HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1424 - Canvassing Returns of 1992 Special Election ORDINANCE NUMBER 14?4 AM ORD1NA"CE CANVASSIMG lHE RETURNS AND DECLARING ThE RESULTS OF THE' SPECIAL ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAC~, TEXAS, ON MAY 2, 1992; CONTAINING FINDIN~S AND PROVISIONS RElATED TO lhE SUBJECT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * Bf IT ORDAINED BY ThE CITY COUNCIL OF lhE CITY OF WEST UKIVEkSITY PLACE, TEXAS: hHEREA~, the City Council of th& City of West University Place, Texas, (the "City"), ordained that an electiofl be held in the City on the 2nd day of My, 1992, for the purpose of electing one Council Member to fill a vacancy for the unexpired term only, and WHEREAS, sald election was called and notice given in accordance with the law, and the election was held in all material respects in conformity with the law; ~nd WHEREAS, thE' returns ot such elect10n have been duly and legally made and submitted to the City Council of the City for canva~sing, and a tabulation of the returns for each election precinct and for early voting, as canvassed and tabulated by the City Courlcil of the City and shown in Exhibit A attached hereto, reflect the vote totals for each candidate, as follows: Ken Currie Counc i 1 Member 222 votes Cindy Lumpkin Council Member 54 votes Jerry Nickell Council Member 555 votes Stan McCandless Cour.cil Member 222 votes Bob Park Counc 11 Member 330 votes NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI~ERSITY PLACE, THAT: Section 1. All of the recitals contained in the preamble of this Ordinance are found to be true and are adoptE'd as findir.gs of fact l1y this City Council and as part of its Judgment, particularly the results of the election described thereln as canvassed and tabulclted in the preamble hereof and as shown in, and IIlclde a part hereof for all purposes, Exhibit A clttached hereto. Ordinance ~umber 1424 Section 2. As cl result of ~uch tar.vass and tabulation lt is hereby determined atld dec.lared that JERRY D. NICK~LL, with a total of 55& ,utes cast for him, h~s b~en elected COUNCILM~MBER uf the City uf West University Place, Texas. Section 3. The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to make t~e appropriate entries of information appearing in the tabulation of preclnct results sh('\\n in Exhibit A attclched hereto in ~he election register maintained by the City 1~ clccordance with provisions of Section 67.006 of the TEXAS ELfCTIOM C~DE. Section 4. If any word, phrase, clause, senterlce, parclgraph, section or other part of this ordinance or the apJ.llcation thereof tc, any person or circumstclnce, shall ever be held to be invaHea at' unconstitutlonal by any court of comp\!tent jurisdiction, the remainder of this ordir.ance and the application of such word, phrdsf::, clause, sentenct", paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance to clny other persons or Clrcumstances shall not be clff~cted thereby. Sec.tlon 5. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in confl ict herewith are hereby repealed to th~ extent of the conflict only. Section 6. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notic~ of th~ date, hour, plac~ ~nd subject of each meeting at which this ordinanc~ was dlscussed, consldered or acted upon was glven in the manner required by the Open ~etings Law, TEX. R~V. CIV. STAT. A~h. art. &252-17, as amended, and that each such meetlng has been open to the public dS required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council rdtifies, approves and co~firms such notices and the conten~s and posting thereof. Section 7. The public importance of this measure dnd the requirements of the law create an emergency and clfi urgent public necessity requiring that this Ordinance be passed and tak~ effect as an emergency measure, and a state of emergency IS hereby declared, and thlS Ordinance is clccordingly passed as an emergen~y measure and shall take effect ana be in force immeaiately front and after it~ passage. PASSED ANO APPROVED, thi~ the Voting Aye: 4th day of May ,1992. Voting Nay: Absent: ~/~ ,)~.._~ , 1tt .~1 yor ATTEST: away City Secretary (SEAL) Approved as to Form: James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney Ordinance Number 1424