Meeting called to order at 2:00 PM.
Attendees: George Harbeson, Mary Ryerson, Joe Graf, Ken Moore, Betty Aillet,
Elizabeth Young, Anne Hershiser, John Neighbors and Stan McCandless.. Staff present
were Janiss Stump and Patsy Voros. Council member present was Marilyn Griffin.
Absent were Ann Bertim, Tom Malloy, Maureen Beck, and Jeannine Bergt. Guests
present were Dolores Bryant, Jimmy Bryant, Burt Ballanfant, Mike Woods, Tom Pielech,
Sarah Ballanfant, Teresa Folger, David Klutts, Steven Segal and Les Albin.
Previous meeting's Minutes were read and approved
Previews and Sneak Previews were reviewed.
Sunshine Meals: No report. Tom Malloy is in the midst of a move.
Recycle Meeting: No report. APAC: An overview of their purpose was discussed. They are an advocacy program,
but want to focus more on getting people out of their homes and into the community.
Council Meeting Report: Their will be an issue of interest to Seniors at the next
Council meeting. The prospect of leasing the YMCA property to HISD will be
discussed. It would most likely be a four to five year lease, and the abatement of asbestos
would be accomplished during that time by HISD. This could be very financially
beneficial to the City.
Good Neighbor Team/Flying Squad Report: Working on flowers for Easter. All
Senior Service Board members are welcome at their meetings.
Activity Report: No report.
Hi Neighbor Newsletter: The May newsletter was passed out and complimented on
appearance and content. It will go out the following week.
Previous Business: A motion was made and passed unanimously that the Board
compose a letter to City Council recommending that it review the over sixty-five
homestead exemption and increase it by Tax Department recommendations and that this
action be accomplished by the August Deadline.
New Business: Both Mayoral candidates and numerous City Council candidates spoke
on behalf of their candidacy and their plans for the future of West University. The annual
Health Fair was discussed and Staff is working with the Church to alleviate the parking
problems of last year. A City of Houston bulletin with the schedule of Events for Older
Americans Month 2003 was passed out.
Meeting adjourned 245 PM.