HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1997 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on January 13, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Watson presiding, Council Members Fogler, Lewis and McCandless. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, and Public Works Director were also present. Council Member Rushing was absent. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under consideration with the Staff. SANITARY SEWER LINE REHABILITATION: The City Council considered using excess funds provided by the Texas Water Development Board for Priority Areas 4B/5A to rehabilitate a sanitary Sewer line under Brompton Townhomes. Public Works Director Ed Menville reported that the Staff was recommending that plans and specifications be prepared for the installation of a liner in the 36" sanitary sewer outfall, situated on Brompton Street, which connects West University Place with the City's sewerage 'treatment plant. The preliminary cost of this project is estimated at $750,000. Recent bids for construction of sewer lines in Priority Area 4B/5A resulted in a savings of approximately $700,000 below estimates for sanitary sewer line construction. These excess funds could be used for the rehabilitation of the sewer line. A motion was made by Council Member Lewis, seconded by Council Member Fogler, to authorize the Staff to proceed with preparation of plfl.ll.s, and specifications.for the rehabilitationoftbe 36" sanitary sewet outfall as present A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor, Watson, Council Members Fogler, Lewis. and McCandless None Council Member Rushing Voting Aye: I IIlI r- - i.- ilf~lll~ i j~t.i1iJ~-'- -'-----'..~~"TlllllllliilDnm'.-.- 1','''1''1''1- REPORT ON CITY WEB SITE: The City Council tabled the demonstration of the web site until a later meeting. HOUSTON IDLLS GOLF COURSE: The City Council discussed matters relating to the Houston Hills Golf Course and the concession agreement with the City. City Manager Sherman Yehl reported that the City Council for the City of Bellaire authorized their Staff to terminate the existing contract with their vendor to operate the Houston Hills Golf Course. There are 2 nine hole golf courses located on Ruffino Road, nine on the City of West University's property and nine on the City of Bellaire's property. Currently the same vendor operates both courses. The City of Bellaire is unhappy with the vendors performance. They would like to begin operating the golf course through their Parks and Recreation Department sometime in the near future. City Attorney Jim Dougherty discussed the City of West University's contract and what effect the action taken by the City of Bellaire would have on it. Continued discussion on this item will be held at a later Council meeting. The City Council recessed at 7:30 p.m. to convene in Regular Session. The Workshop Session reconvened at 8:07 p.m. CITY MANAGER RELOCATION EXPENSES: The City Council discussed items relating to the City Manager's relocation package. Mr. Yehl reminded the City Councilthat the City had originally provided him with a pool of approximately $12,500 for relocation. He stated that there were specifj.c items under which that Illoneycould be used, basically for the shipping of household items and temporary living quarters. To date approximately $10,000 of the pool has been spent. Mr. Yehl requested that the Council add another item to the list of reimbursable expenses to include career transition, counseling and assistance for his spouse. The total amount of relocation expenditures would not exceed the $12,500 originally appropriated for the relocation expenses. Mayor Watson asked Mr. Yehl ifhe had an idea of the cost of the career assistance. Mr. Yehl reported that $850 would provide certain counseling expenses, the use of office space and the redirection of career and rewriting of resumes. Mayor Watson asked the City Attorney if there were any legal ramifications with the 2 - -~l...._=~ ~.... ---''''-'--'---;''r'lm~r- -."-.""'''"1'"1' request. Mr. Dougherty stated that he believed the request was within the parameters of the original arrangement and purpose. A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member McCandless, to authorize relocation funds to be used for the additional purpose of career counseling and assistance for the spouse of the new City Manager subject to the original cap of the relocation allowance. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None Council Member Rushing Voting Nay: Absent: EASTERN STAR PROPERTY: The City Council considered matters related to the Eastern Star site on Bissonnet. The City Council recessed the workshop session at 8:30 p.m. to convene in Executive Session. Closed Executive Session to beheld under Session 551.072, Texas Government Code. The Executive Session adjourned at 8:50 p.m. and reconvened in open session. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Lewis, to adjourn. Theworkshop session adjourned at 8:52p.m. 3 r----, , ".,1 r-'"'~..~1~~'...~II~;11"-'------- ."Ii'<il<.lIlW4il.......-...--.--- ~lf1t1l:mmlnlD1l'1lr'------ cn:".c".rr CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on January 13, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Watson presiding, Council Members Fogler, McCandless and Lewis. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney and Director of Public Works were also present. Mayor Watson delivered the invocation and Council Member McCandless led the Pledge of Allegiance. Council Member Rushing was absent. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Mayor Watson invited citizens who wished to address the City Council to come forward as their names were called. Joan McCay, 3029 Carnegie, recommended that fines that are collected and deposited in the Tree Bank be used for trees in West University Place. She also reported that the corner of Amherst and Community was being used for a dumping ground. Roger Martin, 6532 Mercer, asked the City Council to consider the long term effects of Ordinance No. 1548 relating to "framed area" limitations. Rick Mifflin, 4135 Ruskin, stated that he felt Ordinance No. 1548 was restricting residents property rights. Mrs. McCay reminded the City Council that many residents attended the Public Hearings on the "framed area" limitation Ordinance and overwhelmingly requested that the City Council change the restriction to 80%. ZONING. ORDINANCE AMENDMENT RELATING TO "FRAMED AREA" LIMITATIONS: Consideration was given to the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1548 Mayor Watson read the caption of Ordinance No. 1548 as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE' CITY OF WEST UNlVERSITYPLACE, TEXAS TO INCLUDE "FRAMED AREA" LIMITATIONS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT "---.-1 ~.- ,-l';llr;--J ;_i~~_fililllUl- "-----~---"--7._'-~I'..-lfilmll1il11lllI1lll1l11 --------- . . -.-'r~C~'i.Cl~I-. ,---;:jl Copies of Ordinance No. 1548, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. A motion was made by Council Member McCandless, seconded by Council Member Fogler, to approve Ordinance No. 1548 on the second and final reading. A vote was taken, on the motion, withthe following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None Council Member Rushing Voting Nay: Absent: ALTERNATIVE ENFORCEMENT ORDINANCE: Consideration was given to the first reading of Ordinance No. 1549. Mayor Watson read the caption of Ordinance No. 1549 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO AN ALTERNATIVE ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Copies of Ordinance No. 1549, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. City Attorney Jim Dougherty reported that Ordinance No. 1549 would establish a flexible, voluntary and non-criminal alternative to prosecution in municipal court. A City staff member, who has the responsibility for enforcing a City ordinance, may refer a possible violation to an alternative enforcement mediator. A motion was made-by Council Member Lewis, seconded by Council Member Fogler, to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 1549. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None Council Member Rushing Voting Aye: 2 .. -,- ~ r::7- . !, ..~11".__ ,"JI.. ..0_ ,.".",- . -~-----------,-,.-, '....I-llrllD,mm:JIIIIIllIIlIlJi.----- . U'.".'.:".i:'T CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes of the following City Council meetings: (a) Workshop Session conducted on December 16, 1997 (b) Regular Session conducted on December 16, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Lewis, to approve the minutes as presented. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None Council Member Rushing COUNCIL COMMENTS: Council Member McCandless commented on the Methodist Health Care Houston Marathon. Council Member Fogler commented on the torn bags of recycling left by the Public Works Department. Council Member Lewis complimented the staff for their hard work. Mayor Watson thanked the City Secretary for the. Marathon Mayor's Breakfast. Mayor Watson recognized the boy scouts present at the meeting. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Lewis, seconded by Council Member Fogler to adjourn. The regular session adjourned at 8:05 p.m. 3 , . . . ..'-~...... r:- . ~.L~ _..- ----~----~-cr.m.lUlllIiiDllllllllll;---- ---"--- ---- -1--~~""!'.~-'I""1 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, JANUARY 27,1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on January 27, 1997 with the following members pres~nt: Mayor Watson presiding, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Public Works Director; Police Chief and Deputy Director of Public Works were also present. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under consideration with the Staff. POSITION RECLASSIFICATION: The City Council considered the reclassification of the Plant ManagerlEquipment Operator position and other changes in Solid Waste Operations. Public Works Director Ed Menville reported that the position of Fleet ManagerlEquipment Operator has had responsibility for the day to day supervision of the street maintenance, fleet maintenance and solid waste operations. After review of the position by Public Works and the City's Personnel Specialist, it has been determined that the position should be reclassified to General Services Supervisor and assigned to pay grade 41. In addition, because of a retirement and voluntary demotion in the Public Works Department, several other personnel. changes are recommended in solid waste operations. The position of Crew Chief should be diminished, primarily due to the formal assignment of supervisory duties to the General Services Supervisor. The position of Equipment Operator should be diminished. An additional Driver position could be established to provide greater flexibility in the City's solid waste collection program and an additional Labor position could be established to permit the voluntary demotion. There is no change to the number of authorized personnel assigned to solid waste operations. _:1. r"' - -." TC'-'--==J:'::~Il-" lil~' T----,--,--'I.-'l1'1iIl:~I![-' -- -T--;;;"'T'''I~ I A motion was made by Council Member Rushing, seconded by Council Member Fogler, to accept the staff's recommendation to reclassify the position. of Fleet ManagerlEquipment Operator to General Services Supervisor and to approve the other changes to the Solid Waste operations. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None WATER UTILITY ADMINISTRATION: The City Council reviewed a proposal to simplify the administration of water utilities and related items. City Manager Sherman Yehl reported that the staff has been reviewing the City's utility billing process and believes it can be streamlined to improve customer service and lower the costs associated with this activity. Staffhas examined the following polices and procedures: Deposits. Currently, the City requires a deposit of $60 from a homeowner and $120 from a non-owner. Deposits are intended to guard against the possibility that a customer might not pay their bill and it does accomplish this goal, at a pnce. The price of taking deposits is inconvenience to the customer and additional administration for the City. Collecting the deposit requires a customer to come to City hall to establish service. Accounting for deposits is . a significant administrative chore. Also, a customer must request a refund before one is made. This means that the City has a large number of deposit balances that have been held for years. Unclaimed deposits must be remitted to the State under escheat rules, creating additional administrative processes. Instead of deposits, the City could initiate a fee for connection to the system, which is similar to connection fees that other utilities charge. It is estimated that a fee of between $25-$30 would cover the cost of establishing service. The City may want to keep a deposit requirement as an option. This could be assessed on established credit risks. 2 .',11". - - - --..------.----.--------,,--.-,.-r-f'''l,:1,1I';r1lm1111li'lllllltllr'' "'''''-'''''1''! Application for service. A new customer is required to complete an application for service in writing before service can be established. In order to eliminate the need to come to City hall to establish service, the application could be taken over the telephone. Bad debt. The City does incur bad debt in the operation of the utility. The amount of bad debt has been under $10,000 annually for the past two years. Since the current ordinance does not provide for the write-off of delinquent accounts, the City's ledger is crowded with inactive accounts that are not collectible. The ordinance could be revised to allow the Finance Director to write-off inactive delinquent accounts after two years. To preclude the misuse of the authority, a list of the accounts to be written off would be submitted to the City Manager for approval before any accounts were written off. Additionally, inactive delinquent accounts could be forwarded to collection service for further attempt to collect funds. Direct debit payment of utility bills. Residents continue .to request. the City to simply draft their accounts for the amount due on their utility bill. This service is pending the installation of a new computer system. Credit card payment. The City has had several requests to accept credit card payments for City charges and it makes sense from a customer service standpoint. State law allows the City to pass the up-charge levied by the credit card provider on each transaction to the person using the card. At the same time, the credit card companies will not allow the individual card holder to be assessed this charge. This will reduce revenues of these paying by credit card in the range of two to three percent. However, this process could speed up collections and reduce staff time in processing checks. Reconnect fees. The City assesses a charge to reconnect a customer whose service has been discontinued for nonpayment. Some of these customers have requested the service to be resumed outside of normal business hours, generating overtime in the Public Works Department. This service should be priced higher in order to reflect the additional cost of providing after hours reconnection. Mr. Yehl stated that if these approaches to utility billing services are acceptable, the staff will prepare ordinance revisions reflecting these changes. The City Coutlcil authorized the staff to move forward with the revisions. 3 ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seoonded by Council Member Lewis, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 8:20 p.m. 4 ~1--l.iJ..A. .L.u r:li:ii3l...c..~ --- --~"F1lrlllllImiDIIIIIIIIIII' , " "meT"U CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, JANUARY 27,1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on January 27, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Watson presiding, Council Members Fogler, McCandless and Lewis. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Police Chief, Director of Public Works and Deputy Director of Public Works were also present. Council Member Rushing delivered the invocation and Mayor Watson led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Mayor Watson invited citizens who wished to address the City Council to come forward as their names were called. Tim Hansen, 3131 Robinhood, encouraged the City Council to continue their development of the Rice Boulevard Pocket Park. Robert Tonetti, 6439 Westchester, introduced himself to the City Council and stated that his construction company was the low bidder for the construction of the Recycling Center. Susan Kasper, a member of the Recycling Committee and a resident at 4127 Cason, presented the City Council with a petition signed by 277 participants of the monthly card board recycling. The petition supported the construction of the new recycling center at Dincans Street. Cindy Neal, Chairperson of the Recycling Committee and a resident at 2616 Pemberton, spoke to the City Council about last years numbers with regard to recycling. The City received $29,000 in revenue for the recycled materials currently gathered. Cost avoidance was estimated to be about $32,000 which is based on volume and the ways that the City paysto dispose of the various materials. Mrs. Neal reported that the recycling is from West University residents. It does not include the businesses that the City hopes will participate when the recycling center is opened. Bryant Slimp, a member of the Recycling Committee and a resident at 3913 Oberlin, reported that the State of Texas has given the City $5,400 to buy a new recycle oil tank and to provide the detention walls around the tank at the new recycling center. He stated that he looks forward to applying for more grants to provide different capital assets to stock the center with various types of equipment. ~ _.1.~.~1 L. rt::"..mIL.-~ .'''e'''~.'''' --------.---'--'--r InJImI_'--- ---n~----"~T---- PROCLAMATION FOR ARBOR DAY CELEBRATION: Consideration was given to a Proclamation for an Arbor Day Celebration to be held on Friday, January 31, 1997. A motion was made by Council Member Rushing, seconded by Council Member Lewis, to approve the Proclamation setting January 31, 1997 as Arbor Day in West University Place. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None ALTERNATIVE ENFORCEMENT ORDINANCE: Consideration was given to the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1549. Mayor Watson read the caption of Ordinance No. 1549 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO AN ALTERNATIVE ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Copies of Ordinance No. 1549, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. City Attorney Jim Dougherty reported that Ordinance No. 1549 would establish a flexible, voluntary and non-criminal alternative to prosecution in municipal court. A City staff member, who has the responsibility for enforcing a City ordinance, may refer a possible violation to an alternative enforcement mediator. A motion was made by Council Member Lewis, seconded by Council Member Fogler, to approve the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1549. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Aye: 2 .. -~', 1'"'1,11 [" rL liiiII,,---:I j,_;"~~tll~.r.. -.- -"..---------;-~.--;----".,T;lnJlilIBTiimm'll1illllilli. ,- - c-,c-c""r'- , SIGN ORDINANCE: Consideration was given to thefrrst reading of Ordinance No. 1550. Mayor Watson read the caption of Ordinance No. 1550 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SIGNS; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Copies of Ordinance No. 1550, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Mr. Dougherty reported that Ordinance No. 1550 would impose a limit on individual signs in the single family residential area. The proposed limit is four square feet per face, eight square feet total. He recommended amending Table 3-1 by adding footnote (1) to the columns "Semi-fIxed Maximum display area and Non-fixed Maximum display area". A motion was made by. Council Member McCandless, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to approve thefrrst reading of Ordinance No. 1550 as amended. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor.Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler,.Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: ORDINANCE ADOPTING. EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK AND PERSONNEL POLICIES: Consideration was given to thefrrst reading of Ordinance No. 1551. Mayor Watson read the caption of Ordinance No. 1551 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PERSONNEL POLICIES; ADOPTING A NEW PERSONNEL HANDBOOK; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Copies of Ordinance No. 1551, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. 3 City Manager Sherman Yehl reported that the proposed personnel policies and handbook had been a work-in-progress for about a year. The handbook serves as a guide to procedures, policies and personnel matters and sets out the relationship between the city administration and its employees. It also provides for the City Manager to establish some detailed regulations and procedures. Mr. Yehl recommended amending the handbook on page 12 and 13 by deleting, under Vacation Leave, the lines beginning with "More than 25 years of service" and on the line above the reference to "but less than 25 years of service". Also, on page 18, Section XII-Complaints, after the words "working conditions" add the phrase "or any related matter" . . . A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member McCandless, to approve the fIrst reading of Ordinance No. 1551 with the changes suggested by the City Manager made to the Personnel Policies and Employee Handbook. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None BID AWARD FOR RECYCLING CENTER: Consideration was given to bids received January 15, 1997 for the construction of a Recycling Center. The following bids were received: Bidder Base Bid Amount General Contractors Services Fireman Construction R.B. T onetti Construction Moorehouse Construction The Millstone Company $316,900.00 $244,000.00 $294,000.00 $356,000.00 $324,907.00 Public Works Director Ed Menville reported that the low bid submitted by Fireman Construction Company has been withdrawn and they have agreed to forfeit their $1,000 bond. The second low bid in the amount of $294,000.00 and an alternate of $14,100.00 was submitted by R.H. Tonetti Construction Company. Mr. Menville stated that the amount bid is slightly above the amount appropriated for the project,. therefore, if the Council agrees to award the project, an additional allocation of $63,000.00 would be needed. 4 ,--------~------~ - '- - --" .07"f""]II.llllllIE:l:l:llllllRl' _,u ,r ",-0,""-'1"'-' A motion was. made by Council Member McCandless, seconded by Council Member Lewis, to award the bid for the construction of the Recycling Center to R.H. Tonetti Construction Company with a base bid of $294,000.00 and an alternate bid of$14,100.00 for a total of$308,100.00. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Aye: RESOLUTION APPROVING BROKERlDEALER FIRMS: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-01. Prior to the discussion of this agenda item, Council Member Rushing filed an "Affidavit Regarding Substantial Interest in Business Entity" with the City Secretary. Council Member Rushing did not participate in the discussion of this agenda item and abstained from voting. Mayor Watson read the caption of Resolution No. 97-01 as follows: A RESOLUTION APPROVING BROKERS FROM WHICH THE CITY WOULD PURCHASE INVESTMENTS; AUTHORIZING A LETTER AGREEMENT; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Mr. Yehl reported that State and City ordinances require that all brokers/dealers that. the City purchase securities from be approved by the City Council. Currently there are two approved broker/dealer firms, Interstate Johnson Land and Compass Bank Interstate Johnson Lane has closed its Houston office, so the city is no longer purchasing securities through them. Five broker/dealers have expressed an interest in providing investment services to the City. The Staff recommends that the City Council approve Merrill Lynch, NBC Capital Market Group, and Raymond James & Associates, Inc. as the City's brokers/dealers. A motion was made Council Member Lewis, seconded by Council Member McCandless, to approve Resolution No. 97-01 designating the named firms to act as- brokers/dealers for the City . A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Fogler, Lewis and McCandless 5 ,"""'C'lIT1l. r-:- ~1._.1l'lII_~ '.n.........._...-..r - -----.---"cI'O-'lUlmllliJiDIIIIEIIIIEIII' - ,--" -,.,,,rr" Voting Nay: Absent: Abstain: None None Council Member Rushing TAX REFUND: Consideration was given to 1995 ad valorem tax refunds. A motion was made Council Member Rushing, seconded by Council Member Fogler, to approve the ad valorem tax refunds in the amount of $1,626.02 and $1,411.70 to TransAmerica Real Estate Tax Service. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Consideration was given to the minutes of the following City Council meetings: (a) Workshop Session conducted on January 13, 1997 (b) Regular Session conducted on January13' 1997 Amotion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Lewis, to approve the minutes as amended. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: STAFF REPORT: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Mr. Yehl reported that last week the City lost a police vehicle while an officer was responding to a call. Bissonnet street was wet and the vehicle hydroplaned. The car received extensive damage when it hit a utility post. Mr. Yehl also reported that the Public Works crew has been responding to calls concerning broken tree limbs. The crews have collected about 600 loads of brush and limbs. :r:: 6 rl...=.=-:::lL '.., n_...."'----- -'--'---'--"-T"l\f~[!Il!mIIlIIIIIII" 'U"C""'~T" COUNCIL COMMENTS: Council Member Lewis asked if the City Staff could be more aggressive on abandoned homes. The yards are not being maintained and some of the homes have a rodent problem. Council Member Fogler commented that she was excited about the new Recycling Center. Council Member McCandless commented that he would like to be kept informed about the death oflong-term residents. Mayor Watson commented that he had received numerous letters thanking the City for letting the marathon run through the City of West University. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Lewis, seconded by Council Member Rushing to adjourn. The regular session adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 7 "!"lll.IIIllIIl1:ElllllEIIIIIICIE ----.- "~-"-.'-"~"."'I"C)-'-- r{ CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:30P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on February 10, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Watson presiding, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance Director, Fire Chief and Police Chief were also present. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under consideration with the Staff. REPORT ON CITY WEB SITE: A demonstration of the web site developed by City Staff was presented to the City Council. QUARTERLY REPORT: The City Staff presented the Quarterly Report to the City Council. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Lewis, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 7:30 p.m. ---:1-:1~'- r --.- _.'"-~ - ,L_dJr,~ H,_~,..JIIIII."-'------ - - -------.------;.,,-.-,---,--,-"'l'.'-llTlIillmmllllllIllllll:illi' -- ----------~r-"-"";,.,.r'.i CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:30 P.M. The City Council. convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on February 10, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Watson presiding, Council Members Fogler, McCandless and Lewis. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance Director, Fire Chief and Police Chief were also present. Mayor Watson delivered the invocation and Council Member Fogler led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Mayor Watson invited citizens who wished to address the City Council to come forward as their names were called. Ellen Much from State Representative Kyle Janek's office stated that Mr. Janek had asked her to attend the Council meeting and tell the City Council what a great success he thought the Park Lover's Ball was. Council Member Rushing commented that the City Council could not take credit for the success of the Ball. He stated that. all the credit goes to the volunteers from the Parks Board and the Friends of West University Parks Fund Board. RESOLUTION FOR PARTICIPATION IN INVESTMENT POOL: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-02. Mayor Watson read the caption of Resolution No. 97-02 as follows: RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION - OF AN INTERLOCAL INVESTMENT AGREEMENT FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE LONE STAR INVESTMENT POOL; DESIGNATING THE POOL AS AN AGENCY AND INSTRUMENTALITY; APPROVING INVESTMENT POLICIES OF THE POOL; APPOINTING AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES; AND DESIGNATING INVESTMENT OFFICERS Finance Director Walter Thomas explained that the Interlocal Corporation Act permits a local government to contract with other local governments to form public funds investment pools. Lone Star. Investment Pool is operated by the Texas Association of " -- I --~ "II ,;llr:--1 ;,.;ii,tii:.lilWil'" i"--ll1m!1i1ll1lll'll1111l1l11i U.u ',~u~", School Boards, Inc. and is under the advice of the investment officers of Payden and Payden. The Pool is authorized to invest in obligations of the United States or its agencies and instrumentalities, other obligations backed by the full faith and credit of the United States or its agencies, fully collateralized repurchase agreements, and no-load money market mutual funds regulated by the SEC. Currently, the Pool has over $2 billion in assets and is yielding investment returns very competitive with Texpool. The Pool meets the requirements of the City's investment policy. It will be used as an alternative to Texpool. The City would maintain balances in both pools to reduce risk and manage liquidity. The total investment in both pools is limited to 30% of the City's portfolio by the City's investment policy. A motion was made by Council Member Rushing, seconded by Council Member McCandless, to approve Resolution No. 97-02 authorizing an Interlocal Agreement for participation in the Lone Star Investment Pool and providing for city officials to serve as officers. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None RESOLUTION SUPPORTING HOUSTON HUMANE SOCIETY: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-03. Mayor Watson read the caption of Resolution No. 97-03 as follows: A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING FEBRUARY 1997 AS "PREVENT A LITTER MONTH" AND TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1997 AS "SPAY DAY USA". A motion waS made by Council Member Lewis, seconded by Council Member Fogler, to approve Resolution No. 97-03 designating February 1997 as "Prevent A Litter Month". A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Aye: 2 SIGN ORDINANCE: Consideration was given to the second and [mal reading of Ordinance No. 1550. Mayor Watson read the caption of Ordinance No. 1550 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SIGNS; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF. WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Copies of Ordinance No. 1550, as proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Mr. Dougherty reported that Ordinance No. 1550 would impose a limit on individual signs in the single family residential area. The proposed limit is foursquare feet per face, eight square feet total. A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to approve the second and [mal reading of Ordinance No. 1550. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None ORDINANCE ADOPTING EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK AND PERSONNEL POLICIES: Consideration was given to thesecond and final reading of Ordinance No. 1551. Mayor Watson read the caption of Ordinance No. 1551 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PERSONNEL POLICIES; ADOPTING A NEW PERSONNEL HANDBOOK; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Copies of Ordinance No. 1551, as proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. City Manager Sherman Yehl reported that the handbook serves as a guide to procedures, 3 ____-----------r__nn-o-_o-,__, "C'1""l~"nD.II:lIIJIlUmmI'.JI: --------.----------,---- ..-~!.-. "",:'~nl'" I policies and personnel matters and sets out the relationship between. the city administration and its employees. It also provides for the City Manager to establish some detailed regulations and procedures. A motion was made by Council Member McCandless, seconded by Council Member Lewis, to approve the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1551. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: ORDINANCE RELATING TO PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION FOR IDRE: Consideration was given to the first reading of Ordinance No. 1552. Mayor Watson read the caption of Ordinance No. 1552 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION; PROHIBITING ANY CHARGE IN EXCESS OF AN ESTABLISHED MAXIMUM FARE; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Copies of Ordinance No. 1552, as proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. City Attorney Jim Dougherty reported that Ordinance No. 1552 addresses a long standing problem of West University residents being overcharged for taxi fares. The City Staff has received complaints from residents regarding price gouging by taxi drivers who refuse to honor zoned rates from Houston Intercontinental and Hobby Airports. This ordinance makes it unlawful for any person to request or accept, in exchange for passenger transportation, any money or thing of value which exceeds the lawful charge. West University residents will be able to file a complaint with the West University Police Department rather than the City of Houston. A motion was made by Council Member McCandless, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to the approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 1552. 4 r--", , ,. r--.. - - !;._~u-:-, ;1;I"H1JIaIII' -,.----------,--,---- - 1..-l~lID,mlllllllmllllilliT r"~:'TI A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: PURCHASE OF REPLACEMENT POLICE CAR: Consideration was given to the purchase of a replacement car for the Police Department. Police Chief Steve Griffith stated that one of the city's officers had an accident while responding to an emergency call and as a result the patrol car he was driving was totaled. This leaves the department with only five marked patrol vehicles. Four dealerships were contacted and provided the department with information on the costs for one police vehicle. The lowest quote for a new 1996 police car was from Nichols Ford of Fort Worth, Texas. The cost of the vehicle is $18,803.50 and an extended warranty plan cost of $2,580 for a total of $21,383.50. The cost of an extended warranty is quickly recovered on a vehicle used in patrol. A motion was made by Council Member Lewis, seconded by Council Member Fogler, to accept the staff's recommendation for the emergency purchase of a new police vehicle with an extended warranty from Nichols Ford in the amount of$21,383.50. - A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: TAX REFUND: Consideration was given to 1996 ad valorem tax refunds. A motion was made Council Member Rushing, seconded by Council Member Fogler, to approve the ad valorem tax refund in the amount of $1,168.50 to TransAmerica Real Estate Tax Service. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless Voting Nay: None Absent: None 5 .-- " r-- ',-". "'--r" ,,11' , ",,,I;,,~iJiAtlf- - ---------,---------,--,---,--"ij'.-llilIDmlll11llilllllillT'------------ .""'''''1'' I CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes of the following City Council meetings: (a) Workshop Session conducted on January 24, 1997 (b) Regular Session conducted on January 24, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to approve the minutes as presented. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: STAFF REPORT: City Manager Sherman Yehl reported that preliminary results of the citizen survey would be presented at the next Council workshop. He also reported that members of the Staff met with the. architects to review the city hall remodeling. The architects were given some additional suggestions on how they might improve the space and how traffic. flows through city halL COUNCIL COMMENTS: Council Member McCandless commented that he thought the demonstration of the City Web Page was terrific. Council Member Rushing commented that he was sorry he missed the Park Lovers BalL He stated that he appreciates the continued hard work from the Parks Board and Friends Board to make the Ball a success. Council Member Lewis commented that she was glad to see Mrs. Reiger attending the Council meetings again. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Lewis, seconded by Council Member Fogler, to adjourn. The regular session adjourned at 7:59 p.m. 6 r1;.I1 r--. -.- --, '!, ,TIr; -. ,..,~....-~_l'" , r-1ITlI1IllIrmlllmtlIn[1II1' -- ". ;, "" ,. ,,!~'Cr -- CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on February 24, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Watson presiding, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis "and McCandless. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance Director, Fire Chief, Public Works Director, Deputy Director of Public Works and Police Chief were also present. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under consideration with the Staff. WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS: The City Council considered a fee proposal to provide engineering services for a water distribution system modeling. Public Works Director Ed Menville reported that the modeling analysis would cost $29,750.00. Although no funds were appropriated for this project, it has been determined that funds can be drawn from those provided to the Water and Sewer Utility Capital Project Reserve. During 1997, $100,000 was appropriated for odor control at the City's sewerage treatment plant. In an attempt to reduce odors at the plant, the staff has introduced a process which involves transfer of re-aerated sludge to the influent before the bar screen. This process" is proving to be successful thus far and is also used by the City of Houston as a cost cutting method to reduce odors at their plants. Ifthis.process proves to be successful, then the need for these funds will be reduced. The new study will cover the entire city and will deal with all pipe 4" and larger. This represents about 98% of all pipe in the City's distribution system. Software used for this latest modeling effort is called. Water CAD. Staff recomIl1ends authorization to proceed with the analysis. Information obtained will be useful to establish water distribution system needs as infrastructure work contirmes, to assess the condition of the system with regard to fire flow capabilities by identifying any deficiencies in flow or pressure, and to identify costs associated with. needed improvements. T';~~I:"r- A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member McCandless to authorize Staff to proceed with negotiations and contractual arrangements necessary to move forward with the Water Distribution System Modeling analysis for an amount not to exceed $29,750.00 A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: PRIORITY AREA 4B/5A: The City Manager presented the preliminary construction schedule for Priority Areas 4B/5A. He recommended that the Staff publish a quarterly update tokeep the residents informed about the work in the area. SANITARY SEWER LINE REHABILITATION: The City Staff presented a recommendation regarding the development of plans and specifications for the rehabilitation of a sanitary sewer line under Brompton Townhomes. The consulting engineer has determined that it would be more cost effective to treat this as a stand-alone project with an estimated cost savings of $8,118.00. On January 13, 1997, West University Place City Council authorized Claunch & Miller Engineers to begin preparation of plans and specifications for rehabilitation of the City's main 36" sanitary sewer outfall. The work authorized consists of two parts. First is the installation of a liner in the outfall pipe which traverses through the Brompton Townhouse development. The second part involves placement of a similar.liner.in the same outfall pipe in Brompton Street starting at University. Boulevard and proceeding South as far as available monies will allow. When Council approved the project, the only question to be answered before 'Work could begin was: Should the project be parrot Priority Area 5B/6A reconstruction ora stand alone project? Since either approach will work, the choice should be based on. costs. Performing the work as a stand alone project has been determined to be the most cost effective, with an estimated savings of $8,000. The staff recommended that a work order be issued for a stand-alone project. 2 ujJ r tl1"iiiill~:-:-:l '.'.{;f~I''''''''-_lIl: , '"1'- mllllDillBIIlIIIDIIlll!'- "" 1'" The City Council authorized the City Staff to proceed as recommended. The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at 7:30 p.m. to convene in Regular Session. The Workshop Session reconvened at 8:16 p.m. The City Attorney left the meeting. REPORT ON CITIZEN SURVEY: The City Manager presented preliminary results of the Citizen Survey to the City Council ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 8:30 p.m. 3 I itll r-- rll~r-' ,-I.,-c1d.1Mt1__'-' '--O-'-'-~"'1..1n;1l111ll1'llllllllIl'llll1E1'11-' r " "'"Cl'''- CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24,1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on February 24, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Watson presiding, Council Members Fogler, McCandless and Lewis. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Public Works Director, Deputy Director of Public Works, Finance Director, Fire Chief and Police Chief were also present. CouncilMember Rushing delivered the invocation and Council Member Lewis led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Mayor Watson invited citizens who wished to address the City Council to come forward as their names were called. Susan Ohsfeldt, 4101 Tennyson, spoke to the City Council about a tree that was damaged in front of her property. She presented pictures that showed the damage to the tree. Ms. Ohsfeldt asked that the City pay for the removal and replacement of the tree. Public Works Director Ed Menville commented that the City Staff agrees with Ms. Ohsfeldt that the tree should be replaced. He will meet with the contractor, Texas Trees, who is responsible for the trimming and pre-treatment of trees in Priority Area 4B/5A. Vic DiFranco, 6412 Westchester, spoke to the City Council about barking dogs. He suggested that the City require anti...bark collars. ORDINANCE RELATING TO PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION FORIDRE: Consideration was given to the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1552. Mayor Watson read the caption of Ordinance No. 1552 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION; PROHIBITING ANY CHARGE IN EXCESS OF AN ESTABLISHED MAXIMUM FARE; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT -. liT'll r- Il1liTIl1~ ",,,".,,,__'---'- ~-_.--_.,",-,- -'Tlmllllllllllllllllllllllr .-.--.-'-- "" ""'"1''' Copies of Ordinance No. 1552, as proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. City Attorney Jim Dougherty reported that Ordinance No. 1552 addresses a long standing problem of West University residents being overcharged for taxi fares. The City Staff has received complaints from residents regarding price gouging by taxi drivers who refuse to honor zoned rates from Houston Intercontinental and Hobby Airports. This ordinance makes it unlawful for any person to request or accept, in exchange for passenger transportation, any money or thing of value which exceeds the laWful charge. West University residents will be able to file a complaint with the West University Police Department rather than the City of Houston. A motion was made by Council Member Rushing, seconded by Council Member McCandless, to the approve the second and [mal reading of Ordinance No. 1552. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None PURCHASE OF IN-HOUSE ALARM SYSTEM EQUIPMENT: Consideration was given to the purchase of the in-house alarm system equipment. Police Chief Steve Griffith reported that the Fire and Police Departments have been working to implement an in-house alarm monitoring program. The City Council enacted legislation last year to allow the new monitoring system.. A revised proposal to allow both radio and digital telephone transmission for the City's alarm monitoring program has been prepared. The estimated cost for this project is $141,290. Approximately $100,000 of this amount is in capital costs: AES Radio Receiving Equipment 50 Radio Transmitters for resale SIS In Station Monitoring Equipment Lanier - Tape Logger Phone Lines @142.20//month Electrical Work Contract with Alarm Technician Call Boxes for Parks $25,150 29,600 44,265 27,350 1,425 1,000 12,000 500 2 r-T,1I r- rnillill-;:-:-) .i<Hjl~"-' '~-_..--~C-.Tllt:lllll1l1lllllllll- "-"""T"'- The 1997 budget provided $75,000. A budget amendment to appropriate $66,290 will be required. In addition, after the system is operational, new revenues in the amount of $70,000 are anticipated. The initial intention of the program was to develop a radio transmitter system-a system that would accept radio signals from a transmitter attached to the resident's alarm panel. In order to obtain UL listed transmitters that would interface with many different types of alarm panels, the city would have to use a transmitter that would cost approximately $500. Several other options were considered for communication with the central monitoring equipment at the police station. The amended proposal would allow both radio transmissions and digital telephone communications. This provides an economical choice for residents who want to register their monitoring services from the City directly, but do not want to purchase a radio transmitter unit. AES of Peabody, Massachusetts, is being recommended as the company to provide radio-receiving equipment. This system uses a radio re-transmitting application. In other words, a radio signal is activated from a resident's alarm panel. That information is sent from transmitter to transmitter until it reaches the central monitoring system. To place the backbone of this system in place, emergency call boxes will need to be installed, in all ofthe city's parks. Those emergency call boxes will serve as relay points for the new radio frequency alarm system. The call boxes will also allow a person needing emergency assistance in a park to activate a button for the specific assistance needed (police, fire, EMS). The alarm signal would be transmitted to the police station where the appropriate equipment would be dispatched. The radio receiver equipment provided by AES ties to traditional alarm monitoring equipment. The company recommended by AES to provide in-station monitoring equipment and system management. software is Security Information Systems, Inc., (SIS) of Orlando, Florida. Staff has reviewed the SIS proposal and found the software and the equipment to be excellent. A recommendation was also made to replace the tape logging equipment in the dispatch office. The current equipment is over 14 years old and does not have the functionality or capacity to effectively record telephone, radio and alarm activity. Staff believes that this purchase is necessary to enable them to monitor alarm notifications and responses. Finally, it was recommended that a contract with an alarm technician be negotiated. Two local licensed alarm installers have expressed interest in working with the city on this project. Staff would select one, based on experience, and establish a contractual relationship. The staff asked the City Council to allow them to proceed with implementation of the alarm monitoring program as outlined. If approved, staff believes that an initial test market of 50 accounts can begin by April 1 with the system becoming fully operational by May 1, 1997. 3 , , '-'111 r-- -"'rh:liiilI~ HIJ:iMUUilil.II-~----~-----~~-------,---c. . r.mll~mi1lil1l1_lim--- .. .,,"","" A motion was made by Council Member McCandless, seconded by Council Member Lewis, to authorize the Staff to proceed with the implementation of the alarm monitoring program. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: BIDS FOR JANITORIAL SERVICE: Consideration was given to bids received February 11, 1997 for janitorial servicefor city facilities. The following bids were received: Bidder Bid Amount Aesthetic Building Services Best Yet Maintenance Service Butler's Professional Janitorial Services Fore-U Cleaning Services Ideal Cleaning Services Joy Building Services Quality Janitorial Services $3,890.00 $3,000.00 $6,500.00 $4~305.00 $4,325.00 $3,500.00 $4,010.00 Mr. Menville reported that the low base bid was submitted by Best Yet Maintenance at an annual cost of $36,000. Adequate funds have been appropriated for this expenditure. After the bid process, however, the Parks and Recreation Director requested that cleaning services be performed twice per day at Colonial Park. If Colonial Park is cleaned.twice per day, the annual contract amount would increase by $4,800 for a total of $40,800 per year. The additional $4,800 can be transferred within the Fleet and Facilities Division to.cover the annual difference. A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded.by Council Member Lewis, to approve a two year janitorial contract with Best Yet Maintenance in the amount of $3,400 per month or $40,800 per year. 4 1'"1711 .--- rllliiiilT"l "","A,j,n~" ., - -"---C-'"""""T'lTIilllllniliilllllll1llllilll" : .....0"""1''' A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes of the following City Council meetings: (a) Workshop Session conducted on February 10, 1997 (b) Regular Session conducted on February 10, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to approve the minutes as presented. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: STAFF REPORT: City Manager Sherman Yehl rep()rted that Goode Company Seafood was no longer interested in leasing the property on Dincans Street for parking space. The Staff will be looking for other alternatives. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Council Member Lewis recognized the boy scout attending the council meeting. Council Member Rushing commented that he understood that the Texas Municipal League honors cities for certain projects. He encouraged the Staff to enter. West University Place. Council Member McCandless agreed with Council Member Rushing. Mayor Watson commented that the. City received a check from Metro to assist in the reconstruction of Weslayan Street. 5 .1-- j j d. .~lHl IL.. rnJnJILiL_:J1 1________ _____00__ '.;_'1ld.l.'l1lWfll_._.'--------.---.--------r=-.~1I!II'IlIIIIIII' ---- --------,--.-"---,r,-."--c""~~-T".'.' ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Rushing, seconded by Council Member Lewis, to adjourn. The regular session adjourned at 8:12 p.m. 6 .. .-.------,..'-.--9'=-l~lIlIlII!IIIIlIIIIBD-' '.'r~"'rj'~ CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on March 10, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Watson presiding, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Fire Chief and Public Works Director were also present. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under consideration with the Staff. MUNICIPAL BUILDING RENOVATION: The City Council considered plans for the renovation of the Municipal Building. Representatives from Ambrose & McEnany Architects were present at the meeting. The City Council authorized the Architects and the City Staff to move forward with the project. PAY PLAN ADJUSTMENT: The City Council considered employee compensation and an adjustment to the Pay Plan. City Manager Sherman Yehl -presented a revised pay plan to reflect a two percent across the board increase for all employees. The adopted 1997 budget includes $85,000 to cover this expenditure. A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Coun<,::il Member McCandless, to approve a 2% across-the-board pay plan adjustment for all employees. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Aye: _ ....,=I:lll. ......- . 1_.n::Jllll~~ ".......----,.--~- " 7-.--''''l11l,nElliBIDIIIIIIIlI --'----:~"..";l'c: . ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member McCandless, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 7:30 p.m. 2 ,- r ,,11 "I h ,,,jjj-, ,.tj..!j.....IUHIlIIIIII. -------------,.-,----,----."T"llrl~-,--- , IT -,.m, ,." CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, MARCHIO, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING i'3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:30 P.M. , , "?{'" ,. The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on March 10, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Watson presiding, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, McCandless and Lewis. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Public Works Director and Fire Chief were also present. Mayor Watson delivered the invocation and Council Member McCandless led the Pledge of Allegiance. RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBER TO THE SENIOR SERVICES BOARD: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-04. Mayor Watson read the caption of Resolution No. 97-04 as follows: A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A MEMBER OF THE SENIOR SERVICES BOARD; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT A member of the Senior Services Board, M. D. Wickerham, has moved out of the city and has resigned his position on the Board. The Board is now recommending John H. Valcik to fill the vacancy. A motion was made by Council Member Rushing, seconded by Council Member Lewis, to adopt Resolution No. 97-04. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: RESOLUTION APPOINTING. REAPPOINTING AND CONFIRMING POSITIONS IN THE MUNICIPAL COURT: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-05. Mayor Watson read the caption of Resolution No. 97-05 as follows: -- ~._"--"";'.~;-1'" A RESOLUTION APPOINTING, REAPPOINTING AND CONFIRMING MUNICIPAL COURT PERSONNEL FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT City Attorney Jim Dougherty reported that Resolution No. 97-05 would confirm the existing personnel in the Municipal Court and set the term of office to coincide with other appointed positions. A motion was made by Council Member Lewis, seconded by Council Member Fogler, to adopt Resolution No. 97-05. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: ORDINANCE CALLING PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration was given to the first and final reading of Ordinance No. 1553. Mayor Watson read the caption of Ordinance No. 1553 as follows: AN ORDINANCE CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS TO ALLOW PRIOR NON-CONFORMING STATUS FOR CERTAIN STRUCTURES ON ENLARGED BUILDING SITES; PRESCRIBING PROCEDURES AND NOTICES; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY Copies of Ordinance No. 1553, as proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. The Zoning and Planning Commission was asked to consider a request by two owners to replat three lots into two, all located at 3615 Carnegie and 6612 Mercer. On one lot, the front yard depth would expand from 20 feet to 30 feet. Since there is a house on the lot, expanding the front yard depth to 30 feet would put the house in violation oftheZoning Ordinance. The Commission agreed the lots should be replatted. In order for this replat to be in compliance with all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, an amendment to the code would have to be approved. Ordinance No. 1553 would call a joint public hearing of the 2 .... .1~1 c::-: . f__l,.:::::iI~ . ."-.'~l"'''''''''..-- l--lll.lllIllIilimIaIIlIIIllI --..--." """''''':"]''..... Zoning and Planning Commission and the City Council to consider an amendment to Section 12.102 of the Zoning Ordinance. A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to approve the first and final reading of Ordinance No. 1553. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: PRIORITY AREAS 4B/5A RECONSTRUCTION: Consideration was given to change orders 1 and 2 relating to storm sewer system improvements in Priority Areas 4B/5A. Public Works Director Ed Menville reported that Change Order # 1 involves the abandonment of the 36" storm sewer line below Amherst Street between Academy and Weslayan streets, and the replacement of the 36" and 24" lines below Weslayan Street between Amherst Street and Rice Boulevard with a new 24" pipe. The storm sewer lines, that will be abandoned, divert storm water runoff from the 72" line on Academy to the system on Milton Street. The Milton .Street line cannot handle the excess runoff from the Academy line without causing localized street flooding in the area. The cost of this change order is $88,376.00 and will. be paid as part of Metro's contribution to the Weslayan Street reconstruction. Change Order #2 relates primarily to the replacement of 190 feet of30" storm sewer line located below College Avenue between Milton Street and Rice Boulevard. This was found to be in very poor condition and could possibly collapse. The cost for this change is $28,733.00. A motion was made by Council Member McCandless, seconded by Council Member Lewis, to approve change orders 1 and 2 relating to storm sewer system improvements in Priority Areas 4B/5A. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Aye: 3 J__~ __-L-l_~____..__._--,-cL__illJ'" __ _LL . r::u.1Ii..Ill..L......L..._________ -.tUj-"-__.... . Lln,_.'-----------':.-::-,..:Tf~. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes of the following City Council meetings: (a) Workshop Session conducted on February 24, 1997 (b) Regular Session conducted on February 24, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to approve the minutes as amended. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: COUNCIL COMMENTS: Council Member Fogler recognized the Boy Scouts who were present at the meeting. Gouncil Member Rushing commented that he was pleased with the redesign of the municipal building. Council Member Lewis congratulated Council Member Fogler for being asked by the West University Party to run fofMayor. Mayor Watson encouraged the Boy Scouts to continue with their involvement to become an Eagle Scout. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Lewis, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to adjourn. The regular session adjourned at 7:55 p:m. 4 -. I I "I ,In, rnD,;-;-] 'i:)\;tli!l~_I[,r-- ---- 'TOo--'.-;.....".".. 'lITillllll1i1ll1ll.I1IIlIDll' --- --- - r--~-"'~~i'r-' CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on March 24, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Watson presiding, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Police Chief, Finance Director, Parks and Recreation Director, Public Works Director and Deputy Director of Public Works were also present. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the. regular meeting agenda and discussed items ..under consideration with the Staff. W AKEFOREST TRAFFIC REPORT: A report on. the traffic study conducted on Wakeforest Street was. presented to . the City Council. Police Chief Steve Griffith reported that in response to citizen concerns about speeding traffic on Wakeforest between Rice and Bissonnet, the city staff conducted several surveys. Traffic counts were conducted at three different locations on Wakeforest. It was found that the average traffic count on Wakeforest was 1,250 vehicles per 24..hour period. This roadway does receive a significant amount of usage, but the level of usage is not significantly greater than other connecting thoroughfares in West University Place. A "cut through" traffic analysis was conducted. This was accomplished by recording the license plates for all traffic proceeding through the Wakeforest and Plumb intersection on two different days for a total time .frame of 12 hours. Running the license plates revealed that about half of the vehicles were registered to West University addresses. Speed surveys were also conducted. The sections of roadway between Rice and Bissonnet and between Robinhood and Rice showed.vehicle speeds averaging 30 miles per hour. A significantuumberofvehicles were exceeding the posted speed limit. The Police Department publicized the issue and warned the public that drivers would be cited for speeding 5 miles over the speed limit. To date, a total of seventy-eight citatioIls for speeding five miles over the speed limit on Wakeforest were issued and two out of every three citations were to West U residents. Chief Griffith recommended the following action based on the results of the survey: The targeted enforcement on Wakeforest for speeding vehicles should be continued with a 5-mph tolerance. An additional stop sign should be installed on Wakeforest at the intersection with Robinhood. The "cautionary" 20-mph speed zone at the curve on Wakeforest between Plumb and Tangley would be modified to a regular 20-mph speed zone. Holly Hutchins, a resident at 5812 Charlotte, spoke to the City Council about the traffic problems on Wakeforest. A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member McCandless, to authorize the staff to continue the enhanced enforcement on Wakeforest Street for speeding vehicles by only permitting 5-mph tolerance, to add an additional stop sign at the intersection of Wake forest and Robinhood, and requested the staff to develop an ordinance reducing the speed limit to 20-mph on Wakeforest between Plumb and Tangley. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: NEW ALARM PROGRAM: The City Council discussed an implementation plan for the amended alarm regulatory program. Chief. Griffith presented a preliminary schedule and costs for. the program. He also presented estimated revenues and expenses for the years 1997 through 1999. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Lewis, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 7:30 p.m. 2 .1-:-:::l::l1 r:---- l..l...~..._-::JI. ..-- -------------.---~TilllllIml!llllllll --- --.------------~-. ""--TrC."-"".~Tr' CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION AND JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.M. - The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on March 24, 1997, with the following members present: Mayor Watson presiding, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless. The City Manager, City Attorney, City Secretary, Public Works Director, Finance Director, Parks and Recreation Director and Deputy Director. of Public Works were also present. Council Member Rushing delivered the invocation and Mayor Watson led the Pledge of Allegiance. RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBER TO THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-06. A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Lewis, to approve Resolution No. 97-06 appointing Marilyn Griffin to position 4 of the Zoning and Planning Commission, A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Aye: PUBLIC HEARING: A Public Hearing was held before the Zoning and Planning Commission and the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas. The purpose for the hearing was to provide an opportunity for parties in interest and citizens to be heard in relation to a proposal toam:end the City's Zoning Ordinance to allow prior non-conforming status for certain structures when a building site is enlarged. Members of the Zoning and Planning Commission present at the meeting were: Chairman Ned Ross, Byrlan Cass-Shively, Karol Musher, Patrick Starich, and Marilyn Griffm. r-1i11 r- rl1",ilI.,~ ,ld;ill.t~~'" ----.-....-'"..-,----.-,.-lJlilllflllllllnlllllllllllllll : ". ",I" - City Council Regular Session, March 24, 1997 The public hearing was called to order by Mayor Watson and Mr. Ross at 7:35 p.m. The amendment would add a new subsection (d) to Section 12-102 of the Zoning Ordinance, as follows: (d) Enlargement of building site and yard. A structure located in a yard (or "setback" area) in apparent violation of Table 7-2 acquires PNC status if: (i) after the 1987 effective date, the building. site was enlarged in compliance with City ordinances, (ii) the enlargement of the building site also expanded the yard to inc1udethe structure, (iii) the structure was built before enlargement of the site, and (iv) the structure did not violate the yard (or "setback") regulations before the enlargement. The structure acquires PNC status only for non-compliance with Table 7-2. Members of the public were invited to ask questions or speak concerning the amendment. There being no person wishing to be heard, the Public Hearing closed at 7:45 p.m. The Zoning and Planning Commission left the room. The City Council convened in Regular Session and continued with the items on the regular agenda. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Mayor Watson invited citizens who wished to address the City Council to come forward as their names were called. Bill Champion, 3832 Southwestern, spoke to the City Council about the flooding problem on his street. He showed the Council pictures of his street that he had taken during the last flood. Leo Sacchi, 3768 Rice Blvd., spoke to the City Council about the dangers of the joggers with baby strollers in the streets. He asked if the City could pass an ordinance to restrict or fine people who jog in the streets. BIDS FOR PURCHASE OF DIVING BOARD AND DIVING STAND: Consideration was given to bids received March 5, 1997 for the purchase of a diving board and a diving stand. The following bids were received: 2 I.jj. I,., TI1IITill l,.;..::.a,lI~.I'- --- ---~-TCC----C--7~I'"1nI1l1lImlill1l11.IliIJlIiIIl-' ~U"'u"TT' ' City Council Regular Session, March 24, 1997 Bidder Bid Amount Quality Pools and Management, Inc. Recreonics $10,000 $ 5,974 (equipment only) Parks and Recreation Director Mark Mailes reported that the diving board and stand was last replaced approximately 25 years ago. It has become rusted and unstable due to its constant contact with water and pool chemicals. A motion was made by Council Member McCandless, seconded by Council Member Fogler, to award a contract to Recreonics in the amount of $5,974 for the purchase of a diving board and a diving stand. A vote was taken, on the motion, With the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None BIDS FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF EXPANSION JOINTS ON THE POOL DECK: Consideration was given to bids received March 5, 1997 for the repair and replacement of the expansion joints to the deck area at Colonial Park. The following bids were received: Bidder Bid Amount Central Construction Services, Inc. CRX, Inc. Highway Pavement Specialties, Inc. Liqua Tech, Inc. Quality Pools and Management, Inc. Southwest-Panacea, Inc. $ 6,000.00 $ 7,416.00 $ 6,684.21 $ 9,507.00 $ 9,500.00 $10,638.00 Mr. Mailes explained that the expansion joints on the swimming pool deck have become deteriorated and splintered. They were last replaced in 1985. A motion was made by Council Member McCandless, seconded by Council Member Fogler, to award a contract to Central Construction Services, Inc. in the amount of $6,000 for the repair and 3 ,-nl~~""'" ,'lL-iUll;NlIII_'-" '-'--~--;:-::-'---'-''''l'''ll1;lIrrllli1lll1lll.11U111i111 - -----~~~"~lC.c- City Council Regular Session, March 24, 1997 replacement ofthe expansion joints to the deck area at Colonial Park. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: BID FOR RENOVATION OF RACQUETBALL COURTS: Consideration was given to a bid received March 17, 1997 for renovations to the racquetball courts at Colonial Park. Mr. Mailes reported that the only bid received was from Bauer Sports Floors, Inc. A motion was made by Council Member Lewis, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to award a contract to Bauer Sports Floors, Inc. in the amount of $15,600 for renovations to the racquetball courts at Col6nial Park. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: BIDS FOR JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: Consideration was given to bids received February 20, 1997 for the purchase of janitorial supplies. The following bids were received: Bidder Bid Amount Apollo Paper Company Basic Products Brawner Paper Company, Inc. Century Papers Government & Institution Supply Co.(GISCO) 4 $29.78 $55.04 $34.95 $27.74 $39.25 ---- .--.-----------,--c-O~"T'"-~lI,llllIIl!DlllUllIllllIlClll.. ..-----------. .------,---~.f7"~"9"-:-cc- City Council Regular Session, March 24, 1997 Morse Wholesale Nationwide Papers Riggsbee Hardware Co., Inc. Texas Correctional Industries United African Overseas Company ZEP Manufacturing Company $25.21 $28.64 $22.85 Incomplete $40.35 $39.69 Deputy Director of Public Works Jerry Bums reported that the bid summary includes unit prices for ten separate items. Supplies purchased through this contract will be used in the Fire Department, Community Building and Senior Wing. A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member McCandless, to award a contract for the purchase of janitorial supplies to Riggsbee Hardware Co., .Inc. in the amounts presented on the bid calculation sheet. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: RIDS FOR THE TRANPORTATION AND DISPOSAL OF RIO-SOLIDS: Consideration was given to bids received March 5, 1997 for the transportation and disposal of bio-solids from the City's Treatment Plant. The following bids were received: Bidder Bid Amount Enviroganics Organic Waste Management Services $15.00 per cubic yard $21.66 per cubic yard Mr. Bums reported that in the current budget, $43,000 has been appropriated for this contract. However, due to additional testing and paperwork required by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, the amount bid for 1997 exceeds the amount bid in 1995 by $1.25 per cubic yard. Based on the amount of bio-solids transported and disposed of in .1995, this would result in an increase of approximately $4,350 over the amount budgeted. This figure can increase or 5 .,,_ .. ~~--..~~'-~-."FJm_'.-U. ---- T,e'.":T'- City Council Regular Session, March 24, 1997 decrease depending on how much waste is generated. A motion was made by Council Member Lewis, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to award the bid for the transportation and disposal of bio-solids to Enviroganics in the amount of $15.00 per cubic yard. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF INSURANCE: Consideration was given to bids received March 12, 1997 for the purchase of life, accidental death and dismemberment insurance, long term ,disability insurance and a stand alone AD&D policy for police and fIre personnel. The following bids were received: Bidder ~ AD&D 1m Stand Alone Aetna $550.10 $73.08 No Bid No Bid BarBren Group No Bid No Bid No Bid $363.66 Hartnett and Company $590.76 $109.00 $1,204.57 $72.00 Ins. & Asset Mgt., Inc. $743.92 $87.52 $1,967.96 $360.00 MetLife $552.00 $63.00 No Bid No Bid The Prudential $768.40 $192.10 $1,404.75 No Bid Standard Insurance Co. $552.00 $110.00 $1,132.00 $254.00 Rupa Mather Assoc., Inc. $590.76 $109.00 $1,204.57 No Bid Texas Municipal League $572.00 $ 99.00 $578.53 No Bid TransAmerica Life Co. $596.16 $143.00 No Bid $.125 per 1000 TransGeneral Life $619.00 $155.00 $1,444.00 No Bid Unum Ins. Co. of America No Bid $263.70 No Bid No Bid Finance Director Walter Thomas reported that the total annual cost of the benefits proposed by the lowest bidder, Standard Insurance Company is $24,408. The proposed coverage is better and costs $3,084 less than the current benefits. 