Meeting called to order at 2:02 PM.
Attendees: Anne Hershiser, Stan McCandless, Ken Moore, Mary Ryerson, Betty Aillet,
Elizabeth Young, Joe Graf, John Neighbors, and George Harbeson. Staff present was
Janiss Stump. Absent was Maureen Beck. Council members present were Steven Segal
and Mike Woods. Guest present was Carolyn Sacchi.
Previous meeting's Minutes were read and approved.
Previews and Sneak Previews were reviewed.
Sunshine Meals: Instead of a formal liaison, George will ask them to keep us informed
as to any assistance or information we can provide them.
APAC Report: No report.
Recycle Meeting: No report.
Council Meeting Report: Senior exemption has been raised. A proposal to add a full
time employee to the Senior Services budget ($15,000) was discussed. This employee
would do the driving and assist around the center when not driving. John Neighbors
proposed Council consider allocating funds for several part-time drivers in lieu of one
full time employee requiring benefits as well as salary. The Board voted: unanimously to
ask the Council to consider this proposal as well.
Good Neighbor Team/Flying Squad Report: Stan has taken the Sheltering Arms
workshop and gained much useful information. Still working on a list clarifying what
members are working with what residents.
Activity Report: Good and entertaining activities are being offered and participation is
Hi Neighbor Newsletter: One issue just came out and the next is due in January.
Previous Business: New staff member Deborah Green was introduced to the Board and
welcomed by the Board. Questions were raised as to the Board not being informed about
any staffing problems. No answer was forthcoming other than it might have been against
the employment laws. Steven Segal expressed the opinion that the Board existed to
advise staff, not Council. This was a surprise to some Board members and clarification
was requested.
New Business: It was suggested that Mark should attend Board meetings. Exploring
sources for new funding entities for Senior Services was discussed. New Council
members should be in place by the October meeting.
Meeting adjourned 3:05 PM.