HomeMy WebLinkAboutssminutes101200City of West University Place 11/03/2000 Senior Services Advisory Board Meeting Minutes of 10/12/2000. The Senior Services Advisory Board meeting was called to order at 2:35 PM by Chair Mary Lee Gray and Stan McCandless was appointed Temporary Secretary. The following members were present: Mary Lee Gray, Sharon Reusser, Betty Aillet, Maureen Graff, George Harbeson, Tom Malloy, Stan McCandless, Ken Moore, Lynn Old, Alice O'Neil, Dalia Stokes, Absent: Dorothy Zink and Bob Park. The Previous Board Minutes were approved upon their reading Sharon then discussed the Previews of Coming Events which described various events from Friday October 13 through Thursday, November 9 which were approved. Ken presented the Treasurers Report showing a beginning balance of $3,450.02 as of 09/14/2000 and an ending balance of $3,439.98 dated 10/12/2000. There was some discussion on the improved format and that the report was much more informative. It was also noted that dates and check numbers incorporated into the line items give a much clearer financial picture per the Activity Recap of the Galveston trip. The reports were accepted. Tom reported that 57 Sunshine Meals on Wheels were delivered to West U recipients during the last accounting period. There was no report from the representative to the city Recycling Committee. Mary Lee attended the APAC (Area Planning and Advisory Council) meeting. The Department of Aging is part of Health and Human Services. Gordon Quan gave a report on Housing and Services for Seniors. The City Council Report was given by Mary Lee. The 2001 budget was discussed. The purchase of the "Y" was discussed along with sidewalks and street lighting. A fibulator given by The Friends of the Park to the Fire Department and is now on the Ambulance. The Historical Society is looking for a house to serve as a museum. Committee Reports: The Good Neighbor Team reported on a Policies and Procedures manual which is in the works. The News Letter, fall/winter edition of "Hi Neighbor" was published. It has all kinds of interesting stuff in it along with the Senior Services Board Survey. A great thanks to all those volunteers and staff involved in getting it into the hands of our neighbors, the planners, writers, printers, folders and stuffers, etc. Under Previous Business: A very informative activity recap of the Monthly Highlights was presented for the month of September. The Transportation Activity report for the month of September was presented and a suggestion was made to incorporate the names of the drivers in a matrix with the travel descriptions. Under New Business: A copy of the Senior Services budget was presented for year 2001. At this time it is targeted for $157,340. The Senior Citizens Activity Fund of $15,000 will now be administered through the Finance Department. A Letter was drafted to the West U City Council regarding the present Council's funding of the Sunshine Meals on Wheels program and signed by the members of the Senior Services Advisory Board. CCSC the (Christian Community Service Center) and many of the food recipients already fund this activity. There seems to be some confusion as to the appropriateness of this $6000. Legislative and Nominating issues were on the agenda. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:00. Respectfully submitted by Stan McCandless, temporary secretary. SENIOR SERVICES TREASURER'S REPORT November 9, 2000 BALANCE: 10/12/00 DEPOSITS: Cash - Alvin Trip Cecks - Alvin Trip Check - Reimbursement: (airplane party) WITHDRAWALS: 10/26 MFAH - Rienzi 11/1 KFC - Lunch for 15 11/1 Bayou Wildlife - for 15 11/8 Pizza Hut - 6 pizzas vol. lunch 11/8 Carol Anders - Entertainment volunteer lunch BALANCE: 11/09/2000 $ 84.00 60.00 150.00 $ 100.00 65.85 60.00 62.97 50.00 Kenneth M. Moore Acting Treasurer $3,439.98 294.00 338.82 3,395.16