Meeting called to order at 2:00 PM.
Attendees: Stan McCandless, Betty Aillet, Joe Graf, George Harbeson, Lyndon
McKnight, Carolyn Sacchi, Elizabeth Young, Mary Ryerson, Cathy Wright, Jo Lukens,
and Maureen Beck. Staff present was Janiss Stump. No Council member was present.
Absent were Kenneth Moore, John Neighbors, Joan Johnson, and Rolla Long.
Previous meeting's Minutes were approved without corrections.
Previews and Sneak Previews were reviewed.
APAC: A presentation on LTC Ombudsman Program was made. Facility volunteers are
needed for assisted living and nursing homes for visitation with residents and families,
problem solving, etc. They are pushing Medicare drug enrollment. Silver Head
Legislators presented their top ten concerns. Meals and wheels will have a dance in
November. Additional funding is being reviewed for areas not covered by Metro. Cathy
Wright will be our representative to APAC.
Council Meeting Report: No report.
Good Neighbor Team/Flying Squad Report: They are trying to identify homes of
Seniors in need of yard work and repairs the Boy Scouts could take on as projects.
Flying Squad is very active. A handyman is still needed. We will ask City Currents to
solicit volunteers for work orders. It was suggested that Eagle Scouts be consulted for
home projects also.
Activity Report: Tim would like to see more activities in the Senior room. The
Hermann Park Jazz concert was very good and the Stages play was interesting.
Hi Neighbor Newsletter: In process of getting activities scheduled. They are almost
filled up.
Previous Business: Thursday afternoon grocery shopping has decreased sharply.
Interspersing this transportation need with other transportation needs is being looked at to
more efficiently utilize vehicles, time and personnel. More schedule flexibility is needed.
Changes to Theme Meals were proposed to include having Randall's cater them and to
economize on door prizes and decorations. The entertainment is expensive and budget
concerns necessitate some changes. Trey Berndt's presentation on the Medicare drug
program on November 13th should include tips on calculating a Senior's resources to
determine length of stay in assisted living and nursing homes. We also need speakers on
reverse mortgages, tax relief, 401 K plans, etc.
New Business: Senior Day 2005 will take place in Austin on February 81h to discuss
problems and solutions with lawmakers. We will have a bus leaving at 10:30 AM. The
means for participants to get to and from buildings should be looked into. We need to
compile a list of organizations our Seniors can contact to obtain flu shorts.
Announcements: None.
Meeting adjourned at 3: 03 PM.