC minutes From: DAVID PRATT Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 4:47 PM To: 'sclark@westu.org' Subject: Amending Plat Rice Village Place Dear Miss Clark, At this time Horizon Group has withdrawn from the above referenced project. Respectfully, DAVID PRATT HORIZON GROUP INT'L 4204 BELLAIRE HOUSTON, TX. 77025-1055 OFF (713) 660 8282 FAX (713) 660 0102 CEL (713) 642 7305 DPRaTT@' GIUSA.COM Attachment to 10-11-2007 ZPC minutes October 9, 2007 Debbie, As you know I will regrettably be unable to attend the ZPC meeting in either October or November due to an important commitment to my parents. I nevertheless wanted to offer some brief thoughts about a few of the issues facing the Commission on October 10. Item Comment Garages I generally support steps to resolve parking issues in the City. It would be nice if people would use garages for their intended purpose. Old Stock I believe I understand the purpose of the change to be spreading a Housing wider net in defining Old Stock Housing. I find that acceptable. I would advocate clarifying the vintage of such houses as those built prior to a certain date about 40 years ago, perhaps 1980. By setting such a date, the concept of housing that is Old Stock will remain fixed and newer houses will not creep into the category. A date such as 1980 predates most of the redevelopment and hence captures houses that are truly "old stock". Structures I appreciate the inspiration for the ordinance but question if 250 pounds is large enough. I have a concrete fountain (in my backyard) that weighs more than 250 pounds but less than 500 pounds. It is not very large but would not comply. Consideration should be given to modest) increasing the weight parameter. Buildings in The issue of opaque versus translucent windows should be Rear Yards reconsidered. The matter arose at a public hearing regarding prospective redevelopment by West U Methodist Church. A neighbor observed that a proposed translucent window on the second story of a future building would be problematic in terms of light trespass onto adjoining lots. I confirm that is an issue by virtue of a neighbor with translucent skylights on a first floor room. When the interior lights are on in the house, light from the skylights transmits to neighboring properties with a slightly bothersome intensity. It would be even greater with a side-mounted translucent window. Mechanical I support this ordinance. Equipment in Rear Yards Garages in Side The point about translucent windows from above is reiterated. Yards Regards, Dick Yehle Re: ZPC - Oct 07 Attachment to 10-11-2007 ZPC minutes Exhibit A Zoning & Planning Commission City of West University Place, Texas 3800 University Boulevard West University Place, Texas 77005 September 13, 2007 Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council City of West University Place 3808 University Boulevard Houston, Texas 77005 Subject: Preliminary report on a proposal to amend the zoning ordinance of the City of West University Place, Texas ("City") relating to GARAGES, MANEUVERING AREA, ETC. To the Honorable Mayor & Members of City Council: The Zoning & Planning Commission of the City submits this, its preliminary report, on the subject proposal, for the assistance of the Council as well as other interested persons. Scope of Proposal. The proposal would: (i) require at least two garage parking spaces per house (or one per house, for old stock housing) in single-family districts (SF Districts); (ii) require such garage parking spaces to be enclosed or semi- enclosed and adjoining a driveway; (iii) change the formula for the maximum number of garage parking spaces; (iv) specify minimum garage parking space dimensions in SF Districts; (v) specify minimum garage maneuvering areas in SF Districts; and (vi) specify when structures above driveways must be cantilevered or suspended. The proposal includes some clarifying changes and reorganization. The principal purpose is to require more garage spaces and make them readily usable. Preliminary Recommendation. Based on the limited review given this matter so far, and subject to further review following public hearing, the Commission: (i) finds that the proposal, if adopted, would be in the public interest, (ii) Attachment to 10-11-2007 ZPC minutes makes a preliminary recommendation favorable to the proposal, (ii) recommends that the City Council call a joint public hearing to consider this matter. The Commission invites all interested persons to participate in the joint public hearing. The Vote. The vote on approval of this report was as follows: Commissioners( ~1xL. ~ f)f'Y~(~~j voted "aye;" no "noes; JG j jk/jp I ,4.0gb1 sent . Respectfully submitted: ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS By: For the Commission Attachment to 10-11-2007 ZPC minutes Amendment relating to garages, maneuvering area, etc. 9-13-07 Amend Table 7-4a as follows: General Rule Every building site, garage space and related structure must Table 7-4a: conform to the applicable regulations shown, by District, in this table. ("N/A" means the rule does not apply.) Exceptions/Special Rules: (1) See special rules Garage space noted in table. (3) See Article 9 regarding Planned Development Districts. (3) See Note 1 regarding special exceptions. SF-1 SF-2 SF-3 TH GR- GR• C Item Regulation 1 2 Garage Garage Minim um:. 1.-,42, } per DU l LO pe i- Q U for W(3. Mock Mini.m.m.n 2.0 per DU_ space, in parking 11011sing)each rntr:St be enclosed or• :;zemi- each Mmust be in tin general spaces. See t ac.,los d a._gd Ldi in a dr_tt o t . enclosed-g-z - Article 10. Maximum:: 1.0 per ''27,540 _2.22 i -t1. ft of building site area, not to exceed 4.0. Minimum = l fe ;t e-side, 20 {(xet eel) for rr4:lr retiuir 12 ft. wide, garage ,c ze e i?r: t leant t <.~i; ~i 25 ft. deep ijor (,,,je . ~r?°lt'ir £ tE:t:r17_r`t:f~. ~Zf:t.rago' dimen- sions Garage Maneuver i e N,rtic Ie' 10. doors or ing area openings Door or Prohibited unless: (i) the garage door is set back ten (May affect eligibility opening feet or more from the front yard, and (ii) there is as QMDS. See facing only open area above the driveway for at least definitions in Article 2.) front seven feet inward from the front yard, and (iii) any street line. structure above the driveway !,;;3ridwith,ir~1..0_ feet t : th,e rt ona_~ ar r1,7._must be cantilevered or suspended from the building (no special posts or vertical supports being allowed). Door or Prohibited unless: (i) the garage door is set back ten (May affect eligibility opening feet or more from the side street line, and (ii) there as QMDS. See facing side is only open area above the driveway for at least definitions in Article 2.) street line seven feet inward from the side street line, and (iii) any structure above the driveway rici :r1iir2 10 c 't .,i-±...M id._.:._o.-e t:i_iYi.c;}_.,must be cantilevered or suspended from the building (no special posts or vertical supports being allowed). Garage Limit on Max. 600 sq. ft. GFA in any accessory building N/A accessory non-garage containing garage space. buildings space Attachment to 10-11-2007 ZPC minutes Note 1. Special Exceptions. The ZBA may issue a special exception for a parking area, garage or driveway in another location or with a different design than prescribed by this table, if it finds that: (i) the other location or design will not unreasonably interfere with available light and air and will not significantly alter access for fire- fighting and similar needs; (ii) the other location or design will prevent the destruction of a qualified tree; (iii) in the case of the remodeling of a principal building, the location requested is the same location as an existing parking area, garage or driveway; or (iv) the location or design requested is necessary for safety considerations. ~~=3sa:}ri. ~~~~=~:~.€a-~:-n~lr(~--'s~a~ 31~-;a~3w a-tar,-~--;~..w.~•-~.; .;)..~•-;-»~1---i~x-i~r~=-~}ate-~-~---1--~~-r•41 Amend the second page of Table 7-4a in the same manner as shown above, so that. (i) changes applicable to SF Districts apply to "PDD-SF" Districts and (ii) changes applicable to the TH District apply to "PDD-TH" Districts (but not PDD-C). Amend subsection (c) of Section 10-102 as follows: (c) 4444-, ,,,,i ~ManeuveringAreas. In addition to the minimum dimensions for parking spaces, there must be sufficient driveways and other maneuvering areas, to allow ordinary, practical use of each n"qL'i"i'1~( 'i parking space- 1 , 'Ia netiy,ertt iireas IT ust ~-IISQ CQ1Y1 k,' NN-101 the follo~N ire 1~1 s s' r}tt t -#3 t~f24?fkFe'tlt ° c2#d'N To t iIit )t£ access to each ld)F'~ (tIjre(i <'dr,ItrE )c7tltli'1"' ITIUS1 1)C `r [71<tiIOI £rli'lr- area 1J I111r1('t.l<itf'11 OUF :1_cl tile lr 1-{E' ~)1?f'fl.lr2i For `1~~ '74C': the 1111 n.1..1niiin jin, nsion, ~:ire 0 tt long and 10lt. ide, for e. iclr )<rc:c c.trlless the t£1n1rr2r f1 2T1Ct =alfrcl~rl rlete{ 111rr1(21i it; a <iilfcrl nt configrar 3tion Neill allow lI4{...E..lIi C t(?_-'rl€-....<3Tlt....l£'rilf' the, )dCt' c' r., 3 t ~ i~r1C~ <1K)j?Y(Svf. the E',i}t 6 ur ition cis 1}art of all offi6 i1 ~+ite plan). `3n t10 tht area 111av be located IOU' 1 1 lt- 7 `1-E-- £-)_.3-I_f~r£......'f~) EL.