6 I_ _ ..l.__~._~_ _____..____~L......1LI..A r:-:: . r..n.iWlI~ HdJ.uI~_I'" ' ----'TlUllllllilillIlalllll- ... " "T""'T". City Council Regular Session, March 24, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Rushing, seconded by Council Member Fogler, to accept the bid from Standard Insurance Company for the purchase of insurance with an annual cost of $24,408. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None PURCHASE OF BACKHOE: Consideration was given to the purchase ofa backhoe for use at the new Recycling Center. Mr. Bums reported that the City was the recipient of a $48,000 grant from the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission for the purchase of a new 31 OE Backhoe for use at the new Recycling Center. This grant is funded through the Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC) and is good until May 31, 1997. While following required procedures to obtain quotes, it was found that HGAC has the lowest price for the backhoe at a cost of $47,909. Since HGAC has fulfilled all bidding requirements normally imposed on cities for purchases.ofthis type, it will not be necessary to solicit bids. A motion was made by Council Member McCandless, seconded by Council Member Lewis, to approve the purchase of a backhoe from the Houston-Galveston Area Council in the amount of $47,909. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: RECYCLING INCENTIVE PROGRAM: Consideration was given to implementing a financial incentive system to encourage the use of mulching mower blades. 7 City Council Regular Session, March 24, 1997 Mr. Thomas reported that a mulching mower blade incentive program was developed in 1996 to encourage residents ofWestU to mulch their lawns as they mow, either by retrofitting a regular lawnmower with a mulching mower blade, or by choosing to purchase a new mulching mower. Citizen response to the program was positive and the Recycling Committee has. recommended that the program be offered again this year. As before, residents participating in the program will have to present an original receipt showing purchase of a mulching blade (or mower) to the Finance Office in City Hall. The incentive program will be in effect for 90 days after the first of the month following approval by the City Council. A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member McCandless, to accept the recommendation of staff to approve the mulching mower blade incentive program. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None UTILITY ORDINANCE: Consideration was given to the first reading of Ordinance No. 1555. Mayor Watson read the caption of Ordinance No. 1555 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO UTILITIES; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Copies of Ordinance No. 1555, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Mr. Thomas reported that the amendments to Chapter 23 will make the City's utility billing procedures more "user friendly" and clarify and provide authorization for practices that are currently being followed, but are not specifically allowed by the. Code. The revision makes utility billing procedures friendlier by: 8 ~-"'~~-"'-~~'1911,llIIIlII:IIIIIIIIIm: , .--',~,C"CTr:" City Council Regular Session, March 24, 1997 . Eliminating the requirement of a written application. This clears the way for the City to accept an application over the telephone. . Eliminating the required deposit. This will help in initiating service and reduce the. accounting burden on the City. The City will be establishing a connection fee for service similar to those required by other utility companies. The revised ordinance allows the City to require a deposit from a delinquent customer. Changes were made to authorize current practices or to provide guidance in administering the utility billing process: . A section was added authorizing payment agreements. The City has allowed. delinquent utility customers to enter into an agreement with the City to resolve the delinquency for years, but the ordinance did not authorize these agreements. . The Finance Director has made adjustments to (or on occasion not adjusted) accounts for errors in meter readings, however, the code did not authorize this practice. . Utility customer accounts are carried on the City's books long after there is any reasonable expectation of payment, because the code did not provide authority to remove them. A motion was made by Council Member Lewis, seconded by Council Member McCandless, to adopt Ordinance No. 1555 on the fIrst reading with one change in Section 23.035 to add the word not on the second line so that it reads, they shall not draw from any source pressurized by the City system. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: FEE ORDINANCE: Consideration was given to the fIrst reading of Ordinance No. 1554. Mayor Watson read the caption of Ordinance No. 1554 as follows: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AND REESTABLISHING FEES AND CHARGES FOR ACTIVITIES, GOODS AND SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CITY; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1524 ADOPTED DECEMBER 11,1995; CONTAINING A PROVISION TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH FEES AND CHARGES IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT 9 , . __.J__l~ _ r:-:: l_C":W]L-=:I, '."L;.llW1....,r------.----,--c--'- -'o-r:JlIilllllllilillllllllll'--- .-.---- r-..-m:!'" ' City Council Regular Session, March 24, 1997 Copies of Ordinance No. 1554, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Mr. Thomas reported that the City's Fee Schedule is a master list of fees charged by the City for services. This list is updated from time to time and the entire list must be re-adopted. The revisions to the fee schedule are as follows: . Revisions to Code Section 23 eliminated the requirement that a utility customer post a deposit. To offset the potential loss from bad debts and to cover the cost of initiating service, a $25 fee for new service has been added to the fee schedule. . The fee for discontinuing service to a delinquent account has been increased from $15 to $30 in order to bring the fee more closely in line with the costs associated with disconnecting servIce. . In some cases, a customer whose service has been discontinued for delinquency desires that service be resumed after the City's normal hours of operation. To cover the cost of overtime associated with this service, an after hours reconnect fee of $60 has been added to the Fee Schedule. . Code Section23 allows a deposit to be required from a customer who is delinquent. The Fee Schedule limits the amount of deposit to $180. . Permits support the newalarm program. Both, Type I and II permits, will cost $25. Type II permits must be renewed monthly for a $25 renewal fee. All alarm permits will carry a $5 annual renewal fee. . The charge for using the City's photocopier is presently .55 cents for the first copy and .20 for each additional copy. This charge was not consistent with the .10 cents per copy being charged for the use of the copier in the library. The Fee Schedule was revised to lower the charge for copies to .10 cents. . The charge to reserve the Colonial Park Pool was adjusted to $30 per hour to bring the charge closer to the cost of the service. A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to adopt Ordinance No. 1554 on the fIrst reading. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Aye: 10 '~U:h"I_" ------~. .....11UlIIlTllimm.IlII1I1l1I1'- ----------- rrr'c'""~r' City Council Regular Session, March 24, 1997 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT RELATING TO PRIOR NON-CONFORMING STATUS: Consideration was given to the fIrst reading of Ordinance No. 155.6. Members of the Zoning and Planning Commission rejoined the meeting. Mayor Watson read the caption of Ordinance No. 1556 as follows: AN ORDINANCE ALLOWING PRIOR NON-CONFORMING STATUS FOR CERTAIN STRUCTURES ON ENLARGED BUILDING SITES; ADDING A NEW SUBSECTION 12- 1 02( d) TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING. FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Mr. Ross presented their final report on the proposal to amend the zoning ordinance. The Zoning and Planning Commission recommended that the. City Council proceed with the adoption Ordinance No. 1556. Copies of Ordinance No. 1556, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. A motion was made by Council Member Rushing, seconded by Council Member Lewis, to adopt Ordinance No. 1556 on the first reading. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: ORDINANCE CANCELLING ELECTION: Consideration was given to the fIrst and fmal reading of Ordinance No. 155.7. Mayor Watson read the caption of Ordinance No. 1557 as follows: AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THAT THE UNOPPOSED CANDIDATES IN THE MAY 3, 1997 GENERAL ELECTION ARE ELECTED TO OFFICE; 11 City Council Regular Session, March 24, 1997 PROVIDING THAT THE ELECTION SHALL NOT BE HELD; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY Copies of Ordinance No. 1557, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. City Attorney Jim Dougherty reported that the Texas State Law now requires that, not only must the candidates file for office but also any write-in candidates must file for office. The deadline is set 45 days prior to the election date. After the deadline, if all the candidates are unopposed and there are no write-in candidates and there are no propositions on the ballot, the law allows the City Council to declare those candidates elected and cancel the election. This can only be done after the City Secretary makes a certificate stating that all candidates are unopposed and there are no propositions on the ballot. Each member of the City Council had a copy of the Certificate from the City Secretary. A motion was made by Council Member McCandless, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to adopt Ordinance No. 1557 on the first and final reading. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council McCandless None None Council Member Fogler Members Rushing, . Lewis and Voting Nay: Absent: Abstain: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes of the following City Council meetings: (a) Workshop Session conducted on March 10, 1997 (b) Regular Session conducted on March 10, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member McCandless, to approve the minutes as presented. 12 .1_. .L.L___ _.___~ .L.. t_r:JWlI~ ")'.I""iI_ .,- ..~C-'-'TCll:!_. , ".""';'1'" City Council Regular Session, March 24, 1997 A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: . COUNCIL COMMENTS: Council Member Rushing congratulated the elected candidates. He commented that he was glad that there was not going to be an election. Council Member Fogler commented that she was also happy that there was not going to be an election. She stated that she thought it was good for the individuals elected to office and for the City and will make the transition into office a lot easier. Council Member McCandless commented that he was not so sure it was good for the City to not have an election. He wanted to know if the lack of interest was because the present Council was doing a good job or if it showed apathy from residents in the City. Mayor Watson commented that he thought it was great not to have an election. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council MemberLewis, seconded by Council Member Rushing to adjourn. The regular session adjourned at 8:27 p.m. 13 I, ; 1r-1111 [1,llIil1~ ,,","'...._ .'---n~~~"'l. lTI,lIllnrlllllllllllllllll1 n___ .n "' ''''''nn~-. CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1997 MUNICIPAL BmLDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on April 14, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Watson presiding, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance Director, Parks and Recreation Director, Public Works Director and Deputy Director of Public Works were also present. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under consideration with the Staff. SOFTBALL FIELDS 4A AND 4B: The City Council considered the reconfiguration of Softball Fields 4A and 4B. David Allums, 3715 Rice Boulevard, was present at the meeting. He complained about the amount of light in his backyard and the noise coming from the fields. He asked the City Council to move the backstop. Parks and Recreation Director Mark Mailes reported that, at the request of residents along Rice Boulevard, he has. attempted to.work out an acceptable compromise in regards to softball backstop 4B. The City hired landscape architect David Stanger to review the situation and recommend.any solutions or changes. The City Council discussed, at length, the potential danger of moving the fields, too close together and the impact a proposed fence would have on the elementary school programs. Mr. Mailes stated that the West University Elementary School Principal John Threet would not allow an outfield fence to be installed on the Scout House fields. The City Council agreed that the fields should stay as they are now. The Council requested that Mr. Mailes contact a lighting specialist to see what could be done about the overflow of light in Mr. Allums yard. I, :11 ,illl r;- 11,IUdl ,,,,,.1__. --~._-' ....~n'Tln;lIlmIlllllm.lIBIlDl. . -..; -n"";T" COMMUNITY LOAN PROGRAM: The City Council discussed a program to offer low-income families assistance with the relocation of sewer and water line connections associated with infrastructure improvements. City Manager Sherman YeW reported that the City was coming into a number of situations where low-income families, primarily elderly, would have difficulty tapping on to new water and sewer lines. The cost could run between $1,500 and $3,000. The Texas Constitution permits the City to set a loan program with a five-year pay back. Mr. YeW recommended that the Staff put together a specific program design based primarily on income. The City Council agreed to permit the Staff to design a program and return to the City Council with a recommendation. The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at 7:30 p.m. to convene in Regular Session. The Workshop Session reconvened at 8:00 p.m. The City Attorney left the meeting. RECYCLING ISSUES: The City Council considered a recommendation to use paper bags in the handling of yard waste and related matters. Members of the Recycling Committee Cindy Neal and Rick Jenkins were present at the meeting. They requested that the City require all yard waste to be put on the curb in 30- gallon Kraft paper bags instead of plastic bags. The cost to dispose of yard waste. at local compo sting facilities more than doubled last year and currently costs more than taking the regular garbage to the landfill. LivingEarth Technology h;:l.s offered to waive the tipping fee if the City will use paper bags. Local stores have agreedto stock the bags. A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Lewis, to authorize the Staff to draft an ordinance to require the use of paper bags for yard waste. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler,.Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: 2 ].' J. ~11111 ~------------'~l.-,r.ilr:-7"I " -,--,--;Jl~.'-- ---'-.---- --- --------,-,---,---.--'TT"lTIJIIIlDrnmmllllBlllIiIll .,.' , T"C~T. Mrs. Neal discussed an implementation schedule with the City Council. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to adjourn. The workshop session adjoumedat 8:12 p.m. 3 ---------L I, ;nill I:. r r.:iiiiiI-::1 i", df~ii1bilt"'.JI" ....--"-...~-~nilllmI1lRIIIIIIIII161 ,- n----~--...:-.'.'..Tr.-- CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION AND JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on April 14, 1997, with the following members present: Mayor Wats(m,presiding, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless. The City Manager, City.Attorney, City Secretary, Public Works Director, Finance Director and Deputy Director of Public Works were also present. Mayor Watson delivered the invocation and Council Member Rushing led the . ' .' Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Mayor Watson invited citizens who wished to address the City Council to come forward as their names were called. Carolyn Sacchi, 3768 Rice Blvd., requested that the City Council only allow parking9P one side of Rice Boulevard during the special events held in the City. She stated that parking on both sides of the street made it impossible for the homeowners in the area to back out of their driveways. 1998 METHODIST HEALTH CARE HOUSTON MARATHON: Consideration was given to the 1998 Methodist Health Care Houston Marathon scheduled to be run January 18, 1998. Members of the Marathon Committee and a representative from the Methodist Health Care Systems requested that the City Council allow the Marathon to run through West University Place on January 18, 1998. A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to invite the 1998 Methodist Health Care Houston Marathon to again run through West University streets and to remind the representatives that they need to obtain a city permit. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Aye: . , 1'"'11]1. r - ,~ '-. , l~r11lilr~ il!_""'''IIUI:RBI_._Cf--U_-- ------,T"lllillllllITllllllllllllllIiIll c.n;I" City Council Regular Session, April 14, 1997 PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL AWARD: The City Council was presented with a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in. Financial Reporting. City Manager Sherman Yehl reported that the City has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association, which is for the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The Certificate is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting. Mr. Yehl presented the City Council with the Certificate. In addition, Mr. Yehl stated that an individual certificate of Financial Reporting Achievement is awarded to the person primarily responsible for preparing the Comprehensive Financial Report. Mr. Yehl thanked Finance Director Walter Thomas for his work and presented him with the award. UTILITY ORDINANCE: Consideration was given to the second, and final reading of Ordinance No. 1555. Mayor Watson read the caption of Ordinance No. 1555 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO UTILITIES; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Copies of Ordinance No. 1555, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Mr. Thomas reported that the amendments to Chapter 23 will make the City's utility billing procedures more "user friendly". The amendments will clarify and provide authorization for practices that are currently being followed, but are not specifically allowed by the Code. The revision makes utility billing procedures friendlier by: . Eliminating the requirement of a written application. This clears the way for the City to accept an application over the telephone. . Eliminating the required deposit. This will help in initiating service and reduce the accounting burden on the City. The City will be establishing a connection fee for service similar to those required by other utility companies. The revised ordinance allows the City to require a deposit from a delinquent customer. 2 ,I ,J. rr:'TiiilI 1;'l_:.1';ijiil~_. ------------~-~'"lnillllllITl1llllllllill..---- --------------'; -"'-'-':":;r1 City Council Regular Session, April 14, 1997 Changes were made to authorize current practices or to provide guidance in administering the utility billing process: . A section was added authorizing payment agreements. The City has allowed delinquent utility customers to enter into an agreement with the City to resolve the delinquency for years, but the ordinance did not authorize these agreements. . The Finance Director has made adjustments to (or on occasion not adjusted) accounts for errors in meter readings, however, the code did not authorize this practice. . Utility customer accounts are carried on the City's books long after there is any reasonable expectation of payment, because the code did not provide authority to remove them. A motion was made by Council Member McCandless, seconded by Council Member Fogler, to adopt Ordinance No. 1555 on the second and final reading. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: FEE ORDINANCE: \ Consideration was given to the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1554. Mayor Watson read. the caption of Ordinance No. 1554 as follows: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AND REESTABLISHING FEES AND CHARGES FOR ACTIVITIES, GOODS AND SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CITY; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1524 ADOPTED DECEMBER 11,1995; CONTAINING A PROVISION TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH FEES AND CHARGES IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Copies of Ordinance No. 1554, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Mr. Thomas reported that the City's Fee Schedule is a master list of fees charged by the City for services. This list is updated from time totime and the entire list must be re-adopted. The revisions to the fee schedule are as follows: 3 -----c-r-.-r--,--~n~"I."-~ City Council Regular Session, April 14, 1997 . Revisions to Code Section 23 eliminated the requirement that a utility customer post a deposit. To offset the potential loss from bad debts and to cover the cost of initiating service, a $25 fee for new service has been added to the fee schedule. . The fee for discontinuing service to a delinquent account has been increased from $15 to $30 in order to bring the fee more closely in line with the costs associated with disconnecting servIce. . In some cases, a customer whose service has been discontinued for delinquency desires that service be resumed after the City's normal hours of operation. To cover the cosfofovertime associated with this service, an after hours reconnect fee of $60 has been added to the Fee Schedule. . Code Section 23 allows a deposit to be required from a customer who is delinquent. The Fee Schedule limits the amount of deposit to $180. . Permits support the new alarm program. Both, Type I and II permits will cost $25. Type II permits must be renewed monthly for a $25 renewal fee. All alarm permits will carry a $5 annual renewal fee. . The charge for using the City's photocopier is presently .55 cents for the first copy and .20 for each additional copy. This charge was not consistent with the .10 cents per. copy being charged for the use of the copier in the library. The Fee Schedule was revised to lower the charge for copies to .10 cents. . The charge to reserve the Colonial Park Pool was adjusted to $30 per hour to bring the charge closer to the cost of the service. A motion was made by Council Member Lewis, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to adopt Ordinance No. 1554 on the second and fmal reading. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, F ogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT RELATING TO PRIOR NON-CONFORMING STATUS: Consideration was given to the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1556. Mayor Watson read the caption of Ordinance No. 1556 as follows: AN ORDINANCE ALLOWING PRIOR NON-CONFORMING STATUS FOR CERTAIN STRUCTURES ON ENLARGED BUILDING SITES; ADDING A NEW SUBSECTION 12- 4 _n---~ ..... .-- --- --",---'-TT"lf1irrmlllilllllUlllllulI' '-0. :"'TT City Council Regular Session, April 14, 1997 102(d) TO THE.ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT The Zoning and Planning Commission had presented their [mal report at the last regular session. They recommended that the City Council proceed with the adoption of Ordinance No. 1556. Copies of Ordinance No. 1556, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to adopt Ordinance No. 1556 on the second and final reading. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: RECYCLING CENTER: Consideration was given to a change order relating to the construction of the Recycling Center. Public Works Director Ed Menville reported that the change order would revise the Recycling Center plans to include a retention pond and associated drainage that will serve the adjacent lease property on Westpark. The amount of the change order is $17,114, which increases the project costs from $308,100 to $325,214. A motion was made by Council Member McCandless, seconded by Council Member Fogler, to approve the change order relating to the construction ofthe Recycling Center. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Aye: 5 .---=- r.,,,~,"--" ;i<ilI""'iltIlMII_,,- ..-'T"1I:_ ;--"--~.i;';~T"T' City Council Regular Session, April 14, 1997 REGULAR MEETING CHANGE: Consideration was given to a regular meeting change in May 1997. The City Staff recommended that the City Council change the meeting scheduled. for May 26, 1997 because it falls on Memorial Day. A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to change the City Council meeting scheduled for May 26, 1997 to May 19, 1997. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Aye: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes of the following City Council meetings: (a) Workshop Session conducted on March 24, 1997 (b) Regular Session conducted on March 24, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Rushing, seconded by Council Member Lewis, to approve the minutes as presented. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Aye: COUNCIL COMMENTS: The City Council recognized the Boy Scouts attending the meeting and asked them to introduce themselves. 6 ,nr ,::':Ir. ~ . ,,'.HU,;<;ldlitSHll_11l" -r'T~ii1!1iTl1i11111111-- -- ..u____u. ..:. 'un, I" City Council Regular Session, April 14, 1997 ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was . made by Council MemberLewis, seconded by Council Member Rushing to adjourn. The regular session adjourned at 7:55 p.m. 7 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 7:00 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on April 28, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Watson presiding, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance Director, Parks and Recreation Director, and Public Works Director were also present. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under consideration with the Staff. FOOT BRIDGE OVER POOR FARM DITCH: The City Council reviewed the plans for the rehabilitation of the Foot Bridge over Poor Farm Ditch. The City Council discussed the possibility of building a bridge with a cover. Council Member Lewis asked that the residents in the area be consulted before the City builds a covered bridge that might obstruct their view. A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to approve the concept of a covered bridge over Poor Farm Ditch. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Rushing, seconded by Council Member McCandless, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 7:30 p.m. L ..'-.._..l~" I...,_~'=~~. r::r:.~ ,II. ,....,,_____ -"- -----:'I=renmmm:nnmllllll:lr ,. ,n"':T' CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on April 28, 1997, with the following members present: Mayor Watson presiding, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless. The City Manager, City Attorney, City Secretary, Public Works Director, Finance Director and Parks and RecreationDirector were also present. Council Member Rushing delivered the invocation and Council Member McCandless led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Mayor Watson invited citizens who wished to address the City Council to come forward as their namesw~ecalkd. . Cindy Neal, 2616 Pemberton, reported that she was approached by a volunteer .organization called Leadership Houston, and asked to submit information on the city's recycling program. Ultimately, the City of West University won the Leadership in Action Award in the Environmental Area. Mrs. Neal presented the award to the Public Works Director. BUDGET AMENDMENT: Consideration was given to the first reading of Ordinance No. 1558. Mayor Watson read the caption of Ordinance No. 1558 as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1997; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Finance Director Walter Thomas reported that a $11,610 amendment to the Debt Service Fund and a $53,000 amendment to the Water Utility Fund are due to debt service on the bonds issued in 1996 being higher than the. estimate used when the budget was prepared. These additional costs will be funded by available reserves. A $25,000 amendment to the General Fund is needed to fund a police patrol vehicle that was destroyed in an accident. The vehicle was covered by insurance, but the electronics, light bar and equipment were not covered. This additional cost also will be funded by available reserves. The project budget was revised for the following projects: The Recycling Center, Judson Park, Alarm Monitoring Equipment, Repairs to the 36" Sewer Line, and the Water Flow Study. This amendment also re-appropriates unspent funds provided in the 1996 Budget for the following projects: Judson Park, Alarm Monitoring, and Priority Areas 4B and 5A. 1""Cl':'l'. ~ -----: I '- _:mil ,._ :-:1._ ...'....W1I......._'.... 1-11[,mIllUmIIIDIIIIIriI n , "n~~I"" City Council Regular Session, April 28, 1997 Copies of Ordinance No. 1558, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chmpbers. A motion was made by Council Member. Rushing, seconded by, Council Member Lewis, to adopt Ordipance No. 1558 on the first reading. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None BIDS FOR JUDSON PARK: Con*ideration was given to bids received April 14, 1997 for the rehabilitation of Judson Park. The rollowing bids were received: , Bidder Bid Amount D. U Meacham Construction I Gulf Coast Landscape Service Jerd6n Enterprise, Inc. $228,777 $208,350 $221,700 Par~s and Recreation Director Mark Mailes reported that the Friends of West University Parks, thr04gh donations and fundraisers, raised funds to rehabilitate Judson Park. Plans call for new playground equipment, picnic tables, benches, a perimeter sidewalk, ornamental fencing, land~caping and a deck. Three bids were received, the lowest being submitted by Gulf Coast Landscaping, in th.e amount of $~26,500. The bid amount includes a base bid of $208,350, $13,100 for a picnic deck and $5,0:50 for picnic tables and grills. Gulf Coast Landscaping has completed two recent projects for the City, the rehabilitation of Weir Park and the renovation of the youth athletic fields. They pro,*ided excellent service for both projects. A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member Lewis,. to award a cohtract to Gulf Coast Landscaping in the amount of $226,500 for the rehabilitation of Judson ParK: 2 I ". rr:..."" ;.-,..,,-,,=11___--' '~'~"r,llmlllmn1lllrnr[lrnl -------------;~":"'~T.".T-- City Council Regular Session, April 28, 1997 A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: BIDS FOR SIDE LOADING REFUSE TRUCK: Consideration was given to bids received April 9, 1997 for the purchase of a side loading refuse truck. The following bids were received: Bidder Bid Amount without A/C Bid Amount with A/C Crane Carrier Company Crane Carrier Company Lone Star Truck Company $102,030.00 $113,451.00 $115,726.06 $103,430.00 $114,851.00 $117,729.06 Public Works Director Ed Menville reported that the new truck will replace a 1986 vehicle. A motion was made by Council Member McCandless, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to approve the low bid in the amount of $103,430.00 submitted by Crane Carrier Company for the purchase of a side loading refuse truck. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None BIDS FOR LABORATORY SUPPLIES: Consideration was given to bids received March 17, 1997 for the purchase of laboratory supplies and authorization to rebid. Mr. Menville reported that sealed bids were opened for the purchase of laboratory supplies to be used at the Wastewater Treatment facility. Plant Supervisor Patrick Walters inspected all bids 3 City Council Regular Session, April 28, 1997 and found that each bidder had omitted one or more components from his or her .bid. In checking with various bidders, it was found that some of the specifications on various items did not contain enough information for the bidders to make a competitive bid. Consequently, the project will need to be rebid after adjustments have been made to the specifications. The Staff recommends that bidders be disqualified because all bids were incomplete. Staffwill reissue the bid specifications and rebid the project at a later date. A motion was made by Council Member Lewis, seconded by Council Member Rushing, to reject all the bids received for the purchase of laboratory supplies and authorize the Staff to rebid the project at a later date. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes ofthe following City Council meetings: (a) Workshop Session conducted on April 14, 1997 (b) Regular Session conducted on April 14, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by Council Member McCandless, to approve the minutes as amended. A vote was taken, on the motion, with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Aye: COUNCIL COMMENTS: 4 1::..___ :T, ..1~11I ~. - 1~,'LLJ!lIli...-:::L_ , ,,1\,,-..I,;it."'UlI..... . --'---- - - ,,--,--.-c----rI"u-lrJml!lIllilllllDlll'-- .. ---... 0,-0'. "cc.r' City Council Regular Session, April 28, 1997 Council Member McCandless asked the Staff to continue to work on a chart that would bring together the fmancial and engineering portion of the infrastructure improvements so that it could be reviewed more easily. He suggested that underground utilities should be in the foreseeable future in West University. He also asked that the Staff continue to support the possibility of getting HISD or HCCS Communicati.ons on Cable. Council Member Fogler thanked the Council for working so well for the last four years. She commented that there was a civility and professionalism about the current group that has served well for all of them. Council Member Rushing thanked the Parks Board and Friends Board for all of their work. He also thanked all the citizens who have supported the parks in West University. Council Member Lewis thanked Cindy Neal and the Recycling Committee for their award. She also thanked the Parks Board. Mayor Watson expressed his thanks to the Council Members. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Lewis, seconded by Council Member Rushing to adjourn. The regular session adjourned at 7:56 p.m. 5 ill-I, r:--~- rlTiilllIc:-lI JdL.billlUHl:l.... ---T.-'''~-----C'l.-'mlllllll11l:JJ1l1m1l1l1l---- '~'-""'--''"T-'I'T~-'--- CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, MAY 12, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on May 12, 1997, with the following members present: Mayor Watson presiding, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless. The City Manager, Cit)rAttorney, City Secretary, Public Works Director, Finance Director, Fire Chief, Police Chief and. Parks and Recreation Director were also present. Mayor Watson delivered the invocation and. Council Member Lewis led the Pledge of Allegiance. BUDGET AMENDMENT: Considerationwas given to the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1558. A motion was made by Council Member Rushing, seconded by Council Member Lewis, to table consideration of Ordinance No. 1558 untilthe next regular session. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler,. .Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Nay: Absent: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes of the following City Council meetings: (a) Workshop Session conducted on April 28, 1997 (b) Regular Session conducted on April 28, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Fogler, seconded by. Council Member McCandless, to approve the minutes as presented. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Watson, Council Members Rushing, Fogler, Lewis and McCandless None None Voting Aye: .'...j.J,_-"..,---.------------.---..--'-,,----,~'lf~!'flIf.,------.. - '>;"1"-1 City Council Regular Session, May 12, 1997 ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION: Mayor Watson issued the Certificates of Election to the newly elected city officers. INSTALLATION OF CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS: The Honorable Richard H. Edelman, Justice, 14th Court of Appeals of the State of Texas administered the Oaths of Office to the newly elected city officers. COMMENTS BY OUTGOING COUNCIL MEMBERS: The outgoing Mayor and Council Members thanked the Staff and volunteers for supporting them for the last four years. COMMENTS BY INCOMING COUNCIL MEMBERS: The incoming Mayor and Council Members introduced themselves and expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to serve the citizens of West University Place. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion. was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Neal to adjourn. The regular session adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 2 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, MAY 19, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the . Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on May 19, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The. City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance Director, Fire Chief, Public Works Director, Parks and Recreation Director and Police Chiefwere also present. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under consideration with the Staff. COND.UCT ORIENTATION FOR NEWLY ELECTED MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS: The City Staff reviewed the 1997 budget and the infrastructure construction schedule with the newly elected Mayor and Council Members. The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at 7:30 p.m. to convene in Regular Session. The Workshop Session reconvened at 7:45 p.m. City Attorney Jim Dougherty discussed rules of procedure, powers and duties with the City Council. REPORT ON ALARM SYSTEM: The City Staff presented a report on the in-house security alarm program. QUARTERLY REPORT: The City Staff presented the Quarterly Report to the City Council. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to adjourn; The workshop session adjourned at 8:51 p.m. ~ r-"~'.''''='=]'=c-r_.....- ,-1\ ,,~r--J. _._-~.'-'- -- '--'---,----'--r"1!:'jJi,l[ilmIIliIlI!ID1I:3I" :' .".TI CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, MAY 19, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on May 19, 1997, with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager, City Attorney, City Secretary, Public Works Director, Finance Director, Police Chief, Fire Chief and Parks and Recreation Director were also present. Mayor Fogler delivered the invocation and Council Member Davis led the Pledge of Allegiance. ELECTION OF. MAYOR PRO TEM: Consideration was given to the election of a Mayor Pro Tern. according to Section 2.07 of the City Charter. A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Neal, to handle the position of Mayor Pro Tem on a rotating basis with Council Member Davis serving from May 19, 1997 to November 30, 1997, Council Member Starichserving from December 1, 1997 to April 30, 1998, Council Member Sparkman serving from May 1, 1998 to November 30, 1998 and Council Member Neal serving from December 1, 1998 to May 3, 1999. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: - BUDGET AMENDMENT: Consideration was given to the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1558. MayorFogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1558 as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1997; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Finance Director Walter Thomas reported that a $11,610 amendment to the Debt Service Fund and a $53,000 amendment to the Water Utility Fund are due to debt service on the bonds issued in 1996 being higher than the estimate used when the budget was prepared. These.additional ,I 011. r- ,.. a"I."nr ., ".ill:l --- ---'T--'---'-ccr-ll1TliiilllDnIIIDllllinr'- '""'"1":'1 City Council Regular Session, May 19, 1997 costs will be funded by available reserves. A $25,000 amendment to the General Fund is needed to fund a police patrol vehicle that was destroyed in an accident. The vehicle was covered by insurance, but the electronics, light bar and equipment were not covered. This additional cost also will be funded by available reserves. The project budget was revised for the following projects: The Recycling Center, Judson Park, Alarm Monitoring Equipment, Repairs to the 36" Sewer Line, and the Water Flow Study. This amendment also re-appropriates unspent funds provided in the 1996 Budget for the following projects: Judson Park, Alarm Monitoring, and Priority Areas 4B and 5A. Copies of Ordinance No. 1558, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. A motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adopt Ordinance No. 1558 on the second and final reading. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBER TO PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-07. A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Starich, to adopt Resolution No. 97-07 appointing Marcela Chennisi as Chairperson of the Parks and Recreation Board. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Aye: 2 City Council Regular Session, May 19, 1997 RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBER TO THE RECYCLING COMMITTEE: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-08. A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE RECYCLING COMMITTEE; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Davis, to adopt Resolution No. 97-08 appointing Adrienne Bullard as Chairperson of the Recycling Committee. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBER TO THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-09. A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Starich, to adopt Resolution No. 97-09 appointing Bill Watson to Position 7 of the Zoning and Planning Commission. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Aye: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes of the Regular Session conducted on May 14, 1997 3 '-'.'-l'.-c:'''! City Council Regular Session, May 19, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to approve the minutes as amended. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: COUNCIL COMMENTS: Council Member Starich commented that he would like the City Staff to put rollers on the Council Member's chairs. Council Member Sparkman agreed with the comment made by Council Member Starich. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motioIl was made by Council MemberNeal, seconded by Council Member Starich to adjourn. The regular session adjourned at 7:44 p.m. 4 . __l.L r. . "'-"L~i.ll:-'_ ,._Hill.' . - crc'c.r IclliJ[~mlllllllJJ[' . '-'.':":T CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:30 P.M. 'V. , The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on June 9, 1997 with the following members present:. Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal and Starich. The City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance Director, Deputy Director Public Works and Parks and Recreation Director were also present. Council Member Sparkman was absent. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda. and discussed items ...under consideration with the Staff. TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER FLOOD PREDICTION SYSTEM: Philip B. Bedient from the Environmental Science and Engineering Department at Rice University presented a proposal on a flood prediction system for the Texas Medical Center Area. The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at 7:30 p.m. to convene in Regular Session. The Workshop Session reconvened at 8:18 p.m. WARNER CABLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS: The City Council considered future ordinances related to telecommunications. City Attorney Jim Dougherty reported that the City has received an inquiry from Time Warner Communications about local exchange telephone service. The emerging federal policy is to encourage new and competitive telecommunications systems of all kinds, including conventional telephone, wireless services, cable television and satellite services. Some of the new federal laws apply directly to municipalities such as regulations for the use of streets by telecommunications providers and municipal regulation of antennas and towers. Mr. Dougherty recommended that the City Council authorize the Staff to survey some of the newer policy ordinances from other cities and prepare and present draft policy ordinances for West University Place. He also recommended that the Staff be authorized to obtain expert assistance, if needed, on FCC proceedings, new technologies and . latest national developments, subject to an expenditure of $7,500. HI r:~ - ;-;iI, .-.m.. .....li,II~' dilll. .. - ..- ----.'--..r .1: lij,iIlIIiIllIgnnr---~' ';.~T A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Davis, to authorize the Staff to proceed with the study of newer telecommunication policy ordinances and to allow expenditures not to exceed $7,500 to obtain expert assistance. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal and Starich None Council Member Sparkman REPLACEMENT OF WATER LINES: The City Council considered a proposal by the City of Houston. to replace water lines affected by street reconstruction. Finance Director Walter Thomas reported that the City of Houston is planning to rehabilitate several streets in the areabounded by Weslayan, Childress, Community and Law streets. This area is inside the Houston city limits but receives its water service.from the City of West University Place. The water lines are owned and maintained by West University Place. These lines need to be replaced due to their age and condition. Under the current arrangement, the residents in this area receive water bills from West University Place while paying a flat rate to the City of Houston for sewer. The City of Houston is willing to replace these water mains and begin to provide both water and sewer services to the residents in this area. The City Council authorized the Staff to move forward with negotiations with the City of Houston. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Davis, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 9:05 p.m. 2 ,,,,*1~~ft'-';'~';~i -"... r~'~:-~ ~d - -=. j[ ,- . ..- 'I:U~lI~.' lid- - - """"'-.-~h1rli1t1nllii1l11l1nf ;-'""CT'T:I . CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on June 9, 1997, with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal and Starich. The City Secretary, City Attorney, Deputy Director Public Works, Finance Director and Parks and Recreation Director were also present. Mayor Fogler delivered the invocation and Council Member Neal led the Pledge of Allegiance. Council Member Sparkman was absent. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Mayor Fogler invited citizens who wished to address the City Council to come forward as their names were called. Lori Gobillot, 2634 Arbuckle, spoke to the City Council about neighborhood safety. She stated that she and her husband were robbed and assaulted at gunpoint in their driveway.. Mrs. Gobillot requested that the City Council appoint a task force or committee to study the feasibility of various safety initiatives. The City Council will place this item on the agenda for the next workshop session. RESOLUTION FOR SAM HOUSTON RACE PARK ADDITIONAL ADMISSION FEE: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-10. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Resolution No. 97-10 as follows: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING AN ADDITIONAL $0.15 ADMISSION FEE TOTHE SAM HOUSTON RACE PARK TO BE DISTRIBUTED TO CITIES AND TOWNS IN HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT Finance Director Walter Thomas reported that the City of Houston has requested that West University Place approve a resolution authorizing the collection of this additional admission fee. This fee was authorized by the State of Texas some time ago but has never been. collected. Harris Countxhas indicated that they would collect the fee provided that the majority of the cities and towl'\vithin Harris County approve the fee. Mr. Thomas stated that the revenue estimates for West University Place would be $360.00 a year. ~,' . "...... "--'--------- r', .j~:JII,.iJ::lI!IIlIlUlrn;~.- ----------------- - -, -:Tr~ . .1 '" .'-I._,-lt:~-~ City Council Regular Session, June 9,1997 . A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Starich, to approve Resolution No. 97-10. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal and Starich None Council Member Sparkman FORMAL ACCEPTANCE OF SCULPTOR GIFT: Consideration was given to the formal acceptance of a sculptor gift and deed. Parks and Recreation Director Mark Mailes reported that John Edgerton, a West U citizen, originally designed and displayed his five-piece sculptur~ during the City of Houston's International Festival. After completion of the festival, Mr. Edgerton offered the sculpture to the City. The Parks Board recommended that these pieces be installed in Liberty Hill Park. A motion was made by Council MemlJer Davis, seconded by Council Member Starich, to officially approve the acceptance of Mr. Edgerton gift and deed. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal and Starich Voting Nay: None Absent: Council Member Sparkman TWDB RIGHT-OF-WAY AND SITE CERTIFICATE: Consideration was given to a site certificate required by the Texas Water Development Board. City Attorney Jim Dougherty reported that the TWDB requires the City to submit a site certificate certifying the City's ownership of the affected rights-of-way for TWDB-assisted sewer line projects. They also require the City Attorney to certify that the City will condemn any additional property that might become necessary during construction, perhaps for utility relocation or preservation of cultural or historical resources. A motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Davis, that the City of West University Place has the right of eminent domain and will take condemnation action, if necessary, to acquire any sites, easements or rights-of-way which maybe r{':quired to 2 c_~ r 1;1fIr7mmlllllIlIlllDlmr. - -'-C'-'~~~ City Council Regular Session, June 9, 1997 change the location of any . of the facilities described in the plan for sewer reconstruction in Priority Areas 5B/6A. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal and Starich None Council Member Sparkman PRIORITY AREA 4B/5A RECONSTRUCTION CHANGE ORDER: Consideration was given to change order #3 in the amount of $28,637.50 for the replacement of a 10" water line associated with Priority Area 4B/5A Reconstruction. The City's Consulting Engineer Dieter Ufer reported that during installation of utilities in Priority Area 4B/5A,the City's field representative discovered the 10" water line in College Street between University Boulevard and Amherst Street in need of replacement. Excavation. of the line revealed numerous previous repairs and additional cracking. Rather than repair the line, it is recommended that it be replaced. This line is located under pavement soon to be rebuilt. The Change Order amount is $28,637.50. This will increase overall cost of the project by 0.77%, an amount within existing funds. A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Davis, to accept change order #3 in the amount of $28,637.50. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal and Starich Voting Nay: None Absent: Council Member Sparkman BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF CAB AND CHASSIS: Consideration was given to bids for the purchase of a flat bed truck cab and chassis for the Street Department. 3 .1..1...... -. ~ -- ............ r:-:.-.--:-....-.-...- - -".-I...l:Ir..::L "-'."- .. r.-L:::un:ElIlIIlIWll1IIIIlC'- u. -----c~""'c;T- City Council Regular Session, June 9, 1997 On April 18, 1997, the Public Works Department opened sealed bids for the purchase of a new cab and chassis to be used in the Street Department. The vehicle will be replacing a 1975 Ford. The following bids were received: Bidder Bid Amount Helfman Ford Knapp Chevrolet Lawrence Marshall Dealerships $23,483.00 $23,497.00 $24,440.00 A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Neal, to approve the purchase of a new cab and chassis in the amount of $23,483.00 from Helfman Ford. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Nea1 and Starich None Council Member Sparkman BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF A FLAT BED BODY: Consideration was given to bids received May 28, 1997 for the purchase of a flat bed body to be installed on the new cab and chassis. The following bids were received: Bidder Bid Amount General Truck Body Mfg. Co. Sam & Sons $7,883.00 $7,925.00 General Truck Body is licensed as a franchised new motor vehicle dealer to sell truck bodies within the State and has built bodies for the City many times and always presents a qua1ity product. ' A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded' by Council Member Starich, to approve the purchase of a flat bed body in the amount of $7,883.00 from General. Truck Body Manufacturing Company. 4 City Council Regular Session, June 9, 1997 A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal and Starich None Council Member Sparkman BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF LABORATORY SUPPLIES: Consideration was given to bids for the purchase of laboratory supplies. On May 28, 1997, sealed bids were opened for the purchase of laboratory supplies to be used at the Wastewater Treatment facility. The following bids were received: Bidder Bid Amount General Laboratory Supply, Inc. Curtin Matheson Scientific $14,397.40 $16,695.76 Plant Supervisor Patrick Walters inspected all bids and found a11 in order, with the exception of one item in General Laboratory Supply's bid. However, the item is equivalent and meets specifications as required. A motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Neal, to approve the purchase of laboratory supplies in the amount of $14,397.40 from General Laboratory Supply, Inc. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Nea1 and Starich Voting Nay: None Absent: Council Member Sparkman PURCHASE OF 3 PICKUP TRUCKS FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: Consideration was given to the purchase of three pickup trucks from the State of Texas Genera1 Services Commission in the amount of$61,719.00. 5 City Council Regular Session, June 9, 1997 On March 1, 1997, the Public Works Department received from the General Services Commission a cost breakdown for new pickup trucks as bid for budget year 1997.. In complying with new Americans with Disabilities Act and the T.N.R.C.C. rules, the City must ensure that at least 10% of the fleet vehicles in the total fleet as of September 1, 1998, will be clean fuel vehicles. After many discussions with existing fleet managers that have tried conversions to clean air vehicles (alternative fuels), it was their recommendations to purchase new vehicles (as replacements are necessary) that are factory equipped rather than attempt conversions on older model vehicles. Quotes for alternative fuel vehicles were received from Houston Galveston Area Council and commercia1 dealerships, but it was found that the state price of $61,719 for all three pickup trucks was the best offer. Fuel for th~se trucks is available at a nearby gas. station. A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Neal, to purchase three pickup trucks from the State of Texas General Services Commission in the ainount of $61,719.00. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: r Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal and Starich None Council Member Sparkman CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes of the following City Council meetings: (a) Workshop Session conducted on May 19, 1997 (b) Regular Session conducted on May 19, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Davis, to approve the minutes as presented. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal and Starich None Council Member Sparkman 6 L'~'=_tl:'o:'-,-,""r' r-'" .. n_ ... -. .....1'__"11" .., --~. ~,.~_1rnIlllllDmRDIiIlIl --- -~--;,-,,-, ''':''T~-l City Council Regular Session, June 9, 1997 COUNCIL COMMENTS: Council Member Neal invited everyone to attend the Town Meeting on Thursday, June 12, 1997 at the Community Building. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Neal to adjourn. The regular session adjourned at 8:05 p.m. 7 -- ........ ....., __.r'" '-~'I._:lI. ::1 '..... r','l~:1IlI.liIlIlIIIIIIUIInn"C"~'-' -- _.~----,------,,------c~~,",,-~C- I' 7i1'''l TOWN MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE THURSDAY, JUNE 12,1997 COMMUNITY CENTER, 6104 AUDEN 7:00 P.M. ********************************* The City Council convened ina Town Meeting in the Community Building (6104 Auden) on June 12, 1997, with the following members.present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Neal and Starich. The City Manager, City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. TOWN MEETING: A town meeting was held before the City Council to discuss a proposal by Karrington Health, Inc. to develop an assisted-living facility at Bissonnet and Weslayan Streets. Chairman of the Zoning and Planning Commission Ned Ross addressed the zoning restrictions in the City of West University Place. City Attorney Jim Dougherty reported on procedures for amending zoning ordinances. Representatives from Karrington Health, Inc. spoke to the residents about the proposed assisted- living facility. Members of the community spoke to the City Council and expressed their opinions about the proposal. In addition to the comments, the City Council fielded numerous questions from residents on items related to the assisted-living facility. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, the Town Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, JUNE 23, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipa1 Building (3800 University Boulevard) on June 23, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance Director, Police Chief, Director of Public. Works and Parks and Recreation Director were also present. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under consideration with the Staff. FINANCIAL REPORT: Representatives from Rauscher Pierce Refsnes, Inc. updated the City Council on the City's financial position. The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at 7:28 p.m. to convene in Regular Session. The Workshop Session reconvened at 8:34 p.m. CRIME TASK FORCE: The City Council considered forming a Crime Task Force for the purpose of studying neighborhood safety. The.City Council referred to Staff the appointment of a preliminary Crime Task Force to suggest ideas on neighborhood safety issues. A recommendation will be presented at the next Council meeting. JUDSON PARK RENOVATIONS: The City Council considered the plans for the rehabilitation of Judson Park. Parks and Recreation Director Mark Mailes reviewed the history of the development of the plans for the Park and where the plan is today. Mary Wimbish, 4234 Judson, presented a petition signed by residents who are opposed to the proposed plans on the Park. - '"1/1' I t, .L"....'.....--..mrr---.----c-n-.-- - - -------.--.~.-="'.'3R"--1~-~T-- Numerous residents were present at the meeting and expressed their opinions about the proposed plans. Some of their concerns with regard to the construction project were as follows: maintain the green space and keep the park as close to its previous appearance as possible, fencing should be no more than 3 feet high and constructed of a non-metal material, remove the sidewalk around the edge of the park, eliminate the concrete retainer walls in the middle of the park and place curb entrances to allow wheel chair access. Members of the City Council stated that numerous Parks & Recreation Board meetings, City Council meetings and Town Meetings were held before the final plans for Judson Park were approved. Some of the members of the City Council were concerned that other parts' of the community were not represented at the meeting and may not approve of the requested changes. A lengthy discussion ensued between members of the City Council and residents present at the meeting. A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to authorize the City Staff to move forward with the approved plans for the rehabilitation of Judson Park with the following changes: remove the perimeter sidewalk in total except for ramp access in compliance with ADA, remove the small sidewalk that crosses from Judson to South Judson at the East end of the park, replace all of those areas with grass, modify the east end retaining wall to be as inobtrusive as possible but to safely contain the wood chip area under the older children's play area, and refer the particulars to the Parks and Recreation Director and Staff. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Nea1 and Sparkman Council Members Davis and Starich None The motion passed. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 10:26 p.m. 2 ~ r. "-"'''"L..!:1t:':'':':I._ ,-, ,,_.. ----- -- - -- -c<o -----"r~-l~:;UD.1IIi1IIlIlIIIID1lI.------ -:-_C"-~"Tn CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, JUNE 23, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.M. - I V 7/1'(7 . The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipa1 Building (3800 University Boulevard) on June 23, 1997, with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance Director, Police Chief, Public Works Director and Parks and Recreation Director were also present. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Mayor Fogler invited citizens who wished to address the City Council to come forward as their names were called. Don Ghiz, 3217 Amherst, spoke to the City Council about the requirements for the new a1arm permit. He stated that he felt the permit form contained negative language and by signing it he was basically giving up all his rights as a citizen so that he can continue to operate his alarm. He requested that an item addressing the alarm permits be placed on a later agenda for City Council discussion. Mary Wimbish, 4234 Judson, stated that she circulated a petition to stop the reconstruction of Judson Park because she felt the plans took away too much of the grass in the park... She stated that the overwhelming sentiment of the residents in the area is to leave the park in the character and nature that it was prior to the proposed construction plans. Mrs. Wimbish commented that the chief objections to the proposed plan are the extensive use of concrete sidewalks and the metal fencing around the park. Lisa Tsokos, 4227 S. Judson, wants the greenspace at Judson Park to remain as it is today. Lori Gobillot, 2634 Arbuckle, spoke to the City Council about appointing a crime task force to study the feasibility of various safety initiatives. \ PRESENTATION OF RECYCLING AWARD: Council Member Neal presented the City with a recycling award for environmental excellence. Council Member Neal reported that the City was recently recognized at the Houston Corporate Recycling Council Expo and Luncheon. The award is for consistent outstanding performance towards the environmental issues in Houston and for dedication to the program. She commented that the City was primarily recognized for the volunteer initiated program which was undertaken a few years ago. -- --.------------~.'."11n,1I11'l1lllInllTlln!T1I1l ------------~ - - -~~-;~-""'~'l'rr-- City Council Regular Session, June 23, 1997 EXPENDITURES OF THE FRIENDS OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE PARKS FUND BOARD: Consideration was given to expenditures of the Friends of West University Place Parks Fund Board required to conduct the 1998 Park Lovers' Ball. Linda Gray, a member of the Friends of West University Place Parks Fund Board, presented a proposed budget for the 1998 Park Lovers' Ball. She reported that for the 1998 Ball,the Board has decided to increase the amount budgeted for decorations and setup in order to hire a professional decorator. The anticipated income from the Ball is $30,500.00. This amount does not include revenues from the silent auction. A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Neal, to approve the proposed budget for the 1998 Park Lovers' BalL A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: 1996 COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT: Consideration was given to the 1996 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report prepared by Lairson, Stephens & Reimer, P.C. Finance Director Wa1ter Thomas reported that each year the City is required by law to prepare a fInancial statement and submit it to an audit. For years West University has prepared a Comprehensive Annual Financial Reportwhich far exceeds the required minimum standard. Mr. Thomas stated that once the City Council has accepted the Financial Report it will be released to the rating agencies, fInancial institutions.and other government agencies. Bob Stephens, a partner with Lairson, Stephens & Reimer in charge of the audit, was present at the meeting to answer questions. Mr. Stephens thanked the City Staff for their assistance in putting together the Financial Report. A motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to accept the 1996 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. 2 City Council Regular Session, June 23, 1997 A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBER TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-11. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Resolution No. 97-11 as follows: A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADmSTMENT; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Council Member Neal reported that the Zoning Board of Adjustment was initially fully staffed but due to several resignations they are unable to have a quorum for their meetings. David Mannon has expressed his willingness to serve on the Board. A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Davis, to approve Resolution No. 97-11 appointing David Mannon to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: GARBAGE AND TRASH ORDINANCE: Consideration was given to the first reading of Ordinance No. 1559. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1559 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO APPROVED BAGS FOR GARBAGE AND TRASH; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY 3 .r--"'=?=-'-""_.-..,._...!""~J.. r.---~"'"""-;--:,,::"!;:o:'"cr=-'=~.I:-_.r:lt~ ,....- - ------- -- ---. --- -'."---'--.---'-""'r"~fmIIIDIlIIIIIIl' ~-C-F-o-'''~.f-ll'l' - City Council Regular Session, June 23, 1997 PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Copies of Ordinance No. 1559, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. City Manager Sherman Yehl reported that the Recycling Committee submitted a recommendation regarding yard waste disposal. The committee proposes that the City require all yard waste (grass clippings, leaves and twigs) be placed in 30-gallonKraft paper bags instead of plastic bags. The basis for the committe~'s recommendation was that Living Earth Technologies, Inc., where the City disposes of yard waste, has offered to waive tipping fees if paper bags are used. Local retailers have agreed to stock biodegradable bags, which retail for 25-50jt.each. After reviewing the committees' recommendation, Ordinance No. 1559 was prepared to authorize the Deputy Director of Public Works to establish specifications for the type of garbage or trash the bag will contain. Staff estimates that approximately $20,000 in landfilL costs can be saved annually by using paper bags for yard waste disposa1. Residents will be encouraged to switch to these bags as quickly as possible. However, it is recommended that enforcement be delayed until January 1, 1998. This will allow staff to adequately market the program, ensure retailers are in a position to supply the bags, and allow time for the recycling center to be fully operational. For those residents who do not want to purchase these bags, yard waste can be deposited at the City's Recycling Center. A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 1559. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: TEXAS COALITION OF CITIES ONFRANCmSED UTILITY ISSUES: Consideration was given to the city's participation in the Texas Coalition of Cities on Franchised Utility Issues. City Attorney Jim Dougherty reported that the Texas Coalition of Cities on Franchised Utility Issues is a study group made up of cities; They are involved in electric deregulation and the 4 , "f_-'!P-,'<!.,-,~-.. ,., r--~-; "'--I,';I:U-, ,..u.,Oc----- ----------...,..,,---,----,-'1"'"1~III' T"CCCC~TI'I' City Council Regular Session, June 23, 1997 industry proposed telecommunications bill. They have prepared model ordinance materials and manuals to distribute to members. Mr. Dougherty stated that the cost for joining is $.05 per capita the fIrst year and $.03 per capita the following year. Mayor Fogler asked Mr. Dougherty if he was hoping that the Coalition will provide the City of West University with some information and support for issues the City might be facing relating to franchise issues. Mr. Dougherty stated that this would be the primary value of joining the Coalition. A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to authorize the City to participate in the Texas Coa1ition of Cities on Franchised Utility Issues. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Nea1, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: . REGULAR MEETING CHANGE: Consideration was given to a regular meeting change in August 1997. A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Nea1 to change the regular meeting scheduled for August 11, 1997 to August 18, 1997 beginning at 7 :00 p.m. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes of the following City Council meetings: 5 ~_'. ,eo>l~',,,.''';'''''''''''_''-''"'''' ---:rIll .~,. ,- -,... r- "-'1 '",rHO.., ,~I!iC"'------"'-'---"-~-- ,1 J;TfilHlIlRllllllmlIflIlR' ,- .~ ..~,nn~n City Council Regular Session, June 23, 1997 (a) Workshop Session conducted on June 9, 1997 (b) Regular Session conducted on June 9, 1997 (c) Town Meeting conducted on June 12, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Davis, to approve the minutes as presented. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: COUNCIL COMMENTS: Council Member Neal commented that the City Council entered their tenure in a calm state and that she looked forward to carefully deliberating issues that were now before them. Council Member Starich commented that the City Council wants everyone who lives in the City to realize that they have one of the most open municipal democracies in the state. He encouraged everyone's participation. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Davis, to adjourn. The regular session adjourned at 8:27 p.m. 6 ~ ~=----1l1L r----n.. . "UL,l_ll-'" , ,.;,;tU." ---.---~-,---~l" _'li"il1n,1IJ1lDII.lIRnlTlIl'-~-----'----------------'~---''''-''--''""'rrr -- CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, JULY 14, 1997 MUNICIPAL BIDLDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipa1 Building (3800 University Boulevard) on July 14, 1997 with the following members present:.. . Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager, City Attorney, Finance Director, Police Chief, Director of Public Works and Parks and Recreation Director were also present. Council Member Davis was absent. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council. reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed iterns .under consideration with the Staff. MUNICIPAL BIDLDING RENOVATION: The City Council reviewed the plans for the renovation of the Municipal Building with representatives from Ambrose & McEnany Architects. CRIME TASKFORCE: The City Council considered a recoD1mendation to form a Crime Task Force for the purpose of studying neighborhood safety. A member of the Task Forc~ Lori Gobillot, requested that the City Council authorize the initial five-member group to work together until a permanent ongoing Committee. could be appointed. .The current members of the Task Force recommended that a.p~rmanent Crime Prevention Committee with nine members be staffed through the volunteer committee process. They would like to have one member of City Council, onernember from the Police Department and seven citizens of West University for a. period of two years. The Task Force will make a formal report to the City Council no later than August 25, 1997 with adetailed report of what has been accomplished and.a plan ~at cahbeused by the Permanent Committee. A motion was made by Council Member Nea1, seconded by Council Member Stanch, to formally approve the initial five-member Task Force and direct the Staff to move forward with an Ordinance to create a standing committee to study crime prevention. in. West University Place. -r~'-'-'''''~'1'fr A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Neal, Sparkman and Starich None Council Member Davis Voting Nay: Absent: The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at 7:28 p.m. to convene in Regular Session. The Workshop Session reconvened at 8:05 p.m. STREET CLOSURE: The City Council discussed a request to install a more restrictive closure and beautification of the 3700 block of Albans. David Marks, 3737 Albans, reported that twenty years ago residents petitioned the City to close the 3700 block of Albans because it had become a high speed cut through for Greenway Plaza traffic. The City cut the street at the end and installed a short strip of green with severa1 planters, whose. trees have long since died. Mr. Marks stated that apparently residents were told at the time that a more permanent closure would be installed in the future. He commented that the distance from Albans to Bissonne1js very short, and there is no sidewalk or shoulder. In addition, this particular section of Bissonnet is on a curve, and traffic is generally heavy and moving at a fairly hig:lJ. rate of speed. Mr. Marks stated that on behalf of the residents of the 3700 block of Albans and Wroxton, he is requesting that the City install a more permanent and restrictive closure to the street. He asked that the City construct a fence (with a latching gate) and plant some trees to practica1ly and visually shield the neighborhood from Bissonnet. City Manager Sherman Yehl suggested that the City Staff be allowed to review the street closure and return with a cost estimate and full recommendation. The Staff will a1so speak with the neighbors in the area. LETTER OF INTENT: The City Council reviewed a letter of intent from "Lock-It-Up" Corporation to lease approximately 1.05 acres at the City's Westpark property. Mr. Yehl reminded the City Council that MSC Properties was authorized to list 1.05 acres of land for lease at the corner of West Park and Dincans. MSC Properties has received a letter of intent from the "Lock-It-Up" Corporation to lease the property for construction of climate controlled self storage units. They are proposing 20 year lease 2 .- l---rrlli ... . -rr.,,:r:Jl", 'I " 'L.lllf.J.lt'ltalm'" -"--'--'-.C"'l":l1'lm'lllllfllllllll 'f'--n"""""~lTT' term, with seven five year options. The base lease is $4,500 per month with future increases tied to the Consumer Price Index. Mr. Yehl stated that the Staff is recommending that they be authorized to negotiate a lease for the property. The lease would be presented to Council for fmal approval at an upcoming council meeting. Members of the City Council expressed their concerns about leasing the property for fifty-five years and the escalator clause on the rent. The City Council authorized the City Attorney and Staff to move forward with . lease negotiations with "Lock-It-Up" Corporation. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: The City Council discussed goa1s, objectives and related administrative matters. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 9:00 p.m. 3 r---:rn. Jr-.,iI1lI.~ ci,_"ioJllM.;-jA~ ----- ----'--,----,----"'T~'lm8111Trn111111111-- ----- . .-r'- -"~'"'''';'TTr' CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION ~OND1\1{,JUL1{14,1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.~. The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on July 14, 1997, with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Neal, Sparkman and .Starich. The City Manager, City Attorney, Finance Director, Police Chief, Public Works Director and Parks and Recreation Director were also present. Council Member Davis was absent. . CITIZEN COMMENTS: Mayor Fogler invited citizens who wished to address the City Council to come forward as their names were called. Mary Wimbish, 4234 Judson, spoke to the City Council about the reconstruction of Judson Park. She stated that she and Sarah Dameille had received a lot of feedback about the Park after the last meeting with the City Council. They appreciate the modification to the plans and the elimination oftheperimeter sidewalk and the retaining wall but there are still major collcems and the group is still urging her to continue to see what legal recourse the community has. She stated that she was coming before the City Council as a friendly gesture before legal recourse is sought, primarily by the people who have properties adjoining the park. Ms. Wimbish stated that the major concerns at this point are: (l}the fence - from a legal standpoint the question of the adjoining property owners is "Do they have recourse with regard to the building of the four foot fence". Ms. Wimbish reported that the City has complete authority and power to alter the Park in any way that they see fit, however adjoining property owners have a cause of action called inverse condemnation which is essentia1ly the showing of a special injury to either their property value or their enjoyment of their property as a result of any action taken by the. City. Ms. Wimbish stated that under inverse condemnation, the citi~en' s cause of action is only for monetary damages and they have no authority to alter what the City does. The people who live on Judson and South Judson are concerned about their view of the Park and would like the City to make another compromise and lower the fence to 3 feet around the play areas. . The value of the lots next to the park as compared to the surrounding streets is anywhere from $15,000 to $20,000 more per lot. These citizens have paid a premium to have their properties have a view of the park. (2) drainage - the park needs to be effectively drained. Ms. Wimbish asked if the City had contemplated draining the area from any streets other than South Judson, Sitnmons and Judson. The people, especially those OIl South Judson, feel there is a threat of flood injury to their homes if the drainage is not somehow connected to a storm sewer which drains it into the Bissonnet area or the area behind Community Drive. (3) green space - the people on the East end of the Park would still like that area to remain a grass area open for children to playas opposed to the wood chips. Time up City Council Regular Session, July 14, 1997 Ms. Wimbish stated that she just wanted to let the City know that the citizens are still very concerned about the Park plan and they still want to pursue legal action. She stated that she personally thinks there should ~e an informal compromise as opposed to legal action and would like the City to allow time for that. GARBAGE AND TRASH ORDINANCE: Consideration will be given to the second and fmal reading of Ordinance No. 1559. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1559 as follows: AN ORDINANCE .RELATING TO APPROVED BAGS FOR GARBAGE AND. TRASH; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Copies of Ordinance No. 1559, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in.the Council Chambers. The Recycling Committee submitted a proposal that would require all yard waste (grass clippings, leaves' and twigs) be placed in 30-gallon Kraft paper bags instead of plastiC hags. The basis for the committee's recommendation was that Living Earth Technologies, Inc;, . where the City disposes of yard waste, has offered to waive tipping fees if paper bags are used. Local retailers have agreed to stock biodegradable bags, which retail for 25-50~ each. After reviewing the committee's recommendation, Ordinance No. 1559 was prepared to authorize the Deputy Director of Public Works to establish specifications for the type of garbage or trash the bag will contain. Staff estimates that approximately $20,000 in landfill Costs can be saved annually by using paper bags for yard waste disposal. Residents will be encouraged to switch to these bags as quickly as possible. However, it is recommended thatenforcement be delayed until January 1, 1998. This wilLa1low staff to adequately market the program, ensure retailers are in a position to supply the bags, and allow time for the recycling center to be fully operational. For those residents who d.onot want to purchase these bags, yard waste can be deposited at the City's Recycling Center. A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to approve the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1559. 2 ~-------~"llllU~-r---------- ---'i-'---'"~"-""T11'T-' City Council Regular Session, July 14, 1997 A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Neal, Sparkman andStarich Voting Nay: None Absent: Council Member Davis ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Consideration was given to the first reading of Ordinance No. 1560. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1560 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CERTAIN WATER AND SEWER HOUSE LINES; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Copies of Ordinance No. 1560, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Finance Director Walter Thomas reported that Ordinance No. 1560 would allow the City to provide financial assistance in relocating water service connections for certain property owners. The financia1 assistance provided would be a loan from the City to the property owner. The initial cost of the relocation would be recorded as part of the project cost. Many residents in the City have water and sewer connections located in the rear yard. As part of the infrastructure replacement program, the City is requiring utility service connections to be in the front yard. Property owners must bear the cost of rerouting their system to the City lines. Some citizens, especially those living on fixed incomes, find the cost of relocating the service to be a fmancial burden. State law allows the City to fmance these costs. Under this program, the City can pay for the costs and attach a lien to the property. The property owner has up to five years to repay the City. A motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to approve Ordinance No. 1560 on the first reading. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Neal, Sparkman and Starich Voting Nay: None 3 '-------.J.~~"__; L ~1~1. r_-~~:-- l~t,.;;i.ilL~:=L_ hjll.l~;~_".-~-- --~----------.-r----'----=-rTIJi]i1II1lli111111111l'---- ---- --------- -l'-'''-c-'''~:nT City Council Regular Session, July 14, 1997 Absent: Council Me.mber Davis CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes of the following City Council meetings: (a) Workshop Session conducted on June. 23, 1997 (b) Regular Session conducted on June 23, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to approve the minutes as amended. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Neal, Sparkman and Starich Voting Nay: None Absent: Council Member Davis STAFF REPORT: City Manager Sherman Yehl reported that this week the City will be issuing a Request For Proposal (RFP) for computer software and hardware services. A vendor selection will be made sometime in September. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Starich, to adjourn. The regular session adjourned at 8:00 p.m. 4 I - -------,-.-'--'-.OTT'lTilllllmIlilllIlIDIIDI IHII r....,."J;r;n~ ,- "-llli_HH....-' m ----r~"'Tlrr ,. "'/ I CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND EXECUTIVE SESSION TUESDAY, JULY 22,1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 8:00 P.M. The City Council convened in Open Session in the Municipa1 Building (3800 University Boulevard) on July 22, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, ~parkman and Starich. The City Manager, City Attorney and Parks and Recreation Director were also present. The City Council considered matters related to contemplated or pending litigation and settlement offer associated with a request to cease and desist construction of Judson Park, 4242 South Judson, and related construction contract and claim for money dainages; and closed executive session to be held under Section 551.071, Texas GovemmentCode The Executive Session convened at 8:10 p.m. The City Council adjourned the Executive Session at 9:35 p.m. and reconvened in Open Session. The City Council directed the City Manager and City Staff to investigate creating a.fence or barrier at the terminus of the walkways in Judson Park. The City Council adjourned the meeting at 9:45 p.m. CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, AUGUSTI8, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on August 18, .1997 with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Nea1, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Parks and Recreation Director, Public Works Director and Deputy Director of Public Works were also present. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items llnder consideration with the Staff. RECYCLING ISSUES: Adrienne Bullard, Recycling Board Chairman, presented a report on the Recycling drop- off Center. Mrs. Bullard discussed the materials to be collected at the diop-offcenter, staffmg, security, hours of operation, liability, landscaping and public relations. The grand opening is tentatively scheduled for September 25 and 26. SANITARY SEWER LINE REHABILITATION: The City Staff presented a report on the rehabilitation of a sanitary sewer line under Brompton Townhomes. Public Works Director Ed.Menville reported that on January 13, 1997, West University Place City Council authorized Claunch & Miller Engineers to begin preparation of plans and specifications for rehabilitation of the City's main 36" sanitary sewer outfall. The work authorized consists of two parts. First is the installation of a liner in the outfall pipe which traverses through the Brompton Townhouse development. The second part involves.placement of a similar liner in the same outfall pipe in Brompton Street starting at University Boulevard and proceeding South as far as available monies will allow. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: The City Council tabled the discussion of goals and objectives until a later meeting date. --~ . r::-:__ , ....Jl.lU=::::I..- . .,.~._-' -'","llllUIlIDiIIiIIIIIEI ~"JTr'- ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Starich, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 7:28 p.m. ~::1. ~ t1~::lllr::~:::J. 2 "-"",,......- - _.--~........---:-1"lrli!JlllllD1i1i11U11Ul1111 - -------j"-',,-,'''''lTn-.r CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on August 18, 1997, with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Parks and Recreation Director, Public Works Director and Deputy Directprof Public Works were also present. Council Member Neal led the Pledge of Allegiance. RESOLUTION APPOINTING DEPUTY COURT CLERK: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-13 relating to the appointment of a Deputy Court Clerk for the purpose of signing complaints. A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Davis, to approve Resolution No. 97-13 appointing Rose Melia as a Deputy Court Clerk. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: ORDINANCE RELATING TO BOARDS. COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES: Consideration was given to the first reading of Ordinance No. 1561. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1561 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Copies of Ordinance No. 1561, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in llie Council Chambers. City Attorney Jim Dougherty reported that Ordinance No. 1561 is an update of the current ordinance, which describes the Boards, Commissions and Committees. The statutory boards, the Ii "I .-lmlUllD:Ill:lllll" .----------- --.1..-1~'T"'"""~ll':'Y.,- City Council Regular Session, August 18, 1997 Building and. Standards Commission, Zoning and Planning Commission and Zoning. Board of Adjustment are not affected by the proposed Ordinance. Ordinance No. 1561 will change the number of members of the Parks and Recreation Board to nine, the Senior Services Board will continue with fifteen members, the Recycling Committee is renamed the Recycl#lgand Solid Waste Reduction Board and the number of members will be nine, the Tree Committee will have an expanded jurisdiction, be renamed to the Urban Design Board and the number of members will be nine, the Communications Committee will be removed from the. . list and the Neighborhood Safety Board will be created and the number of members will be seven. A motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Neal, to approve Ordinance No. 1561 on the first reading as described by the City Attorney. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Aye: MIL TON STREET PARK NAMING: The City Council considered a gift letter and donation for park improvements and for the naming of Milton Street Park to Huffington Park. City Manager Sherman YeW reported that in October of 1996 he received acaUfrom the Honorable Michael Huffington who made an inquiry about the Milton Street Park and what conditions the City might entertain to rename that park in honor of one of the Huffingtons. After some discussion with members of the Friends Board and City Staff, it was indicated that a low six-figure contribution would be . appropriate to rename the park. Mr. Huffington.agreed to donate $100,000 for park developmentinthe City. An initial installment of $50,000 would be made contemporaneously with the approva1 and signatures of the letter agreement. The remainder would be made at the time of the installation and dedication of the memorial plaque. The City would fonrtally adopt the name "Hufflllgton Park." A motion was made by Council.Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member. Neal, to authorize the execution of the gift letter.accepting the $100,000 donlltion for parks development in the City and renaming Milton StreetPatk to Huffington Park under the terms and. conditions outlined in the letter. 2 "f,"llIllUUD111l1l111111DD11 --"- --.~-p-r"""'~l"f~;~ln City Council Regular Session, August 18, 1997 A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Aye: FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF WORK IN PRIORITY AREA 4A: Consideration was given to the acceptance of infrastructure improvements in Priority Area 4A and approval of fmal payment. Public Works Director Ed Menville reported that as part of the infrastructure imprOvements program, reconstruction of Priority Area 4A was recently completed by Walter A.Sqilth Paving Contractors, Inc. The original contract ainount for this project was $3,090,998. . The fmal contract amount was $3,069,737, which represents a decrease of$21,260.66. A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to authorize the final acceptance of infrastructure improvements in Priority Area 4A and to approve the fmal payment to. Walter A. Smith Paving Contractors, Inc.' A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Consideration was given to the niinutes of the following City Council meetings: (a) Workshop Session conducted on July 14, 1997 (b) Regular Session conducted on July 14, 1997 (c) Workshop Session conducted on July 28, 1997 (d) Regular Session conducted on July 28, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Starich,to approve the minutes as amended. 3 -- "n"lllJIIIlIIIIIWIIIIEIIIIIIlI' - ~~'; T"~':41n"T City Council Regular Session, August 18, 1997 A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: STAFF REPORT: The City Manager reported that the reconstruction of University Boulevard and Auden Street was completed, as scheduled, before school began. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Council Member Starich commented that he is elated about the progress the City is making with the infrastructure improvements. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adjourn. The regular session adjourned at 7:47 p.m. 4 r---r:,. r~~ i-;."",/JIiiUiIlUIElII"'., . "'ITlmmmnmnnnrm' ~,~~TFT' VII CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, JULY 28,1997 MUNICIPAL BillLDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on july 28, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. .The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance Director, Police Chief and Director of Public Works were also present. AGENDA.REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under consideration with the Staff. REOUEST FROM ROTARY CLUB: The City Council considered a request from a representative of the Rotary. Club to provide signs and beautify the entrances to the City. Bob Geary, Chairman of the Community Service Section of the West University Rotary Club, reported that the Rotary would like to, at the entrances of the City, provide some acknowledgement that you are entering West U and that there is a Rotary Club. Mr.. Geary stated that he was looking for some guidance as to whether this could be. done and where the City might like to have the' signs placed. The Rotary would he1pfund the project or fund it altogether. Council Member Sparkman asked who would maintain the signs and beautification. Mr. Geary stated that the Rotary would want to maintain it. Mayor Fogler expressed concern over the possibility that this project might have ramifications beyond Rotary. The City could have ordinances that prohibit the placem,ent of the signs. The City Council asked the City Attorney and Staff to look at the project further and return with a recommendation. WESTPARK PROPERTY LEASE: The City Council spoke with Marsha11 Clinkscales, Commercial Broker from MSC Properties, regarding the lease at the City' s W estpark property. The City Council expressed their concerns about the language of the lease agreement with "Lock-It-Up" Corporation and leasing the property for fifty-five years. The City Council asked that Council Member Davis and Starich meet with Mr. Clinkscales to review the lease details and return with a fmal recommendation. QUARTERLY REPORT: The City Staff presented the Quarterly Report to the City CounciL The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at .7:28 p.m. to convene in Regular Session. The Workshop Session reconvened at 8:30 p.m. BOARDS. COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES: The City Council discussed Boards, Commissions and Committees and related items. The City Attorney will prepare an Ordinance for the Council's consideration at .tpe next regular session. The City Council will interview new volunteers on August 23, 1997 beginning at 9:00 a.m. STAFF RELOCATION: The City Council considered the relocation of the City Staff during the. City Hall renovations. City Manager Sherman Yehl reported that the City could lease a modular building for $20,000-$30,000 which would be placed in the current City Hall parking lot. This would allow the City Staff to stay on site with minimal expense while maintaining accessibility to the public, telephones and computers. The City Council agreed that a modular unit would be an.acceptable option for the City Staff. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: The City Council tabled the discussion of goals and objectives until a later meeting date. 2 ".-...""j.'I""r' JUDSON P ARKRENOV ATIONS: Matters related to contemplated or pending litigation and settlement offer associated with a request to cease and desist construction of Judson Park, 4242 South Judson, and related construction contract and claim for money damages. Closed executive session to be held under Section 551.071, Texas Government Code. The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at 9:45 p.m. to convene in Executive Session. The City Council adjourned the Executive Session at 10:50 p.m. and reconvened in Open Session. Mayor Fogler called for a motion. A motion was made by CounCil Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Davis, to unanimously reaffIrm the improvements underway at Judson Park and authorize. the Staff to issue a press release from Mayor Fogler. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Aye: ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come b~fore City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Starich, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 10:57 p.m. 3 --- -........- -, r':"_.;..'r."'1T'~'I" CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, JULY 28, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on July 28, 1997, with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance Director, Police Chief, Parks and Recreation. Director and Public Works Director were also present. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Mayor Fogler invited citizens who wished to address the City Council to come forward as their names were ca1led. Ken Hoffinan, 4212 Ruskin, spoke to the City Council about the ordinance that prohibits residents from placing their garbage out before the permitted time. He asked that the City enforce the ordinance. Marsha Nichols, 4213 Dartmouth, spoke to the City Council about the improvements to Judson Park. She commented that the.park was not safe and encouraged the City.to move forward with the plans for reconstruction. Ms. Nichols stated that she was an attorney and offered her services if they were needed. Ken Breaker, 4237 S. Judson, commented that he was opposed to any over-development of Judson Park. Daion Fournier, 4219 Sunset, spoke in favor ofthe planned development of Judson.Park. Mark Fournier, 4219 Sunset, asked the Council to proceed with the development of Judson Park. Mike Koinis, 4208 Dartmouth, spoke in favor of the improvements to Judson Park. Beverly Loftis, 4212 Marquette, commented that she was the Vice-Chairman. of the Friends of West University Place Parks Fund Board." She stated that she wanted to encourage residents to participate by volunteering their time on a City Board, Commission or Committee. Mary Wimbish, .4234 Judson, commented that she wanted more compromise.from the City Council regarding Judson Park. She asked that the City Council address the height of the fence around the park, the amount of concrete "in the park and the possibility of flooding in the area. Michael Henderson, 4215 Dartmouth, commented that he was representing at least25 children City Council Regular Session, July 28, 1997 living in the Judson Park area. He encouraged the Council to continue with the improvements to the Park. Bonnie Weisman, 4244 Lehigh, spoke in favor of the Judson Park improvements. David Papell, 4244 Lehigh, spoke in favor of the Judson Park improvements. He stated that the people who were opposed to the park improvements did not represent the majority of the residents in the area. Teresa Attwell, 3918 Southwestern, encouraged everyone to buy tickets to the 1998 Park Lovers Ball and support the parks ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Consideration was given to the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1560. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1560 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CERTAIN WATER AND SEWER HOUSE LINES; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Copies of Ordinance No. 1560, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Finance Director Walter Thomas reported that Ordinance No. 1560 would allow the City to provide financial assistance in relocating water service connections for certain property owners. The financial assistance provided would be a loan from the City to the property owner. The initial cost of the relocation would be recorded as part of the project cost. Many residents in the City have water and sewer connections located in the rear yard. As part of the infrastructure replacement program, the City is requiring utility service connections to be in the front yard. Property owners must bear the cost of rerouting their system to the City lines. Some citizens, especially those living on fixed incomes, fmd the cost of relocating the service to be a financial burden. State law allows the City to fmance these costs. Under this program, the City can pay for the costs and attach a lien to the property. The property owner has up to five years to repay the City. 2 .m :---"'J. " ..UUH....lI_l. --.. -,..-,-, "'T~1mIlII1I, i1JRllII...1I111 :-'- ,rr-'--TI""TfT City Council Regular Session, July 28, 1997 A motion was made. by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to approve Ordinance No. 1560 on the second and [mal reading. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Aye: RESOLUTION APPROVING BROKER AGREEMENT: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-12. A RESOLUTION APPROVING A BROKER FROM WHICH THE CITY WOULD PURCHASE INVESTMENTS;. AUTHORIZING A LETTER AGREEMENT; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT Council Member Davis stated that his law fIrm has represented Coastal Securities.and that he would abstain from the discussion and consideration of this agenda item. Finance Director Walter Thomas reported that State and City ordinances require that all brokers/ dealers that the City purchases securities from be approved by City Council. Current1y~ there are four approved broker/dealer firms, Raymond James and Associates, Merrill Lynch,. NBC and Compass Banle Each year the City sends a request for information questionnaire to a11 broker/dealers that have expressed an interest in providing investment services. ..... This form gathers information about the fIrm including [mancial data, references, sales. volwne, and supervision. Each firm is also required to certify that it will not offer the City any investments that do not meet the criteria established in the investment policy. Mr. Thomas. stated.. that Coastal Securities has met the City's requirements and the Staff is recommending the approval of Resolution No. 97-12 which will allow Coastal Securities to provide investment services to the City. A motion was made by Council Member Nea1, seconded by Council MembetSparkman, to approve Resolution No. 97-12. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: 3 City Council Regular Session, July 28, 1997 Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Abstain: Mayor Fogler, Council Members, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Council Member Davis PURCHASE OF ANIMAL CONTROL VEmCLE: Consideration was given to the purchase ofa new anima1 control van. Police Chief Steve Griffith, reported that a 1988 Chevrolet pickup, with over 71,000 miles, is currently being used as the City's anima1 control vehicle. Funds were appropriated in the 1997 budget to replace the vehicle. Chief Griffith recommended that a new vehicle be purchased using the City's state purchasing contract. The cost of the van, including a Mavron Anima1 Transportation Conversion Unit, is $24,340. A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Neal, to approve the purchase ofthe animal control vehicle in the amount of $24,340. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Consideration was given to the minutes of the Executive Session conducted on Jtily22, 1997. A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member. Davis, to approve the minutes as presented. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None 4 t=::::::::::Ic_ ---~-"~--~~r~1IIIIIlIIIlIIr -- -----------,-----~r"-',,-.c-"~':~1Tr_- .,~.,.~- City Council Regular Session, July 28, 1997 COUNCIL COMMENTS: Council Member Neal commented that the Public Works Department provided the Recycling Committee with a dump truck that smashes the cardboard after it is collected. She stated that it worked better than the flat bed truck. Council Member Sparkman commented that it was nice to hear different views about the improvements to Judson Park. Council Member Starich congratulated the Parks and Recreation Department for their excellent results from the audit conducted on the lifeguards at Colonial Park Pool. Council Member Davis commented that he wanted to strongly encourage residents to become involved in the committee process. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adjourn. Theregular session adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 5 ~ . ..:-:T.'II~ ;.11I0' ----~'---_.---.-..~----,=~11111I111G1B1D1111illl. .--, -,---.-- ----------,-----.i---,,'-,--':''''Tl:r" CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION SATURDAY, AUGUST 23,1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 9:00 A.M. .. 7(. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on August 23, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Secretary was also present. BOARD AND COMMISSION INTERVIEWS: The City Council interviewed residents seeking Board and Commission appointment. