HomeMy WebLinkAboutssagenda111402SENIOR SERVICES AGENDA NOVEMBER 14, 2002 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: GUESTS: READING OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: PREVIEWS: 1. Monday, November 18: Lambert Hall will present the abridged version of Puccini's "Madam Butterfly". Puccini at his most heart-wrenching - an intimate story of love in an intimate setting. No one can resist the endless melody and drama in this tragedy of the frail geisha. 9:45 -12:00. $5.00. 2. Thursday, November 28: The Bellaire High School Honor Society is hosting the Thanksgiving Luncheon, complete with entertainment yet again this year! The hot, tasty traditional food is served up by the students, their parents, and faculty members. If you need a ride or a meal delivered to your house they will do it. Reservations are a must. Non -1:30. Free. 3. Tuesday, December 3: We have the Precinct 3 bus for the day and are going to spend it in "Texas City". Our tour guide will join us at the Museum at (:30 where we will be shown a 20-munite film on the Texas City Disaster of April 10 -17,1947. We will then tour the museum and then have lunch at the Reef Restaurant. After lunch we will continue the afternoon with visits to the new Charles Doyle Convention Center, we will see the mammoth Archimedes Screw Pumps, Bay Street Park, The Dike and the Port of Texas City. Come and enjoy this historical part of Texas. 8:15 - 5:00. $5.00. Does not include lunch. 4. Thursday, December 5: Bradley Neighbors and Patrick Walters of our Public Works Department will give a seminar on what Public Works is and does for us. This is a good time to learn some of the inner workings of our cities operation. Open to all ages. 1:00 - 2:00. Free. 5. Friday, December 6: MFA Friday Morning Lecture: "Afghanistan's rich cultural heritage from antiquity to the great Buddhist Period of the 1st - thth centuries A. D. using examples form the exhibition. 9:30 - noon. Price depends on membership. 6. Tuesday, December 10: Holiday Safety will be the topic of a seminar given by our own West University Fire Department. There are so many things to consider when decorating both in and outdoors. Come hear some valuable tips on how to enjoy the holiday spirit while keeping ourselves safe. 1:00 - 2:00. Open to all ages. Free. Sneak Preview: 1. Tuesday, December 17: The best local Holiday Party is being held today. The beautiful decorations, delicious luncheon and uplifting entertainment will help make your holidays the best ever. Invite a friend to come along. 11:00 -1:00. $4.00. SUNSHINE MEALS: APAC REPORT: COUNCIL MEETING REPORT: COMMITTEE REPORTS: Good Neighbor Team: Hi Neighbor News Letter; Activity Report: PREVIOUS BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: ANNOUNCEMENTS: ADJOURNMENT: