Meeting called to order at 2:00 PM.
Attendees: Jeannine Bergt, Joe Graf, Elizabeth Young, Tom Malloy, Ken Moore, George
Harbeson, Anne Hershiser, Betty Aillet, Mary Ryerson, and Stan McCandless. Staff
present was Sharon Reusser. Absent were Maureen Beck, Ann Bertini and John
Previous meeting's Minutes approved.
Previews and Sneak Previews were reviewed.
Sunshine Meals: 45 receiving meals in West University out of 159 total for CCSC. The
reasons for the decline seem to be not only deaths, but people moving into assisted care
facilities or in with family.
Recycle Meeting: The need for a liaison from our Board has greatly diminished, due to
the accomplishment of the goals set forth to assist seniors with recycling needs and
APAC: No Report.
Council Meeting Report: No Council members present. Sharon read minutes that
covered budget shortfalls, streets still under repair, and repairs to our building.
Good Neighbor Team/Flying Squad Report: Good Neighbor Team and Senior
Services Board will join forces for Health Fair. Seniors Board to help provide donation
items for sale. Stan was asked to distribute a form to the volunteers so that they can be
featured in upcoming Newsletters.
Hi Neighbor Newsletter: A sample of the next Newsletter (prepared by Sharon and Pat)
was presented for discussion and suggestions. Discussion commenced at the onset of the
meeting and continued later. Next Newsletter will go out inside City Currents.
Senior Census: No report.
Activity Report: It was suggested that the word be put out that if you can't attend, find
someone to attend in your place.
Previous Business:
A motion was made and passed that the name of this Board be changed back to Seniors
from Adult. Ann will present this request to City Council.
New Business: The Health Fair will be Tuesday April 23d- Board members volunteered
to contact RVIK Kroger, Office Depot and Randall's to solicit donations or price
reductions for items for eventual donation to Joseph's, who will do testing in exchange
for donations to their food pantry or for school supplies. A reminder was made that Good
Friday will be a City holiday, although the tax services will continue. Many thanks were
offered to Stan for the great success of the computer classes he helped set up with the
Houston Community College.
Meeting adjourned 2:57 PM.