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 12:00 p.m. CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, AUGUST 25,1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:45 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on August 25, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Nea1, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager, City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under consideration with the Staff. CRIME TASK FORCE: Members ofthe Crime Task Force presented a report to the City Council. Lori Gobillot, 2634 Arbuckle, reported that the Crime Task Force has reviewed neighborhood safety and crime prevention by ana1yzing crime deconstruction, infrastructure improvements, and environmental factors that affect West University residents. Steve Koch, 2626 Arbuckle, stated that the Crime Task Force received information from the Police Department about crimes in West University. They looked for any areas within the city where crime was more prominent. They discovered that crime occurs more often on the periphery of the city. Mr. Koch also noted that in crime against businesses, there is a surprising lack of cooperation by the businesses and their managers with the City and the Police Department. Residential crimes occur throughout the city, but there are certain patterns related to lighting, access, and opportunity. Many of the crimes occur around 11 :00 p.m. Most of the crimes take place between April and December. Bob Geary, 4224 Judson, addressed education of the citizens. The Task Forc~ suggested that through the Neighborhood Watch Program and block. captains, the City set up a method for disseminating information about crime prevention. They suggested making and offering. a video describing some of the more prevalent crimes and how a citizen should respond to them. Mrs. Gobillot stated that most of the street lights are high in the trees and do not illuminate the streets. She suggested putting in new-style lights and some kind of identity features at the entrances to the city. Federal grant money is available to finance some of the suggestions by the Crime Task Force. They recommended that the city set money aside, approximately $20,000, to fund citizen education. Also, possibly engage a professional consultant on lighting to review the entire city. STREET CLOSURE: The City Council considered plans to install a more restrictive closure and beautification of the 3700 block of Albans. Public Works Director Ed Menville recommended that the city construct a six-foot cedar fence, remove the round planters that are currently in the area and install some plants that would serve the area until the infrastructure improvements in 1999. The cost of the fence is $800.00. The City Council authorized the Staffto construct a six-foot cedar fence with a gate. The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at 7:28 p.m. to convene in Regular Session. The Workshop Session reconvened at 8:05 p.m. ANIMAL REGISTRATION AND TAGGING SYSTEM: The City Council reviewed an animal registration and tagging system. Roger Messick, Animal Control Officer, and Dr. William McKee reported on a proposal to use a microchip for animal registration. F or the past severa1 months, the staff has been working with the Houston Humane Society and considering an approach that would provide a permanent registration and eliminate the need to issue annual renewal licenses. The $2 renewal fee clearly does not cover the cost of processing the renewal, which includes a mailing to dog and cat owners prior to expiration of the license. Current technology allows for the insertion of a microchip into the neck of the animal, which provides for nationa1 registration of the dog or cat. Avid Labs, and its subsidiary PETrac, a supplier of microchips with a national registration system, has agreed, at no charge, to provide the City with 100 chips, two hand-held readers and the training to insert the chips. The microchip fits through a hypodermic needle and is injected into the skin of the animal where it remains safely for life. The cost to register anima1s in the nationa1 registry is $12 for one or two animals listed on the same registration. For every registration that is submitted, Avid provides us with 2 , . ., ,ul. r::-:r:r:II~ -----~ - ,--'-.........-o"i"TliilllllmllDllllDlllll-.-- --------- -- -,--- -.------'j'rr""':1"'T- another chip. This program with Avid would run through June 30, 1999. The City Staff recommended that the city implement a permanent dog and cat registration program in three phases. The ftrst phase would be voluntary micro chipping and new anima1 registrations. The second phase would be mandatory micro chipping for impounded animals, animals involved in a bite case and dangerous dogs. The third phase would be mandatory micro chipping of all dogs and cats in lieu of annual registrations. The City Council asked for a review of other vendors and prepare amendments to.the city ordinances to be considered at a later meeting date. NOMINATION OF APPRAISAL DISTRICT BOARD MEMBER: The City Council discussed nominating a candidate to the Harris County Appraisal District Board. INQUIRIES. REQUESTS AND COMPLAINTS: The City Council reviewed matters received from the public and referred them to the appropriate department or agreed to place them on a future agenda for consideration or action. REPORT ON CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT: The City Attorney briefed the City Council on matters related to the class action suit, City of Wharton versus HL&P. Closed Executive Session to be held under Section 551.071, Texas Government Code. Prior to the discussion of this agenda item, Mayor Fogler and Council Member Davis filed an "Affidavit Regarding Substantial Interest in Business Entity" with the City Secretary. Mayor Fogler and Council Member Davis did not participate in the discussion of this agenda item and were not present in the room during the Executive Session. The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at 9:00 p.m. to convene in Executive Session. The City Council adjourned the Executive Session at 9:41 p.m. and reconvened in Open Session. Mayor Fogler and Council Member Davis returned to the Workshop Session. 3 L ___.L-,~__---L==r=::illI:. c. -r:::rnilL7:l ~Il. . ".l"llIDllIlIli1l1I111111111111 _ _ .~~C. ""'"I ,,;n RIGHT OF WAY APPRAISAL AND ACOUlSITION: Reed Wilson made a presentation on behalf of Karrington Health, Inc. on the appraisal and proposed acquisition of an old City right of way connecting Browning Street to Bissonnet Street, crossing the site known as the Eastern Star Temple. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 10:55 p.m. 4 ,- '....;,~"."'..... .. --..-.- -----c:-c-~"--..'.'T ,'lmlllnr.:.I1III'IIIIIIIIIm - ---------'- -'Tr'''T''7-''''~1'''r CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on August 25, 1997, with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager, City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. Council Member Sparkman led the Pledge of Allegiance. WARNER CABLE HOMETOWN HEROES PROGRAM: A'Lisha Williams, Public Affairs Specialist from Warner Cable, reported on their Hometown Heroes Program. Mayor Fogler inquired about the Disney Channel becoming a nationwide non-pay channel. She asked why Warner Cable was not going to offer this channel to City of West University residents. Ms. Williams commented that she would address this with Pam Thorne, the Vice President of Government & Community Affairs and.call Mayor Fogler as soon as possible. ORDINANCE RELATING TO BOARDS. COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES: Consideration was given to the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1561. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1561 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Copies of Ordinance No. 1561, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. City Attorney Jim Dougherty reported that Ordinance No. 1561 is an update of the current ordinance, which describes the Boards, Commissions and Committees. The statutory boards, the Building and Standards Commission, Zoning and Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment are not affected by the proposed Ordinance. Ordinance No. 1561 will change the number of members of the Parks and Recreation Board to nine, the Senior Services Board will continue with fifteen members, the Recycling Committee is renamed the. Recycling and Solid City Council Regular Session, August 25, 1997 Waste Reduction Board and the number of members will be nine, the Tree Committee will have an expanded jurisdiction, be renamed the Urban Design Board and the number of members will be nine, the Communications Committee will be removed from the list and the Neighborhood Safety Board will be created and the number of members will be seven. A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to approve Ordinance No. 1561 on the second and fina1 reading as described by the City Attorney. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: . WEST UNIVERSITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FOUNDATION: Consideration was given to a proposal from the Trustees of the West University Elementary School Foundation to adopt by-laws making the Mayor of West University Place an ex-officio member of the Foundation. Burt Ballanfant, a resident at 3123 Amherst and a representative from the Foundation, stated that in order to assist in assuring the continued viability of West University Elementary School, they were establishing a foundation to help support the academic excellence and enrichment activities of the school. Mr. Ballanfant reported that five of the members would be selected from the community-at-Iarge. Of the at-large members, they are proposing by-laws which would make the Mayors of West University Place and South Side Place ex-officio members of the Foundation. Mayor Fogler agreed to serve as an ex-officio member of the Foundation. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes of the following City Council meetings: (a)W orkshop Session conducted on August 18, 1997 (b) Regular Session conducted on August 18, 1997 A motionwas made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Neal, to approve the minutes as presented. 2 . _.L~__ '-.!::::IIIA- _r::: l=:w:m=::l. I'. ..U_III' --'-"---=I;."miUIUEIIIIIIIIIDIIIII - ---,---n<~1 "T City Council Regular Session, August 25, 1997 A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: STAFF REPORT: The City Manager reported that Jerry Bums, Deputy Director of Public Works.was resigning. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Mayor Fogler introduced the boy scouts who were attending the Council meeting. Council Member Sparkman thanked the Fire Department for helping her. She stated that she was thankful for living in West University Place. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council MemberDavis, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to adjourn. The regular session adjourned at 8:02 p.m. 3 ,- ~_._...lIlll ~"_ " L_.UI:ilI=:::1 " ,.""...,,~_,.' ~-------'--"'--------'----'-'--'--'"~lIIinllllE:~" T,----.rT"~':l'1J' , CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION SATURDA Y,SEPTEMBER 6, 1997 PUBLIC WORKS CONFERENCE ROOM AND CAFETERIA 3826 AMHERST STREET 9:00 A.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Public Works Building (3826 Amherst) on. September 6, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager and City Secretary were also present. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: The City Council discussed goals and objectives of its administration. The City Council recessed for lunch at 12:00 p.m. and reconvened the workshop session at 1:00 p.m. The following staff joined the meeting: City Attorney, Public Works Director, Fire Chief, Police Chief, Finance Director and Parks and Recreation Director. The City Council continued its discussion of goals and objectives. REPORT ON CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT: The City Attorney briefed the City Council on matters related to the class action suit, City of Wharton versus HL&P. Closed Executive Session to be held under Section 551.071, Texas Government Code. Prior to the discussion of this agenda item, Mayor Fogler and Council Memher Davis filed an "Affidavit Regarding Substantial Interest in Business Entity" with the . City Secretary. Mayor Fogler and Council Member Davis did not participate in the discussion of this agenda item and were not present in the room during the Executive Session. The City Council recessed the Workshop Sessfon at 3:15 p.m. to convene in Executive Session. The following members were present: Council Members Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager, City Attorney, City Secretary and Finance Director were also present. The City Council adjourned the Executive Session at 3:35 p.m. and reconvened in Open Session. ADJOURNMENT: With no further. business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 3:55 p.m. 2 -If I I CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 MUNICIPAL BIDLDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:45 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on September 8, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Parks and Recreation Director, Fire Chief, Police Chief and Finance Director were also present. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under consideration With the Staff. STELLA LINK DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: David Marks and Russ Schulze, representatives from the Stella Link Development Project, updated the City Council on the progress of the project. 1998 BUDGET: The City Council discussed the 1998 budget. BOARD AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS: The City Council considered the appointment of Board and Commission members. The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at 9:20 p.m. to convene in Executive Session. Closed Executive Session to be held under Section 551.074, Texas Government Code, for the appointment of these three only: Zoning Board of Adjustment, Zoning and Planning Commission and Building and Standard Commission The City Council adjourned the Executive Session at 10:20 p.m. and reconvened in Open Session. INOUIRIES.REOUESTS AND COMPLAINTS: The City Council reviewed matters received from the public and referred them to the appropriate department or agreed to place them on a future agenda for consideration or J -. '"IO'"q,;-:r-"<-'-' '.-...'......:i' F""r-"l'\~!Il!"'Wl,t"l!~.[1t'lll!-"; n' r.----- -.-,----- ,., ,<,:!,..trrmrmnrrnlllrmr:;-;:;==T''''~=;;:I==----..:==:'''m'''''''''I'''-''''=''' action. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 10:32 p.m. 2 ,,/;:~~' '-1:- "'''P~~I "i~'1 I....".i rr I .. .'.li~'wm;:rJmlrn'llJiTll ;-, ---i=C"]"r..~.,,,,-:::-;- CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 MUNICIPAL BIDLDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on September 8, 1997, with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Parks and Recreation Director, Fire Chief and Finance Director were also present. Council Member Starich led the Pledge of Allegiance. RESOLUTION THAT APPROVES THE CERTIFIED TAX ROLL. ASSESSOR- COLLECTOR CERTIFICATE AND RELATED INFORMATION: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-14. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Resolution No. 97-14 as follows: A RESOLUTION ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF APPRAISAL ROLL, ASSESSOR- COLLECTOR'S CERTIFICATE AND RELATED INFORMATION; DESIGNATING A PERSON TO CALCULATE CERTAIN TAX RATES, MAKE CERTAIN PUBLICATIONS AND PERFORM OTHER RELATED TASKS; DECIDING ON THE AMOUNT OF SURPLUS AND UNENCUMBERED FUNDS TO BE USED TO PAY DEBT SERVICE; AND CONTAINING RELATED PROVISIONS Finance Director Walter Thomas reported that each year the Harris County Appraisal District provides the city with. a certification of the values of the properties within the City of West University Place. The City Council is required to acknowledge the receipt of the certified tax. roll and in addition, the Finance Director must certify to the Council the City's collection rate and publish the effective and roll back rates required by the Texas Property Tax Code; Resolution No. 97-14 also authorizes the use of $183,642.00 out of the surplus or unencumbered funds to pay next year's debt service. A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Neal, to approve Resolution No. 97-14. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: .- ..,~ "'_"~' . r- -. ...'-.1..... I 0.."_'1 "l....._-'----_____,_""'---,_.._ . ..r..,.,~-.-I--------,--,--;--,'-- -- - ".' .-'"":~~~r_-'::;.:;:.:::-....:..-=:==.::::_=;c...,;,---l=u~'-";.:,-"f!r.:;-';c-.,'~~r:-:-U;IO City Council Regular Session, September 8, 1997 ORDINANCE RENAMING MILTON STREET PARK: Consideration was given to the first reading of Ordinance No. 1562. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1562 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PARKS; RENAMING MILTON STREET PARK AS HUFFINGTON PARK; DEDICATING AND REDEDICATING HUFFINGTON PARK; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Copies of Ordinance No. 1562, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Parks and Recreation Director Mark Mailes reported that the city has been offered $100,000 to rename Milton Street Park as Huffmgton Park. A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Davis, to adopt Ordinance No. 1562 on the first reading. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Nea1, Sparkman and Starich None None STAFF REPORT: The Parks and Recreation Director reported that the city offers C.P.R. classes in English and Spanish at the Community Building. Recently, a resident's babysitter was able to save the life of a 5-year-old boy who fell in an apartment swimming pooL. The City Manager reported on the progress of Judson Park. The park should be completed sometime in October. 2 .' -.---------r.------~rr;.1! '''I._~~~_.__ _~"-'----I- -- ---;----~~TC-~;~-~:;.;..:..~..c~."-'T""m'.~-.:...''''''''':-.c:-::".--..XjU""""''''1'''I'''''''''" City Council Regular Session, September 8, 1997 COUNCIL COMMENTS: Council Member Davis commented that he was enthusiastic and inspired by the results of the City Council Retreat that was held at the Public Works Building this past weekend. Council Member Starich commented that he also felt the Retreat was productive. Council Member Sparkman commented that the facilitators did a good job of keeping everyone focused. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by . Council Member Nea1, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to adjourn. The regular session adjourned at 7:45 p.m. 3 "''''~.~r--'~ l " ..~.., 1'''''''''''1 rl '---r--.-.---....----:--:----;- ,-.ii-- - - ---,--, ..--,-,-or'~.I~lrrrlClIlIlIlII't1'If.-;; ;.-...-";c"'f'.""-O;.l::c~-,..~'"....>=="':;-~r'."..,-- '''!f;l~.:'':~- I CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:45 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on September 22, 1997 -with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council.Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager, City'Secretary, City Attorney, Fire Chief, Police Chief and Public Works Director were also present. RECEPTION FOR VOLUNTEERS AND MUNICIPAL COURT PERSONNEL: The City Council welcomed volunteers and municipal court personnel. The City Council reconvened the Workshop Session at 8:30 p.m. RECYCLING ISSUES: Adrienne Bullard, Chair of the Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction Board, presented a report on the Recycling drop-off Center and related items. The Board will present a recommendation for landscaping. at the Recycling Center at the next City Council meeting. SMOKING REGULATIONS: The City Council discussed smoking regulations in the City of West University Place. The City Council authorized the City Attorney to prepare a draft ordinance to extend the smoking prohibition to cover most public places including commercial buildings. EASTERN STAR PROPERTY; The City Council discussed the Eastern Star Property and related items. The City Council addressed zoning and development constraints relating to the property. They asked the city staff to set a joint meeting with the Zoning and Planning Commission to discuss the property and urban design concepts. The City Attorney left the meeting at 9:45 p.m. 1998 BUDGET: The City Council discussed the 1998 budget INQillRIES. REQUESTS AND COMPLAINTS: The City Council reviewed matters received from the public and referred them to the appropriate department or agreed to place them on a future agenda for consideration or action. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 10:25 p.m. 2 ~-----, """1 ,.., rl .--,-----r------ -- -~:-" ---;...j;--,--------~-,--_.,.-----;-.r'.o;!w.<'l!r'n'l'''"'!trIflll''rf'l'lF:c'':-'O:'=-.OF==.r_J_=,,:,,:;;;;="=~__,'"""'f~r.C'_"-_-'lI::""_'"'' CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.M. tIf1l&/(Jr' The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on September 22, 1997, with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Parks and Recreation Director, Fire Chief and Public Works Director were also present. Council Member Davis led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA: RESOLUTION APPOINTING THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-15. A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT RESOLUTION APPOINTING THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-16. A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF THE ZONING BOARD OF ADmSTMENT; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT RESOLUTION APPOINTING THE BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-17. A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF THE BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT}. RESOLUTION APPOINTING THE SENIOR SERVICES BOARD: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-18. A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF THE SENIOR SERVICES BOARD; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE ...,-------,-----------:--;--:-;:rc-c---------:---:.~-;-7,.,..._;_.l"..11ll11!!!'1__mt~:~.:...~:c...-;;;L,-:~-:;==::"'_IlIL.-;:-;-:-.-.~r.Tr.-.,- City Council Regular Session, September 22, 1997 SUBJECT RESOLUTION APPOINTING THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-19. A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT RESOLUTION APPOINTING THE RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE REDUCTION BOARD: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-20. A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF THE RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE REDUCTION BOARD; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT RESOLUTION APPOINTING THE NEIGHBORHOOD SAFETY BOARD: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-21. A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD SAFETY BOARD; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE FRIENDS OF WEST UNIVERSITY PARKS FUND BOARD: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-22. A RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBERS OF THE FRIENDS OF WEST UNIVERSITY PARKS FUND BOARD; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT RESOLUTION APPOINTING PERSONNEL IN THE MUNICIPAL COURT: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-23. A RESOLUTION APPOINTING MUNICIPAL COURT PERSONNEL FOR THE CITY OF 2 ". --,-------..------c----:-T:-:-:rro:1! "'L._~--'--_"'-_ -.n' 1- ,'--- ----..--,--:.,o-;:---:--------,--'--~~'r:_:;'!~~~'O:::.---:-'--=~=l"":::'.i=';;'.,=J:~,.--..;,;'_-."'-,.;:f"=~Hm.- City Council Regular Session, September 22, 1997 WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT There was not a request for any of the above items to be considered separately. A motion was. made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to approve Resolution No. 97-15 through Resolution No. 97-23. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: OATH OF OFFICE: Mayor Fogler administered the Oath of Office to Board and Commission members and Municipal Court Personnel. ORDINANCE RENAMING MILTON STREET PARK: Consideration was given to the second and fmal reading of Ordinance No. 1562. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1562 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PARKS; RENAMING MILTON STREET PARK AS HUFFINGTON PARK; DEDICATING AND REDEDICATING HUFFINGTON PARK; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Copies of Ordinance No. 1562, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Parks and Recreation Director Mark Mailes reported that the city has been offered $100,000 to rename Milton Street Park as Huffington Park. 3 -----.-,-. I',"'''' "'1. r:. ~ r--------,-.--:':-:-,.,-~:-.;,,--,.,-:------;-,-,-----:-....."l.~!m:tlrll!:lllrlll!lm!.. ~",;.;;;,:;:;~=..:r.===-=F"l='"1'"m::""'--;O City Council Regular Session, September 22, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Starich, to adopt Ordinance No. 1562 on the second and final reading. . A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: PRIORITY AREA 5B/6A RECONSTRUCTION: Consideration was given to Priority Areas 5B/6A reconstruction, tree preservation and authorization to bid. Public Works Director Ed Menville reported that the Staff was seeking authorization to proceed with the advertisement and bidding of Priority Area 5B/6A. The estimated construction costs are approximately $5,838,000. Bonds have been sold to complete this work. A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to authorize the Staff to proceed with the advertisement and bidding of Priority Area 5B/6A. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None BIDS FOR RESTORATION OF FOOTBRIDGE: Consideration was given to bids received September 11, 1997 for the restoration of the footbridge over Poor Farm Ditch. A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Davis, to table the bid award for the restoration of the footbridge until a later meeting. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: 4 City Council Regular Session, September 22, 1997 Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: ENGAGEMENT OF PUBLIC RELATIONS FIRM: Consideration was given to the engagement of a public relations fIrm. City Manager Sherman YeW reported that an agreement with Neumann Roussel to provide public relations s,ervices.forthe City's Recycling Center has been prepared. The agreement is in the amount of $12,500 plus out-of-pocket expenses. Mr. YeW stated that the Houston-Galveston Area Council recently awarded the City $12,000 in grant funds specifically for this activity. Mr. YeW stated that, with the opening of the recycling center, there was a need to develop a unified graphicsprograin as well as informational pieces promoting the center. The proposal from Neumann Roussel will provide for the design and development of artwork, bin signage, brochure layout and copy, and utility statement inserts. The City Council asked that a unified graphics program be maintained for the City and should be developed at a later date. A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Neal to authorize the City Manager to renegotiate a contract with Neumann Roussel to only include the preparation of a brochure layout and utility statement inserts. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None . Voting Aye: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes of the following City Council meetings: (a) Workshop Session conducted on August 23, 1997 (b ) Workshop Session conducted on August 25, 1997 5 City Council Regular Session, September 22, 1997 (c) Regular Session conducted on August 25, 1997 (d) Workshop Session conducted on September 6, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to approve the minutes as amended. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Nea1, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was. made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to adjourn. The regular session adjourned at 7:45 p.m. 6 ~.u_ ~< ---. .- r-._.,T.II.::-::::l -------'-'-~., -""'--'---'"'l"'''!mmI:IrIlllllmllll'D- . f CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER29, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 7:30 P.M. The City Council. convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on September 29, 1997 with the following members present: N:fayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Fire Chief, Police Chief and Public Works Director were also present. 1998 BUDGET: The City Council discussed the 1998 budget. EASTERN STAR PROPERTY: The City Council discussed the Eastern Star Property and related items. Zoning and Planning Commission members Ned Ross, Bill Watson, Marilyn Griffin, Charles Nelson, Rosalie Day and Karol Musher joined the Council for the discussion of this item. The City Council authorized' the City Manager, City Attorney and Chairman of the Zoning and Planning Commission to meet with the owners of the Eastern Star property and the adjoining properties at Bissonnet and Weslayan. INOUlRIES. REOUESTS AND COMPLAINTS: The. City Council reviewed matters received from the public and referred them to the appropriate department or agreed to place them ona future agenda for consideration or action. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 10:38 p~m. ,.:'....".:;,:i~,.. - 17- CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, OCTOBER 13,1997 MUNICIPAL BIDLDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:45 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on October 13, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal and Sparkman. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Fire Chief, Police Chief, Finance Director and Public Works Director were also present. Council Member Starich was absent. RECYCLING ISSUES: Rick Jenkins and Adrienne Bullard, members of the Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction Board, presented a report on the landscaping at the Recycling drop off Center. The City Council addressed funding for the landscaping and approval of the plans by the City of Houston. The City Council approved the landscape plans for the Recycling Center and directed the City Manager to determine if funds are available through the Friends of WUP Parks or otherwise find another form of funding. WESTP ARK PROPERTY LEASE: The City Council considered a recommendation to lease approximately 1.05 acres at the City's Westpark property. This property is listed for a lease amount of $4,500 per month. Marsha11 Clinkscales, President of MSC Properties, Inc., reported that David Lawson from Lock-It-Up, L.L.C. submitted an offer to the City for the lease of the property. He offered to pay the advertised rate plus a 3% annual increase, payable in five-year increments. He requested a 20-year lease with seven, five-year renewable options. A six- month reduction in the rental rate was requested to a1low construction of the climate controlled storage units. The City Council expressed their concerns about the language of the lease agreement and whether the City is adequately protected under the agreement. The City Council did not accept the proposal submitted by Lock-It-Up to lease the Westpark property but would ask a City Planner to review the development site. The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at 7:30 p.m. to convene in Regular Session. The Workshop Session reconvened at 8: 17 p.m. COMPUTER EOillPMENT: The City Council considered authorizing the Staff to negotiate a contract with a computer vendor. Finance Director Walter Thomas stated that electronic data processing is critical to the Finance Department and the Public Safety Departments. The data processing systems used in both areas are using old technology and are inadequate. Problems with the current [mancial systems include the inability to meet citizen's request for services, unreliability, inefficiency, slow response times and poor system design. These problems are aggravated by poor support from the City's current software provider. The public safety systems are obsolete. Additionally, none of the City's applications are Year 2000 compliant. A further complication of these problems is that West U does not have staff assigned to operate the City's computers or to provide programming support. In 1995, staff began to search for solutions to these problems. Software vendors with a proven record of supporting their customers could provide the City a source to resolve software and hardware operating problems. Also considered was the need to share data between departments. To accomplish this, the City should, where possible, select vendors that provide integrated applications. During 1996, preliminary estimates of the cost were obtained and $500,000 was allocated to fund the project in the 1997 Budget. In August 1997, the City released a Request for Proposal (RFP) outlining its data processing goa1s to vendors. The City also advertised that it was seeking proposals for a data processing system. There were eleven responses to the RFP and five bidders were invited to interview and demonstrate their applications. At the same time, input from . other cities using these applications was solicited. The current proposals exceed the budgeted amount by $100,000. It is staffs recommendation to award a contract with H.T.E. Software, Inc., for financial management and budgeting. H.T.E. provides software to over 1,000 cities internationally. Locally, the cities of Sugar Land, Missouri City, La Porte, Friendswood, Pearland, and League City all use H.T.E. financial software. Many of these cities replaced the same software that West U is currently using with H. T .E. 2 While H.T.E. does offer a public safety module, it is the opinion of staff that the software solution provided by Vision Software, Inc., is superior to that of H.T.E. Vision is currently being used in 500 agencies throughout the United States and eight agencies locally. Mr. Thomas stated that authorization is being requested to enter into negotiations with H.T.E. and Vision Software, Inc., to contract for the rights to use their software. An appropriate budget amendment will be prepared if staff concludes that a11 software modules are required. The City Council directed the Staff to proceed with negotiations with H.T.E. and Vision Software, Inc. LEAF BLOWERS: The City Staff reported on gas-powered leaf blowers. The City Council directed the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to add leaf blowers to the defInition of noise and to change the hours of operation from Monday - Friday 7:00am to 9:00pm to 8:00am to 8:00pm, and on Saturday from 7:00 am to 9:00pm to 8:00am to 6:00pm. OAK WILT: The City Council tabled the discussion of this item until the next meeting. EASTERN STAR PROPERTY: The City Council discussed the Eastern Star Property and related items. The City Council expressed concern about the possibility of piecemeal development of the property. Zoning and development constraints were also addressed. The City Council directed the City Manager and City Attorney to draft a letter, for Council approval, to the owners of the Eastern Star property about the possibility of a unifIed and coordinated development of the property. 1998 BUDGET: 3 The City Council discussed the 1998 budget. An ordinance to adopt the 1998 budget will be placed on the next agenda. INQUIRIES. REQUESTS AND COMPLAINTS: The City Council reviewed matters received from the public and referred them to the appropriate department or agreed to place them on a future agenda for consideration or action. The City Council set a meeting to discuss goals and objectives on Sunday, October 26 at 2:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Nea1, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 10:25 p.m. 4 ,."....'".....- ,-, '.mmmlllll.m....1'If'--------------- CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, OCTOBER 13,1997 MUNICIPAL BIDLDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Bouievard) on October 13, 1997, with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal and Sparkman. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Finance Director and Public Works Director were also present. Council Member Neal led the Pledge of Allegiance. Council Member Starich was absent. RESOLUTION CALLING PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-24. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Resolution No. 97-24 as follows: A RESOLUTION CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PROPOSED 1998 BUDGET; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Finance Director Walter Thomas stated that Resolution No. 97-24 would set a public hearing on the proposed 1998 budget to be held during the meeting set to begin at 7:30 p.m. on October 27, 1997. A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Neal, to approve ResolutionNo. 97-24. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: V oting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Nealand Sparkman Voting Nay: None Absent: Council Member Starich RESOLUTION APPOINTING ASSISTANT PROSECUTOR IN THE . MUNICIPAL COURT: Consideration was givento Resolution No. 97-25. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Resolution No. 97-25 as follows: A RESOLUTION APPOINTING AN ASSISTANT PROSECUTOR IN THE MUNICIPAL COURT FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING "' U,,,,lllJ:'J1';;lI1m...I.lBilnl"--.----~~ -~- - City Council Regular Session, October 13, 1997 FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to approve Resolution No. 97-25 appointing Terry W. Yates as Assistant Prosecutor. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal and Sparkman Voting Nay: None Absent: Council Member Starich RESOLUTION APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE REDUCTION BOARD: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-26. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Resolution No. 97-26 as follows: A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A MEMBER TO THE RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE REDUCTION BOARD; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to appoint Kathryn Wilson to the Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction Board. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal and Sparkman Voting Nay: None Absent: Council Member Starich PRIORITY AREA 6B RECONSTRUCTION: Consideration was given to Work Order No.9 relating to Priority Area 6B reconstruction. Public Works Director Ed Menville reported that Work Order No.9 authorizes Claunch & Miller to prepare the design work for Priority Area 6B. A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Neal, to approve Work Order No.9 providing for the design of Priority Area 6B. 2 City Council Regular Session, October 13, 1997 A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal and Sparkman None Council Member Starich BID AWARD FOR RESURFACE OF WAKEFOREST STREET: Consideration was given to bids received September 16, 1997 for the resurfacing of Wakeforest Street. The following bids were received: Bidder Bid Amount Action Asphalt Company Beta, Inc. Knight's Aspha1t Paving League City Paving Company Ray Ferguson Interests Silva Contracting Company Woodruff Construction Co. $ 11-,212.50 $ 12,431.25 $ 17,021.25 $ 23,409.00 $ 21,930.00 $ 17,850.00 $ 29,962.50 Mr. Menville reported that the resurface work is intended to provide a smooth riding surface for a portIon of Wakeforest until such time that the street is rebuilt as part of the infrastructure improvement program. A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to accept the bid in the amount of $12,431.25 from Beta, Inc. to resurface a portion of Wake forest Street from Cason to Pittsburg. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal and Sparkman Voting Nay: None Absent: Council Member Starich 3 . '"U",.IIrnr.;IlTa1U111Enl City Council Regular Session, October 13, 1997 BID AWARD FOR MODULAR BUILDING: Consideration was given to bids received October 7, 1997 for a temporary modular building. A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to table the bid award for the modular building until the next regular session. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal and Sparkman None Council Member Starich SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM: Consideration was given to a design contract for the installation of SCADA at the sewerage treatment plant. Mr. Menville reported that when the 1998 City budget is approved, $225,000 will be available to implement SCADA at the sewer plant of which $125,000 is a carry-over from the 1997 budget with an additional $100,000 to complete the project. These funds are in the Water and Sewer Capital Projects Fund Schedule. The installation of SCADA at the sewerage treatment plant represents the final stage of a multi- year effort to automate as much of plant operations as is reasonable. With Remote Terminal Units and various pieces of hardware and software, much of the sewer plant operations can be automated. This would greatly benefit the City in that there would be a reduction of manpower time that is currently being used to manually perform day-to-day operations. Shrader Engineering Company designed SCADA for the water plant and was requested to submit a proposal for the design of this project. Shrader's proposal estimates that the cost to develop plans and specifications and supervise installation will be $25,000. ~.', A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to approve a contract with Shrader Engineering Company in the amount of $25,000 to develop plans and specifications for installation of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System. 4 - 1"-1,11 r- r:-iiTilI--:---] in ..l.iil~lil~tall. ----~--.-'.r .lll~lrnlfllll11111mr' City Council Regular Session, October 13, 1997 A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal and Sparkman Voting Nay: None Absent: Council Member Starich CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes ofthe following City Council meetings: (a) Workshop Session conducted on September 8, 1997 (b) Regular Session conducted on September 8, 1997 (c) Workshop Session conducted on September 22, 1997 (d) Regular Session conducted on September 22, 1997 (e) Workshop Session conducted on September 29, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Davis, to approve the minutes of the Workshop and Regular Session conducted on September 8, and 22, .1997 and W otkshop Session conducted on September 29, 1997, as amended. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal and Sparkman None Council Member Starich STAFF REPORT: City Manager Sherman Yehl reported on the Texas Chapter of the AmeriCan Planning Association Conference held in Galveston. He stated that the conference was beneficial in a number of areas including working with consultants, crime prevention through environmental design and Texas Planning Law. Mr. Yehl also reported that the granite stone has been placed in Huffington Park. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Council Member Sparkman inquired about the condition of the Police Officer who was hurt. 5 City Council Regular Session, October 13, 1997 Police Chief Steve Griffith reported that the Officer was doing better but that he had not reported back to work. He will see his Doctor again on the 15th of this month. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Davis, to adjourn. The regular session adjourned at 8:12 p.m. 6 ----..---------~------- --.--,""~-,--~ll~9IEIll!1lIDIIII~ . I CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26,1997 PUBLIC WORKS CONFERENCE ROOM 3826 AMHERST STREET 2:00 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Public Works Building .(3826 Amherst) on October 26, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager was also present. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: The City Council discussed goals and objectives of its administration and for volunteer Boards and Commissions ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 6:00 p.m. ----".-----.---,..,..-.,--,..,.T""lI!!Illl:ll!!_~ CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:45 P.M. VI I f/lrl"f ' The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on October 27, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Fire Chief, Finance Director and Public Works Director were also present. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under consideration with the Staff. RECYCLING ISSUES: The City Council considered a bid received for landscaping at the Recycling drop-off Center. Members of the Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction Board Adrienne Bullard and Rick Jenkins were present at the meeting. Mrs. Bullard reported that the Board has received bids from Glauser-McNair to provide labor and materials for landscaping the new drop-off center. They bid on both the architect's original landscape plan as well as the plan by Tim Hansen, A.S.L.A. The plans are at the City of Houston for review. The Board would like to be ready to start the landscaping as soon as Houston approves a plan. Mrs. Bullard stated that the Board was requesting that the City Council approve $15,000 for landscaping the center. This amount would adequately cover either landscaping plan, irrigation excluded. The irrigation portion would be handled by the Public Works Department. The City Council authorized the City Staff and members of the Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction Board to move forward with the landscaping plans. The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at 7:30 p.m. to convene in Regular Session. The Workshop Session reconvened at 8:50 p.m. ~r-:l1" r:- ------ I .. .. T .~ . 1 ;I:,~ "1~!M:iJlIIIlI . -- ---- -Fl11llllrnimllmlllinl OAK WILT: The City Staff reported on Oak Wilt disease. City Manager Sherman Yehl stated that earlier this year a question was raised about the susceptibility of West U to Oak Wilt disease. A report and contingency plan have been prepared regarding Oak Wilt disease. Oak Wilt is an infectious disease caused by a fungus, which invades and disables the water conducting system in oak trees. While all oaks are susceptible, some are more so than others. Live oaks, those predominant in West U, have an intermediate susceptibility but are most seriously affected due to their tendency to grow from root sprouts and form vast interconnected root systems that allow movement of the fungus to other trees. Oak Wilt fungus also forms mats on diseased red oaks and blackjack oaks in the Spring. There is also the possibility that beetles can spread the fungus by collecting sap from a fresh pruning cut or wound of a healthy tree. Mr. Yehl reported that the good news was that, to date, Oak Wilt has not been found in the West U area. The closest outbreak was an isolated incident in Pasadena. This outbreak was probably due to the transporting of diseased wood from the Hill country for firewood. ' Mr. Yehl stated that the Staff is recommending two approaches for limiting and controlling Oak Wilt. The fIrst is prevention, which includes education. and the requirement that susceptible oaks be. painted after pruning. The second is eradication, which includes the identification of diseased trees and confirmation of diagnosis, tree removal or treatment plan, identifIcation of additional susceptible trees, and monitoring of site and immediate vicinity to ensure the disease is not spread. The City Staff will make information brochures available as well as provide general information in City Currents. SMOKING REGULATIONS: The City Council considered smoking regulations in the City of West University Place. City Attorney Jim Dougherty presented proposed amendments to the smoking ordinance. The proposed amendments would prohibit all smoking in any building that the public accesses unless a separate ventilation system for a smoking area is provided. The City Council requested that a public hearing be held on the proposed amendments and asked that the Staff notifY the business owners in the area. 2 I ........, ,--:"& r .. .Il"~ u,L'.chJ~~1BIII . I 1I1iillnnmml.nl INOUlRIES. REQUESTS AND COMPLAINTS: The City Council reviewed matters received from the public and referred. them to the appropriate department or agreed to place them on a future agenda for consideration or action. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City. Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 10:40 p.m. 3 .__..,=~ "_J<..... .t.~[__............._________ ".,,-- - - ------.-------:~-.,.--.'~[..JlilllDBlllllm..um'--- CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, OCTOBER 27,1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30P.M. . · '/. f' The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on October 27, 1997, with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Fire Chief, Finance Director and Public Works Director were a1so present. Council Member Sparkman led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE 1998 PROPOSED BUDGET COVERING ALL FUNDS FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: The purpose of the hearing was to provide an opportunity for taxpayers and interested parties to be heard in relation to the proposed 1998 Budget. City Manager Sherman Yehl presented an overview of the proposed 1998 budget. Mayor Fogler invited residents to speak concerning the proposed budget. Caroline Strohl, 3814 Southwestern, expressed her concerns about flooding problems on her street. She asked that the City conduct a more in-depth study of the flooding. Stephen Pohl, 3928 Marlowe, spoke to the City Council about flooding in the City. He asked that the City appoint an independent group to study the flooding problem. The public hearing closed at 8:00 p.m. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Mayor Fogler invited citizens who wished to address the City Council to come forward as their names were ca1led. Susan Kasper, 4127 Cason, spoke to the City Council about the Tree Ordinance. She stated that it was not being enforced and that there seemed to be a loophole in the Ordinance. She stated that if a property is vacant, the lot could be cleared without tree fencing being placed prior to clearing. Ms.. Kasper also commented that the tree roots on her property line had been severed to a depth of six inches by the contractor. Baroque Fineberg, 4127 Cason, stated thatthe City's Urban Forester was aware of the loophole in the Tree Ordinance but had never addressed it with anyone on how this could be resolved to protect tree roots from the bulldozer. Mr. Fineberg stated that he asked the Urban Forester how ---~_._,-.,---,----,-=~...-nII-- City Council Regular Session, October 27, 1997 she specifically enforced the policy with the builders and she said that she warns the builder three times and after that there was nothing she could do. Mr. Fineberg requested that the City Council help him to get some specific answers to their questions. City Manager Sherman Yehl stated that he would present a full report on Ms. Kasper and Mr. Fineberg's questions at the next meeting. ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998: Consideration was given to the fIrst reading of Ordinance No. 1564. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1564 as follows: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1998 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1998; APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR SUCH BUDGET; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Copies of Ordinance No. 1564, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Walter Thomas, Finance Director, reported that Ordinance No. 1564 is one of two ordinances, which are enabling legislation needed to implement the 1998 budget. Ordinance No. 1564 authorizes the following expenditures for 1998: }'UND General Fund Water Fund Water Fund Capital Revenue Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund Infrastructure Replacement Fund Parks Fund Recycling Fund Equipment Replacement Fund Solid Waste Fund APPROPRIATION . $ 6,893,250 2,945,880 100,000 3,126,150 2,252,500 6,706,660 47,000 25,000 312,500 $ 917,860 Mayor Fogler inquired about the proposed expenditures for flooding problems, what amount has 2 "'1: _.=-'-=:L ." . . ~,.-.- '---'----.--cr["'1UIImlliDIIIIIllmElll-- City Council Regular Session, October 27, 1997 been set aside and what this will accomplish. Mr. Yehl reported that $20,000 had been set aside to conduct a study on the flooding. A review of the type of study to be conducted should be done in order to determine the appropriate approach to the drainage and flooding problem. He stated that the Staff plans to present a recommendation in early 1998. A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to adopt Ordinance No. 1564 on the first reading. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: . Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Aye: ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE TAX YEAR 1997: Consideration was given to the fIrst reading Ordinance No. 1565. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1565 as follows: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AD VALOREM TAXES FOR TAX YEAR 1997; CONFIRMING AND GRANTING EXEMPTIONS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Copies of Ordinance No. 1565, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Mr. Thomas reported that the 1998 Budget was prepared using a tax rate of $0.38 cents per $100 valuation. To fund City operations, $0.21cents of this rate will be used and $0.19 cents will be used to meet the City's debt service requirements. Over the past several weeks, the City Council and staff have met in workshops to discuss the 1998 Budget. Additionally, comments from the public were taken in a public hearing. This ordinance is the fmal step in the 1998 Budget Process. It sets the property.tax rate, dedicates the resulting revenues, and levies the taxes needed to fmance the City's operations and meets its debt service responsibilities in 1998. Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No. 1565, which sets the tax rate at $0.40 cents for tax year 1997. 3 City Council Regular Session, October 27, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Starich, to adopt Ordinance No. 1565 on the first reading. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Nea1, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Aye: ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE WESLAYAN TOWNHOUSE P.D.D.: Consideration was given to thefrrst and finill reading of Ordinance No. 1566. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1566 as follows: AN ORDINANCE INITIATING A REVIEW OF THE ZONING REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE WESLAYAN TOWNHOUSE P.D.D.; REFERRING THE MATTER TO THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION; PROVIDING FOR A TEMPORARY LIMITATION ON CERTAIN PERMITS; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS REL~TING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Copies of Ordinance No. 1566, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. City Attorney Jim Dougherty reported that Ordinance No. 1566 initiates a review of the zoning regulations applicable within PDD- TH4 and formally refers this matter to the Zoning and. Planning Commission. Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1566 permits the City to temporarily place a moratorium on building permits of certain types for this tract. A motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Nea1, to adopt Ordinance No. 1566 on the frrst and final reading with the exclusion of Section 2. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Aye: 4 City Council Regular Session, October 27, 1997 RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD SAFETY. BOARD: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-27. A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD SAFETY BOARD; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to approve Resolution No. 97-27 appointing John Gillum and Jed Kenna to the Neighborhood Safety Board. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Aye: RESOLUTION APPOINTING A REPRESENTATIVE TO THE AREA PLANNING ADVISORY COUNCIL: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-28. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Resolution No. 97-28 as follows: A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A REPRESENTATIVE TO THE AREA PLANNING ADVISORY COUNCIL OF THE AREA AGENCY ON AGING; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. A motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member. Davis, to approve Resolution No. 97-28 appointing Dianne Rogers to the Area Planning Advisory Council of the Area Agency on Aging. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: .Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Nea1, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Aye: 5 . ~'-'o:-r""ll~lrrrmllll"llll'll._nl City Council Regular Session, October 27, 1997 RESOLUTIONAPPROVINGPRIV ATE STREET: Consideration was given to Resolution No. 97-29. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Resolution No. 97-29 as follows: A RESOLUTION APPROVING PRIVATE STREETS TO SERVE WESTCHESTER COURTS, A REPLAT OF LOT 1, BLOCK 43, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE 1 ST ADDITION; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Mr. Dougherty reported that when.new streets are created in the City, Chapter 20 of the Code of Ordinances requires approva1 from the City Council. These particular streets are a proposed replat for Westchester Courts. The proposed replat includes a 20- foot private street along the north line of Lot 1. Mr. Dougherty stated that this particular replat has been reviewed and approved with conditions by the Zoning Board of Adjustment and the Zoning and Planning Commission. A motion was made by Council Member Nea1, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to approve Resolution No. 97-29. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES: HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL Consideration was given to the appointment of representatives to the General Assembly of the Houston-Galveston Area Council. A motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Davis, to designate Council Member Neal as the City's Representative to the General Assembly of the Houston-Galveston Area Council for 1998 and to designate Council Member Sparkman as the Official Alternate. 6 ,- -."m.. --~----~~'--------"~~- . I 1l,.]:lIIn~lII1l1f1Wm11l"---- City Council Regular Session, October 27, 1997 A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None BID AWARD FOR MODULAR BUILDING: Consideration was given to bids received October 7, 1997 for a temporary modular building for use during city hall remodeling. The following bids were received: Contractor Bid (per month) G.B. Modular Resun Leasing, Inc. $1,665.00 $1,500.00 Fire Chief Terry Stevenson reported that one bid was received from G.B. Capital Modular in the amount of $37,775 for a new, unused building. The other bid was received from Resun in the amount of $34,000 for a used, refurbished building. Both sites were visited for inspection and it was determined that the new building from G.B. Capital Modular best suits the needs of the City. The Staff recommends awarding the bid to G.B. Capital Modular in the amount of $37,775. A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to award the bid for a temporary modular building to G.B. Capital Modular in the amount of $37,775 subject to entering a form oflease that is acceptable to the City Staff. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: REGULAR MEETING CHANGE: Consideration was given to a regular meeting change in November and December 1997. 7 '.'r ............,IIIIIIIIII...-nIf',-- --- -- _~_._d.__----.---.--.-~,,-'-t--,-Cr~ City Council Regular Session, October 27, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Davis, to change the November 10, 1997 Regular Session to November 17, 1997. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Aye: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes of the following City Council meetings: (a) Workshop Session conducted on October 13, 1997 (b) Regular Session conducted on October 13, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Neal, to approve the minutes as amended. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Aye: STAFF REPORT: The City Secretary reported that the employee Christmas luncheon would be held on December 12th at 11:30 a.m. in the Community Building. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Council Member Davis commented that the City Council would like to conduct a review of City ordinances. Mayor Fogler commented that federa1 funding has been approved for flooding projects in Harris County and some of the funds are earmarked for Braes Bayou. She commented that it would be interesting to knqw what they plan to do with that money. 8 ~... ,-O---'-_.'-"'~IIIII~ City Council Regular Session, October 27, 1997 Council Member Neal commented that the ribbon cutting ceremony for the grand opening of the Recycling Center would be held on November 13th at 10:00 a.m. and the volunteer recognition on November 15th. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council MemberNeal, seconded by Council Member Davis, to adjourn. The regular session adjourned at 8:42 p.m. ~ ----l-.....J..U..Ol ~~ . ..uI.IlI......-___A_ 9 ,,~_ - ______u - - u'~-n1"'1l::mmIlllIlIlUIII~- , - I ' CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1997 MUNICIPAL BIDLDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:45 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on November 17, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance Director and Public Works Director were also present. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under consideration with the Staff. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MODELING: Consulting Engineer, Dieter Ufer, presented a report on computer modeling of the City's Water Distribution System as authorized by Council on February 24, 1997. Mr. Ufer reported that the study covered the entire city and dealt with all pipe 4" and larger. This represents about 98% of all pipe in the City's distribution system. The software utilized for this modeling effort was Water CAD. The information obtained will be useful to establish water distribution system needs as infrastructure work continues, to assess the condition of the system with regard to fire flow capabilities by identifying any deficiencies in flow or pressure, and to identify costs associated with needed improvements. OUARTERL Y REPORT: / The City Staff presented the Quarterly Report to the City Council. The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at 7:30 p.m. to convene in Regular Session. The Workshop Session reconvened at 8 :25 p.m. Council Member Davis left the meeting. 1--',11 J ,,"T.IiII,-, iUJ: ~-- -- ---~~f-ml1m:lllll1llIElll-- NOISE ORDINANCE: The City Council discussed proposed amendments to the Noise Ordinance. The City follows: Council requested that the Noise Ordinance designate residential quiet hours as Monday through Friday Before 7:00 AM or after 8:00 PM Saturday Before 8:00 AM or after 8:00 PM Sunday Before 12:00 noon or after 8:00 PM The proposed amendments to the Noise Ordinance will be considered at the next regular seSSIOn. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 9:27 p.m. 2 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building' (3800 University Boulevard) on November 17, 1997, with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance Director and Public Works Director were also present. Council Member Starich led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER PARTICIPATION OF CITY EMPLOYEES IN THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT.SYSTEM'S "20-YEAR" RETIREMENT OPTION: The purpose of the hearing was to provide an opportunity for interested persons to address the Council. Finance Director Walter Thomas presented a report on the 20-year retirement option to City employees. All City employees are provided retirement benefits through a statewide plan administered by a state agency, the Texas Municipal Retirement System. Currently, employees may retire after 10 years of. service, if the employee is at least 60 years of age, or after 25 years of service. Participation in this plan will allow an employee to retire after 10 years of service if the employee has reached age 60, or after 20 years of service. The additional retirement option will cost an estimated $18,500, which has been included in the 1998 budget. There were not any residents present who wished to speakconceming the proposed 20-year retirement option. The public hearing closed at 7:42p.m. CITIZEN. COMMENTS: Mayor Fogler invited citizens who wished to address the City Council to come forward as their names were called. Baroque Fineberg, 4127 Cason, presented a report to the City Council that addressed enforcement of the Tree Ordinance and damage to his tree. He asked that the City Council reexamine the Tree Ordinance. JoAnne Crain, 5822 Auden, requested that the new recycling center on Dincans Street be named the Dincans Recycling Center after D.J. Dincans, the former owner of the property where the center is located. - City Council Regular Session, November 17, 1997 . Cletus Wark, 6714.Rutgers, commented that he thought the sign in front of City Hall about the infrastructure improvements was political. He expressed his opposition to the Zoning Board of Adjustment granting a variance to the owners of the town-homes at Westchester and Bellaire. Susan Kasper, 4127 Cason, spoke to the City Council about the Tree Ordinance. She requested that the City Staff prepare reports on the status of the tree bank, past protected trees, and other concerns as listed on the letter from her and Mr. Fineberg. A citizen who resides on Fordham Street commented that the ordinances in the City were not being enforced. ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998: Consideration was given to the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1564. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1564 as follows: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1998 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1998; APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR SUCH BUDGET; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Copies of Ordinance No. 1564, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Walter Thomas, Finance Director, reported that . Ordinance No. 1564 is one of two. ordinances, which are enabling legislation needed to implement the 1998 budget. Ordinance No. 1564 authorizes the following expenditures for 1998: FUND General Fund Water Fund Water Fund Capital Revenue Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund Infrastructure Replacement Fund Parks Fund Recycling Fund Equipment Replacement Fund Solid Waste Fund APPROPRIATION $ 6,893,250 2,945,880 100,000 3,126,150 2,252,500 6,706,660 47,000 25,000 312,500 $ 917,860 2 -' City Council Regular Session, November 17, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to adopt Ordinance No. 1564 on the second and final reading. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Pro Tern Davis presided for the remainder of the meeting. ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE TAX YEAR 1997: Consideration was given to the second and final reading Ordinance No. 1565. Mayor Pro Tem Davis read the caption of Ordinance No. 1565 as follows: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AD VALOREM TAXES FOR TAX YEAR 1997; CONFIRMING AND GRANTING EXEMPTIONS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Copies of Ordinance No. 1565, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Mr. Thomas reported that the 1998 Budget was prepared using a tax rate of $0.38 cents per $100 valuation. To fund City operations, $0.21 cents of this rate will be used and $0.19 cents will be used to meet the City's debt service requirements. Over the past several weeks, the City Council and staff have met in workshops to discuss the 1998 Budget. Additionally, comments from the public were taken in a public hearing. This ordinance is the final step in the 1998 Budget Process. It sets the property tax rate, dedicates the resulting revenues, and levies the taxes needed to finance the City's operations and meets its debt service responsibilities in 1998. Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No. 1565, which sets the tax rate at $0.40 cents for tax year 1997. A motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Davis, to adopt Ordinance No. 1565 on the second and final reading. 3 City Council Regular Session, November 17, 1997 A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: ORDINANCE AFFECTING PARTICIPATION IN THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM: Consideration was given to the first reading of Ordinance No. 1567. Mayor Pro Tem Davis read the caption of Ordinance No. 1567 as follows: AN ORDINANCE AFFECTING PARTICIPATION OF CITY EMPLOYEES IN THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM; GRANTING THE ADDITIONAL "20- YEAR" RIGHTS AUTHORIZED BY SECTION 854.202(g) OF TITlE 8, TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, AS AMENDED; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND PRESCRIBING AN EFFECTNE DATE. Copies of Ordinance No. 1567, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Mr. Thomas reported that Ordinance No. 1567 would change the employee retirement benefits by granting. a 20-year retirement option. A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adopt Ordinance No. 1567 on the:: first reading. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Aye: FEE ORDINANCE: Consideration was given to the first reading of Ordinance No. 1568. 4 City Council Regular Session, November 17, 1997 Mayor Pro Tern Davis read the caption of Ordinance No. 1568 as follows: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AND REESTABLISHING FEES AND'CHARGES FOR ACTIVITIES, GOODS AND SERVICES PROVIDED BY .THE CITY; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1554 ADOPTED AP~ 14, 1997; CONTAINING A PROVISION TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH FEES AND CHARGES IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Copies of Ordinance No. 1568, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Mr. Thomas reported that Ordinance No. 1568 would increase water and sewer rates and generate an additional $250,000 annually to the Water and Sewer Fund. Prior to 1997, all debt issued by the City was supported by the Debt Service Fund. In 1997, the City issued bonds that are supported by water and sewer revenues. These bonds have restrictions that require the Water and Sewer Fund to be generating excess revenues before any additiona1 bonds can be issued. The 1998 Budget anticipates issuing bonds in late 1998, or early 1999. In order to insure sufficient excess revenue needed to support the new bonds, a 10% increase in water and sewer rates was proposed in the 1998 Budget. For an average homeowner, this will mean about a $3.40 increase in monthly water and sewer fees. A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to adopt Ordinance No. 1568 on the first reading. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: ORDINANCE RELATING TO CERTAIN PORTABLE BUILDINGS: Consideration was given to the first reading of Ordinance No. 1569. Mayor Pro Tern Davis read the caption of Ordinance No. 1569 as follows: 5 . I ,In. L_o..iiiII~ -'-'--~ r . . . T :lEilllllllilllllm...11l City Council Regular Session, November 17, 1997 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CERTAIN PORTABLE BUILDINGS; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Copies of Ordinance No. 1569, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Section 6.408 of the Code of Ordinances. a110ws a permit to be issued for the temporary use of portable buildings during construction activities for which another permit is in effect. Section 6.408 (b) Public Schools. Until June 1, 1998 has been changed to June 1, 2002. Notwithstanding subsection (a) Section 6.408 (c) Effect of Section. Chapter 19 of this code shall apply to school district buildings covered by the proceeding sentence has been changed to Chapter 19 of this Code shall apply to large portable buildings. The following sentence has been added to this section: If a permit for a large portable building is authorized by this section, the building is exempt from the requirement in Chapter 19 that moving permits be restricted to routes ending outside the city limits. A motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member.Neal, to adopt Ordinance No. 1569 on the fIrst reading. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: BID AWARD FOR PRIORITY AREA 5B/6A: Consideration was given to the execution of a Contract for the reconstruction of Priority Area 5B/6A. The following bids were received: Bidder Bid Amount Whitelak, Inc. William H. Gray Construction $5,915,984.54 $6,396,035.10 6 J.___.._ _.1-__,_ .___~____ .___.~_.r:::IIl& _ _ ______E::": l_-,~--=:L__ ...'.""H__"- .. . . E.JEDlUIDilllllllmlllllF------.----- -------.---.-------.-.,--.. City Council Regular Session, November 17, 1997 Jimerson Underground, Inc. $8,764,344.00 Public Works Director Ed Menville reported that the construction of Priority Area 5B/6A represents the last area to be improved using 1997 Public Improvement Bonds, 1997 Texas Water Development Board Bonds (for sewer improvements only) and 1997 Water Revenue Bonds (for water improvements only). Metro will also be contributing funds to the reconstruction of Weslayan Street in this priority area. A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to award the contract for the reconstruction of Priority Area 5B/6A to Whitelak, Inc. in the amount of $5,915,984.54 contingent upon approval by the Texas Water Development Board. