HomeMy WebLinkAbout10122006 ZPC Minutes OLM) City of West University Place A Neighborhood City ® Recycled Paper ZONING & PLANNING COMMISSION BILL WATSON CONFERENCE ROOM 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD MEETING MINUTES October 12, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Brown, Beth Beloff, Michael Silver, Les Albin and Mac McManus (arrived at 6:45 p.m. during agenda item 3) MEMBERS ABSENT: Bob Inaba and Jeffrey Horowitz STAFF PRESENT: Chris Peifer, Public Works Director/ACM, Debbie Scarcella, Chief Building Official, Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant and James Dougherty, City Legal Counsel Call to Order - With quorum present at 6:02 p.m., Steve Brown called the meeting to order. 1. Minutes. September 14, 2006: Les Albin made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Beth Beloff seconded. Ayes: Steve Brown, Beth Beloff, Michael Silver, and Les Albin. Noes: none. Motion passed. Minutes approved. 2. Flood Protection and Prevention Ordinance. ZPC reviewed and discussed Chapterl8, Buildings and Development, Section 18-56 Site drainage; drainage plans. Debbie Scarcella informed ZPC that the estimated publication of the FEMA maps is now January 2007. When the maps are adopted then the City has 180 days to adopt the ordinance. Michael Silver made a motion in response to the impending FEMA base flood elevation changes; ZPC recommends no changes be made in the building height limits in the Zoning Ordinance and that no changes be made in the drainage/grade raising/net fill provisions of the City Code Chapter 18. Les Albin seconded. Ayes: Steve Brown, Beth Beloff, Michael Silver, and Les Albin. Noes: none. Motion passed. 3. Town Center and Commercial Areas; PDD's. From last month's discussion, ZPC was moving toward a possibility of a new set of rules for the Town Center area. ZPC discussed the two proposed regulations for a "C-PED" district dated 10-10-2006 and the resolution dated 10-10-2006. It was a suggestion that the amendments be back- tested, which means to take the rules and go back and test actual site plans or draw a site plan and see if it works. After discussion ZPC stated there were further steps to take such as deciding to move forward on hiring a design/planning firm or on working with Kirksey pro bono to produce sketches that show conceptually what the design guidelines could produce and back-test the guidelines under various conditions. In addition Sallye Clark will notice for another Town Center 3800 University Boulevard 9 West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713966894441 • www.westu.org Zoning & Planning Commission Minutes October 12, 2006 Meeting Page 2 of 2 Subcommittee meeting to take place. The "draft" documents will be on hold until drawings are composed. Steve Brown requested that any documents that need to go into next month's packets be forwarded to Sallye Clark within a reasonable time. 4. Framed Area and Related Regulations; Amendments. ZPC went over the memo and questions raised by City Council member Richard Yehle on the Ordinance on garages in rear yards. ZPC briefly discussed both amendments to add "plate height" limit dated 5-4-2006. The first one adds detail about roof surfaces, dormers and gables. The alternate version uses a sloped height limit and greater architectural freedom. Les Albin went over his document "Lot Area vs. Framed area" from April 8, 2004 meeting. It is an attempt to use what we have more efficiently with a formula based on the Lot size. In addition, Les Albin proposed to exclude third floor living space from the definition of framed area if it falls within the sloped roof requirements. Steve Brown requested Les Albin look at the plate height amendments and fill in blanks logically and forward to Sallye Clark the Friday before the next meeting. James Dougherty, City Legal Counsel, will email Les clean versions of the plate height amendments. Steve Brown requested James Dougherty, City Legal Counsel draft an amendment that captures the "Lot Area vs. Framed Area" formula for next month's meeting. In addition, Les Albin and James Dougherty will draft a second amendment excluding third floor living space. Steve Brown requested that any documents that need to go into next month's packets be forwarded to Sallye Clark within a reasonable time. 5. Topics for review for 2006 - 2007. Steve Brown stated that ZPC was going to go before city Council in a workshop sessions on October 23, 2006 at either 5:00 or 5:30 p.m. to discuss the proposed amendment about Buildings in the Rear yard and he would like Les Albin to attend the workshop with him. In addition, November 13, 2006 is a joint public hearing with ZPC and City Council and there must be a quorum of ZPC. Adjournment. Les Albin made a motion to adjourn. Beth Beloff seconded. Ayes: Steve Brown, Beth Beloff, Michael Silver, Les Albin and Mac McManus. Noes: none. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Attachments: Chapter 18, Section 18-56 Site Drainage; drainage plans, West University Place Municipal Code Proposed regulations for a "C-PED" district, dated 10-10-06, Marked to identify major changes from existing regulations in the C District. Proposed regulations for a "C-PED" district, dated 10-10-06 (clean version not marked) Resolution by the ZPC relating to QPEDS with amendments, dated 10-10-2006 Email from Richard Yehle to Michael Ross, cc: Steve Brown about ZPC Ordinance on Garages in rear yards, dated 9-26-2006 Amendment to add, "plate height" limit dated 5-4-06 (adds detail about roof surfaces, dormers and gables) Amendment to add, "plate height" limit dated 5-4-06 (alternate version using sloped height limit) Figure HRD Sloped Height limit in Residential Districts Lot Area vs. Framed Area handed out by Les albino at 4-8-04 ZPC meeting Zoning & Planning Commission Minutes October 12, 2006 Meeting Page 3 of 3 PASSED THIS DAY, OF , 2006. Steve Brown, Presiding Officer Ilye ST: OJJA~' (1(1" A. Clar Planning Assistant Attachment to►a126-2006 ZPC minutes § 18-54 WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE MUNICIPAL CODE f. No final occupancy permit-or similar approval may be issued (except a temporary certificate of occupancy) until the "as built" site plan is approved. (6) Filing and recording. The building official shall maintain files for site plans, as approved. The files may be electronic. The building official shall record "as built" site plans (or notices of same) in the county real property records. (7) Amendments. Amendments to site plans are handled in the same manner as original plans. Exception: The building official shall provide an expedited, low-cost procedure for amendments that, in the judgment of the building official, will have no impact, or very minor impact, upon yards required by the zoning ordinance, neighboring property and drainage patterns. M Compliance required. