HomeMy WebLinkAboutssminutes060895SENIOR SERVICES MINUTES JUNE GJ995 MEMBERS"PRESENT S haron Reusser, Manager Dorothy Rieger, Cha►rp-erson Mary Lee Gray, Secretary Randy Hardy, Treasurer Ida Feux Torn Malley John Monahan Ruth Nelson Leonard Townley Wick ckerham MEMBERS ABSENT Marie Fish Dalia Stokes Ruth Ann Wissel The Senior Services Board met in the Senior Wing of the axnmunit/ Building. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was c-aIled to order by the cha irperr:on, Dorothy Rieger. APPROYAL OF MINUTES The minutes Y*re read by the secretary. Tom Malloy corrected the minutes to read that the executiYe director of CCS C and the Coordinator of Sunshine Meals had resigned- John Monahan moved to accept the minutes, Tom Malloy seconded. ANNOUNCEMENTS The announcements Awe read by Sharon Reu:=ser_ She added two corrections to days and time of actNities. MONTHLY REPORT The monthlyj report was read by Sharon Reusser. SUNSHINE MEALS ON WHEELS Tom Ma I loy r ep,,Ae, d that the 3ery ice s opera.ti ng norma I ly, . 4 n i nterirrn exec utiye, d irector has been named. COUNCIL MEETINGi Dorothy Rieger reported that the following items v- ere discussed. a. co Yered bus 'gaitarea at Uni'{ersity and Auden; the completion of 29 additional wheelchair ramps in the c_:iky; a proposed name for the Milton Street part- as veil as the addition c~ a gazebo and shrubbery to the park, and a public meeting scheduled to discuss zoning changes. OLD BUSINESS Sharon reported that the Community Center renoyations will not be completed in June because of the amount of d-eta- it Y-A)W. remaining. For the proposed ,senior- Seryices information sheet, she handed out (,kTies of a report that had been prepared earlier and asked for Board input. NE's` BUS INES S Ruth Nelson said that the Jourrial reported that the Rory Cl&, was planning to assist Senic Services in repairing houses for seniors in need. Randy Hardy said the proposal is being discussed but no decisions had been made. Sharon Reusser sad July 4 4rould be a holiday and offices would be closed. )pen house for the Ccwtunity Center may be scheduled in Jtuly. The Senior ~eN ices Board may be asked to assist with the open house. ADJGUAWENT Ruth Nelson moved to adjourn, Leonard Townley seconded. -pe(X, uIly emitted, G ;22 V Mary Lee Camay, Secretary SE~~IOR SERVICES CENTER CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE JUNE 8, 1995 Beginning Balance 04/30/95 $3,354.71 Deposits/Credits 501.00 Disbursements/Debits 727.00 Balance 05/31/95 $3,128.71 Respectfully submitted, A 016 Randy Hardy, Treasurer