Meeting called to order at 2:00 PM.
Attendees: Tom, Malloy, Elizabeth Young, George Harbeson, Anne Hershiser, Mary
Ryerson, and Stan McCandless. Staff present was Sharon Reusser. Council member
present was Marilyn Griffin. Absent were Tom Malloy, Ann Bertini, Maureen Beck,
John Neighbors, Jeannine Bergt, Joe Graf, Ken Moore, and Betty Aillet
Previous meeting's Minutes approved.
Previews and Sneak Previews were reviewed.
Sunshine Meals: The Food Services manager and cook retired, as well as the dietitian.
CCSC made arrangements with Premier Catering Inc. to supply future meals. Count is
down to 36. Price stayed the same at $2.50, with the City paying for 4 currently. CCSC
has initiated a new program providing day care for pre-schoolers. There is a donor
matching dollars.
Recycle Meeting: No report. The Recycling Board will be contacted to see if there is
any further need for a liaison from our Board to continue meeting with them.
.PAC: Next meeting is August Ist at 9:00 AM. AARP and Law Enforcement joined
forces to draw up an agreement to share information and make recommendations on
crimes against seniors.
Council Meeting Report: There was a $15,000 funds transfer from the Community
Building to Public Works, but general year-end funds can be allocated for what is needed
here. Stan recommended we get a professional appraisal. Space allocation at the YMCA
for seniors was discussed. Marilyn brought us up-to-date on the business of the last two
City Council meetings.
Good Neighbor Team/Flying Squad Report: Team is up against a confidentiality
problem with emergency services. They can make sure that all emergency personnel
have the card with Team information available for dissemination. It was suggested Team
members volunteer to help with badly needed transportation, and thereby develop
relationships with seniors.
Hi Neighbor Newsletter: No Report.
Activity Report: No Report.
Previous Business:
New Business: Office will be closed for July the Fourth. The Rotary Club has offered to
assist seniors. Requests should go through Stan.
Meeting adjourned 3:00 PM.