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, construct, alter, use, own, possess or control any structure or grade-raising project without: (1) Providing the surveys and site plans required by this section; and (2) Otherwise complying with this section. (Code 2003, § 6.403; Ord. No. 1748, § 1(6.403), 8-11-2003) Sec. 18-66. Contractor's disclosure to neighbors. (a) Disclosure. For any project where a contractor will be responsible for a substantial part of the work, and either the value of the work exceeds $10,000.00, or there is substantial outdoor activity contemplated, the building official shall require that the contractor. (1) Show, before a permit is issued, that a disclosure notice has been sent to the owners of all sites adjoining the site where the work will occur and to the owners of any sites in the city located directly across a street; or (2) Cause a sign to be continuously posted at the work site from the start of work until its completion which provides the required disclosure (such sign being plainly legible from the street area and also in compliance with all ordinances regulating signs and advertising if it contains anything other than the required disclosure). (b) Form and content. The required disclosure shall be in a form prescribed by the building official and include the identity, address, telephone number and responsible officer of the contractor as well as a description of ordinances and regulations that governing the control and clean-up of the site. (Code 2003, § 6.404) Sec. 18-56. Site drainage; drainage plans. (a) Basic drainage requirements. For each impact area (see definition in subsection (b)), the permittee must prepare a drainage plan and obtain the approval of the building official, as required by this section. Exception: No drainage plan is required for a project if the building official issues a "low impact" certification after determin- CD18:26 Attachment to)0-12006 ZPC minutes BUILDINGS AND DEVELOPMENT § 18-56 ing that the project will probably have no drainage impact, or very low impact, upon neighboring property. In addition, each permittee, each successive owner and each successive person in control of an impact area has a continuing duty to: (1) Provide basic site drainage (see definition below) at all times, unless otherwise specified in an approved drainage plan or an approved amendment; and (2) Comply with the approved drainage plan (if the plan was required by this Code or any prior city ordinance) or an approved amendment at all times. (b) Definitions. In this section, the following terms have the meanings shown, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning: (1) Basic site drainage means drainage that: a. Captures substantially all of the rainwater that would fall onto the impact area, assuming a rainfall of one inch in one hour, and b. Causes that rainwater to be absorbed within the same building site or conveyed to a lawful receiving place for rainwater, without escaping onto any other site and without washing detectable quantities of soil or debris off the building site. Rainwater may be conveyed across another site, if properly authorized by perpetual, recorded easement or a similar interest in the land. (2) Impact area means the area where grade-raising or major development occurs (or occurred after July 7, 1991). In the case of major development, the entire building site is included in the impact area. (c) Drainage plans; content, types, etc. The applicant must prepare each drainage plan in two versions: "as designed" and "as built." The requirements are as follows: "As Designed" Version (1) A topographic survey drawing (with sufficient "spot' -ths impact area and the receiving points for runoff, elevations and flow directions, as determined by the "as-is," before work on the site begins building ' official) showing- -established drainage patterns across property lines (2) Clear drawings and descriptions of temporary and -provide basic site drainage permanent drahuge ' measures "as designed" that - -minimize the amount of fill and tree damage -provides drainage away from building foundations as required b applicable regulations -mitigate significant interference with established drain- ap patterns a property lines toward the impact area (up to the capacity of a four-inch drain pipe-or its equiv- alent-from the rear of the site to the street) -provides for basic stormwater quality protection as may be required b applicable regulations (3) A written certification, signed and sealed by the permiitee that the "as-designed" drainage measures will meet the requirements set out above (4) Additional information requested by the building official CD18:27 Attachment told-la-2006 ZPC minutes $ 18-56 WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE MUNICIPAL CODE "As built" Version (1) Clear drawings and descriptions of -substantially conform to the "as-de- permanent drainage measures "as built" signed" version of the drainage plan, in- that- cludin the topographic survey data -provide basie site drainage -minimize the amount of fill and tree damage -provide drainage away from building foundations as required by applicable reg- ulations -mitigate significant interference with established drainage patterns across prop- erty lines toward the impact area (up to the capacity of a four-inch drain pipe-or its equivalent-from the rear of the site to the street) -provides for basic stormwater quality protection as may be required by applica- ble regulations (2) A written certification that the "as-built" drainage measures meet the require- ments set out above signed b the ermittee (3) Additional information requested b the building official (d) Drainage plans, preparation, etc. (1) Preparation and processing, "as designed" plans: a. The "as designed" version of the drainage plan must be filed with the building official before issuance of the initial permit for the project. An provided by this Code, the drainage plan may be submitted as a compo- nent of a site plan. b. The building official shall approve the "as designed" plan, unless the building official notices some non-compliance with this section or other applicable regulations. c. No permit may be issued until the "as designed" site plan is approved. (2) Preparation