Meeting called to order at 2:01 PM.
Attendees: John Neighbors, Mary Ryerson, Joe Graf, George Harbeson, Lyndon
McKnight, Carolyn Sacchi, Elizabeth Young, Cathy Wright, and Jo Lukens. Staff
present was Janiss Stump. Council member present was Steven Segal. Absent were Ann
Hershiser, Betty Aillet, Joan Johnson, Stan McCandless, Rolla Long, Kenneth Moore,
and Maureen Beck.
Previous meeting's Minutes were read and approved.
Previews and Sneak Previews were reviewed.
Sunshine Meals: Meals will be delivered through June.
APAC: Harris County will add a new section to their website designed to provide
information and links for caregivers. A Commissioner representative, Betty Gunnerson,
is making plans to go to Austin to lobby for Medicare coverage for assisted living. It was
suggested that Martha Wong and Kyle Janek be informed of these plans.
Council Meeting Report: Rec. Center opened June 1 st with a ribbon cutting ceremony.
Swim lessons have been moved to Rec. Center, allowing more free swim time at Colonial
Park. Gym is available for open play at different times for different ages. Council
authorized City Manager to send a letter opposing proposed high rise on east side of
Kirby on Shakespeare. City Council will address a resolution opposing the high rise. A
June 14`h Public Hearing will address proposed amendments to the 80% rule for
construction of new homes, "covered space" to be included. Up for discussion are flood
control/drainage report, infrastructure update, five year capital improvement plan, city
owned property, and the impact of the water rate increase on revenues.
Good Neighbor Team/Flying Squad Report: No report.
Activity Report: A new report on activity participation by residents versus non-
residents was presented. Beefing up communications about activities is needed. An
updated list of seniors is also needed, and avenues to obtain one such as the water bill
were discussed. Using postcards or checking boxes on water bill were suggested, but
privacy may be a factor.
Previous Business: Past canceling of July and August Board meetings will not take
place. July meeting will be held, at which time the need for an August meeting will be
New Business: Janiss's new assistant, Toby Dykema, was introduced to the Board. A
discussion of Metro Lift and coordinating their services with ours was explored. The
City of Houston has access to HUD funds for emergency repairs, and City of West U.
needs to assess tapping into this resource. The issue of older homes being flooded by
new homes with elevated foundations was brought up. The flooding of the older homes
can cause fire hazards (jammed doors) and foundation shifting, among other damage. It
appears that home builders adhere to different drainage standards, and that the standards
are not consistently enforced and/or inspected. This should be discussed with Steven
Segal, as our Council liaison.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:56 PM.