HomeMy WebLinkAbout05102007 ZPC Minutes
OLM) City of West University Place
A Neighborhood City
May 10, 2007
MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Brown, Beth Beloff, Robert Inaba, Les Albin,
and Mac McManus
MEMBERS ABSENT: Michael Silver and Jeffrey Horowitz
STAFF PRESENT: Debbie Scarcella, Chief Building Official, Sallye A.
Clark, Planning Assistant and James Dougherty,
City Legal Counsel
Call to Order - With quorum present at 6:07 p.m., Steve Brown called the meeting to
1. Minutes. Minutes postponed until next month's meeting.
2. Framed Area and Related Regulations; Amendments. Steve Brown informed
ZPC members the Front porch height ordinance 1840 passed and will be effective
May 12, 2007. ZPC discussed Steve Brown's memo "Regulating Building Size and
Bulk", dated March 15, 2007. ZPC agreed that a building-envelope (BE) approach
(sometimes called "daylight plane" or "scale-based" zoning) has emerged as the most
promising alternative to FA. The next step is to develop a BE proposal to the point
where it can be carefully evaluated as a possible successor to Framed area. That will
require the professional services of an architect who is familiar with the concept and
is willing to design a proposal that fits well with the balance of West U's zoning
ordinance. After discussion, ZPC made a motion to approach the City Manager
about the availability of funding and idea of a proposal to work with a qualified
architect on an alternative. James Dougherty, City legal counsel went over the
amendment relating to buildings in rear yard, dated 4-10-2007; amendment relating to
garages in side yards, dated 4-10-07 and an amendment relating to garages in side
yards, allowing transitional structures, dated 4-10-2007 and amendment relating to
open and pervious area dated 3-6-07. ZPC requested that James Dougherty redraft
the amendments to require a minimum separation of building to the property line
3. Topics for review for 2006 - 2007. ZPC briefly discussed the amendment regarding
Table 7-5a: Parking, driveways, etc. (not dated). After discussion, ZPC requested
James Dougherty, legal counsel to revise the amendment to show the 10 ft minimum
driveway length and bring back to next month's meeting for further discussion.
3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 0 713066804441 0 www.westu.org
Zoning & Planning Commission Minutes
May 10, 2007 Meeting
Page 2 of 2
4. Town Center and Commercial Areas; PDD's. This agenda item was not discussed.
Adjournment. Les Albin made a motion to adjourn. Mac McManus seconded.
Ayes: Steve Brown, Beth Beloff, Robert Inaba, Les Albin, and Mac McManus.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Regulating Building Size and Bulk by Steve Brown, dated March 15, 2007
Architectural services to assist ZPC in evaluating new simplified regulations of building
size, bulk, etc., dated April 2005/Revised April 2007
Amendment relating to buildings in rear yard (Table 7-6), dated 4-10-2007
Amendment relating to garages in side yards, allowing transitional structures (Table 7-6),
dated 4-10-2007
Amendment relating to garages in side yards (Table 7-6), dated 4-10-2007
Amendment relating to open area and pervious area, dated 3-6-2007
Amendment relating to Table 7-5a: Re: Parking, driveways, etc.
Steve Brown, Presiding Officer
Sallye A. Cla*,lanning Assistant
Attachment to 5-/407 ZPC minutes
Regulating Building Size and Bulk
March 15, 2007
In recent years West University Place's zoning ordinance has been updated several times
to cope with the economic pressure to build ever-loWe"r homes on the city's small,
expensive lots. The members of the current Zoning & Planning Commission (ZPC) see a
continuing need for action. They are united in wanting to protect the friendly, single-
family-home character of our city by ensuring that new construction meets the test of
"good neighborliness". i
Over the past two years the ZPC has spent much of its time attempting to improve West
U's rules controlling building size and bulk. Proposals have included changes to framed-
area rules (FA), building setbacks, building separation rules, building height, and open-
area requirements, among others. Some patches have been installed and some holes
plugged, often at the expense of complicating the ordinance and making its use and
administration more difficult.
Today we face a choice with FA. It is the key element in our control of size and bulk. It
is a sound tool, but not straightforward. We can continue to patch and plug a basically
sound ordinance and pay the price of increased complexity or we can move to replace FA
with a new approach that may be easier to understand, use and administer. In either case
the primary tool must be well integrated with other key limitations, such as height,
setbacks and open and pervious area requirements.