and processing, "as built" plans: a. Each permittee must deliver the "as built" version of the drainage plan to the building official by the sooner of: 1. The 30th day following completion of the project (including final ground cover and landscaping); or 2. The 30th day following the expiration of the permit. As provided by this Code, the drainage plan may be submitted as a component of a site plan. CD18:28 Attachment to lo-122006 ZPC minutes BUILDINGS AND DEVELOPMENT § 18-57 b. The building official shall review and approve the "as built" plan, unless the building official notices some non-compliance with this section or other applicable regulations. c. Any fee charged by the city for reviewing the "as built" drainage plan may be waived if the building official determines that the "as built" plan is not substantially different from the approved "as designed" plan and can be readily compared. d. No final occupancy permit or similar approval (except a temporary certificate of occupancy) may be issued until the "as built" drainage plan is approved. (3) Amendments. Amendments to drainage plans are handled in the same manner as original plans. Exception: No amended drainage plan is required for a project if the building official issues a "low impact" certification after determining that the project will probably have no drainage impact, or very low impact, upon neighboring property. (e) Drainage plans; implementation. Either temporary or permanent measures to achieve basic site drainage must be put into effect before grade-raising work or major development starts. Any temporary measures must remain in effect until permanent measures are installed and are operating as designed. Temporary measures may incorporate all or part of the permanent measures. Permanent measures must be installed and operating as designed as soon as practicable after grade-raising work or major development is completed. (f) Other rights and duties. Some persons may have state-created or recognized rights and duties with respect to surface water and drainage. For example, under state water laws, a property owner may have the right to allow water to drain naturally onto neighboring property, and the owner of the neighboring property may have the duty to receive the water. Neither this Code nor any actions taken by city officials shall ever be interpreted to diminish any other rights or duties arising under state water laws. Any person receiving a city permit or other approval remains obligated to carry out all state-created duties and to respect all state-created rights, whether compelled to do so by the city, or not. Every property owner remains free to pursue all state-created rights and remedies against other property owners, and it is neither required nor appropriate to involve the city in any such proceeding. (Code 2003, § 6.405; Ord. No. 1748, § 1(6.405), 8-11-2003) Sec. 18-57. Trenching and excavations. For any trench excavation exceeding a depth of five feet, each applicant for a permit must certify in writing that the applicable requirements of the Texas Health and Safety Code have been, and will be, satisfied. The applicable requirements including, but not limited to the following, are: (1) V.T.C.A., Health and Safety Code § 756.021 et seq., for construction contracts generally, where a contractor is employed; and CD18:29 ro) Attachment to 10-12-2006 ZPC minutes D Proposed regulations fora C-PED district 10-10-06 Marked to identify major changes from existing regulations in the C District. This chart assumes that general exceptions and notes in Tables 7-1 through 7-5b would be preserved as separate sections and would apply in the C-PED District. Purpose The purposes of this district is-are: i to provide regulations for commercial areas compatible with nearby residential areas (ii) to encourage access by2edestrians, and (iii) -ffi+&to provide for buffering of less- intensive land uses. Uses Allowed Single Apy A park, playground or community center may be residential (on building ites privately or publicly owned. where the principal use is commercial) For PWSF use, see PWSF Schedule. Park, playground, or community center (public), school (public), place of worship Private green space Utility or service use Light commercial Allowed only if Medium commercial A special exception may authorize school authorized by special (other) use on sites wholly or partially within exception School (other) this district. For PWSF use, see PWSF Schedule. Yards or Front yard Depth, min.: 30-8 ft. Front sidewalk area (if dedicated as a limited public "setbacks" easement) counts as front yard See: Note i regarding structures above sidewalks. See also maximum building setback rule, below.' e3keeption for- a ffei-A ya less than ;0 feet deep abuttifig a majer- thefeughfiHe, i the *aa4 ~~d pfeseFibed is at least 10 feet deep, and ifthe speeial-e*eepfieft Interior side yard Width, min.: 5 ft. The ZBA may issue a special exception for a zero-width side yard, but only upon application by both property owners and only if the special exception is conditioned upon the construction and maintenance of a common wall or continuously-abutting separate walls (in either case with a four-hour fire rating or better aloe the rt line. Street side yard Width, min.: 4-5-8 ft. See: Note 1 regarding structures above sidewalks. Rear yard Depth, min.: 3-50 ft. Rear alley area counts as rear yard. See: Note 2 regarding rear 3ard, screein etc. SF Bufferyard Depth, min: 10 ft. See: Note 2 re garding rear yard screeing, etc. Open area Front yard, min.: N/A 1 D r~Q Attachment to 10-12-2006 ZPC minutes D pervious Rear yard min.: N/A See: Note 2 regarding rear yard, screeing, etc. areas Entire building site, min.: 15% Pervious area Front yard, min.: N/A See: Note 2 regarding rear Md, screeing, etc. Rear yard, min.: N/A Entire building site, min.: 15% Landscaping strips Required. See Notes 2 and 3 regarding additional landscaped areas. V eeptiew Does not apply to SFB uses on building sites with 5,000 SF er- ffiere. Qualified trees Each qualified tree required L4eeptien: Does not apply to SF-1) uses a by this ordinance or Chapter Wilding sites with , 5,000 SY or- 22 of the Code of Ordinance must be located within a Additional or better pervious area may be contiguous and reasonably required to comply with Chapter 22. compact pervious area in or adjacent to the front yard and containing at least X50 41 SF Pervious pavement Pfohib4e"lowed. Parking areas, interior See: Note 2 regarding rear yard, screeing, etc. RaehpafI6agafeaeefftaifliHg pEI king