HomeMy WebLinkAboutssminutes030995SENIOR SERVICES MINUTE S MAPCH 9.1995 t0EMBER } PRESENT 'Sharon Reusser, ManaWr Dorothy RieW, Chairperson Mary Lee Gray, Secretat Randy Hardy, Treasurer Mane Fish Ida Fein Tom Malloy Ruth Nelson LK. )nard Townley Wi&, Wickerham Ruth Ann Wissel MEMBERS ABSENT Jahn Monahan Dalia `stokes The Senior S epiices Board rnet in the Senior wing of the Communit Building- CALL TO ORDER The meeting as called to order the the chairman, Dorothy R ieger. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Tom Malloy arnended the minutes to read that a letter of appreciation from the Sunshine Meals on h,` eIs had been sent to the Mayor and City Counti:i1. The rernainder *,as approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS S baron Reusser read the announcemenL-, - MONTHLY REPORT S hart En Reusser read the monthhy report. TREASURER'S REPORT Randy Hardy read the treasurer's report. A,u RP REPORT Ruth Ann WisseI reported that the AARP, whi~.h is open to all rrationaI members, nee=ds old eye glasses and yarns .tfhik-h M I I be recycled to the needy by Lens Crafters and the Limns CIub. SUNSHINE MEALS ON WHEELS Tom tvLalk-)y repotted thatthe croup's Board, in order to soIic:itfunds and volunteers, is planning t .j s ubcorro Otees to conta~A churches anc_i cttic organizations to let the community 1. now abo Lit the seniices and how to get in touch %&Ath Sunshine Meals. A meeting with Interfaith Ministeries considered the trine area creeds. S unshine Meals needs additional trolurrkeer drivers. He also reported that CC a C is starting an Interfaith Care +aiYers to ass!st people in need and St. Luke's Presbyterian Church is considering a senior day case center. COUNCIL MEETING Dorothy Rieger reported that a number of matters were considered, including ambulance access to hall games in the event of an emergency, financial agreement about the outside use of the ambulance seryice, honoring of the Paris Board for funds raised, the delNery date of a ne wczar for'3enior Services; and the diyision of existing properties into rnore than one lot. OLD BUS INES S S harp n Re usser reported on the Arts and '-rafts Fair and thanked all who supported the e vent- S- he said that guest art ~N4,,rt: ;rkra.s from a senior class ta ught by Beth Serer. NEW BUSINE J Ruth Ann Wissel ma-de a motion not to raise funds for a group that had requested assistance, Randy Hardy seconded. The Board passed the motion unanimously. S harp n Re us-ser reported that the offices wi I I be c lased o n Good Friday, ADJOURNMENT Ruth Ann WisseI made the motion, Marie Fish seconded. s 4kl '17 SENIOR SERVICES CENTER CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FEBRUARY 9, 1995 Beginning Balance 12/31/94 $3,304.82 Deposits/Credits 146.00 Disbursements/Debits 129.00 Balance 1/31/95 $3,321.82 Respectfully submitted, Randy rdy, Tre rer