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Ord 1821 - Police Department
Ord 1822 - cable and video services
Ord 1823 - technical codes; amending code of ordinances
Ord 1824 - Structural Framing
Ord 1825 - Water Rates
Ord 1826 - Urban Forester
Ord 1827 - amended codification of civil & criminal Ordinances
Ord 1828 - Use of Easements or ROW - Kirby
Ord 1829 - amending chapter 54
Ord 1830 - bond election
Ord 1831 - public hearing for buildings in rear yards
Ord 1832 - joint public hearing - zoning
Ord 1833 - address numbers
Ord 1834 - budget for 2007
Ord 1835- Ad Valorem 06
Ord 1836- water rates
Ord 1837 - election results