spaee. Garage Garage parking spaces hn ' n per U "h i be in See Article 10 space an enelaged g rgge not Buildings regulated) Garage dimensions eeHn(not regulated) Maneuvering area (not regulatedl~t gore e apeltifig• Facing of door or (not regulated) opening Limit on non-garage (not regulated) space Dwelling units See J,;ses table and AA Any DU must be on a building site where the 9Neither number nor type is principal use is commercial. regulated. Framed area (not regulated) 2 Attachment to 10-12-2006 ZPC minutes Length, width (not regulated) Exterior materials Must be of equal grade and quality, all sides. See Section 8-104. Separation of DU's A four-hour fire wall, or its equivalent, must separate adjoining dwelling units. SF privacy protection (net-regulated'Applies> Accessory buildings Number, max.: I (not regulated) Height, max.: 35 ft. Principal buildings Stories, max: (not regulated) The maximum height of chimneys attached to a Height, max.: 3340 feet principal building is the greater of 35 feet or GFA, min: 1,400 SF four feet above the roof. Width, min.: (iet seeAriiek- 10 regar&ng gap-age . rvgiilat )(see Note 5) Setback, max. (see Note 5) Parldng, Off-street parking Number, location, size, design Depends on land use, layout, etc.. See below Driveways, spaces and parking and Article 10. See Note 4. I Etc. areas Grouping or sharing. Not allowed without a special exception„ but Other regulations see Article 10. apply; see, e.g. Article 10. Use of parking areas Parking spaces may only be used for motor vehicle parking. Emergency accessway 20 ft. min. width, via public or private street, to each principal building and each DU (or to an adjacent open area accessible to firefighters and equipment). Other regulations apply, e.g, fire code. Driveways and private Miniffraf" Width, min.: streets For- non SFP fesidential : _li-0 feet, or 17 feet if two-way aed-ser•N-;ng three er ffiefe INN,, S Other regulations apply; see, e.g. Article Width, max.: MwEiffmim width 10. ee "ter side street e&ea of a eamef gite ser-Ning a side f4eing gar-age with three Ew Fnefe (or 35 feet if connecting to a major thoroughfare). F-^- E other- tisei 30 f et (^r Maximum lengthLen~th, max.: not regulated) along eetiterline ffam t~f4hest end point. A longer- 4r-iveway is allowed ifther-e is an appfeved tumar-ou"d of seeend fneans of egFess, or- if the drive way is plemed as 3 E r- Attachment to 10-12-2006 ZPC minutes L Route, location- H# reg~ See Note 4. Spacing- I FE)f non SF-P There must be at least 40 feet between the "inside' apron edges (at their narrowest points) of driveways serving the same building site. Pavement Reqaifed t~-Pe See "T tAlvi . "rih-beinS" 0F....veffiefit ° o --mite F an other- uses: Reinforced concrete or- (or previous pavement); with curbs and drains required for all vehicular areas. The ZBA may issue a special exception to allow other materials if it finds that they will provide equal or better durability. Markings; wheel For- nan `FTC us Parking spaces must be clearly marked on the pavement, and stops. wheel stops are required. Curb cuts Number; Other regulations use=Maximum one per 50-ft. segment of street line. The ZBA may issue a special apply; see, e_g. Article exception for additional curb cuts. 10. another- ordinaffee ffe not . Max. width per 50-ft. segment of street line: Four feet (for aprons) plus the maximum driveway width allowed. Each curb cut must be confined to the part of the street area that directly abuts the building site(s) served. Visibility triangles Standard regulations apply Y Certain Swimming pools Number: (not regulated) structures Tennis courts Number: (not regulated) N/A All structures Height, maximum 35 ft. However, no part of any structure except a fence) may be higher than the horizontal distance from that part to the nearest part of an sill SF District. Outdoor fights Height max.: 15 ft Outdoor lights must have full "cut-off' features to prevent direct li t trespass to adjoining SF Districts The design color, and other li ting elements must be compatible with public lighting in the vicinity. Note 1: Sidewalk Areas Within each front and street side yard there must be a continuous pedestrian walkway area at least eight feet wide and eight feet deep to connect building entrances to the street area and to adjacent building sites. Walkway material must match existing material (e a brick pavers) used for public sidewalks in vicinity. Building canopies or balconies (with posts) may cover the sidewalk area if (i) the sidewalk area is dedicated to the public to a depth of at least eight feet and a height of at least ten feet along the full length of each street line, (ii) normal sidewalk use is preserved (iii) only open deck area (with open-air uses) is allowed above the sidewalk area, and (iv) any sip iss above the sidewalk areas conform to a master sign plan for the area approved by the administrative official. Note 2 Rear Parking Areas All parking spaces must located behind a principal building or within an enclosed garage. Parking areas must be designed so that aisles may be extended to connect with each adjacent street area, alley area and building site Each parking must be screened from any nearby SF District by special screens (finished side facing out) and a 4 TD n 6% F CT Attachment to 10-12-2006 ZPC minutes parallel landscaped strip at least six feet wide with either evergreen tall shrubs (or small trees) planted on six-foot centers (or closer). See Fig. 1. Note 3. Street Landscaping Areas% There must be least one landscaped area for each 50 feet of the combined length of front and side street lines (or part thereof). Each landscaped area must include at least 50 SF with low shrubs or plants and at least one qualified tree. Landscape areas may include artwork benches, fountains and other pedestrian oriented amenities. Landscape areas may be located within the front part of the site or (with permission of the City Council) in the adjacent street area, or partly in each area Note 4. Parking and alleys. Notwithstanding any other provision of this ordinance any required parking space may be located in whole or in part within an alley adjacent to the rear of the building site Each parking space must be connected by private driveways directly to a street area and to each adjacent building site (or an alley at the rear of each site) Exception: Direct connection to a street area is not required where there is an indirect connection via alleys Note S. Maximum Building Setback. The front main wall of each principal building may not be farther than ten feet from the front street line. The width of the building at the front main wall must be at least as wide as the building site excluding the width of side yards and driveways actually used 5 Attachment to 10-12-2006 ZPC minutes Proposed regulations for a "C-PED" district 10-10-06 (CLEAN version, not marked) This chart assumes that general exceptions and notes in Tables 7-1 through 7-5b would be preserved as separate sections and would apply in the C-PED District. Purpose The purposes of this district are: (i) to provide regulations for commercial areas compatible with nearby residential areas, (ii) to encourage access by pedestrians, and (iii) to provide for buffering of less-intensive land uses. Uses Allowed Any residential (on building A park, playground or community center may be sites where the principal use is privately or publicly owned. commercial) For PWSF use, see PWSF Schedule. Park, playground, or community center (public), school (public), place of worship Private green space Utility or service use Light commercial Allowed only if Medium commercial A special exception may authorize school authorized by special (other) use on sites wholly or partially within exception School (other) this district. For PWSF use, see PWSF Schedule. Yards or Front yard Depth, min.: 8 ft. Front sidewalk area (if dedicated as a limited public easement) "setbacks" counts as front yard. See: Note 1 regarding structures above sidewalks. See, also, maximum building setback rule, below. Interior side yard Width, min.: 5 ft. The ZBA may issue a special exception for a zero-width side yard, but only upon application by both property owners and only if the special exception is conditioned upon the construction and maintenance of a common wall or continuously-abutting separate walls (in either case with a four-hour fire rating or better along the property Street side yard Width, min.: 8 ft. See: Note 1 regarding structures above sidewalks. Rear yard Depth, min.: 50 ft. Rear alley area counts as rear yard. See: Note 2 regarding rear yard, screening, etc. SF Bufferyard Depth, min: 10 ft. See: Note 2 regarding rear yard, screening, etc. Open and Open area Front yard, min.: N/A pervious areas Rear yard min.: N/A See: Note 2 regarding rear yard, screening, etc. Entire building site, min.: 15% 1 Attachment to 10-12-2006 ZPC minutes Pervious area Front yard, min.: N/A See: Note 2 regarding rear yard, screening, etc. Rear yard, min.: N/A Entire building site, min.: 15% Landscaping strips Required. See Notes 2 and 3 regarding additional landscaped areas. Qualified trees Each qualified tree required Additional or better pervious area may be by this ordinance or Chapter required to comply with Chapter 22. 22 of the Code of Ordinance must be located within a contiguous and reasonably compact pervious area in or adjacent to the front yard and containing at least 50 SF Pervious pavement Allowed. Parking areas, interior See: Note 2 regarding rear yard, screening, etc. Garage Garage parking spaces (not regulated) See Article 10 space Buildings Garage dimensions (not regulated) Maneuvering area (not regulated. Facing of door or (not regulated) opening Limit on non-garage (not regulated) space Dwelling units Neither number nor type is Any DU must be on a building site where the regulated. principal use is commercial. Framed area (not regulated) Length, width (not regulated) Exterior materials Must be of equal grade and quality, all sides. See Section 8-104. Separation of DU's A four-hour fire wall, or its equivalent, must separate adjoining dwelling units. SF privacy protection Applies> Accessory buildings Number, max.: (not regulated) Height, max.: 35 ft. 2 Attachment to 10-12-2006 ZPC minutes Principal buildings Stories, max: (not regulated) The maximum height of chimneys attached to a Height, max.: 40 feet principal building is the greater of 35 feet or GFA, min: 1,400 SF four feet above the roof. Width, min.: (see Note 5) Setback, max. (see Note 5) Parking, Off-street parking Number, location, size, design Depends on land use, layout, etc.. See below Driveways, spaces and parking and Article 10. See Note 4. Etc. areas Grouping or sharing. Not allowed without a special exception, but see Other regulations Article 10. apply; see, e.g. Article 10. Use of parking areas Parking spaces may only be used for motor vehicle parking. Emergency accessway 20 ft. min. width, via public or private street, to each principal building and each DU (or to an adjacent open area accessible to firefighters and equipment). Other regulations apply, e.g, fire code. Driveways and private Width, min.: 10 feet, or 17 feet if two-way streets Other regulations apply; see, e.g. Article Width, max.: 24 ft. (or 35 feet if connecting to a major thoroughfare). 10. Length, max.: (not regulated) Route, location: See Note 4. Spacing: There must be at least 40 feet between the "inside" apron edges (at their narrowest points) of driveways serving the same building site. Pavement Reinforced concrete (or previous pavement) with curbs and drains required for all vehicular areas. The ZBA may issue a special exception to allow other materials if it finds that they will provide equal or better durability. Markings; wheel Parking spaces must be clearly marked on the pavement, and wheel stops are stops. required. Curb cuts Number: Maximum one per 50-ft. segment of street line. The ZBA may issue a special exception for additional curb cuts. Other regulations apply; see, e.g. Article 10. Max. width per 50-ft. segment of street line: Four feet (for aprons) plus the maximum driveway width allowed. Each curb cut must be confined to the part of the street area that directly abuts the building site(s) served. Visibility triangles Standard regulations apply. 