A good alternative is unlikely to be found in another survey of other cities' actions to
control size and bulk. Past surveys have helped the ZPC understand its options but have
provided no solutions anywhere near ready to use in West U. No more effort should be
spent in this area.
In the ZPC's discussions a building-envelope (BE) approach (sometimes called "daylight
plane" or "scale-based" zoning) has emerged as the most promising alternative to FA.
The next step is to develop a BE proposal to the point where it can be carefully evaluated
as a possible successor to FA. That will require the professional services of an architect
who is familiar with the concept and is willing to design a proposal that fits well with the
balance of West U's zoning ordinance.
The April 2005 statement of "Architectural services to assist Z&PC in evaluating new,
simplified regulations of building size, bulk, etc." (attached) lists overall and detailed
objectives that remain sound. However, the recommended next step should be restated to
make clear that the assignment is to prepare a full-fledged proposal with the blanks filled
in and with the necessary illustrative drawings completed. The proposal should also
address the growing problem of long, high walls near interior property lines and it should
be free to suggest changes in others areas of the ordinance, such as increasing the open-
area percentage requirement, to help control bulk.
Attachment to 6-/0-07 ZPC minutes
When ready, the proposal must be tested and evaluated in comparison with FA. First it
must do the job of controlling size and bulk without killing architectural freedom.
Second it must be easy to understand and produce predictable, consistent results. In
short, it must be user friendly for architects, builders and the city. These tests will
probably require paid services from a second, independent architectural firm.
Steve Brown
Attachment toir"-lt--07 ZPC minutes
Architectural services
to assist Z&PC
in evaluating
new, simplified regulations
of building size, bulk, etc.
April 20051 Revised April 2007
Overall Objective
Balance the interests of property owners with the needs of the community in a new,
simplified set of rules regulating building size, bulk, etc.
Recommended Next Step (Immediate Action)
Obtain architectural services, by contract, to assist the Z&PC in evalutating rules
regulating building size, bulk, etc. (see objectives and possible approaches listed below).
Services would include sketches, analyses, advice, etc.
Objectives Of New Regulations
1. Architectural Freedom: Avoid undue interference with architectural freedom; allow
many styles.
2. Light & Air: Reduce the adverse impacts of new buildings on penetration of daylight,
circulation of air, etc.
3. Height: Control the height of buildings, especially in close proximity to other property.
4. Bulk & Size: Regulate the bulk and size of buildings; encourage reduction of bulk as
height increases.
5. Yards, Open Space: Help to preserve yards and open spaces.
6. Density: Reduce overcrowding of structures and population; avoid undue
concentration of population.
7. Emergency Access: Facilitate emergency access, especially to higher floors.
8. Neighbors: Encourage designs that respect privacy and quiet enjoyment of
neighboring property.
9. Administration. Provide simple rules that produce predictable, consistent results
(perhaps mathematical).
Possible Approaches (To Be Sketched and Analyzed)
1. Palo Alto "daylight plane" approach
2. Bill May's "scale-based zoning" approach
3. Sloped-height setback approach, 2-8-05 (new Note 10 for Table 7-4b)
4. Others that may meet the objectives of the new regulations
5. Open air tightening - 55%
6. Limit long high wall effect
7. Building Separation
8. Pervious area- no change, relate to BSC and trees
Attachment to-540 -07 ZPC minutes
Amendment relating to
buildings in rear yard
(Table 7-6)
Amend Note 3 of Table 7-6 as follows:
Note 3. Buildings In Rear Yard or SF Bufferyard. _A g may be
located in a rear yard or SF Bufferyar eets crit a: (a)
No part of it-the building may be clos the or
to any SF District, if in a SF Bufferyar um ho
s arations between the building and all o s on the bu' other
than those located completely within the uff and are 7% of
the building sitedepth measured from main all and 5% of the
building sitedepth measured betwe losest dins xc t
for transitional structures ecifi low. Ex the depth is
100 feet the minimum s arati ve feet re ectivel . (b)- O
Within ten feet of another bu' (whether on the side, rear
or otherwise), it- the buildin ave r other opening above
the ground floor (and Xacg ' t op a of building site), except
for epaq~translucen of tr , no able openings or skylights-
(0- WSpace in the b y be used for single-family
(detached) use. 1 i it
is tr on w th of he
May be an
art in th re ff . A transitional structure
" a er it ' ce, butt(i) its length must be at
of the depth, and ('i) no part of the structure may
th th al distance from th t part t then st
ro lin . "
-A In--- in art is at least 5 o (JO [T]here is
-1 Pr- I -
e than 600 feet of building space, other than garage space, in the
buil ' e rear and or SF Buff and prejeEtkW-PaA. See garage
r 0.
Attachment to~ /Q 07 ZPC minutes _e
Amendment relating to
garages in side yards,
allowing transitional structures
(Table 7-6)
3-5-97Revised 4-10-07 (transitional structure)
Amend Note 5 of Table 7-6 as follows:
Note S. Garages In Side Yards. Each projecting buil st ing W.
(a) It must be at least three feet from the side propert tion t et
line being permitted. (b) _The projecting part may only a space an e the
garage lulus stauwavl. (c) Any projecting part must be feet from t street
line. (d) Within ten feet of another building site in an SF on the side, rear or
otherwise), it may have no window, door or other opening ve oor (and facing the
property line of the other building site), except for anslucent s arent , non-
operable openings or skylights. (e) The M R& i thercia-a
transitional stmctur _ f the rin bit ' and
the art in the rear and r F B ff ar be c e
"bridge," a porch or other b ildin s ace b is 1 m t seven ercent of the
building site depth, and ii no pan of s v e ter than h horizontal
distaace from that part to he n ar s line.
Attachment to 5-)007 ZPC minutes
Amendment relating to
garages in side yards
(Table 7-6)
3-5-07Revised 4-10-07
Amend Note 5 of Table 7-6 as follows:
Note 5. Garages in Side Yards. Each projecting buil ' mee llowing criteria:
(a) It must be at least three feet from the side prope no p e sid street
line being permitted. (b) It must be a detached access
garage space and space above t stairwa ntal
separation from the principal building of at least sev'en pe building site
(me_asured_frorn main wall to main wall). This does not a ' structures not
wider than eight feet and not higher than 14 feet (if there is thei _ e minimum
separation fi-om main wall to main wall),,_ c Any part mu seventy feet
from the front street line. (d) Within ten feet of site in ct (whether
on the side, rear or otherwise), it may have no her open above the ground
floor (and facing the property line of the oth g etranslucent (but
not transparent, non-operable openings or s S.
Attachment to 540-07 ZPC minutes
Amendment relating to
open area and j
pervious area
Amend Tables 7-3 and 7-6 as follows:
General Rule: Every building site a the and pervious
Table 7-3: areas shown, by District, in this of of app .
Open & Pervious Exceptions/Special Rules: (1) S h r pl
Areas districts. (2) See special rules not the Prod r
details about calculating open and p
Item Measureme SF-1 7-2 SF-3 TH2
Front yard, minimum 6 "0:: % 40% N/A
ear yard,
pen area immum 0%. See Note 1. ! NIA
ee Note 6.
tire building
te, minimum 25 25% 15%
Front yard,
In' 50% See Note 2. 50% See Note 2. N/A
Pervious area
inimum ° 5% 15% 15% I
Lan Required, r SFD uses on building sites with 5,000 sq. ft. or more. See
Note 3.
For SFD wilding sites with 5,000 sq. ft. or more, Chapter 82 ofthe Code
Qualified trees f Or ' st be located within a contiguous and reasonably compact
containing at least 25 sq. ft. However, additional or better pervious
required to comply with Chapter 82.
Pervious pavement S only, pervious pavement is allowed to be used for all vehicular areas,
an of it may count as pervious area. See Note 4.
Each parking area containing 21 or more parking spaces must contain interior
Parking areas, interior pervious areas in "island" or "peninsula" configurations aggregating in area at
least two square feet for each parking space.
[Similar changes apply to the second page of Table 7-3, for PDD-SFi and PDD-SF2]
Attachment to 51d -07 ZPC minutes
General Rule: This schedule describes certain structures which
Table 7-6• are allowed to "project" into yards (or setbacks). It also provides
special rules for calculating open and pervious areas affected by
Projections Schedule such structures. See the "Yards (or 'setbacks')" and the "Open &
Pervious Areas" tables.
