HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutORD 654 - ORD Authorizing Issuance of $250,000 First Installment of $295,000 Prescribing to Pay the Principal & InterestORD 655 - ORD For Emergency Construction & Repairs to the Sanitary Sewer SystemORD 656 - ORD Authorizing & Directing Mayor Execute an Agreement with Harris CountyORD 657 - ORD Fixing & Establishing Rates to be Paid for Connections City Sanitary Sewer SystemORD 658 - ORD Determining & Ordering Portions for Concrete Paving Omitted in 1948ORD 659 - ORD Finding & Determining Prerequisties Zoning Amended ORD 111ORD 660 - ORD Finding & Determining Amending Zonaing ORd 111 Lot 6, Block 82 Extension and Existing Garage Second AdditionORD 661 - ORD Public Hearing Amending of Zoning ORD 111 Permit Sub division of Lots 11,12,13 and the East 25 Feet of Lot 14 Block 32 CollegeviewORD 662 - ORD Determining the Necessity & Ordering Designated Portion the Named StreetORD 663 - ORD Approprating $ 3110.00 Credit Fund Street Paving and Bridge Bond 1946ORD 664 - ORD Finding & Determining Procceding Contract for Paving & ImprovingORD 665 - ORD Repealing ORD 99 Regulating the Altitude for Flying AirplanesORD 666- ORD Prohibiting the Drilling of Water Wells Upon Private PremsesORD 667 - ORD Providing and authorizing Certain Amendments and Charges in Addition of Addenda to June 28, 1954 Contract between WU and Russ MitchellORD 668 - ORD Approving and Adopting Estimates and Costs Portions for Paving and Permanent ImprovementORD 669 - ORD Creating the Office of City ControllerORD 670 - ORD Finding and Determining amending of zoning ORD 111 Permit the resubb-division Lot 7 Block 13 WUORD 671 - ORD Finding & Determining Amending Zoninng ORD 111 Lot 6, Block 35 of WUORD 672 - ORD Closing the Hearing to Real and True Owners Sec 1, Sec 2, Sec 3ORD 673 - ORD Levying & assessing Valorem Tax on Taxable PropertyORD 674 - ORD Approving a Budget for WU 12 month January1, 1955 - December 31,1955ORD 676 - ORD Calling Election within WU on 2nd Day November, 1954ORD 677 - ORD Amending Ordinance 111ORD 678 - ORD Providing the Arrest & Detention of Suspicious PersonORD 679 - ORD Finding & Determimimg Certain Emergency Construction to Storm Sewer System