March 12, 2009
Meeting called to order at 2:05PM.
Attendees were: John Neighbors, Stan McCandless, Jo Lukens, Maureen Graf, Selby Clark, Mary-Lee Gray, Cathy Wright,
Mary Ryerson, Joan Johnson and Pieter & Janet Vrancken. Absent: Lyndon McKnight, Maureen Beck, Celia Chipman, and
Elizabeth Young. Councilman present Chuck Guffey. Staff members Michael Ross, Tim O'Connor and Toby Brooks. Guest:
former Councilman Steven Segal, Jeff Gerber and Ryan McLemore.
Previous meeting minutes were approved.
Renovation of Community Building (PGAL)
PGAL representatives Jeff Gerber & Ryan McLemore presented reports concerning renovations to the Community Building.
The floor in auditorium will be renewed. The kitchen area is being remodeled (area increased, new range, new hood,
sinks, cabinets, counters and storage areas). The servery will have frosted glass to reduce noise penetration into the
large room adjoining. A washer and dryer will be added. Within the large room provision will be made for storage areas
compartmentalized for different activities. Additionally there will be a counter top and sink- allowing coffee preparation
within the large room. Dark tile will be installed to minimize visibility of stains. A movable stage will be provided. In the
corridor near the Auditorium a counter -unmanned except for special events and displays -will be retained as will the
present bulletin board. All circulation areas will be covered with carpet tiles. It was emphasized that decorative details
particularly colors are not yet firm. Money from insurance due to Ike will help with the roofing and external repainting.
Selby Clark asked whether the building would be more energy efficient. The budget does not allow for greening
everywhere but thought has been given in the area of: the attic insulation, more energy efficient lighting. Cathy Wright
asked whether locks would be placed on all doors. There will not be a paid city person at every location therefore keys
will provided for some rooms only. Essentially Colonial Park and the former YMCA center will be used for younger
activities with the Community Building being for Senior Activities.
Activities and Previews (Toby Brooks)
Toby Brooks reported that the Newsletter expected beginning of April. Elizabeth Young is cancer free and was grateful for
the card and flowers. She will be back next month.
APAC (Mary-Lee Gray)
Governor Perry is turning down the stimulus money. Efforts are being made to take care of all IKE-related damage.
$530,000 needs to be spent before September. A stimulus package of $506,000,000 for meals on wheels program will
help to alleviate the waiting list. Baylor College of Medicine will provide a complete service for individuals with dementia
and their carers including evaluation, treatment and care. Dr. Mary Kenan - a clinical psychologist -and can be contacted
at 713-798-4734.
Council Meeting Report (Chuck Guffey)
The Council is considering restrictions on the use of leaf blowers. The scope of these possible restrictions ranges from
further limiting the hours of usage to a complete ban. Regulation of basements is also being considered because of
adverse effects during flooding. Restrictions on street parking are also being considered similar to the ban in force in
Southside Place on overnight parking. Action is probably unlikely due to anticipated public protest. ZPC is to consider
limitations on hedges blocking front yards and also use of front yard turnarounds on Buffalo Speedway to allow safer
entrance to the street. Consideration is being given by the Council to acquiring two lots adjacent to the Recreation Center
Entrance as additional parking and green space. It was noted that 20 lots are available within the City. Council member
Mike Talianchich has resigned his position for health reasons. The Council has decided that no replacement is needed
prior to the May 9"' election. Six candidates are running for the four Council positions and the Mayor is unopposed.
Good Neighbor Team (Mary-Lee Gray)
Next Tuesday 3/18 the group under the direction of Stan & Becky Arnold will meet at the Scout House and pack up 140
bags and deliver them. The bags will contain clementines, granola, candy, fruit and a bottle of water purchased by Stan &
Becky. The aim is to keep within a budget of $180. Handyman report will begin for next meeting.
Activity Report (Jo Lukens)
The Mardi Gras whole day outing to Independence was a great success. The group sampled chili, milked a cow, saw
banks of bluebonnets. The depression support group will meet on Wednesday at 2PM. This is the only group of its kind in
the county. Parks and Recreation (Tim O'Connor)
Demolition of the Recreation Center (former YMCA) is now complete. The plan is to have a 25 yd. 8 lane pool and the
committee is focusing on various aspects of this with PGAL and our aquatic consultant. Work on the Community Building
is expected to begin next month with the restrooms. During this work the Building will not be closed for use nor will any
classes be terminated. The fresh water and heating at Colonial Park have been very well received.
The meeting was sorry to learn that Jeremy Veld has lost his grandmother.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 3:15PM.