HomeMy WebLinkAboutssminutes041196SENIOR SERVICE MINUTES APRIL 11, 1996 GUESTS: Steve Griffth Jerry Burns MEMBERS PRESENT: John Monahan, Chairperson Ruth Nelson, Acting Secretary Randy Hardy, Treasurer Ida Fuex Jack Meyers Dalia Stokes Dianne Rogers Wick Wickerham MEMBERS ABSENT: Sharon Reusser, Manager Marie Fish Mary Lee Gray, Secretary Dorothy Rieger Ruth Ann Wissel The Senior Services Board met in the Senior Wing of the Community Building. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by John Monahan, Chairperson. Steve Griffith and Jerry Burns gave a report on recycling. They asked for a Volunteer from the Senior Services Board to serve on a committee which will study the recycling situations in West University Place. They plan to have three Sub-Committees: 1) Yard waste, 2) Drop-off recycling, and 3) Solid Waste. Wick Wickerham volunteered to be our representative. From the $6.50 per yard we pay to the dump, $.50 goes to a grant program; given back to help defray costs of installations. West University Place is making a "pitch" for a grant and hopes to be successful. Messrs. Griffith and Burns left after their presentation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes were read by Ruth Nelson. Tom Malloy motioned to accept, Ida Fuex seconded, motion carried. PREVIEWS: Jack Meyers read the previews. Ruth Nelson made motion to accept, Dianne Rogers seconded, motioned carried. MONTHLY REPORT: Dianne Rogers read the report in Sharon's absence. TREASURER'S REPORT: Randy Hardy gave Treasurer's report AARP REPORT: No report given as Ruth Ann was not in attendance. However, John Monahan reported AARP tax consultations end April 12, 1996. He reported they helped an average of eight people each session plus answered numerous telephone inquiries and made visits to shut-ins. COUNCIL MEETING REPORT: Report given by John Monahan as follows: First asked to attend meeting April 8, 1995 at 7:00 p.m.; changed to 6:30 p.m.; settled on 6:45 p.m. After the council meeting ended at 7:30 p.m,. (at which the garbage ordinance regarding recyling incentive program was passed) John gave his report to five council members regarding the Senior Services Board meetings and acttivities. OLD BUSINESS: Randy Hardy wanted the record to show the money in the treasury was donated to Senior Services by Laura Higley when she was mayor. Also he had made a "pitch" at Rotary for drivers for Sunshine Meals on Wheels and had recruited at least one driver. NEW BUSINESS: There will be 58 participants for the Health Fair. Brochures for May, June, July and August 1996 is done and being prepared for mailing. Van was involved in minor collision. Dalia Stokes opponent for the 14th Court of Appeals is Harriet O'Neal, incumbent. Sharon should add Tom Malloy to her March birthday list! Randy Hardy plans a presentation to Rotary Club about West University Place Senior Services and had pictures taken of the Board. MOTION TO ADJOURN: Dalia Stokes made motion, Randy Hardy seconded. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Nelson, Acting Secretary SENIOR SERVICES CENTER CITY OF JEST UNIVERSITY PLACE APRIL 11, 1996 Beginning Balance 02/29/96 $4,853.15 Deposits/Debits 596.50 Disbursements/Debits 1,337.67 Balance 03/31/96 $4,111.98 Respectfully submitted, X-: 4 /1~ 44 Randy Her 1/1 Treasurer