HomeMy WebLinkAboutssagenda101002SENIOR SERVICES AGENDA OCTOBER 10, 2002 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: GUESTS: READING OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: PREVIEWS: 1. Tuesday, October 15: The West University Fire Department will talk to us about safety when seasons are changing. We change both time and seasons in October. Come hear some important tips on keeping your homes and yourselves safe. 1:00 - 2:00. All ages are invited. Free. 2. Friday, October 25: MFA will have "The Still life from Chardin to Braque". David E. Brauer, senior lecturer at the museums Glassell School of Art and the University of Houston traces the evolution of modernism in still life, the least heroic yet potentially most poetic of all the genres. 1:00 - 3:00. Price depends on membership. 3. Friday October 18 & 25: AARP Defensive Driving. This is the last chance this year. Good for insurance discounts, but not for tickets. 9:00 -1:00. $10.00. 4. Wednesday, October 30: Blue Elbow Swamp Tour with Adventures 2000+. Eli's unique access to the wilderness areas of the Sabine River system includes lakes, marsh, swamp and coastal Habitats. This twisting maze of varied ecosystems teems with gators, exotic birds, wildlife and the fish life on which they live. Eagles to pink spoonbills, and everything in between are possibilities to see. 8:00 - 4:00. $25.00 includes lunch. 5. Friday, November 1: MFA "Over the Line". The art and life of Jacob Lawrence. Lawrence, who favored figurative, narrative, and sequential art as opposed to the prevailing taste for nonrepresentational art, occupies a significant, yet solitary, place in 20"' century art. Alvia J., Wardlaw, Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at the MFA will be our guide today. 9:30 - 1:00. Price depends on membership. 6. Tuesday, November 5: Creative Feng Sui. Naoise Nickolay is an enthusiastic and dynamic practitioner schooled in Space Clearing, Black Hat, Compass, Four Pillars and other holistic areas relation to Feng Shui. Originally form Ireland, Naoise has a deeply spiritual connection with Feng Shui. Solutions are creative and imaginative, encompassing every day items and the avant-garde, depending on the clients needs and tastes. 1:00 - 2:30. All ages are invited. Free. Sneak Preview: 1. Tuesday, November 12: Personality Insight will be the focus of this seminar given by Belinda Price form Steve Radacks' Office. Learn about your natural temperament. Examine strengths and weaknesses. See how this information helps us deal with family, friends, and co-workers. 2:00 - 3:30. All ages are invited. Free 2. Thursday, November 14: Safety is always important and the holidays are especially important. Our own City of West University Police Department will give a seminar on what to be aware of and how to be safer as we go into this holiday season. 1:00 - 2:00. All ages are invited. Free. SUNSHINE MEALS: APAC REPORT: COUNCH, MEETING REPORT: COMMITTEE REPORTS: Good Neighbor Team: Hi Neighbor News Letter: Activity Report: PREVIOUS BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: New manager Janiss Stump will start Monday, October 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS: ADJOURNMENT: