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ORD 1329 Adopting Budget for 1989 Fiscal Year
ORD 1335 Relating to Sexually Oriented Businesses
ORD 1338 Establishing and Reestablishing Fees
ORD 1339 Relating to Fire Protection and Prevention
ORD 1340 Calling the Election
ORD 1341 Relating to Rates to be Charged by HL&P
ORD 1342 Granting Rights to Warner Cable Communications
ORD 1343 Amending Ordinance 733 relating to HL&P Franchise Agreement and Fee
ORD 1344 Authorizing exeuction of promissory note to South Main Bank
ORD 1345 Adopting a Personnel Manual and amending portions of the Code
ORD 1346 Relating to Animals; Amending the Code
ORD 1347 Canvassing Results of 1989 Election
ORD 1348 Canvassing Results of Special Charter Amendment Election
ORD 1349 Relating to Portable Buildings
ORD 1350 Relating to Portable Buildings
ORD 1351 Relating to Municipal Court and Failures to Appear
ORD 1352 Relating to Permits for Sidewalks, Driveways, Curbs and Gutters
ORD 1353 - ORD Relating fo PArks & Recreation Board Provision for Advisory Members
ORD 1354 - ORD Relating to Cans, Bottles and Newspapers & other Recycling Program Items
ORD 1355 - ORD Relating to Permits, Warnings, Notices and similar Issued Governmental Entities and Public Ultilities.
ORD 1356 - ORD Relating to Building Footings and Foundations Amending Code of ORD
ORD 1357 - ORD Approving & Adopting A Busget for Fiscal YR Jan 1, 1990 - Dec 31, 1990
ORD 1358 - ORD Levying & Assessing AD Valorem Taxes for Tax Year 1989 Confirming & Granting Exemptions
ORD 1359 - ORD Authorizing & Allowing TRMS Updated Credit Services
ORD 1361 - Additional Revenue & Income
ORD 1362 - ORD Relating to Plumbing and Gas Matters
ORD 1363 - ORD Relating BUilding Footings and Foundations