Maxdmum Allowed Proji
Inches), Measured From pecial Rules For
Type of Structure Edge Of The Yard Calculating Open
Front Rear Pervious Areas
Yard Yard and
Items above ground level: Eaves, 15" (24" sue
it h nts
cornices, roof extensions, 2( 4" for for
"greenhouse" and bay windows eaves). eaves . e open area-9n ly if the
(no floor space), window sills,
be total
cantilevered building space, cl projection is
36 s than or .-.1 to
window boxes, belt courses, See See 1.1 a
window air conditioners and Note N h~aximum stated
similar parts of buildings. 1 1 r 24 inches for
non-yard locations).-
Items at and above ground level: 15" w 5"
Chimneys/fireplaces (with cross- See The area does not
Buildings sectional areas of 8 square fie Notes count as either open
And less) and similar parts of 1.1 and See Notes or pervious area
buildings. 13. 36" to the 1.1 and 13.
Structures SPL. See
Notes 1.1
and 13.
The area does not
0, but 0 count as either open
es/platforms/decks ee 0 or pervious area. The
14 inches, and similar to See area beneath a deck
s attached to a buildin See Notes 1 S 1 See N and Notes See Notes may count as
te 1.1 and 13. 1.1 and 13. Pervious area if rain
13. is allowed to pass
through the deck.
0 0
120" 0
Steps not hi See See The area does not
floor level. Note See Notes count as either open
Notes 1 . 1 and See Notes or pervious area.
LL 1.1 and I I 1.1 and 13.
[remainder of Table 7-6 remains unchanged/
JV 5- /0 - 0 7 zPC mi au Mc,
General Rule Every building site, vehicular area and related structure must
Table 7_5a- conform to the applicable regulations shown, by District, in this table. ("N(A" means
the rule does not apply.) Exceptions/Special Rules. (1) See special rules noted in
Parking, driveways, etc. table. (3) See Article 9 regarding Planned Development Districts. (3) See Note 7
regarding special exceptions. (4) See Article 10.
Item Regulation SF-1 SF_2 SF-8 TH GR4 ' GR-2 C
Number Depends on land use, layout, etc. See t s Table, Table 7-4a, and Article 10
Off-street parking
spaces and location, size, (including maneuvering areas, design r ' emen "same site"rule, yards, street
parking areas design areas, loading spaces, etc.).
Grouping or Not allowed, except in a QMDS ted a serving two or more DU's.
Other regulations sharing. But see Note 2.
apply,' see, e.g.
Article 10 Use of parking Parking spaces for non-SF ay o vehic arking. See
areas Note 3.
Minimum 20 ft, via public or private str rincipal builds U (or to an
Emergency width. adjacent open area accessible to d equipment . regulations also
accessway See Note 1. apply, e.g, fire code.
For SFD use: i the minimum widt is there must be a driveway
Minimum loading area at least 18 f either on th e or in the adjacent street
width, length. area (or Partly in eac achin u o of a public sidewalk
See Note 1. (existing or ro ose on-SFD res ial use the minimum width
is - 10 feet, or 17 f o-w three or more DU's.
For SFD use: (i) ay se a arage: 12 feet. (ii) Driveway in a
Driveways and Maximum front yard servin ar side- ge: 12 feet. (iii) Driveway in side
private streets width street area a co site g a si garage with three or more bays: 30
See Note 1. feet; (iv) er vew feet. her residential uses: 24 ft. (or 35 feet if
connecti ajor tho y other use: 30 feet (or 35 feet if
Other regulations conne i a major thor
apply," see, e.g.
Article 10. F see: 160 feet, dri stance to the nearest street area, measured
Maximum alo rom farthest end point. A longer driveway is allowed if there is an
length approv d or second means of egress, or if the drive-way is platted as part
the com QMDS,
to 6. N/A
D uses: must be at least 40 feet between the "inside" apron edges
_Iq cing
(a owest points) of driveways serving the same building site.
For Hard-surfaced pavement required for each required parking space;
Pavement red type twin " ' of pavement are permitted. For all other uses: Reinforced concrete,
e 4. with c d drains required for all vehicular areas. Exceptions: See Table 7-3
(pe ement) and Note 4.