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Sparkman and Starich None None Voting Nay: Absent: STAFF REPORT: City Manager Sherman Yehl reported that A Request for Qualifications for a City Planner had been prepared. Also, a Request for Proposal has been prepared for the City's Health Care Provider. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Mayor Fogler commented that she was disturbed that so many residents have complained about ordinances in the City not being enforced. Council Member Sparkman commented that she was pleased that her alarm system was now directly linked to the City. Council Member Neal commented on the opening of the Recycling Center. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Davis, to adjourn. The regular Session adjourned at 8:20 p.m. 7 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1997 MUNICIPAL BlliLDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:45 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building. (3800 University Boulevard) on November 24, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Neal and Sparkman. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance Director, Public Works Director, Police Chief and Urban Forester were also present. Council Members Davis and Starich were absent. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council reviewed ~e regular meeting agenda and discussed items . under consideration with the Staff. TREE ENFORCEMENT REPORT: The City Staff presented a report that responded to questions from Susan Kasper and Baroque Fineberg regarding enforcement of the Tree Ordinance. City Manager Sherman Yehl reported that on February 3, 1997, a Tree Disposition Permit was issued as a result of the planned development of the property at 4131 Cason. Over the next four months staff identified several violations of the City's Tree Preservation Ordinance. These violations included: Use of heavy equipment in Tree Critical Root Zone (twice); Lack of proper tree fencing; Failure to place dumpster without benefit of mulch or plywood (per instructions); Cutting tree roots along length of property line. The damaged tree was located on an adjacent property owned by Susan Kasper and Baroque Fineberg at 4127 Cason. They have provided the Council with several documents, including an appraisal regarding the loss of value as a result of the damage to the tree. Several discussions and site visits with staff, the builder andthe owners of both properties have taken place. Based on a review of the matter, the City Manager recommended that the case. be handled through the Alternative. Mediation Enforcement Program.. The case was to he mediated today, but was canceled by the contractor and has not yet been rescheduled. Mr. Yehl stated that it is the staff s conclusion that the enforcement of the tree ordinance gradua1ly changed. since its enactment. While the ordinance is fairly comprehensive, it is appropriate at this time for a complete review of the ordinance requirements, penalties, and purpose. This should be accomplished through consultations with citizens, developers and staff. Since its enactment here in West U, other cities have adopted improved ordinances and these should be reviewed prior to ordinance amendments being considered. The current ordinance is enforceable as written. City ordinances permit the issuance of a StopW ork Order on any violation of the tree ordinance. The contractor or permit holder will be allowed 24 hours to correct the violation. However, failure to correct the violation within that time period will result in the Stop Work Order being issued on the job site. In addition, a re-inspectionpermit fee will have to be paid prior to the Stop Work Order being lifted. The City should also consider that continued and willful disregard of the tree ordinance will result in the revocation of a builder's license. The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at 7:30 p.m. to convene in Regular Session. The Workshop Session reconvened at 7:52 p.m. Council Member Starich arrived at 7:50 p.m. EASEMENT ABANDONMENT: The City Council considered a request to abandon an easement on a 4.5 acre tract of land located at the intersection of Kirby and North Braeswood. Public Works Director Ed Menville reported that the utility easement represents a portion ofalonger easement acquired by the City in the late 1930's. The original easement provided a route to transport sewage from the City to its treatment plant located at the corner of Kirby Drive and N. Braeswood. On August 22, 1997, the City received a request from Brown and Gay Engineers, Inc., representing Trammel Crow Residential, to abandon the easement. Based on an appraisal by Luedemann and Associates, the value of the easement has been estimated to be $28,875 The. City does not need this easement since all sewage is routed to its plant via a 36" line in Brompton Street. In Early 1998, this line will be lined with a material that should extend its life by as much as 50 years. A formal request and recommendation will be presented at the next Council meeting. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: The City Council discussed goals and objectives of its administration. The City Council requested that the Chairpersons of each Board and Commission attend 2 the next Workshop Session to discuss a workplan. INQUIRIES. REQUESTS AND COMPLAINTS: The City Council reviewed matters received from the public and referred them to the appropriate department or agreed to place them on a future agenda for consideration or action. .ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 9:00 p.m. 3 ~ .__._ ~ _ _ ~1~1U: _.r:c- ..:". ~~..~~ r_~~:lI.~m.-:nl p CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24,1997 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on November 24, 1997, with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Neal and Sparkman. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance Director and Public Works Director were also present. Council Member Neal led the Pledge of Allegiance. Council Members Davis and Starich were absent. ORDINANCE AFFECTING PARTICIP ATION.IN THE'TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM: Consideration was given to the second and fmal reading of Ordinance No. 1567. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1567 as follows: AN ORDINANCE AFFECTING P ARTICIP ATION OF CITY EMPLOYEES IN THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM; GRANTING THE ADDITIONAL "20-YEAR" RIGHTS AUTHORIZED BY SECTION 854.202(g) OF TITLE 8, TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, AS AMENDED; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND PRESCRIBING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Copies of Ordinance No. 1567, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Mr. Thomas reported that Ordinance No. 1567 would change the employee retirement benefits by granting a 20-year retirement option. All City employees are.provided retirement benefits through a statewide plan administered by a state agency, the Texas Municipal Retirement System. Currently, employees may retire after 10 years. of service, if the employee is. at least 60 years of age, or after 25.years.ofservice. Participation in this plan will allow an employee to retire after 10 years of service if the employee has reached age 60, or after 20 years of service. The additional retirement option will cost an estimated $18,500, which has been included in the 1998 budget. A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adopt Ordinance No. 1567 on the second and fmal reading. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Neal and Sparkman V otingNay: None Absent: Council Members Davis and Starich ---''''1l . City Council Regular Session, November 24, 1997 FEE ORDINANCE: This item was not considered during the Regular session. ORDINANCE RELATING TO CERTAIN PORTABLE BUILDINGS: Consideration was given to the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1569. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1569 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CERTAINPORTABLEBUILDINGS; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Copies of Ordinance No. 1569, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Section 6.408 of the Code of Ordinances allows a permit to be issued for the temporary use of portable buildings during construction activities for which another permit is in effect. Section 6.408 (b) Public Schools. Until June 1, 1998 has been changed to June 1, 2002. Notwithstanding subsection (a) Section 6.408 (c) Effect of Section. Chapter 19 of this code shall apply to school district buildings covered by the proceeding sentence has been changed to Chapter 19 of this Code shall apply to. large portable buildings. .. The following sentence has been added to this section: Ifa permitfor a large portable building is authorized by this section, the building is exemptfrom the requirement in Chapter 19 that moving permits be restricted to routes ending outside the city limits. Amotion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to adopt Ordinance No. 1569 on the second and fina1reading. A vote was taken on the motion with the following. result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Neal and Sparkman Voting Nay: None Absent: Council Members Davis and Starich 2 City Council Regular Session, November 24, 1997 NOISE. ORDINANCE: Consideration was given to the fIrst reading of Ordinance No. 1571. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1571 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO NOISE; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Copies of Ordinance No. 1571, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Ordinance No. 1571 adds leaf blowers to the definition of noise and establishes residential quiet hours as Monday - Friday before 7:00 am or after 8:00 pm, on Saturday before 8:00 am or after 8:00 pm and on Sunday before 12:00 noon or after 8:00 pm. A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adopt Ordinance No. 1571 on the first reading. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: MayorFogler, Council Members Neal and Sparkman Voting Nay: None Absent: Council Members Davis and Starich COMPUTER.CONTRACT: Consideration was given to a contract with H.T.E., Inc. to provide financial and administrative computer software. Finance Director Walter Thomas stated that electronic data processing is critical to the Finance Department and the Public Safety Departments. The data processing systems used in both areas are using old technology and are inadequate. Problems with the current financial systems include the inability to meet citizen's request for services, unreliability, inefficiency, slow response times and poor system design. These problems are aggravated by poor support from the City's current software provider. The public safety systems are obsolete. Additionally, none of the City's applications are Year 2000 compliant. A further complication ofthese problems is that West U does not have staff assigned to operate the City's computers or to provide programming support. 3 .. r ._.~------_.~_._--~--- ------ .-----'''''C"'-'---'~:~1!IIIII:IIf' __no --- City Council Regular Session, November 24, 1997 In 1995, staff began to search for solutions to these problems. Software vendors with a proven record of supporting their customers. could provide the City a source to resolve software. and hardware operating problems.. Also considered was the need to share data between departments. To accomplish this, the City should, where possible, select vendors that provide integrated applications. During 1996, preliminary estimates of the cost were obtained and $500,000 was allocated to fund the project in the 1997 Budget. In August 1997, the City released a. Request for Proposal (RFP) outlining its data processing goals to vendors. The City also advertised that it was seeking proposals for a data processing system. There were eleven responses to the RFP and five bidders were invited to interview and demonstrate their applications. At the same time, input from other cities using these applications was solicited. The current proposals exceed the budgeted amount by $100,000. It is staff's recommendation to award a contract with H. T .E. Software, Inc., for fmancial management and budgeting. H.T.E. provides software to over 1,000 cities internationally. Locally, the cities of Sugar Land, Missouri City, LaPorte, Friendswood, Pearland, and League City a11 use H.T.E. financial software. Many of these cities replaced the same software that West Uis currently using with H.T.E. A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to approve a contract with H.T.E., Inc. subject to the City Manager's acceptance of the final contract. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Neal and Sparkman None Council Members Davis and Starich CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes ofthe following City Council meetings: (a) Workshop Session conducted on October 26, 1997 (b) Workshop Session conducted on October 27,1997 (c) RegularSession conducted on October 27, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to 4 ..-.---.-------.-'~------;~'"'"-,,-'''Cf~!I!mmIIlIII~,,----------.-.- -"-'---'-'---"'!' __no '-co':'"~ City Council Regular Session, November 24, 1997 approve the minutes as amended. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Neal and Sparkman Voting Nay: None Absent: Council Members Davis and Starich STAFF REPORT: City Manager Sherman YeW reported that a Request for Proposal had been prepared for the City's Health Care Provider. The City Staff has met with consultants and will present a recommendation to the City Council sometime in December. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Council Member Sparkman commented that Judson Park looks great. Mayor Fogler commented about the amount of recyclable materials being dropped off at the new Recycling Center. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to adjourn. The regular Session adjourned at 7:47 p.m. 5 -~ ==-'--=:L " ...."I....ll.Jlll.IIlII:.I:I~-------------- ( CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1997 MUNICIPAL BIDLDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:45 P.M. The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building . (3 800 University Boulevard) on December 8, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Starich, Davis, Neal and Sparkman. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Public Works Director, Police Chief and Health Inspector were also present. AGENDA. REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under consideration with the Staff. PUBLIC HEARING ON SMOKING: The City Council held an informal public hearing to discuss the City's smoking regulations. The proposed amendments would prohibit all smoking in any building that the public accesses unless a separate ventilation system for a smoking area is provided. There were not any residents present who wished to speak concerning the City's proposed smoking regulations. The public hearing closed at 7:25 p.m. TOWN MEETING: The City Council considered a date to hold a Town Meeting. The Town Meeting will be held on January 21, 1998 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Community Center. The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at 7:30 p.m. to convene in Regular Session. The Workshop Session reconvened at 8:45 p.m. GOALSAND OBJECTIVES: The City Council discussed goals and objectives with representatives from each volunteer Board and Commission. The following members were present: Ned Ross, Zoning and Planning Commission Mary Lee Gray, Senior Services Board Les Albin,. Building and Standards Commission Bryant Slimp, Building and Standards Commission Adrienne Bullard, Recyling and Solid Waste Reduction Board Rick Jenkins, Recylingand Solid Waste Reduction Board Marcela Chennisi, Parks and Recreation Board Sue Porretto,Zoning Board of Adjustment Lori Gobillot, Neighborhood Safety Board The City Council expressed their desire to~nhance direct communication with each Board and Commission. They presented a work plan and asked that each Board and Commission. prepare a minimum of two updates annually for City Currents, submit quarterly reports to Council on activities, monitor attendance and meeting quorums, use the City's website to keep residents informed on activities, meeting agendas, schedules, and methods on addressing public issues, review applicable good neighbor ordinances and establish a regular meeting schedule. The City Attorney left the meeting at 9:50 p.m. GARBAGE ENFORCEMENT: City Manager Sherman YeW presented an alternative proposal relating to the enforcement of the City's solid waste requirements. Mr. YeW ~tated that the proposal would decriminalize the crime of placing garbage and trash out to early and establish a special service pick-up. If garbage and trash is placed at the curb anytime other than the regular trash collection day, the public works crew will pick it up and the resident will be charged for the collection. The City Council requested that an ordinance amendment be placed on the next Regular session for their consideration. INOUIRIES.REOUESTSAND COMPLAINTS: The City Council reviewed matters received from the public and referred them to the appropriate department or. agreed to place them on a future agenda for consideration or action. 2 -- - -",,"",-"'-C';~~IlI.~Dr "'-'-'1 ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 10:20 p.m. ... 3 ;.;J"mj~" I, 11 ,TI1I1J1r8111m...llr CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1997 MUNICIPAL BIDLDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.M. Ir , The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on December 8, 1997, with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Starich, Davis, Neal and Sparkman. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Fire Chief, Police Chief and Public Works Director were also present. Council Member Davis led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Mayor Fogler invited citizens who wished to address the City Council to come forward as their names were called. Ken Hoffman, 4212 Ruskin, spoke to the City Council about the enforcement of the garbage ordinance and speeding around the parks and in the city. Reginald Burns, 5933 Wakeforest, spoke to the City Council about cars speeding in the City. ORDINANCE CALLING A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration was given to the first and final reading of Ordinance No. 1572. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1572 as follows: AN ORDINANCE CALLING A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS TO PROVIDE FOR GARDEN-STYLE SINGLE-FAMILY USE IN THE BELLAIRE BOULEVARD TOWNHOUSE P.D.D. (pDD-THl DISTRICT); PRESCRIBING PROCEDURES AND NOTICES; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY Chairman of the Zoning and Planning Commission Ned Ross presented a preliminary report approved by members of the Commission recommending the proposed zoning amendment. Attached townhouses are already allowed in this district. The amendment would allow a new garden-style, single-family use. Basic townhouse regulations would apply, but there could only be one house per lot, the houses could not be attached, and each lot would have to be platted for separate, "fee simple" ownership. This would produce a less-intensive land use than townhouses, more akin to conventional, single-family use. City Council Regular Session, December 8, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adopt Ordinance No. 1572 calling a public hearing for January 12, 1998. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Starich, Davis, Neal and Sparkman None None Voting Nay: Absent: ORDINANCE CALLING A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING: AN ORDINANCE CALLING A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS TO PROVIDE FOR GARDEN-STYLE SINGLE-FAMILY USE IN THE WESLA Y AN BOULEVARD TOWNHOUSE P.D.D. (PDD-TH4 DISTRICT); PRESCRIBING PROCEDURES AND NOTICES; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY This item was not considered during the Regular session. ORDINANCE CALLING A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING: AN ORDINANCE CALLING A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS TO EXTEND "SUNSET" PROVISIONS FOR CERTAIN NONCORFORMING USES; PRESCRIBING PROCEDURES AND NOTICES; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY This item was not considered during the Regular session. ANIMAL ORDINANCE: Consideration was given to the first reading of Ordinance No. 1563. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1563 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ANIMALS; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS 2 City Council Regular Session, December 8, 1997 AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Copies of Ordinance No. 1563, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Police Chief Steve Griffith reported that the revised ordinance includes chip registration of animals. Registration fees are set to recover costs and to encourage homeowners to have their animals neutered or spayed. These modifications are not anticipated to have a significant effect on the 1998 Budget. Current revenues from animal registration are approximately $4,000 annually. With the technology available, animals can now be implanted with an electronic identifier that would only need to be done once for the lifetime of an animal.. This program will save a considerable number of employee hours through the years as well as greatly increase the chance of finding lost animals. Currently, the City of Houston and Harris County are using the electronic chips for their animal control divisions. The City has entered into an agreement with Avid to provide the microchip and scanner. In addition to animal registration revisions, the ordinance is also being modified to restrict the types of wild animals that can be maintained at a residence. Pot bellied pigs, emus, and deer are added to the restricted listing of prohibited animals. A motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Davis, to adopt Ordinance No. 1563 on the first reading. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Starich, Davis, Neal and Sparkman None None Voting Nay: Absent: The City Council requested that Ordinance No. 1563 be amended before the second reading to include other methods for a permanent identification other than a microchip. FEE ORDINANCE: Consideration was given to the second and fmal reading of Ordinance No. 1568. 3 City Council Regular Session, December 8, 1997 Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1568 as follows: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AND REESTABLISHING FEES AND CHARGES FOR ACTIVITIES, GOODS AND SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CITY; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1554 ADOPTED APRIL 14, 1997; CONTAINING A PROVISION TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH FEES AND CHARGES IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Copies of Ordinance No. 1568, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Mr. Thomas reported that Ordinance No. 1568 would increase water and sewer rates and generate an additional $250,000 annually to the Water and Sewer Fund. Prior to 1997, all debt issued by the City was supported by the Debt Service Fund. In 1997, the City issued bonds that are supported by water and sewer revenues. These bonds have restrictions that require the Water and Sewer Fund to be generating excess revenues before any additional bonds can be issued. The 1998 Budget anticipates issuing bonds in late 1998, or early 1999. In order to insure sufficient excess revenue needed to support the new bonds, a 10% increase in water and sewer rates was proposed in the 1998 Budget. For an average homeowner, this will mean about a $3.40 increase in montWy water and sewer fees. A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adopt Ordinance No. 1568 on the second and final reading. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Starich, Davis, Neal and Sparkman None None ORDINANCE FOR FINANCE CONTRACT: Consideration was given to the first reading of Ordinance No. 1570. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1570 as follows: 4 City Council Regular Session, December 8, 1997 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A FINANCE CONTRACT FOR THE ACQUISITION OF EQUIPMENT, LEVYING A TAX IN PAYMENT . THEREOF, AND ENACTING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO. Copies of Ordinance No. 1570, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. City Manager Sherman YeW reported that the proposed financing contract provides $650,000 to fund computer purchases. Because of its ability to issue tax-exempt debt, often the City can arrange debt fmancing at very favorable rates. This is especially true for short term equipment financing. The management information system (MIS) project can be financed several different ways: The City could. use available fund balance. This is the simplest method, but it restricts the City's liquidity. The City could issue debt certificates (participation, obligation, etc.). These bonds are the most traditional way to provide short-term financing, however, issuance costs can significantly impact the financing expense. The City could participate with other governments in issuing certificates. Pooling the issuance cost lowers the financing expense. The City could enter into lease purchase agreements. This financing method virtually eliminates the up front issuance cost, but the leasing agreements are complicated. The City could execute a fmancing contract with a lending institution familiar with government. This approach eliminates issuance costs and is reasonably straightforward to execute. Quotes were solicited from leasing companies, government pools, and banks. American Bank has extensive experience in providing fmancing to local government. Their proposal contains no issuance costs and carries interest rates ranging from 5.2% to 5.4% over the five-year life of the contract. As a benchmark, the City is currently earning 5.8% for investing two years in an agency of the U.S. Government. The Staff recommended acceptance of American Bank's proposed fmance contract. A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adopt Ordinance No. 1570 on the fIrst reading. 5 City Council Regular Session, December 8, 1997 A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: , Voting Nay: , Absent: Abstain: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal and Sparkman None None Council Member Starich, NOISE ORDINANCE: Consideration was given to the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1571. Mayor Fogler read the captionofOrdinance No. 1571 as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO NOISE; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Copies of Ordinance No. 1571, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Ordinance No. 1571 adds leaf blowers to the definition of noise and establishes residential quiet hours as Monday - Friday before 7:00 am or after 8:00 pm, on Saturday before 8:00 am or after 8:00 pm and on Sunday before 12:00 noon or after 8:00 pm. A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal, to adopt Ordinance No. 1571 on the second and final reading. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Starich, Davis, Neal and Sparkman None None COMPUTER CONTRACT: The City Council tabled the consideration of a contract with Vision Software, Inc. to provide computer software for the Police and Fire Departments. 6 City Council Regular Session, December 8, 1997 The City Council requested that the Staff obtain additional background information on Vision Software, Inc. EASEMENT ABANDONMENT: Consideration was given to a request to abandon an easement on a 4.5 acre tract ofland located at the intersection of Kirby and North Braeswood. Public Works Director Ed Menville reported that the utility easement represents a portion of a longer easement acquired by the City in the late 1930's. The original easement provided a route to transport sewage from the City to its treatment plant located at the corner of Kirby Drive and N. Braeswood. On August 22, 1997, the City received a request from Brown and Gay Engineers, Inc., representing Trammel Crow Residential, to abandon the easement. Based on an appraisal by Luedemann and Associates, the value of the easement has been estimated to be $28,875 Mr. Menville stated that the City does not need this easement since all sewage is routed to its plant via a 36" line in Brompton Street. In Early 1998, this line will be lined with a material that should extend its life by as much as 50 years. A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Davis, to authorize the preparation of an Ordinance to abandon the easement located at the intersection of Kirby and North Braeswood. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Starich, Davis, Neal and Sparkman None None Voting Nay: Absent: BID AWARD FOR PRETREATMENT OF TREES: Consideration was given to a contract with Texas Tree Company for the pre-treatment of trees in Priority Areas 5B/6A. The following bids were received: 7 , " . _.L':::IIlA r:-:: . l::::iIllL--=::L . Ll~U11\l___". ~1~"l1::mmanIJlDlIIIn'------ City Council Regular Session, December 8, 1997 Bidder Bid Amount Arbor Tech Consulting Bartlett Tree Experts Davey Tree Company Trees, Inc. Texas Tree Company $11,290.00 $ 8,400.00 $11,110.00 $ 7,685.00 $ 6,046.00 Mr. Menville reported that the pre-treatment of trees is a process which precedes construction and is designed to protect trees which might be most impacted by the work of the general contractor and to insure that these same trees have the greatest chance for survival. The work generally includes trimming the umbrella of the tree, root feeding, treatment for insects and, in some cases, tree removal. The Staff recommended that the contract for this project be awarded to Texas Tree Company in the amount of $6,064. The City Council addressed problems that the City has had in the past with Texas Tree Company. The City Council tabled consideration of this item and referred it to the City Staff for further study. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes of the following City Council meetings: (a) Workshop Session conducted on November 17, 1997 (b) Regular Session conducted on November 17, 1997 A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Davis, to approve the minutes as amended. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Starich, Davis, Neal and Sparkman None None 8 ~--ml Ii" - ". 1 .; ,l:m -. ;_;al~;m"'. - ---- __n___ -- -------.-yO-"-"~F1rmfMlfI1mmnll"-- City Council Regular Session, December 8, 1997 STAFF REPORT: The City Manager reported that the City had received seven proposals from consulting fIrms for a City Planner. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Members of the City Council commented that they were committed to the enforcement of Ordinances in the City. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council MemberNeal, seconded by Council Member Davis, to adjourn. The regular Session adjourned at 8:40 p.m. 9 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1997 MUNICIPAL BIDLDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:45 P.M. , . { , The City Council convened.in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800 University Boulevard) on December 22, 1997 with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Starich, Davis, Neal and Sparkman. The.City Manager, . City Attorney, Finance Director, Public Works Director and Police Chief were also present. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under . consideration with the Staff. MUNICIPAL. BUILDING RENOVATIONS: This item will be presented at the next Council meeting. PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2809 ROBINHOOD: The City Staff presented a report and recommendation regarding enforcement of the property located at 2809 Robinhood. In November of 1996 the Fire Department began receiving complaints regarding the residence at 2809 Robinhood. Inspection of the property revealed a seriously deteriorated roof that was covered with vinyl tarps, a collapsed porch roof and an accumulation of trash and debris stored in the back yard. The owner ofthe property was notified of the violations and was told to clean up the property and correct the structural problems. In February 1997 the violations still existed so a complaint was filed with the Building and Standards Commission and a Public Hearing was held on March 6, 1997. The property owner, William McDonald was present at the hearing and assured the CommissioIl that he would correct the problems. The Commission agreed to give him 30 days to comply. Mr. McDonald failed to correct the problems and the complaint was filed with the BSC again and was placed on the June 5 agenda. The BSC ordered the property owner to . contact the Building Official within ten days to start the permitting process and correct the violations. As of December 17, 1997 none ofthe repairs have been made and no contact has been made with the Building Official. Since the owner has shown his unwillingness to correct the problems the City is now forced to take action. City Ordinance and State Law allow the city to make the necessary repairs and place a lien on the property to recover the cost and/or request the court to .r= . fOO=--:::::L__ . ..-..-'. ." f::.II:llllllUl:llIilDlEll.ln"'. - - -------.~.------------,------,-,~~ assess civil penalties. We have sent a written request to enter the property for a visual inspection to determine the extent of repairs needed and estimate a cost. If the owner does not grant permission, a warrant will be issued and served to allow city representatives to enter the property. Bids will be taken and the repairs made at the city's expense and the appropriate liens or judgments filed. Based on what can be seen from the outside, the cost of repairs could range from $5,000 to $10,000. TREE MEDIATION REPORT: The City Staff presented a report regarding mediation of violations of the City's Urban Forestry Preservation and Enhancement Ordinance. On December 15, 1997, mediation talks were held in the law offices of Fouts & Moore to resolve the issue of how damage to a tree at 4127 Cason should be handled. The contractor had allegedly violated the City's tree ordinance by using a heavy vehicle in a restricted area without tree protection and by cutting roots to trees during the construction of improvements at 4131 Cason. Mr. Trey Bergman, a member of the Attomey- Mediators Institute, served as Mediator. Present at the proceedings were Mr. Dennis Holm-Chief Building Official, Neslihan Bilir Tesno-Urban Forester, and Shane Hamilton and Shawn Regan-both with Pinnacle Custom Homes. A settlement agreement was reached with Pinnacle, which provides a two-year service contract with Davey Trees to maintain the damaged tree. Davey. Trees will follow the recommendations of S. L. Anderson Company. S. L. Anderson Company is the forestry consultant for the adjacent homeowners, Susan Casper and Baroque Feinberg. Pinnacle Custom Homes is to contact Davey Trees and execute and pay for the two-year contract. City staff has agreed to the settlement. The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at 7:30 p.m. to convene in Regular Session. The Workshop Session reconvened at 8: 15 p.m. INOIDRIES.REOUESTS AND COMPLAINTS: The City Council reviewed matters received from the public and referred them to the appropriate department or agreed to place them on a future agenda for consideration or action. ADJOURNMENT: 2 l~~._____ _ _.._...1J::=llll _ __ _ J[~ . I:::Jm--,--:::1 ,,1l0lJ!!l1""-:-. U"--'--~1':,.llJIlIIILlIII]lIIlIiUll~------------U----.I.-' With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 9:30 p.m. 3 -. -, .- ..llIil1~ ;;1i".'I<.ldi!Jil./d.... .~ .-.-----------------,-".-r-'""f""1n:mIlI:1llll1lfl'1n"---------- -------- "- -- -- - - r r~ll.