HomeMy WebLinkAboutssminutes101295SENIOR SERVICES MINUTES OCTOBER 12,1995 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Monahan, Chairperson Randy Hardy, Treasurer Marie Fish Ida Fuex Tom Malloy Jack Meyers Ruth Nelson Dorothy Rieger Dalia Stokes MEMBERS ABSENT: Sharon Reusser, Manager Mary Lee Gray, Secretary Dianne Rogers Wick Wickerham Ruth Ann Wissel The Senior Services Board met in the Senior Wing of the Community Center. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, John Monahan. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes were read by Ruth Nelson; motion to approve made by Dorothy Rieger; seconded by Tom Malloy PREVIEWS: Read by Jack Meyers. MONTHLY REPORT: Read by Jack Meyers. TREASURER'S REPORT: Read by Randy Hardy. AARP REPORT: None given as Ruth Ann Wissel was absent. SUNSHINE MEALS ON WHEELS: Tom Malloy announced the new coordinator is Debbie Brown. The ex-coordinator is now in charge of Emergency Services. New clients should call WUP Senior Services who will give information to coordinator. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Report given by Dorothy Reiger as follows: 1) Decision to add extension on water bill for improvements. A senior citizen objected. 2) Dorothy suggested an increase deduction of sewage base rate for senior citizens--no reaction from Council! 3) There will not be an ammendment on the November 7, 1995 ballot to buy the Y.M.C.A. 4) Appropriation to fix sidewalks (or for new ones) will not be included in bond issue. 5) Less money will be spent on saving trees in the future. General discussion followed re above items. OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: .1. Members who were present signed "Thank you" letter to Innovative Health Systems for giving free flu shots. 2. Jack Meyers announced acoustical work on the Community Building scheduled for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday next week (October 18, 19 and 20). 3. 12 Oaks Hospital will not return to Community Building for bi-monthly luncheon and meeting. Will stay at St. George's. 4. Discussion of 3 bond issues to be on November 7 ballot - especially one concerning water bill increase. The alternative, an increase to property taxes, would be tax deductable and payment could be delayed. Also amount of increase to either one not known so no comparison could be made. John Monahan will try to find out more specifics about issues. General discussion followed concerning Dorothy Rieger's burglary, housing sales (slow) and Randy Hardy's plans for B & B. ADJOURNMENT: Ruth Nelson made motion; Marie Fish seconded. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Nelson Acting Secretary SENIOR SERVICES CENTER CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE OCTOBER 12,1995 Beginning Balance 08/31/95 $4,203.91 Deposits/Credits 567.00 Disbursements/Debits 361.91 Balance 09/30/95 $4,409.00 Respectfully submitted, 3 Randy Hardy Treasurer: