HomeMy WebLinkAboutssminutes071395`Et#IOF 5 EP ICE S MINUTES JULY 13, 1 99S MEMBERS PRESENT Sharon Reusser, Manager Dorothy Rieger, Chairperson Mary Lee t gray, Secret Randy Hardy, Treasurer Ida. Fein Marie Fish Tern Ma I lry Leonard Townley MEMBERS ABSENT John Monahan Ruth Nelson Dalia Stf;~kes 't'ick Wickerham Ruth Ann WissseI The Senior Serriees Board met in the Senior Wing of the Community Building. CALL TO ORDER The rr-*P, ting was caned to order by the chairperson, Dorothy Rieger. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes i re approved as read. Ton- Malloy mto ed to accept the minutes. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sharon Reusser read the annoucerrents in which she corrected a departure tirrne. MONTHLY REPORT The monthly report was read by S haron Reusser. TREASURER'S REPORT Randy Hardy read the bea.surWs report. '31-INS HINE MEALS ON WHEELS Torn Malloy reported that the group serves 50 active clients and 13 temporary c lie rte. He a so said that C C S C gill conduct a surrey for End Hurd to determine how many clients mould be interested in having soup delivered for weekend meals. Thirtyy clients agreed. No charge will be mack-during a trial period. He, also related the pleasant experience of being accompanied can his rounds by four youngster, from a fifth grade religion class at St. Luke's United Methodist Church. C,'OUN(--:IL MEETING Dorothy Rieg-ar reported that Council heard but did not respond to a request for rides for senior citizens to attend Council meeting. Comp la.iM were heap about dirty street s igns a rid rats. Members .4 the Zoning Board during a special meeting heard from citizens objecting to the Variance given for front porc=hes prrotruding into, yard space; announced that a citizen cannot build Mo houses on a 100 foot lot, heard a report of a micro vase fire after a po*er surge Caused by the new lights forthe baseball fields; and announced that the Poor Farm Ditch % would be ciea.ned from UnNersity to Bellaire Bouleyand. OLD BUSINESS Sharon Reusser announced thatthe C-omrunu0/ Building should be completed tj the end of July. She also said in response to a question that a community-wide National Night Out would probab, ly not be held this year. NEW BUS INES S S baron Reusser said the library is investigating the possiblity of bo ol/ deliYenj to seniors who cannot travel to the Ibrary. ,s he also said that ,O est Uni'versihy Magazine was interested in started a 7 r,*, irie` gossip column . S he requested that hoard memr-ers stir" vey other seniors to determine interest. S he also said she would be expected by the magazine to assemble the gossip. The consensus of board rrrerr rs was negative response. The board discussed the protest key a senior couple concerning the metaphysical series. ADJOURNNIENT Brie Fish moved to adjourn; Rance Hardy seconded. Respectfully submitted, Mary Lee C4ay SENIOR SERVICES CENTER CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE JULY 13, 1995 Beginning Balance 05/31/95 $3,128.71 Deposits/Credits 1,695.00 Disbursements/Debits 329.70 Balance 06/30/95 $4,494.01 Respectfully submitted, Randy HE~X, Treasure