HomeMy WebLinkAboutssagenda050802SENIOR SERVICES AGENDA May 8, 2002 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: GUESTS: INTRODUCTION OF CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR CITY OFFICE READING OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: PREVIEWS: 1. Tuesday, May 13: Tea Dance. We have been invited to a fabulous afternoon of dancing. A live band will play old favorites, upbeat foxtrot and swing music. There will be plenty of refreshments and fun for everyone. 2:30 - 5:30. Free 2. Friday May 16: Our day trip will be to the Aquarium Complex. Visit 7 fascinating exhibits containing over 200 species of aquatic life and enjoy a shark voyage on the C.P. Huntington Train as it takes us through a glass tunnel filled with live sharks. Lunch will be at the popular Aquarium Restaurant. (This outing is specifically designed for all those who have requested a shorter day trip.) Enjoy a fun-filed morning, a delightful lunch and return just in time for Bingo. 9:30 - 2:00. $13.00 not including lunch. 3. Tuesday, May 20: Sister Angelica Menta MSW also known as the "Funny Nun" will provide a seminar/workshop on "The magic of Laughter". Sister Menta presents her message throughout the city at agencies, clubs, churches and retreats. 1:30 - 3:00. Cost $5.00 All ages are invited. 4. Thursday, May 22: Old-fashioned Sunday-Go-to-Meet'n Potluck. We invite you to another fabulous theme meal. This time, Senior Services provides the main course and beverages. You bring in the veggies, bread, finger foods and deserts. The popular Tuesday Music Club Choir will entertain. 11:00 $2.50. 5. Tuesday, May 27: Stamping Group: Learn the art of stamping and complete 2 stamping projects. An easy, fun craft to learn. All supplies provided. 3:00. $2.50. 6. Monday, June2: Complete Stamping class projects. 3:00. 7. Wednesday, June 4: Senior Services and The Terrace co-sponsor The Memory Workshop, by David Lallier, a nationally acclaimed speaker and educator. This entertaining and informal workshop will teach participants effective techniques to remember names, dates and information. Begins 10:00. The group will have a lunch break at Luby's and return to complete the workshop by 2:30. $5.00. cost of lunch not included. 8. Friday, June 6: Men's Breakfast: We have had numerous requests for a group or activity specifically for men in our community. Join the City Manager Michael Ross, Parks and Recreation Director Mark Mailes, Senior Services board member Stan McCandless and or John Neighbors for a hearty breakfast and conversation at La Madeline Restaurant. 8:00 A.M. Call for specific details. Cost will depend on what you order for breakfast. 9. Monday, June 9: Museum of Natural Science Vatican Exhibit. Join us as we experience the history and beauty of the Vatican through a once in a lifetime exhibition of artifacts, art, relics and historic documents dating back to the third century. 1:00. $14.50. 10. Wednesday, June 11: Julie Deeter, Program Director for the Houston Arthritis Foundation is providing a short informational seminar titled "Managing Your Daily Activities With Arthritis." 2:00. Free. Sneak Preview: 1. Friday, June 13: Dinner and Dance at the Zin Restaurant. Join us for an exciting evening out to an elegant restaurant that caters to a mature clientele. While dining the group will listen to live music. After the meal, enjoy the delightful ambiance, socialize and dance. 5:30 -10:00. Transportation is free. SUNSHINE MEALS: APAC REPORT: COUNCIL MEETING REPORT: COMMITTEE REPORTS: Good Neighbor Team: Hi Neighbor News Letter: Activity Report: PREVIOUS BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: Tidelanders Barber shop Chores ANNOUNCEMENTS: ADJOURNMENT: