Meeting called to order at 1:55 PM.
Attendees:, John Neighbors, Betty Aillet, Joe Graf, George Harbeson, Lyndon McKnight,
Mary Ryerson, Kenneth Moore, Carolyn Sacchi, Elizabeth Young, Cathy Wright, Rolla
Long, Joan Johnson and Jo Lukens. Staff present was Janiss Stump. Council member
present was Steven Segal. Absent were Maureen Beck, Ann Hershiser and Stan
McCandless. Guest present was Charles Graf.
Previous meeting's Minutes were approved with a correction.
Previews and Sneak Previews were reviewed.
Sunshine Meals: Everything is coming together as forecast. The transition to alternative
programs is going smoothly.
APAC: No report.
Council Meeting Report: There was discussion of the definition of "open" with regard
to the rec center and Commissioner Raddick's definition. His definition would
effectively render the center a property of Harris County and open to the public. Monies
would have to be spent in two years. To date, the facility has been remodeled with very
little expenditure, and a building life of ten to fifteen years is anticipated. Swimming
lessons, the fields and the gym will be in use this summer. Council is considering a "No
Knock" provision that would restrict commercial solicitors to calling only upon homes
that have not requested placement on the list. Sidewalks are still under discussion. Some
streets do not have sufficient space for resident parking without blocking sidewalks. An
issue with missing stop signs was reported and "one side of the street" parking is still
under review.
Good Neighbor Team/Flying Squad Report: Still updating list of seniors. There are
some concerns about some specific individuals. If you encounter a senior resident in
need of assistance, report the case to Janiss.
Activity Report: Senior Issues Forum is going well. The Mardi Gra theme meal was a
success. Self defense classes and stroke prevention classes were commended.
Hi Neighbor Newsletter: Should be ready Saturday. Website is still under
Previous Business: None
New Business: Parks and Recreation Director Interviews are ongoing. John Neighbors
and Mike Ross have agreed that our Board should be part of this process. John will be
participating in future interviews. Janiss needs support from whoever is finally selected
for the position. There was discussion about hiring a Director that could focus on Senior
issues as well as those of children and young adults. The issue was raised as to what
department, if any, would be most effective for Senior Services to operate under.
Placement under the Fire Department, Parks and Recreation, or no over-seeing
department was mentioned. There would be structural changes involved should the
Board "stand alone". The Board was asked to entertain ideas and discussion on this
subject. On March 291" at 5:30 PM, City Council will meet with all Board and
Committee heads and all members are invited
Meeting adjourned at 2: 48 PM.