HomeMy WebLinkAboutssminutes011499SENIOR SERVICES MINUTES JANUARY 14, 1999 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary Lee Gray, Chairperson Sharon Reusser, Manager Betty Aillet Lola Brooks Lorraine Greenleaf George Harbeson Tom Malloy Stan McCandless Ken Moore John Valcik Bob Wark Ruth Ann Wissel Dorothy Zink MEMBERS ABSENT: Alice O'Neill Daha Stokes CALL TO ORDER: The Senior Services Board of Directors was called to order by Mary Lee Gray at 2:30 p.m. on January 14, 1999. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes from December 10, 1998 were approved with two correction by motion from Tom Malloy. PREVIEWS AND MONTHLY REPORT: Sharon Reusser gave the previews. Lola Brooks moved to accept the previews. Motion carries. TREASURER'S REPORT: Treasurer's report was given by Sharon Reusser, in the absence of Treasurer, Alice O'Neill. Dorothy Zink moved the acceptance of the Treasurer's report. Motion carried. AARP REPORT: Ruth Ann Wissel gave the AARP report. SUNSHINE MEALS ON WHEELS: Tom Malloy gave the CCSC report. RECYCLING COMMITTEE REPORT: John Valcik reported on the Recycle program, favorably. APAC REPORT: Betty Aillet gave the APAC report. CITY COUNCIL: Dorothy Zink gave an interesting report on the City Council meeting. Director Gray advised Vision 20/20 and the Needs Assessment indicated we have a thousand seniors. Stan McCandless presented comments on parks in Vision 20/20. Director Gray announced the 75th Anniversary celebration will be January 30 from 2:00 - 4:00 and we will be assisting in the celebration, where needed. NEW BUSINESS: The nominating committee added the following: Stan McCandless and Dr. Ruth Netscher. The members welcomed Stan at his first meeting. Dr. Netscher was absent. A committee to send notes to members was introduced and accepted. We volunteered by months: February- Stan McCandless, March - Lola Brooks, April - Bob Wark, May - Mary Lee Gray, June - Lorraine Greenleaf, July - Ken Moore, August - Ruth Ann Wissell, September - Betty Aillet, October - Dorothy Zink, November - Tom Malloy, December - John Valcik. Cards will be available to us and names of those to whom we will be sending. Discussion to rename the "Neighborhood Watch" to "Care Committee" and we heard information on park equipment, as we consider "Park Activities geared toward seniors'> ADJOURNMENT: Director Gray adjourned the meeting at 4:05 p.m. Lola M. Brooks, Secretary