£'C-:~ t}£t?t l._. _ £'I_L}--11- 112E lt,~1_ F })Y'_rr(:Cr.' ~~ff SF D d1I£~till' 1111r1i1)'t!,nn ~~i1mji -i~ ns ~!rt 24 ft. lon(T .111{1 3 It_ t~'der' tfi rn the a1 ~e 6~t)£',111.i1 ~i.n1l rllc'~ <11 E rz 111~asr 1Nt:' l£)c°~lt,ed (',11tir•£1.y on tht~. buildir1ET rite. (2) Maneuvering areas may not be counted toward the required number of parking spaces (except on sites with SFD use only). (3) Maneuvering areas (t'xcc' }]t_.€.,f1£ s -~e_rviji<y only one or two {:l-we~llir2<)• 1.111it:s) must be r rovi{ie d, sized and arranged so that a large vehicle can leave the street driving forward, enter any required parking space driving forward, park in that space, and then re-enter the street area driving forward, all with no more than two stops to change directions. As used in this section, "large vehicle" means a truck 18 feet long, with a turning radius of 24 feet (outside of bumper). I;: r ` 1 = t€ rte- trfjyl te, +a r it rr-a=r "hat tneeve ~.-~w=-~-?rte-~ } n. 1isable 6~Zt 1,1_ri1"k '660 VI, tV 'k.r1i ('.Pa I,'?£ d11£ ti11111lcl2" ;il.f: is ?r?.~rV 12'1 tow 1[f C LiLY'` 2 lY~ t'tlY2t L 1. Attachment to 10-11-2007 ZPC minutes Exhibit A Zoning & Planning Commission City of West University Place, Texas 3800 University Boulevard West University Place, Texas 77005 September 13, 2007 Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council City of West University Place 3808 University Boulevard Houston, Texas 77005 Subject: Preliminary report on a proposal to amend the zoning ordinance of the City of West University Place, Texas ("City") relating to OLD STOCK HOUSING To the Honorable Mayor & Members of City Council: The Zoning & Planning Commission of the City submits this, its preliminary report, on the subject proposal, for the assistance of the Council as well as other interested persons. Scope of Proposal. Under the existing definition of "old stock housing," housing does not qualify if: (i) it had more than 1,700 square feet of gross floor area when built, or (ii) it currently has more than 3,400 square feet of gross floor area. This proposal would: (i) eliminate the 1,700-square-foot original size restriction (but keep the requirement that the housing be more than 40 years old), and (ii) change the current size restriction from 3,400 square feet to "twice the gross floor area of all the buildings on the site when originally built." Changing this definition would affect not only the zoning ordinance but also other building-related ordinances (see Section 18-20 of the Code of Ordinances). The principal purpose is to expand the definition of and preserve and encourage the renovation of "old stock housing." Preliminary Recommendation. Based on the limited review given this matter so far, and subject to further review following public hearing, the Commission: (i) finds that the Attachment to 10-11-2007 ZPC minutes proposal, if adopted, would be in the public interest, (ii) makes a preliminary recommendation favorable to the proposal, (ii) recommends that the City Council call a joint public hearing to consider this matter. The Commission invites all interested persons to participate in the joint public hearing. The Vote. The vote on approval of this report was as follows: Commissioners f rc(i,') ::Jr)(tba- nihin ~ 11 rrana-s~ voted "aye;" no "noes ; " ) 14C,, rCtc i r'. absent. Respectfully submitted: ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS By: For the Commission Attachment to 10-11-2007 ZPC minutes Amendment relating to definition of "old stock housing" (alternate version) 9-13-07 Amend the definition of "old stock housing" as follows: Old stock housing. One or more buildings on a SFD site meeting all the following criteria: (i) the principal building was built more than 40 years previously with a gross floor- area- of 1,700 square feet , and (ii) the gross floor area of all buildings on the site does not vu r „ ffently exeee 3,400 square feet- exceed twice the gross floor area of all the buildings on the site when originally built. r 1 0(tchaot 101111AIU)7 7PL Mlouks Structures - Scope of Proposal October 11, 2007 Suggested wording for use in Exhibits A: Under the existing definition of "structure," certain criteria contribute to define what a structure is. The proposal adds a presumption that a human-made object that remains in one location for 180 days or longer and weighs more than 250 pounds or is attached to the ground (or another structure); is a structure. The principal purpose is to amend the definition of "structure" to help with enforcement. Suggested wording for use in Exhibits B: Under the existing definition of "structure," certain criteria contribute to define what a structure is. The proposal adds a presumption that a human-made object that remains in one location for 180 days or longer and weighs more than 250 pounds or is attached to the ground (or another structure); is a structure. SGB 10/11/2007