3 Attachment to 10-12-2006 ZPC minutes Certain Swimming pools Number: (not regulated) structures Tennis courts Number: (not regulated) N/A i All structures Height, maximum: 35 ft. However, no part of any structure except a fence) may be higher than the horizontal distance from that part to the nearest part of an SF District. Outdoor lights Height, max.: 15 ft. Outdoor lights must have full "cut-off' features to prevent direct light trespass to adjoining SF Districts. The design, color, and other lighting elements must be compatible with public lighting in the vicinity. Note 1: Sidewalk Areas. Within each front and street side yard, there must be a continuous pedestrian walkway area at least eight feet wide and eight feet deep to connect building entrances to the street area and to adjacent building sites. Walkway material must match existing material (e.g., brick pavers) used for public sidewalks in vicinity. Building canopies or balconies (with posts) may cover the sidewalk area if (i) the sidewalk area is dedicated to the public to a depth of at least eight feet and a height of at least ten feet along the full length of each street line, (ii) normal sidewalk use is preserved, (iii) only open deck area (with open-air uses) is allowed above the sidewalk area, and (iv) any signs above the sidewalk areas conform to a master sign plan for the area, approved by the administrative official. Note 2. Rear Parking Areas. All parking spaces must located behind a principal building or within an enclosed garage. Parking areas must be designed so that aisles may be extended to connect with each adjacent street area, alley area and building site. Each parking must be screened from any nearby SF District by special screens (finished side facing out) and a parallel landscaped strip at least six feet wide with either evergreen tall shrubs or small trees planted on six-foot centers (or closer). See Fig. 1. Note 3. Street Landscaping Areas. There must be least one landscaped area for each 50 feet of the combined length of front and side street lines (or part thereof). Each landscaped area must include at least 50 SF with low shrubs or plants and at least one qualified tree. Landscape areas may include artwork, benches, fountains, and other pedestrian oriented amenities. Landscape areas may be located within the front part of the site or (with permission of the City Council) in the adjacent street area, or partly in each area. Note 4. Parking and alleys. Notwithstanding any other provision of this ordinance, any required parking space may be located in whole or in part within an alley adjacent to the rear of the building site. Each parking space must be connected by private driveways directly to a street area and to each adjacent building site (or an alley at the rear of each site). Exception: Direct connection to a street area is not required where there is an indirect connection via alleys. Note 5. Maximum Building Setback. The front main wall of each principal building may not be farther than ten feet from the front street line. The width of the building, at the front main wall, must be at least as wide as the building site, excluding the width of side yards and driveways actually used. 4 Attachment to 10-12-2006 ZPC minutes With amendments, 10-10--06Subcemmittee-Comment: How do we asstere at these guidelines are published add to the amendment, report to , web site Suggested inserts LD , 9-11-06 A RESOLUTI by The Zoning and Planning Commission of t ty of We ty Place, Texas relat' Qualified Pedestria rents Aug , WHEREAS, the Zoning and g Co ty of West University Place, Texas ("ZPC") has approved a pr report (th n a proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City o versity Place to qualified pedestrian-enhanced developments ("QPEDs" y~ addres 's proposal to add a new Section 8-116 to the WHE Zoning Or w the Special Use Permits for QPEDs; AS, per the R EDs would be limited to the City's C District (i.e., Co istrict), and would a plat or re-plat that addressed, among other things, (a) off (located generall rear of the affected building sites), and (b) reserves for landsca erring; WHE pecial Use Permits for a QPED could permit, in certain approved site specs shared or reduced parking, (b) reduced or zero-width front yards, or (c) other acc ns to the Zoning Ordinance; WHEREAS, the ZPC has discussed and formulated a list of overall site objectives and design criteria which reflect its current vision for QPEDs in the City's C District located along Edloe between Rice Blvd. and University Blvd, commonly known as the West University Town Center (the "QPED Design Guidelines"); Attachment to 10-12-2006 ZPC minutes WHEREAS, although not a part of the Report or an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, the QPED Design Guidelines reflect the ZPC's current vision for the development of the West University Town Center as a QPED; WHEREAS, the ZPC desires to formally memorialize these QPED Design Guidelines to assist the Building Official, the Administrative Official, the City uncil, future members of the ZPC, and owners or prospective developers of the West Univer ter. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that C is the following as the QPED Design Guidelines: ,p 1. Overall Site Objectives. The Overall f the on Attachment 1 to these QPED Design Guidelines. [to be att ached] 2. Pedestrian Easements. By its name, the tes a pedestrian oriented development. To ensure this goal, the QPED lat should dedications of sidewalk and pedestrian easements to the public. 3. Yards or "Setbacks." Setba th line as small as 8' could be allowed if the following conditions are met: (a) Within the fron bad her t be a t uous pedestrian walkway area (dedicated to the public ect wit erties. Walkway material must match existing mat , brick pav (or City Center area) and a minimum of 8 feet in wi (b) erhead b ctions into the front setback would be required from t ine top over walkway area (See Fig. 1). Only open dec over projection; however, the overhead may ort op es such as open, patio style seating. (c) To accommo ear landscape buffer, a driveway, and at least one-sided I arking, the rear b setback should be at least 50'. 4. A buil ' t greater than the maximum allowed in a C District (35 feet) may 'de imum height does not exceed 40 feet, (b) the privacy, noise, lighting an ch could affect residential areas to the east of the West University Town Cen tely addressed. 5. Parking. (a) The QPED would provide for rear access parking to be located behind the principal building, in either head-in double row or angle double row arrays. Parking should be designed to connect in the future with adjacent properties' rear parking and eventually with potential outlets to Rice and University Boulevards. Attachment to 10-12-2006 ZPC minutes (b) Screening. Rear parking should be screened by 8' opaque fences and 6' to 8' wide landscape strips with evergreen tall shrubs/small trees located on 6' centers. Landscaping should be located inside all screening, with the finished side of fencing facing residential areas located to the east of the West University Town Center (See Fig. 1) (c) In order to ensure that rear parking be e to serve adjacent development and the public, the QPED plat would edic a public easements. (d) With an 8' front setback, front p D should be limited to parallel parking. (e) The exploration of private p r West University Town Center should be encourage 5. Ser-eening. Rear par-king sheuW be .-r-- fences en 6' eent 6. Common Walls. Zero-widt yar between adjoining building sites may be allowed with the follo a) al ex sued by the ZBA, (b) agreement and joint application by all to op ers, a common wall or continuously abutting separate walls er case fire rating or better). 7. Landscaping. g areas shou fired in the front for every 50 feet of building site width. Landsca ust be at least 50 square feet in size and include low shrubs or plants an st one qu Landscape areas can - and are encouraged to include artwo sins, estrian oriented amenities. Landscape areas ma be loc of the h mission of the City Council in the adjacent a or rea. w rA- with par- 1 par-king? Head in 8. neous P us. Tables, chairs, benches, sculpture or fountains placed in the ho lowed if they do not significantly impair pedestrian traffic flow and comply' ances. These amenities may also be allowed to project into street areas, pro not block vehicular or pedestrian traffic, cause any safety concerns, and are approv vance as may be required by City ordinances regulating the use of street areas, 9. Signs. All signs must conform to current City codes and, if located on or above publicly-dedicated areas (streets or sidewalks), they should be subject to coordinated design guidelines for the entire West University Town Center, as well as a master sign plan as required by Section 3.207 of the Code of Ordinances. For example, signs should be constructed with visible elements made of the same material and use coordinated design features. Attachment to 10-12-2006 ZPC minutes 10. Lighting. Lighting standards should be restricted to 15' in height, with full "cut- off' features to prevent direct light trespass to adjoining SF Districts. The design, color, and other lighting elements should be compatible with public lighting in the West University Town Center. The approval of the Director of Public Works should be obtained with respect to all lighting plans. 11. Sustainability. QPED development should our a development and building design, and environmentally friendly site and o 12. Illustration; Plans. Attached hereto re ro the ZPC illustrating the application of some of the Q delines. QPED must be submitted for review an approval with t ecial Use BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the forego' uidelines are illustrative and aspirational, and shall not be binding on the City, th dministrative Official, the City Council or the Building Official. idelines ded or supplemented from time to time. Approved this day of G COMMISSION OF THE OF WE ITY PLACE, TEXAS f, F By: Commission Page 1 of 2 Attachment to 10-12-2006 ZPC minutes Sallye Clark From: Steve Brown [sgbrown@hal-pc.org] Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 4:48 PM To: Sallye Clark Cc: Chris Peifer; Debbie Scarcella; Kay Holloway Subject: Fwd: ZPC Ordinance on Garages Sallye, Please circulate this to the members of the ZPC. They should also know that the Council at last night's meeting passed the ordinances calling for a joint public hearing on this item and the item on porches in the front setback. Those hearings would take place on Nov. 13. I expect to be asked to appear at the next Council workshop and would welcome other members of the ZPC to join me. Thanks, Steve Begin forwarded message: From: "Richard Yehle" <reyehle houston.rr.com> Date: September 26, 2006 11:02:21 AM CDT To: "Michael Ross" <mross westu.org> Cc: "Steve Brown" <sabrown @hal-pc.org> Subject: ZPC Ordinance on Garages Michael, I am concerned about calling a public hearing on a zoning issue as substantial as that governing "garages in the rear yard" without City Council having had a chance to understand the issues and consequences. On the one hand hearing from the public is at the core of the legislative process, but on the other, legislators must be fully versed to both respond to those who appear and to represent those who do not appear at such a hearing. I know a lot about the background of the issue but don't know how to respond to the ZPC proposal because I was not privy to their debate and have many questions about the conflict of priorities. For example, I would like to know how ZPC balanced overlapping principles of ownership rights, front- loading versus rear garages, the 80% Rule, and other setback issues. I am sure the ZPC considered most if not all of them but Council needs to be armed to make its own judgment as to what principles should carry the most weight. As with many ordinances, the ordinance itself is fine but the consequences cannot be fully understood from the ordinance itself. From my limited inquiries, no one seems prepared speculate on the fundamental question of what type of maximized house might evolve if "garage bridges" were banned. A lot of "framed area" would probably migrate to the house, where it would create an even bigger box, if such area would even fit under the rules. The questions then would be: Which "evil" is preferred; a garage bridge or a big box? • Does this change effectively alter the 80% Rule by the back door by preventing people from 10/11/2006 Page 2 of 2 Attachment to 10-12-2006 ZPC minutes building the same square footage allowed today (with a rear garage)? Will the ordinance effectively force front-loading garages, and are they perceived as more or less desirable than the status quo? As is so often the case, I may have chosen the wrong words to express my concern for the grandfathering effect. While it is true that virtually every change creates a grandfathered class, a change as significant as this could create a very large class that already have garage-bridges that may be significantly preferred to those that follow, thereby creating super-value for one group and economically punishing those not in the group. I may be naive in thinking the issue should be judged in light of all principles not merely the desire to redress a single sin. Nevertheless, I think in preparation for the public hearing and as confirmation that it should be called; this matter must be considered at the next available workshop session. Regards, Dick 10/11/2006 0- l~- O Amendment to add "plate height" limit 5-4-06 (adds detail about roof surfaces, dormers and gables) Amend Table 7-4b (both pages) as follows: Table 7-4b• Buildings General Rule: Every structure must conform to the applicable regulations shown, by District, in this table.("N/A" means the rule does not apply.) Exceptions/Special Rules: (1) See special rules noted in table. 