Meeting called to order at 2:02 PM.
Attendees: John Neighbors, Stan McCandless, Joe Graf, George Harbeson, Lyndon
McKnight, Carolyn Sacchi, Elizabeth Young, Cathy Wright, Rolla Long, Maureen Beck,
and Jo Lukens. Staff present were, Tim O'Connor and Janiss Stump. Council member
present was Steven Segal. Absent were: Ann Hershiser, Mary Ryerson, Betty Aillet, and
Joan Johnson.
Previous meeting's Minutes were read and approved.
Previews and Sneak Previews were reviewed.
Sunshine Meals: Meals will be delivered through the end of the month. Those left will
be picked up by Dine In.
APAC: No meeting report. APAC is a clearinghouse for senior services and
organizations. The Board wants to maintain a liaison with APAC. Cathy Wright will be
free in two months, and may volunteer at that time.
Council Meeting Report: The No Knock ordinance was passed. Residents may register
their address at the police station. A tree inventory (to be subsidized by $10,000 of state
funds) has been approved. The City will pay the balance of $21,900. The street bids for
University came in higher than expected; however, with assistance from TX DOT, a plan
for a study of Auden can take place, with an $8,000 expenditure by the City. The gas rate
increase is delayed until June I". New alarm contracts are in place that should provide
better service. A dog park is under study. The 80% construction rule is under discussion
and will have a public hearing. Additional water work (replacing old pipes) is taking
place on Albans and Nottingham, both between Wake Forest and Kirby. A resolution
was passed opposing the Belfort cut-through.
Good Neighbor TeanVFlying Squad Report: No report. No meeting.
Activity Report: Volunteer participation is very good. The last theme meal was very
successful. Health Fair is Tuesday. A discussion of activity fees was held. Non-
residents pay fifty cents more than residents. This may need to be addressed. City
Council needs a breakdown of resident versus non-resident participation at activities and
on trips. Jannis was asked to provide this information. Some activities have more non-
residents than residents; however, non-resident participation has some definite
advantages. Advertising, sponsors and theme meals can generate additional revenue for
Senior Services. City leadership should be consulted, particularly regarding corporate
Hi Neighbor Newsletter: Newsletter is out. About 2,200 are printed and about 1,800
Previous Business: None.
New Business: Remarks and comments from Tim O'Connor should be a regular agenda
item. Interviews are being arranged for Deborah's replacement. There are three primary
candidates under consideration. Volunteers have done a great job filling the void. The
Bastrop River Walk and cholesterol seminars were newly suggested activities. Stan
recommended identifying people (possibly from the Rotary work order program) for
workshops about home improvement, financing, etc.
Meeting adjourned at 3: 03 PM.