Markings; wheel Req F D uses: Parking spaces must be clearly marked on the pavement, and
stops. ops are required. See Note 12.
Curb cuts Number FD use: Maximum one per subdivided lot abutting the street. For non-SFD use:
um one per 50-ft. segment of street line. See Note 5.
Other regulations Max. width per Four feet (for aprons) plus the maximum driveway width allowed. Each curb cut
apply; see, e.g. 50-ft. segment must be confined to the part of the street area that directly abuts the building site(s)
Article 10. of street line served. See Note 1.
Visibility triangles Forbidden The following are forbidden on parts of a building site within a visibility triangle:
structures, structures plants or other things taller than 2.0 ft. or shorter than 8.0 ft. This does
See definitions plants and '
in Article 2 other things not require removal of trees in existence on July 1, 1992, if kept pruned.
Note 1. Width measurement methods. Minimum driveway width refers to both-unobstiucted vehicular access path and, for I
non-SFD use. -pavement. Maximum driveway width refers to maximum width of pavement in a front yard or street
area, excluding complying curb cut aprons. Maximum curb cut width refers to the width of the driveway plus aprons,
measured at the edge of the roadway.
- OCtCh"~ .10-LY7 7PC m0ate
Note 2. Grouped or shared parking . Article 10 also provides for a special exception, in certain circumstances.
Note 3. Parking exclusivity (non-SFD uses). Required parking spaces must be kept open, readily accessible and used for
parking only, with no sales, dead storage, display, repair work, dismantling or servicing of any kind. Required guest
parking spaces must be kept open and reserved for that use only.
Note 4. Pavement. The ZBA may issue a special exception to allow other materials if it finds that they will provide equal or
better durability.
Note 5. Curb cuts. The ZBA may issue a special exception for additional curb cuts. Circular driveways specifically allowed by
another ordinance are not prohibited.
Note 6. Route; Alternating Driveways. Each driveway must connect garage space to the street by the most direct route. On
narrow sites where alternate side yard areas apply (see "Yards" table), th following special restrictions also apply: (A)
there must be a driveway located as nearly as practicable to one side of t 'te; (B he side is determined in
accordance with the established driveway pattern for the block face in q is such a pattern; and (C) if
there is no such pattern, and if there is an adjacent driveway on o adj site but not the other, the
driveway must be on the side farthest from the adjoining drive cep aragraph does not prohibit
circular driveways specifically permitted under another or a veway may be curved or
moved away from the most direct route to the extent reason cessa or se ' usly injuring a
Note 7 Special Exceptions. The ZBA may issue a special exception ea, garag ther
maneuvering area) in another location or with a different desi bed by this o finds that: (i)
f gnificantly alter
air w
the other location or design will not unreasonably interfere with and an d i
access for firefighting and similar needs; (ii) the other location ent the destruction of a qualified
tree; (iii) in the case of the remodeling of a principal building, the do the same location as an existing
parking area, garage or driveway; or (iv) the location or desi n requested is safety considerations.
Note 8. Curb Cuts in PDD-THI. (i) If a building site abuts hot ulevard an reet, then all vehicular
access shall be from the other street, and no more th all be allo ever, in the case of the
development of Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and the east ten feet o t Place Ad n, if Lot 6 is included in the
same building site or in a joint development with t lots I ess shall be limited to one curb cut on
Mercer Street. (ii) If a building site abuts only Be ulev !4 shall be limited to two curb cuts.
Note 9. Cur fabuilding site abu Ac an no curb cuts on Bissonnet and no
Curb Cuts in PDD TH5. W
more than two curb cuts on Academy are per itte f a ng sit my Bissonnet, there may be no more
than two curb cuts.
Note 10. Driveways in POD-TH7. Cul-de-sac n PDD- d 50 feet in length, or 200 feet if a
terminus is provided with dimensions d for turnin
Note 11. Curb Cuts in PDD-TH2. (i) If a bu' abuts both another street, there may be one curb cut on
Kirby Drive and on each other abu (ii) If a buildings uts only Kirby Drive, vehicular access shall be
limited to two curb cuts.
Note 12. Curbs as Wheel St. bs may be 1 stops. Area outside a curb-wheel stop counts toward minimum
parking space y usab " and not needed for maneuvering area.