2 See Article 9 re ardin Planned Develo ment Districts. Item Regulation SF-1 SF-2 SF-3 TH GR-/ GR-2 C Dwelling units Maximum number per One, plus one accessory quarters (AQ) 17.5 per Two 24 per See Uses building site acre. See acre. table and Note 8 Art. 9 Framed area, all Maximum area as a 80% 100% See Note 4. N/A buildings on a building percentage of building site site area Length or width, any Maximum horizontal N/A 130 feet. See Note 3. N/A building dimension Exterior materials, any Type N/A Must be of equal grade and quality, all sides. See -,building. Section 8-104. Separation of DU's Fire-rated wall N/A A four-hour fire wall, or its equivalent, must separate - - adjoining dwelling units. See Notes 3 and 5. SF privacy protection i See Note 7. N/A Applies. N/A Accessory buildings I Maximum number per Three N/A buildin site See Article 10 regarding garage space. Height, maximum 25 ft. 35 ft. See ! Note 2. I Principal buildings Stories, maximum Two and one-half. Three. See Note 6 N/A See Article 10 regarding i garage space. Height, maximum 3r 25 feet See Ar icT Note: This is a "Plate helkht " limit. See Notes 1 and 10 35 ft. or less. See Note 2. Minimum gross floor 1,400 square feet, if used for residential 1,200 sq. 750 sq. ft, each DU 1,400 sq. area purposes ft, each ~ ft. DU. Width, minimum N/A 16 ft., each N/A But see QM DS N/A Note 1. Antennas and Chimneys. Roof-mounted radio or television antennas on a principal building in a residential district may project up to four feet above the roof. The maximum height of chimneys attached to a principal building is the greater of 35 feet or four feet above the roof. Note 10. Pitched Roofs in Residential Districts The following may have a height up to 35 feet (i) a roof surface (e a plane a cone) with a pitch not greater than "12-in-12" (45 degrees) which begins at a height below 25 feet and either rises to a peak point or rises to meet another such roof surface at a ridgeline or peak point (ii) structures and building space beneath such roof surfaces and (iii) dormers and gables with no more than square feet of penetrating area (each) and no more than square feet of penetrating area in the aggregate (all dormers and gables on the building site) In this note, "penetrating area" means the area beneath any part of the dormer or Gable that exceeds 29 feet in height) See Figure PR. Amendment to add rl~~f "plate height" limit 5-4-06 (altemate version using a sloped height limit) Amend Table 7-4b (both pages) as follows: Table 7-4b• Buildings Cenera/ Mile: livery Stucture nwst conform to the applicable regulations shown, by District. in this tahlc.(-N/A" mcanas the rule does not .apply.) L:cceptinns,:Sj)cr.ud Rules: ( I ) See special rules noted in lahlc. (2) See Article r) rc uardna Planned Development Districts. Item Regulation NF-! YF-2 SP-3 III GR-1 GR-2 Dwelling units Maximum number per One, plus one accessory quarters (AQ) 17.5 per I'wu 24 per acre. Sec Uses building site acre..See table and Note X .4ri. 9 Framed area, all buildings Maximum area as a x014 100% tiee Note 4. N/A on a building site percentage of building site area Length or width. any Maximum horizontal N/A 110 reel. Yee Naie 3. N/A building dimension Fxterior materials, any Type N/A Most he of equal gradc and quality, all sides. See huildin g. Section 8-104. Separation of Dll's Fire-rated wall N/A A tour-hour fits; wall. or its equivalent, mast separate ad'ninin dwcllin g units, S'ee Notes 3 and .5. SP privacy protection See Note 7. N/A Applies. N/A Accessory buildings Maximum number per 'three N/A building site .1'ee Article 10 regariling garage spice. I leighl, maximum 24+1- N iar of an sacensstirv huil< in mpy-_he highu' than.20 li c nl s the 35 11. See horizgia a istancc Iinm.0ial.unrt to the 1 igs(lnrr gray i n • nut Jo exec d 25_lix Note 2. a "sholauP hei ht fill tit .Sex oleo Naee /brad 10. Principal building,-, Stories, maximum Two and one-half. 'T'hree. See Note 6. N/A See Article 10 regarding garage apace. I Icight, maximum 35 fWl; 24 f No art of a principal building may he 35 It. ire higher than 20 feet plus the horizona] distant from that part to the nc res lam See properly line (not to exceed 35 feet totap. ,See,Pi lit( . This is a_'sloped•' Note 1. height limit. See also Nn e. and 10. Minimum gross Iloor 1,400 square feet, if used fix residential 1,200 sq. 750 sq. It. each DU 1.400 sy. area purposes It., each it. Dl 1. Width, minimum N/A 16 11. each N/A /tut see Qr1 IV N/A DU. Schedule. ,Sore 1. 4ntennas and Chitru)eye. hoof-mounted radio or television antennas on a principal building ma residential district may prgicet up to liaar• feet above the root'. The maxinumn height orchinnneys attached lo a principal building is the greater of 35 lector li)ur feet above the roof. ,V91 /e 10. DornrerrandGahles. An ordinary donncror gable in a rtsidcntiaLdis[rict ma exceed the krpj~d height limit it`. _ti) it doses not exceed the ntaxinmm hcicht (35 feet or 25 feet in rear yard): (ii) the penetrating area does not exceed square Fect~ and_iiii)lbg en nt rating areas of add d(rn and gablgti (on the building site) do n l exceed sttuare teen. in the ,g-gregatc. In his note, LI)cnchatine area means the area bencad a _Lrt e)f the dormer or Gable that exceeds the stoned Itetgiil limit by four teo or mere. jtULhPWLt lU - lam- D 1~ G rtgure HRD Sloped Height Limit in Residential Districts i i i i i Fleight limit (non-yard areas); see Table 7-41) I I r------------ ------------------1 35 feet (lie ight) i I i i i i i i 45-degree angle - 20 feet (height) i i i Side oroverty line Side orooerty line i i i i i i i i F standard base level Conceptual view from front street line. Lower height limit applies in rear yard. Not to scale. Note: Many other regulations apply, in addition to those shown in this figure. Nothing in this figure allows structures to be located in yards or "setbacks." See Tables 7-2 and 7-6. West University Place - ~ut.r ~~r ►-r =i i W t y ,r Lot Area 80% 40009gft+.5(lot area-5000) 70% 6327 Vanderbilt 3011 Univemtiy 3617 Albans 6314 Brompton 5,000 4,000 4,000 3,504 7,500 6,000 5,250 5,250 10,000 8,000 6,500 7,000 12,500 10,000 7,750 8,750 15,000 12,000 9,000 10,500 17,500 14,000 10,250 12,250 ` 20,000 16,000 11,500 14,000 6,000 8,800 22,500 18,000 12,750 15,750 10,600 14,0 Lot Area vs. Framed Area 20,000 _ 7- -7 18,000, M H V 16,000 .r}r~x ' n ~`W96 14,000 ~ 4000s"+.5(lot area-soon) d L'A 4S. 1 Q 12'000 10,000 70% Uq a+ 8,040 mow. + r ~ < -.*-6327 VanderbiR o 6,000 3011 Universtiy Q 4,000 - `i k" rr, s 4 ro 3817 Albans v 2,000 J , 6314 Brompton c 0 Or Lot Area